Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 121: A day that belongs to them3


Yang Shaolun woke up slowly, and the pain in his body was no longer obvious. He opened his eyes and saw the green and bright red on the ground. A fire was set up not far away, with red women's clothes hanging on it. He looked carefully and found that the clothes were very familiar. He looked closely and recognized that they were the court clothes Lin Haihai was wearing today. The bullet bounced up, but it pulled the wound on his body. He closed his eyes in pain and tried to hold it back. After a while, he opened his eyes and stood up weakly. There was a hot spring in front of him, and mist rose from it. A vague figure could be seen. The woman's waterfall-like hair is scattered by the pool. He looked at the court clothes and then at the woman. He was so frightened that he ran to the hot spring on his hands and knees. He saw Lin Haihai quietly soaking in the hot spring. His face was the same as before, but his eyes were tightly closed. superior. He looked at the beauty in front of him in disbelief. She was fine this morning. Why is this happening? Tears burst into his eyes, and his trembling hands gently stroked her hair, but there was no sadness in his heart. If she died, then his life would no longer be interesting. With this certainty, the tenderness in his eyes grew stronger. Just as he was about to reach out and pick her up, Lin Haihai suddenly opened his eyes and met his affectionate eyes. There were still some tears in Yang Shaolun's eyes. Was she asleep? He was a little embarrassed that he was so reckless. Her clear and clean eyes reflected his deep love, her face was flushed, her cherry lips were delicate, her hair on her cheeks was slightly wet, and her jade body was vaguely visible under the hot spring. He just watched her motionless, not even knowing how to react.

Lin Haihai's heart was beating like a drum, and he accidentally fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw an affectionate look on his face and red eyes staring at her. His unrefined tenderness stared straight into her heart, leaving her with nowhere to hide. It's just that the current situation is a bit embarrassing, she is wearing nothing now. She looked away in embarrassment and asked, "Why am I here?" She pretended to be stupid when she couldn't explain things. This was a trick she learned after coming to ancient times.

Yang Shaolun woke up and quickly turned his head to stand up. However, he pulled the wound again due to excessive force, and the wound gave off a tearing pain. He suddenly knelt on the ground, covering the wound on his upper abdomen with his hands, and a look of pain appeared on his face. look.

Lin Haihai was startled and worried. He jumped out of the water regardless of the fact that he had not yet put on his clothes. He supported him and asked anxiously: "What's wrong? Does it hurt? Come over there and lie down..." " Before she finished speaking, her lips were covered by him, his hot breath sprayed on the tip of her nose, and his tongue aggressively pried open the teeth and began to attack the city. Tightening his arms, he pressed tightly against her body, leaving no gap. Lin Haihai's head was a little dizzy, and his heart was beating very fast, as if it was about to jump out. Her exhalations quickly turned into gasps. Under his guidance, she gradually lost consciousness and began to respond to him slowly. He was encouraged and his enthusiasm doubled. He stroked her back with his hand, and then gently slid it to the front, covering her round and firm body. His lips moved to her earlobes, neck, and then slowly moved downwards... Suddenly a burst of thunder exploded above the head, waking up the two people who were in love. Lin Haihai pushed him away immediately, but thought of himself. Wearing nothing, she threw herself into his arms and hid her. Yang Shaolun looked at him reluctantly, with deep desire in his eyes. Lin Haihai looked away, feeling a little annoyed. Things were out of control. Every time he saw him, he would throw away his previous reason and assurance. It was like he had magic power, making her follow his emotions involuntarily.

"Can you bring me the clothes?" Her tone was soft and shy. He lowered his head to look at her flushed face, and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He let go of her and faced the clothes hanging to dry. Lin Haihai walked over to the fire, turned around and jumped into the hot spring. Yang Shaolun gently placed the clothes beside her and took a deep look at her. Lin Haihai turned away embarrassedly. Yang Lun walked out of the cave and looked around. It was raining heavily outside, and he was confused and could not see anything clearly. Why is he here? I remember meeting the killer and he was seriously injured. Xiao Yuan risked his life to save him. He got on the carriage and then passed out. How did he end up in this cave? Although the injuries on his body still hurt a little, they seemed to be almost healed. And why is she here, soaking in a hot spring? Judging from her tone just now, it seemed that she had just woken up and didn't know why she came here.

Lin Haihai hurriedly put on her clothes. The clothes were really complicated. She was finally fully dressed. Looking up, I saw him thinking at the entrance of the cave, probably wondering why he came to the cave. Looks like he's lying again! She sighed. Lying has become as easy as eating lately.

She walked to him gently and asked, "Why are you here? And how did I get here!"

He turned to look at her. Her hair was wet from just jumping into the water, and it was dripping drop by drop. He stretched out his hand, gently gathered her wet hair in the palm of his hand, and slowly wrung the water out with delicate and gentle movements. Lin Haihai looked at him moved, and he smiled warmly and said, "It's easy to catch a cold when your hair is wet! He carefully looked at the movements of his hands and asked casually: "Don't you know how you got here?"

