Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 129: King Pingnan vs Hai Hai


King Pingnan looked at Yan Cheng, then knelt down on one knee and said, "See you, Your Majesty!"

Yang Shaolun sat on the dragon chair and stared at everything in the hall, with a calm expression showing no joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

"It seems that I really can't live without me in this court, don't you think so, uncle?" He spoke slowly, his voice filled with weakness, but there was a majesty that could not be ignored. He glanced at King Pingnan and Prime Minister Yan indifferently. King Pingnan was secretly surprised by the lukewarm attitude. This yellow-haired boy had already matured, and it seemed that he was about to move ahead of schedule.

"Uncle Huang cares about me so much. I am extremely grateful. I will remember this kindness for the time being. But I remember that Uncle Huang returned to Beijing this time without my permission. Did Uncle Huang know the consequences?" Yang Shaolun's handsome face was covered with tears. There was a layer of haze, and he narrowed his eyes and stared at King Pingnan.

"I know that I am guilty, please punish me!" King Pingnan gritted his teeth and said with a livid face.

"I issued an order that day that King Pingnan was not allowed to leave the fiefdom privately. Since you disobeyed my order, I will punish you by leaving the capital immediately. Without my permission, you are not allowed to step into the capital!" A cold light flashed in Yang Shaolun's eyes. , he can no longer be merciful.

"I obey the decree! I retire!" King Pingnan stood up angrily, unwilling to kneel down again. He stared at Yang Shaolun with his narrow eyes and tightened the corners of his mouth coldly.

"Good luck uncle, I won't send you off!" Yang Shaolun looked at him, with similar faces and similar coldness. Fighting with the same room is the saddest thing in the world, and it is also the most common thing for the royal family.

"Nephew, there is no need to send you off. Sit firmly on your chair, otherwise you will fall down accidentally, and the emperor's uncle will not be able to help you!" Yang Shaolun was still shocked by the domineering air exuding from his body, but he was no longer the yellow-haired boy back then. A battle, he is waiting!

"Uncle Emperor, don't worry, I am no longer the child I was back then. Now, I can sit firmly on this chair!" Yang Shaolun said coldly, scanning the prostrate officials, and slowly said: "Family members of the Qing family, please get up. !”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Among the officials, there was joy, fear, worry, and dissatisfaction, all of which fell into Yang Shaolun's eyes.

King Pingnan walked away!

Yang Shaolun looked at the officials and said meaningfully: "Through this slight illness, I have seen many people and many things clearly. I reiterate, if your wish to be an official is to benefit the people, then I guarantee that you can If you show your ambition and do something to harm the people and the country in order to prevent chaos in the world, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"We, the ministers, are loyal and willing to follow your Majesty and create a cause that will last for generations!" All the officials kowtowed three times and said with great ambition.

"That's very good, I'm very satisfied! I'm ill today, so I'll retire from the court!" Yang Shaolun leaned tiredly on the dragon chair. His physical injury has not healed yet, and he hasn't slept all night. After all the hard work, I can no longer hold on anymore.

"Your Majesty, take care of the dragon body! Send it to Your Majesty!" All the officials kowtowed three times again!

Fuxi quickly helped the emperor up, and Chen Luoqing and others quickly followed.

Shangguan's imperial doctor hurried over, his bare forehead covered with beads of sweat. Yang Shaolun lay lightly on the dragon bed, looking at everyone weakly. His brother, the minister looked at him with concern, his heart filled with emotion. When he saw Yang Hanlun, there was a sense of guilt in his eyes. Haihai was right. If the two of them insisted on being together, then he would lose these good brothers. . He didn't want to lose any of his lovers or relatives, but he was satisfied just to be able to see her from a distance in the future.

"Your Majesty, how do you feel?" Chen Luoqing asked worriedly. The imperial doctor had been checking for a long time but had no words, so he asked anxiously.

Yang Shaolun smiled palely and said, "I'm fine, don't worry!" In front of these people, he didn't call himself "I". They were all his brothers and people who worked hard for him. There was no need for him to show off. Aloof.

"The emperor was stabbed multiple times. The strange thing is that the wounds are almost healed. I am really puzzled!" Shangguan's doctor pinched his chin and said with a frown. That look made people laugh, but no one was in the mood to laugh now. .

