Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 116: The wedding day


Lin Haihai looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus, and stood up helplessly to look for the dress. Then she remembered that the dress was at Chuntao, and she said a little shamelessly: "Look, it's not that I don't want to go. My clothes haven't been delivered yet. Otherwise, you can find someone to go." ?”

Osmanthus gave her an annoyed look, turned around and was about to run out when she saw Chuntao walking in holding clothes. Osmanthus smiled and said: "Chuntao, you came just in time. I was just going to get clothes. Princess, change clothes quickly!"

Lin Haihai took the clothes, turned around and walked behind the screen. Guihua wanted to go in to serve, but Lin Haihai signaled her to stop, so Guihua had to retreat. Who doesn’t know how to wear clothes

After a while, Lin Haihai didn't come out. After waiting a little longer, Lin Haihai still didn't come out. She could only hear her whispering curses occasionally.

"Princess, are you okay?" Osmanthus fragrans was getting a little impatient. The sky was already turning pale, and the Queen Mother would be here soon!

"Almost!" Lin Haihai said roughly. Osmanthus had to wait for a while, and finally saw Lin Haihai coming out.

“My princess, you finally... Hahahaha..." The sudden burst of laughter startled Lin Haihai, and Guihua and Chuntao couldn't help laughing.

Lin Haihai looked at himself awkwardly, then at the two laughing people. He became a little angry and walked back to the screen angrily and shouted: "Osmanthus, come in and help me put it on!"

"What's going on?" Yang Hanlun was just about to find Lin Haihai when he heard Lin Haihai's angry voice, while the two slaves were laughing. His face suddenly darkened. Was it a servant bullying her

"See you, Your Majesty!" The two of them saluted quickly. Lin Haihai was desperately pulling on his clothes behind the screen. They were asymmetrical. How could he put them on? Really, didn't Osmanthus put them on easily yesterday? She shouted loudly: "Don't come in, Lao Liu, Osmanthus, come on!"

Osmanthus immediately ran in, and Yang Hanlun asked inexplicably: "What's going on?"

Chuntao smiled belatedly and said, "Princess, she doesn't know how to wear a dress!" Yang Hanlun was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Princess, that's not how it works here. Did you see it? There is a hole in the middle. You put the brocade belt through it and wrap it around your waist, and then put on the gauze embroidered with gold thread. That's it!" Osmanthus fragrans's hand Turning it deftly, it was put on in no time.

Lin Haihai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You'd better do it. I won't wear these shabby clothes anymore!"

"How can anyone talk like this? This is your court uniform, a symbol of your status. Only the concubine has it!" Osmanthus fragransed.

"That seems quite expensive, right?" Lin Haihai asked nonchalantly, but his ears perked up.

"Of course, your dress is made of Xiangyun gauze specially used for the imperial palace. This kind of material is valued in gold." Osmanthus tried her best to make the court clothes more expensive to avoid her not wanting to wear them.

"Really? Then how much do you think it would be worth if sold?" Lin Haihai's eyes formed the symbol of money.

"You still want to sell it?" Yang Hanlun couldn't listen anymore and asked angrily, does she really not want to be a princess? Even the court clothes have to be sold. Or is her money-grubbing nature showing up again

Lin Haihai forgot that Yang Hanlun was here for a moment and said quickly: "Of course not, I'm just asking, just asking!" A clumsy explanation was tantamount to covering up. Yang Hanlun shook his head helplessly. If she really dared to sell, he would never let her go. Pass her.

Lin Haihai walked out slowly, his clothes dragging the floor, so he had to walk carefully. Yang Hanlun's eyes lit up, and the red court dress reflected her face like a peach blossom, extremely beautiful. The lips are red but not painted, the eyebrows are dark but not painted, the complexion is white and can be broken by a blow, but the tightly furrowed brows and the half-pouty mouth reveal the owner's dissatisfaction.

"This dress is dragging the floor, how can I walk later?" She looked at Yang Hanlun for help, but Yang Hanlun was still in shock. She didn't expect that she could be so beautiful after dressing up a little. He suddenly didn't want to show her like this in front of the imperial brother.

"Princess, just walk slowly later! Don't go too fast. Come on, sit down and let me help you comb your hair!" Osmanthus said with a smile, and Chuntao quickly came over to help.

"No, I've combed it, look!" She pointed to her simple bun. Yang Hanlun smiled and said: "That's a straw nest of yours. You can do it casually. Sit back and let Osmanthus fragrans help you with it!"

"Hurry up, Osmanthus fragrans, and don't put a lot of things in my head. No, do those things belong to me after you insert them?" Lin Haihai asked carefully.

"What did the princess say? These jewelry are yours!" Osmanthus replied while doing it.

"Lao Liu, you hid my things?" Lin Haihai was furious. This was her thing and he didn't give it to her.

"This was given to you by your mother. Didn't you take some of it away?" Yang Hanlun remembered that she took part of it when she left.

Lin Haihai opened the jewelry box and was shocked. It was all filled with precious jewelry, including jade, agate, gemstones, and pearls, which made his eyes dazzle. It’s a good idea to come back this time, it’s a great harvest! she thought happily.

"I only took a few things with me. At that time, I thought why the old lady was so stingy and gave me so few things, but you hid them all!" Lin Haihai took out a small and exquisite jade ring and put it on his ring finger. , just right, very beautiful.

Yang Hanlun looked at the ring and said strangely: "Take off the ring!" His tone was a little tough.

"Why? It's very beautiful!" Lin Haihai opened his hand and put a small jade ring on his slender green fingers. It was so beautiful that Lin Haihai couldn't bear to take it off, "Why don't you let me wear it? It's not yours, shouldn't you? They are trying to steal my jewelry!" Lin Haihai's alarm suddenly rang in his heart, and he immediately held the jewelry box in his arms.

"Who wants your thing? It's just that ring..." Yang Hanlun couldn't say anything. Lin Haihai looked at him strangely and hesitated. It's just a ring. Forget it. She wanted to take off the ring, but the ring seemed to be tightly wrapped around her finger, unable to move. Lin Haihai became anxious and pulled it out hard, but the ring still refused to move. Yang Hanlun took her hand and moved it slightly, and it should come out. So he gently turned the ring. Strangely, the ring could turn, but still couldn't come out. It was like a magic spell that stuck to Lin Haihai's finger.

"Forget it, if you can't take it off, just wear it. It looks good anyway!" Yang Hanlun looked a little weird, and Lin Haihai said helplessly: "That's all we have to do, but we can't sell it!"

Osmanthus fragrans and Chuntao burst into laughter. Yang Hanlun shook his head helplessly and his eyes fell on the ring. A bitter taste came to his heart. How could this ring appear here? He remembered that when he was a child, he used it to play with and it had disappeared. , and was scolded by the Queen Mother for this. The queen mother said that this ring was given to her future queen by the emperor's brother. The imperial brother didn't scold him, but just said: "If you are destined, you will find it!" As a result, it really appeared now, but it appeared in her jewelry box. Could it be said that all this is destined

"Osmanthus, you are very good at dressing up!" Lin Haihai looked at himself in the mirror. His bun looked noble and elegant, with a jade hairpin and a golden walking stick on it. It was simple but extraordinary. Lin Haihai looked around. Take a look, very satisfied!