Lin Haihai frowned, thought for a moment, and said: "The Queen and I were going to Baoguo Temple. On the way, I wanted to relieve myself, so I went to the woods. Then I felt a man in black flashing in front of me, and I I lost consciousness and saw you when I woke up!" After saying that, she pretended to be panicked and shouted: "So, you are not the one who helped me take off my clothes? Then..." Yang Shaolun was also a little anxious and asked: "Then Do you feel anything strange?" Lin Haihai knew what he was worried about, so he said, "No! I just don't know why I am here. Why is my clothes on the fire here? Are you soaked?" Lin Haihai deliberately reminded her that the reason she was in the hot spring was because she was soaked and to avoid catching a cold, the person who kidnapped her placed her in the hot spring. This also shows that the person who held her hostage had good intentions and was not an enemy!

Yang Shaolun narrowed his eyes and thought carefully. Yang Shaolun has always been very scheming, but he couldn't see through Lin Haihai's lies at this moment. Lin Haihai loved to see his serious look at this time. She always believed that men are most attractive when they focus on one thing. of. She looked at him warmly, and a trace of melancholy arose in her heart. She was now sure that she really loved him, but didn't this just make her sad? Love, but it is destined that there will be no intersection in this life!

"Hachi" She suddenly felt a chill and sneezed unconsciously. She has always been in good health, and has basically never been sick since she had the Yuanzhu to protect her. It seems that she just treated his injury and got caught in the rain, so the evil cold entered her body, causing some wind chill. Yang Shaolun turned his head nervously and looked at her with a flushed face. He reached out and took her into his arms. This action seemed to be natural. Lin Haihai felt warm in his heart and raised his face to look at him. Yang Shaolun stretched out his hand and touched her forehead. It was a little hot. He sighed and said, "You have a fever. Come over here and sit down!" After that, he held her hand and sat down where he had slept. Come down.

Lin Haihai felt a little cold. People with fever usually have symptoms of chills. She huddled tightly into a ball. Yang Shaolun hugged her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Brother Yang!" She called him softly.

"Yes!" He lowered his head and looked into her black and white eyes.

"Let's spend a day that belongs to us, shall we?" Lin Haihai closed her eyes and hid in his arms with enjoyment. At this moment, the feeling of happiness came to her heart. She no longer wanted to think about anything else. She just wanted to cherish the time she could have in the world. Time together.

Yang Shaolun felt a sharp pain in his heart. Did she actually love him? He whispered in a hoarse voice: "Okay, let's have a day that truly belongs to us!"

"It's just that after this day, we will return to our roles and our identities!" Lin Haihai said sadly, "But at least it is better than nothing. Don't be too greedy!"

Yang Shaolun was speechless, but his hands tightened their grip, tightly hugging the person in front of him, as if they were afraid that she would disappear without a trace if he let go. Lin Haihai could feel his nervousness. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't. She could only let the feeling of powerlessness in her heart deepen.

"Girl, you have a fever. I'm going to pick some medicine for you. You tell me what medicine to pick!" Yang Shaolun looked at her with confused eyes and felt a little worried.

"Why are you calling me girl, like I'm little!" Lin Haihai said dissatisfied, eyes wide open, looking straight at him.

"You are eighteen this year. I am eleven years older than you. If I didn't call you girl, what would I call you?" Yang Shaolun laughed a little. Unexpectedly, he would be moved by an eighteen-year-old woman.

"Am I that young?" Lin Haihai said guiltily. Although they were already twenty-eight, in fact, the two of them were about the same age. If they were really together, they might be able to get along very well. Lin Haihai fancied beautifully, with a look on his face. Show a sweet expression.

"Well, you are a little treasure in my heart!" Lin Haihai was a little surprised that this indifferent man could also say love words.

"Then in my heart, you are a big treasure!" Lin Haihai hugged him tightly and said sincerely. Let them indulge for a day today. It has been so hard to suppress their feelings. Now, give them a day! This life is long and they only have one day!

The rain outside kept falling, mixed with the gusts of wind that ruffled the branches in the mountains, and a bit of chill hit my face. Yang Shaolun added firewood to the fire, hugged her trembling body tightly, and touched her forehead, which was still hot. Lin Haihai knew that he was worried, so he took out a bottle of pills from his pocket, swallowed one, and said with a smile: "This medicine can reduce the fever. I will be fine after a while. Don't worry, I am a doctor!" In fact, it was just Use the chocolates you carry with you in medicine bottles to coax the children when seeing a doctor. Lin Haihai has always liked children, so she carries them with her. These are all prepared by Lin's mother for her. Yang Shaolun was relieved, slender fingers lifted her eyebrows, and his big hands surrounded her cheeks, saying, "You are a doctor, but you don't know how to take care of yourself. Look at the scars on your face." Lin Haihai thought of the scars on his face. The injury, I wish I could heal it immediately with my spiritual power. Although there are only faint traces now, you can definitely see it clearly when you look at each other at such a close distance.