Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 1: Make house calls


May is a month prone to heavy rains in the south. The weather forecast has long said that there will be strong convective weather in the next few days and there will be heavy rain in some areas. It's really unwise to go out in such bad weather. However, Lin Haihai ignored the warnings of his colleagues and went out with an umbrella and a medicine box on his back when the sky was so dark that it looked like it was about to collapse.

That was an old man who had been sent home to wait for death. He was an old patient of Lin Haihai. He was over 90 years old. He had been suffering from emphysema for a long time and was already in the advanced stage. All the organs in the body were weakened, the stomach was bleeding, and the pain was excruciating when eating. While he was hospitalized, he relied on injections and medicine to maintain his life. Now that he is back home, his children feel that even if they have to go, they still have to let their old father eat a meal and be a well-fed man. So when he was discharged from the hospital, he asked Lin Haihai to take a cardiotonic injection and went home to cook a meal. The old man was very happy and ate nearly a bowl. After eating, the old man was still happily chatting with his children. However, nearly an hour later, the old man started to feel pain, and then he desperately called Dr. Lin and begged his children to find Dr. Lin for help. The children really had no choice but to call Lin Haihai and explain the situation. In fact, Lin Haihai had no need to go, because she knew that the old man had no cure, and her going would have no real effect. The old man's children also knew that, so they did not hold on to the hope that the doctor would come. This phone call is just to comfort the old man and let him wait with hope. Unexpectedly, Lin Haihai hung up the phone and went out immediately without saying anything.

When we arrived at the old man's home, he was groaning in pain. As soon as he saw Lin Haihai, the old man's cloudy eyes immediately brightened up. He breathlessly called out: "Doctor Lin, help me." Lin Haihai immediately walked up, put down the medicine box, and held the old man's hand. , comforted and said: "It's okay, relax." She knew that the old man was now very conscious and knew that he was about to die, so he pinned his hope of survival on the doctor as if he was holding a life-saving straw. Because many times when he was critically ill, it was the people in front of him who snatched him back from death. He hoped it would be the same this time. Lin Haihai knew that this time it would not be like before. What she wanted to do now was not to rescue the old man, but to make him leave without pain.

She took out morphine injection from the medicine box and skillfully injected it into the old man's body. Originally, the use of morphine required the signature of relatives, but now Lin Haihai has obviously made a mistake. However, I believe no one will blame her. Lin Haihai said in the old man's ear while injecting: "It will be better in a while. The pain will gradually disappear. Take a deep breath and relax your body. I will always look at you." The old man looked at Lin Haihai trustingly and slowly relaxed. , the clenched hands began to slowly open, he felt the pain began to slowly go away, and he began to calm down. But there were many people in front of him. He looked at the crowd in surprise. Why were all the dead people standing in front of him? What the hell? Father? Mother? wife

He called softly: "Dad, Mom, the mother of the child is here." Lin Haihai looked at the old man's actions. She had seen this kind of situation many times. It was not seeing a relative before death as people often say, but In the later stages of emphysema, patients often experience hallucinations. She saw that the old man's eyes were blurred and his expression was void, and she knew that the old man had entered a world of hallucinations. Soon, the old man's breathing began to slow down and become lighter. This situation lasted for half an hour. Finally, the old man took a long breath, but never inhaled again. She felt a little sad, turned around and said, "He has already passed away." Suddenly, the people in the room cried loudly, and some older people's voices said: "Kneel down quickly and send the old man off for the last journey. "Then, in front of the old man's bed, there were heads kneeling on the ground in darkness. Lin Haihai held back tears, picked up the medicine box, and fled the sad scene. She has been a doctor for several years and has seen life and death, but she cannot face it calmly. Her mentor once said that she was too emotional, which would be a major obstacle to her career. But she just can't face death coldly, because she is a person who competes with death. She has a great love for life.

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