Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 120: A day for them 2


Over there, Yang Hanlun had already picked up Chen Birou's sedan chair and waited for the auspicious moment to start worshiping heaven and earth. Lin Haihai hadn't come back yet, and an ominous premonition flashed through Yang Hanlun's heart. The accompanying guards were missing, the emperor's brother hadn't arrived yet, and even Chen Luoqing, Xiao Yuan, and Zheng Feng were all missing. Could something really have happened? The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he wanted to rush out and look for it immediately. Feihu, a close confidant, stopped him and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, you must not leave at this time. All the civil and military officials are here. If something really happens, you can't leave. You must stabilize people's hearts. I believe General Chen Bar!"

Yang Hanlun stared at him, swaying a little, and squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Tell me, what happened?"

Feihu turned his head away, feeling a little embarrassed. Yang Hanlu said angrily: "The king orders you to speak immediately!" Feihu hesitated for a moment and said with difficulty: "Please be sure to restrain yourself after listening to the princess. The princess is on her way to Baoguo Temple. He was captured, and the emperor met the killer. All the people accompanying him were killed, except Eunuch Xiao. "

Yang Hanlun's eyes were red and his face was pale. He grabbed Feihu's shoulders tightly and asked, "Where is my emperor brother? Where is my emperor brother?"

Feihu took a deep breath and his voice was choked with sobs: "The Emperor and his carriage fell off the cliff, and are now being searched everywhere!"

Yang Hanlun let go of his hands, with disbelief on his face. He shook his head and staggered a step. Feihu said worriedly: "My lord, you can't leave at this time. This matter can't be spread, otherwise all the officials will panic. . You can only pretend that nothing happened and worship heaven and earth happily!”

Yang Hanlun's eyes narrowed, his fists were clenched, and his body was trembling slightly. He tried hard to control his emotions. Feihu was right. He must not act rashly at this time. The life or death of the emperor's brother was uncertain. If someone took the opportunity to cause trouble, Then the hearts of all the officials must be wavering, fearing that the traitor would have an opportunity to take advantage of him. What is needed now is calmness, ****!

He took a few deep breaths, looked at the torrential rain outside, and said coldly: "Take some brothers to join the search and rescue, and we must find the emperor!"

Feihu knelt down on one knee and said solemnly: "I will definitely do my best to search and rescue you. Please relax, Your Majesty!"

The housekeeper hurriedly came over and said, "Your Majesty, the auspicious time is coming. The Queen Mother asked about the Princess and asked people to hurry up the Emperor. She became anxious and angry!"

Yang Hanlun went to the back without saying a word, forgetting that his mother was still there and needed to explain.

Yang Hanlun walked in. The Queen Mother was losing her temper and said nothing with a sullen face. When she saw Yang Hanlun coming in, she immediately started nagging: "Tell me, your royal brother, what is he going to do on such a great day? It's an auspicious time now." It’s almost time to arrive. How can he be without you? Yuguan and the queen haven’t come back yet since they went to pay homage. What’s going on here?”

Yang Hanlun suppressed his sadness, forced out a smile and said: "Mother, the emperor must have left because of urgent matters. Also, the guards just came to report that due to the heavy rain at Baoguo Temple, a landslide occurred. The official road is blocked, and the queen is taking shelter from the rain at Baoguo Temple! She will come back as soon as the road is clear!"

The Queen Mother looked at the pouring rain outside with a worried look on her face: "Why do you think we got such weather? Last night, the Imperial Master calculated that today would be a sunny day. Why did it suddenly rain? The Ai family was worried. Always uneasy!”

"Mother, you are worried. It is summer now, and there are already many thunderstorms. It's not a big deal if it rains occasionally." Yang Hanlun comforted her, but she was anxious in her heart.

"Lihua, go and wait at the door. Report as soon as you come back!" The Queen Mother stood up and ordered the maid behind her. Your maid who called Lihua immediately relaxed and said, "Yes, I'll go right now!"

"Wait a minute, Lihua, you stay here and wait. I will send someone to wait. Mother, please be patient. I have my own opinions!" Yang Hanlun was afraid that the guards outside would leak the news, so he immediately called Lihua. .

The Queen Mother stared at Yang Hanlun's face and asked: "Did something happen?" Yang Hanlun was startled and immediately said: "What happened? No, Queen Mother, where did you think of it?"

The Queen Mother looked at him for a long time and remained silent. After a while, she said: "Go, the auspicious time is coming soon, get ready to worship! Lihua, support Aijia!" Lihua hurriedly stepped forward to support the Queen Mother, only to find that Her face was pale, her body was trembling, and her hands were cold. Just as she was about to speak, the Queen Mother immediately gave her a warning look. Lihua quickly lowered her head, supported the Queen Mother and left.

Yang Hanlun secretly breathed a sigh of relief and followed the Queen Mother. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, with no sign of stopping. Brother Huang, Haihai, are you still safe

The auspicious time has come, and the officials are about to pray to heaven and earth. All the officials are eagerly looking forward to the emperor's appearance. However, when the moment of worship begins, the emperor still does not appear. The officials are wondering, why doesn't the emperor come? Did something happen

The Queen Mother sat gracefully in the high hall, looking at the newlyweds in front of her with a smile. The officials couldn't help but feel calm after seeing the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother was so calm and happy, and they expected nothing to happen.

Chen Birou appeared shyly at the door with the support of Xi Niang. Yang Hanlun quickly stepped forward to take the red satin knotted in a heart, each holding one end. The officiant was Luo Kuangyuan, who shouted: "Bow down to heaven and earth!", the newlyweds Yingying kneels down, offers incense, and worships again.

"Second obeisance to the High Hall!" The newlyweds knelt down under the Queen Mother Hall and kowtowed.

"Husband and wife make their bow!" Yang Hanlun looked at the bride covered in red headscarf, feeling no joy at all, only full of anxiety.

Chen Birou watched with joy as the thick big hand under the red scarf took hers. The years of waiting were finally over. Although there was an extra woman in the middle, she was confident that as long as she was by his side at all times, he would soon be there. Remembering their happy past days. That woman is not in trouble. Just looking at today's battle, you can tell that this is not the treatment of marrying a side concubine. This is simply the wedding banquet of the main concubine. Dad said that even when he first married his wife, it was not necessarily so grand. I think the Queen Mother also dotes on her. A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her smile was full of pride.

The rain still showed no sign of stopping. Instead, it fell heavier and heavier. The strong wind mixed with the red and green on the ground. The window lattice with the word "Happy" fluttered. The guests were ruined by the heavy rain. Because this was the sixth prince's wedding. At the wedding, everyone was forced to smile. The Queen Mother sat firmly on the chair and toasted to everyone frequently. The Emperor still did not show up, the Queen did not come, and the controversial concubine was not seen either. General Chen has always disliked excitement, so it is understandable that he did not come. He is a bit careful. People noticed that even Lord Qing Luo of Dali Temple had disappeared. There was a sneer on the corner of Prime Minister Yan's mouth, but this smile could not escape Yang Hanlun's eyes. He stared at Prime Minister Yan coldly, burning with anger, wishing to kill him immediately. But he tried to restrain himself and toasted to the guests with a smile on his face. Luo Kuangyuan left without everyone noticing, riding his horse eastward, running towards the direction where the emperor disappeared.

Chen Luoqing was on the verge of losing control. Every time he took a step, his heart sank. What a high cliff this was. The rocks protruded and there were cliffs everywhere. It was already difficult to find a way down, let alone fall. Is there any way to say that everything is fine