Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 125: Love in the cave


The rain has completely stopped, birds are flying and insects are chirping, and the stars are dotted. Lin Haihai is looking at the sky in a good mood. How long has it been since he looked at the sky so simply? Life is always busy, always busy, from day to night, from night to morning, it seems to never stop. Except for lying on the grass and watching stars when I was a teenager, I seem to have forgotten what stars are the rest of the time. In modern times, pollution is extremely serious, and the sky is often gray. Not to mention the stars, even the color of the sky has changed. Forgotten. In ancient times, it seemed that he was busier than in modern times. Except for that night when he was drunk on the roof and watched the stars with Chen Luoqing, the rest of the time, he could not remember the word stars at all.

Now I am lying on the big rock at the entrance of the cave, with the person I like next to me, chatting without a word, and I feel more relaxed and comfortable than ever before.

"Brother Yang, have you seen the Milky Way?" Lin Haihai pointed with his slender hand, and Yang Shaolun looked along his finger. He saw many stars, bright and bright, and there seemed to be a Milky Way in the middle, lying horizontally among the stars.

"That's called the Milky Way?" Yang Shaolun didn't know anything about it.

"I heard a story about the Milky Way, do you want to listen?" Lin Haihai turned to look at him, his starry eyes shining in the darkness, giving off an alluring light.

Yang Shaolun gently kissed her long eyelashes and said softly: "As long as you say it, I like to listen!" There was a bewitching tenderness in his voice, and with the gentle evening breeze, it seemed to make her Drunk.

"Legend has it that there is a place called "Phoenix Pond" with rippling blue water and a clear bottom. There are seven fairies who like to go down to earth to take a bath. Then, the smallest fairy in it, the Seventh Fairy, fell in love with the mortal man Dong Yong. This love was against the rules of heaven. The Queen Mother was furious and sent heavenly soldiers and generals down to earth to capture the Seven Fairies. The couple was forced to separate. The Seven Fairies returned to heaven and gave birth to a son. The Queen Mother sent the child back to Dong Yong, who missed him. Madam, she did not think about food and tea day and night. Later, his oxen carried the father and his son to heaven and found the Seven Fairies. The Queen Mother separated them on both sides of the Milky Way and could not see each other. Their love moved Que'er, so every year on July 7th. , Que'er built a bridge on both sides of the Milky Way, and the three of them met on this magpie bridge once a year!"

Her cool voice is like the stream in the mountain stream, coming from afar but lingering in my ears. Yang Shaolun felt sad in his heart, how happy Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies were! They broke the rules of heaven and were able to get together once a year, but for them, after tonight, everything would be the same as before.

Lin Haihai realized that this story was a satire for them, but no matter what, they only had one night, and this night could not be ruined by a bad mood. She should be content, what else could she be dissatisfied with? Even if we can't be together in the future, at least we can see him often and talk to him. This has been a great happiness.

She held her head up with her hands, looked at him sideways, smoothed his frown, her delicate fingertips felt happy when she touched his skin. This man, at least now, can see, touch, and count the stars happily in his arms. She smiled sweetly, put her hand on his face and said, "Brother Yang, we are actually very happy!" Lin Haihai is actually an easily satisfied person. She is full of gratitude for life. No matter what hardships life gives her, She always faces it with a smile. Yang Shaolun clenched her hand with pity. This life has already been like this. He can't ask for too much. After all, he has already met her. God will arrange the rest. He smiled and said, "Well, I feel happy, really!" Lin Haihai smiled and looked into his eyes with a bright smile: "I want to hear you say you love me!" She is a greedy woman after all, but who can blame her too much? She has suffered enough.

Yang Shaolun looked at her affectionately, with a charming curve at the corner of his mouth. He reached out to cover her bright eyes and said, "Lin Haihai, I love you!" Such a simple confession, without too many embellishments, made Lin Haihai I was so moved. He covered her eyes, afraid that she would see the tears shining in his eyes. She was so easily satisfied, which made him feel so heartbroken.

"Yang Shaolun, I love you too!" Lin Haihai pulled away his hand and saw the joy and sadness in his eyes. She didn't know that a pair of eyes could express so many emotions before, but now she could clearly understand the emotions in his eyes. All kinds of feelings. He reached out and hugged her gently, unable to speak for a long time. You really can’t ask for too much, this is enough!

"Then why did Li Junyue call you Xiaohai? Are you really familiar with him?" Yang Shaolun remembered that Li Junyue said that he was Lin Haihai's most important man, and he couldn't help but feel jealous.

