Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 122: A day that belongs to them4


Lin Haihai reached out and touched his resolute face, with thick eyebrows and indelible tenderness in his eyes. His lips curled up into a faint smile.

"You must seldom smile at ordinary times, but look at your smile and turn all living beings upside down!" Lin Haihai said with a smile, her hand unconsciously crossed his forehead, where there were slight wrinkles, and she tried to smooth it out with her fingers.

Yang Shaolun smiled softly, both because of her misuse of idioms and because of her delicate fingers. "In my heart, you have always been the one who confuses all living beings!" "I don't want to confuse all living beings, just one person is enough!" Lin Haihai said leisurely. After taking off all disguises, she was actually just a simple and eager person. woman in love. She hopes to be able to raise children for the one she loves, do laundry and cooking, wear minimal makeup, and hope to watch the sunrise and sunset with him and watch the flowers fall. It's just that everything is just a beautiful but unrealistic dream.

Yang Shaolun's heart tightened slightly. After confirming her heart, he seemed to have a new beginning. Although he knew that he would only see her from afar when he saw her again in the future. But the heart is closer, which is more important than anything else. Can't ask for more, people will never be satisfied. Cherishing the present and cherishing the moment is the most important thing.

"The luckiest thing in my life is that I met you!" He grabbed her hand and clasped his fingers tightly. Sometimes a thousand words are needed to express just one sentence. Lin Haihai closed his eyes contentedly, enjoying the warmth of rubbing his ears together. She leaned against his ear and breathed out like a blue: "Me too!"

The word love has never been spoken between them. Maybe there is a kind of love that does not need words. Lin Haihai buried her head deeply in his neck, feeling happy and miserable at the same time. The chill in her body subsided and she fell into a deep sleep.

Yang Shaolun gently touched her forehead. The fever seemed to have gone away, but her face was a little pale. He held her and refused to let go. The wounds on his body hurt a little, but he endured without making a sound. He had looked at his wound. The wound was still there, but it had begun to heal slowly. How could this be possible? It will take at least ten days and a half for the injury to heal like this. Has he been unconscious for a long time? These questions made his head hurt. He closed his eyes and thought carefully, but he was still in a mess.

When Lin Haihai woke up, what caught his eyes was his tender eyes. She stood up straight, feeling energetic and comfortable. She thought the cold had recovered. The rain outside the cave had gradually decreased. She glanced outside the cave. It was isolated from the world and the layout was clever. No one could find it. She secretly called Bai Zi in her heart, thinking that Bai Zi could understand her thoughts and know what to do.

He gently hugged her waist from behind, and looked at the falling rain outside with her. She had a faint medicinal scent, and he inhaled hard. She didn't have the scent of women's makeup, nor the scent of incense, but only That faint fragrance is the scent of his attachment.

"Does the wound hurt?" Lin Haihai asked gently without turning around.

"It's okay, it's healed. How did you know that I was injured?" He replied softly, with complete trust in his tone.

"I'm the doctor!" She turned around and looked at her mischievously. This little daughter's coquettishness was what he always wanted to see the most. His lips gently touched her soft lips, capturing the soft lips on her lips. Mo chuckled. Lin Haihai closed her eyes and carefully identified his breath. In the days to come, she would rely on memories to verify his existence.

"I wonder how the wedding went?" Lin Haihai sighed. He thought that because of their disappearance, the wedding must not have been pleasant.

Yang Shaolun felt a little bitter. Was she thinking about the emperor's younger brother? Lin Haihai felt his stiffness and said with a smile: "Let's not worry about outside things. It's ours as agreed today."

"Well, let's be outsiders for a day today. Haihai, if one day I no longer have those heavy burdens on me, are you willing to accompany me to live in seclusion in this uninhabited mountain?" He hoped that one day, he and he would live in seclusion. She left everything behind, put down all worldly things, and came here to become a god on earth.

"Of course I do!" Lin Haihai replied happily. One day, of course she would accompany him to the ends of the world, but this day may never come.

He hugged her tightly, his heart filled with emotion and joy. She loved him after all, and as long as she had this understanding, no matter how much hardship she would face in the future, he would never say anything about it, even if she could only look at each other from a distance, she would be willing to do so.

The sky was getting dark, the rain had stopped, and the coolness continued to seep in. They retreated to the fire and talked without a word. Yang Shaolun washed the wild fruits on the ground and handed the biggest one to Lin Haihai. Lin Haihai took it, wiped it gently, took a big bite and said, "It's very sweet, you try it!" , then put the fruit to his mouth, he looked at her, opened his mouth and took a sip, she smiled, her eyes were crooked, very beautiful. He happily looked at her curved eyebrows, curved eyes, and curved little mouth. This woman with a charming smile was the anchor of his soul and his life.

"Brother Yang, can you tell me about your past?" She sat down and raised her head to look at him.

"My past life was very boring, nothing exciting!" Yang Shaolun also sat down and thought about his nearly thirty years, but there was not a single bit worth mentioning.

"I like to hear it even if it's not exciting. Just tell me about your time when you were young. Everyone misses their childhood very much." Lin Haihai recalled his childhood with a bit of joy and a bit of sadness in his heart. He never looked back. not going.

Yang Shaolun thought for a moment and said slowly: "The happiest thing when I was young was the praise from my father. My father is a very serious person and has high demands on me. If I have even the slightest bit of what he asked me to do, He would get angry if I didn’t do it perfectly. In my memory, he only praised me twice.”

Lin Haihai looked at her with some pity in his heart. He put her little hand in his, held it tightly, and said, "I remember the first time he praised me was when I was 10 years old. That time, He tested my literature, martial arts, and archery skills, and I lived up to his expectations. At that time, he touched my head and said appreciatively, "Good!" I was so excited that I couldn't sleep for several nights." His voice had a hint of loneliness, as if he was describing something unpleasant. Lin Haihai could understand his feelings. This sentence was so good that he spent many days and nights. , the result of endless training and study. There was so much bitterness in this compliment that it is not pleasant to recall.

"What about one more time?" Lin Haihai looked at her sideways, his big and smart eyes full of love.

"Another time when I was thirteen years old, we went hunting together in the countryside, accompanied by many ministers. My second brother and I took our sixth brother with us. The sixth brother was only four years old at the time, and he insisted on following me. We left the group and followed a little white rabbit to the edge of the woods. It was a small river. The sixth brother insisted on playing in the water. The second brother was not familiar with water, so I had to take the sixth brother to play in the not deep part of the river. Unexpectedly, my sixth brother was so playful that he slipped out of the deep water area without me noticing, and was immediately rushed down by the lang. When I saw it, I was scared to death, so I immediately kicked off the water and grabbed his feet, but At that time, I was not very strong and could not withstand the lang that rushed up from behind, so I was rushed out together. At that time, my second brother was so scared that he stood on the shore and covered his mouth, but he didn't know how to shout for help. "

Lin Haihai was horrified. Two children were washed away by the rushing river. What else could she do? She held him tightly, as if she was the one being washed away by the water. He smiled and said, "At that time, I had forgotten my fear. I only knew that I couldn't let go of my sixth brother, so I held him tightly. Water kept pouring into my nose and mouth. I felt that I couldn't breathe, and my chest felt like it was going to explode. I finally found a fulcrum, lifted up my sixth brother, and put him on a big rock, but I used up all my strength and sank into the endless darkness. After waking up, I saw a trace of worry on my father's tense face. He looked at me for a long time and said, well done! At that time, my tears fell all at once, and I felt very wronged. My father hugged me in his arms and patted my back. Later, my second brother told me that it was a passing woodcutter who saved me. If it weren't for that woodcutter, I would have died long ago!" Lin Haihai looked at him with tears in her eyes. She didn't expect that he had experienced death when he was young. I remember that Lao Liu once said that after he became emperor, he encountered many assassinations, and one of them almost took his life. She felt very painful and couldn't bear him to suffer any more grievances. When she was treating his wounds today, she found countless scars of varying sizes on his body. Some were probably from training, while others were from assassinations.

"I said my story is not touching, tell me about you!" Yang Shaolun wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile. He naturally knew the pity in her heart, but he was a man, and these were things he had to endure in his life, and they were unavoidable.

"My young boy just kept studying medicine, collecting herbs, doing internships, and playing around with Li Junyue. His life was quite pleasant. But in the blink of an eye, my youth passed by. I'm so reluctant to let go!" She said Vaguely, she didn't want to lie to him about that.

"Who taught you your medical skills?" Yang Shaolun has always had this question in his mind. Her medical skills are so superb that the imperial doctors even worship her as their teacher. Who is her teacher

"I swore a poisonous oath in front of my master that I would never tell anyone about his origins, otherwise I would die badly. I would be hit by a car while walking, choked to death while eating..." Yang Shaolun kissed her and kept talking. He gently bit her lip and said punishingly: "I told you to talk nonsense!" Lin Haihai put her hands around his neck, knelt down and looked at him, his smile slowly faded, What replaced it was a fiery gaze. She kissed him gently, from shallow to deep, and he hugged her tightly, the color of his eyes darkened, and raindrop-like kisses fell on Lin Haihai's face and neck, and his tongue was like a dragon swimming with her. Lingering, Lin Haihai's passion was ignited by him. She hugged him and responded to him enthusiastically. Yang Shaolun's eyes dimmed. At this moment, he had no sense at all and only relied on his emotions and body to make decisions. His big hands kept touching her behind and tried to pull away her belt. It's a pity that this belt was tied up by Lin Haihai in various ways, so it is not easy to untie it.