Lin Haihai said with a smile: "He has always called me Xiaohai. In addition to Xiaohai, he also calls me Xiaodong, Xiaodong, and Xiaodong. And I have always called him Big Stupid Bear until now. He has loved me since he was a child. He bullied me. I was bullied by him in the past. Later, when I got older, I realized how hateful he was and thought of ways to bully him. So the two of us had a wonderful childhood. My grandfather once thought that we two. It’s so funny when we meet together!” When talking about his childhood, Lin Haihai was so happy that he didn’t even notice Yang Shaolun’s angry expression. When Yang Shaolun saw her happy look, he had forgotten to examine the shortcomings in her words. A surge of sour water surged up and his head became hot. He kissed her nagging lips domineeringly, and the punishing kiss almost suffocated Lin Haihai. Her hands went up to his neck, and her heart was filled with joy. She knew that he was jealous, knew that he was angry, and she saw As his anger rose sharply, her heart felt as sweet as honey. Yang Shaolun whispered in her ear: "You are not allowed to approach him or talk to him in the future!" Lin Haihai smiled lowly and gently bit his thin lips. She did not let go of her teeth until he frowned slightly. She took his hand, put it on her chest, and said, "What is beating inside is my heart. There is only one person living there, and that person is you!" After that, she poked his chest and said, "And You have three thousand beauties in the harem here, except Lin Haihai!" After saying that, she turned her back to him pretending to be hurt. I don't know how many concubines had done these little tricks to Yang Shaolun, but Yang Shaolun didn't fall for it. Once, he was completely fooled. This always wise emperor was also a fool and an idiot when it came to love.

He gently tried to pull Lin Haihai's body over, but Lin Haihai didn't move, his shoulders twitching constantly. Yang Shaolun was anxious and hugged her hard, swearing: "In my heart, you have always been the only one. Before you appeared, they never occupied my heart. Believe me, they really didn't! "Lin Haihai still didn't move, but his shoulders twitched more severely. Yang Shaolun felt sad and turned her around hard. She covered her face with her hands. He took her hands away, but saw her snickering. Yang Shaolun smiled. This girl turned out to be playing a trick. Lin Haihai looked at him affectionately, and he said, "Are you kidding me?"

"You don't understand comics, this is interest!" Lin Haihai said with a smile. In fact, she didn't understand comics, and she didn't know what interest was. In her world, she was not only a patient, but she had also been in love once or twice before. , but it's a pity that the feelings are as light as water, basically not in love, and she was dumped by someone. Even now, she still doesn't understand why the relationship failed, although she doesn't feel sad.

Yang Shaolun opened his eyes wide and asked, "I understand the fun, but what is a romance?" Lin Haihai thought for a moment, what is a romance? Yes, actually what is a romcom? She sat up and thought about it carefully and said, "You and I are in love, and you have to give me flowers. Yes, flowers. I've seen people give flowers." Lin Haihai thought of Nan Guang chasing Yu Qing. At that time, I sent a lot of flowers to Yu Qing. At that time, everyone in the hospital said that Nan Guang was very romantic.

"Send flowers?" Yang Shaolun was a little confused, "Are you saying that sending you flowers is a joke?"

"That's right!" Lin Haihai nodded heavily, "You haven't given me any flowers yet!" Yang Shaolun looked at the beautiful flowers in the cave, stood up, walked to the flowers, and picked a red unknown flower. Lin Haihai looked at him and saw that he was about to pick the flower that was blooming. He quickly shouted to stop. Yang Shaolun had already broken it. He was holding the flower in his hand and turned around to look at Lin Haihai blankly. Lin Haihai Somewhat annoyed, I walked over and looked at the delicate flowers, with pity written on my face. Yang Shaolun was holding the flowers, and when he saw Lin Haihai's nervous expression, he was a little overwhelmed, "Didn't you say that I wanted to give you flowers?" After saying that, he timidly handed the words in his hand to Lin Haihai, and Lin Haihai took the flowers. , I feel uncomfortable in my heart, but isn’t this just a romance? Watching the bright flowers slowly wither on your hands, isn't this romance? Many people are keen on this, so why doesn't she feel surprised? Yang Shaolun looked at her and asked, "Did I do something wrong?" Lin Haihai raised her head and saw the confusion in his eyes. She smiled quickly and said, "No, no." She thought for a moment and then said , "This doesn't seem very romantic, let's go see the stars!" Yang Shaolun smiled with relief, touched her head, and asked, "Is it romantic to watch the stars?" Lin Haihai smiled brightly, "It's so romantic! "The two held hands and walked back to the big stone at the entrance of the cave. Yang Shaolun sat down against the big stone. Lin Haihai rested his head on his lap and continued to look up at the stars. The moonlight is like a prairie, the ground is full of clear light, and the silvery white is flowing all over the ground. Yang Shaolun pointed to the Venus next to the moon and said: "If you were the moon, I would be the star next to you!" Lin Haihai smiled and looked at it. The distance between the moon and Venus seemed to be within reach, but they were so far apart that it would take light years. calculate. Isn't this also portraying their story? Lin Haihai smiled, turned around and threw himself into Yang Shaolun's arms. Sometimes I can only smile, look at you with a smile, kiss you with a smile, say goodbye with a smile, wave with a smile, smile... There is no other choice! Yang Shaolun seemed to sense her helplessness, perhaps due to his own helplessness, and they hugged each other tightly but were still cold!