"I was also very surprised. When I woke up, the injuries on my body had healed a lot, and then I walked a few steps and saw the searching guards!" Yang Shaolun closed his eyes, feeling a little drowsy. After a while, he opened his eyes, looked at Chen Luoqing and said: "Pay close attention to King Pingnan immediately, and be sure to see him leave the capital!" Chen Luoqing nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will arrange these things. , You should have a good rest first, and we’ll discuss it later in the evening!”

"Well, Sixth Brother, where is the Empress..."

"Brother, don't worry, the Queen Mother doesn't know anything!" Yang Hanlun thought he had hidden the truth from the Queen Mother.

"That's good!" Yang Shaolun's words gradually sank, and he fell asleep after a while. Yang Hanlun glanced at the emperor's brother. The emperor's brother was back. What about Lin Haihai? For some reason, he was not very worried when Lin Haihai was taken away, as if he knew in his heart that she would not be in danger. Why do you think so? She is obviously just a weak woman! But I am very determined in my heart that she will come back safely!

When the Queen Mother heard that the Emperor had returned to the palace, she immediately wanted to visit, but Lihua said, "I heard from people over there that after the Emperor came back, he made appointments with several princes and generals to discuss important matters. The Queen Mother should go later!" The Queen Mother thought for a moment, Then he said: "Go down, ask someone to stew some tonic, and spread the word that the Sixth Princess has entered the palace!" The emperor is back, and Yuguan should be back too. The child is really suffering, and he has lost weight during this period.

"Yes!" Lihua walked out with small steps.

Lin Haihai was a person who couldn't rest. She hid her sorrow and began to attend clinics. There were more and more patients in Linhai Hospital, and the manpower was gradually running out. It seems that the construction of the hospital must be carried out intensively. This morning, Dr. Chen said that there are not many drugs left in the warehouse. The price of drugs on the market is extremely high. The most important thing is that many drugs are extremely expensive. No, it looks like someone has taken over the company with a hostile intent. As for the second prince's trial of Bai Muyang, there is no result yet, and a lot of evidence has been destroyed. There is no way to pull out the people behind the scenes. It seems that all the work has been in vain!

Lin Haihai sighed, but the patient in front of him turned pale with fright. He quickly asked: "Doctor Lin, what disease do I have? Is it hopeless?" Even Dr. Lin sighed that the disease was probably incurable, and the patient Tears were about to fall out.

Lin Haihai came back to his senses and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay. Your chest pain is because you are too anxious. It's nothing serious. You don't need to take medicine. What you have to do now is not to think about anything and relax. Eat well, drink well, and sleep well, and you'll be fine!" This is a woman with anxiety disorder who often complains of chest pain and can't eat or sleep.

Lin Haihai's words scared her so much that she didn't even need to take any medicine? The medicinal stone is ineffective? She burst into tears and collapsed on the ground. Lin Haihai was startled, and quickly stood up to help the woman up, comforting him and saying, "Sit tight and listen to me!" The woman sat firmly, her body trembling constantly.

Lin Haihai said helplessly: "You are unfounded, have no goals, have low self-esteem, are nervous, and anxious. This is a mental illness. You have to open your mind and understand life carefully. I will give you a prescription. You can follow this prescription for a month." , Guarantee your recovery.”

The woman looked at Lin Haihai doubtfully and stopped crying. Lin Haihai wrote on the paper: "Watch the sunrise!" The woman took the prescription. She didn't know the words and asked: "Just one medicine is enough." "

Lin Haihai said with a smile: "Yes, just this medicine is enough, watch the sunrise, last for a month!"

The woman was surprised and said: "Watching the sunrise? You said I don't take medicine, but I just watch the sunrise every day?"

"Yes, you must do it, and you will be alive and well in one month!" Lin Haihai said firmly.

"Really?" The woman's eyes lit up. "It would be great if I could recover without taking medicine. Thank you, Dr. Lin!" The woman left happily. Lin Haihai smiled and continued to look at the next symptom. She was so busy that she naturally didn't notice a sharp look at the door that had been staring at her for a long time. After all, she lacked social experience and was unguarded, so she didn't notice the various crises around her.

Pingnan King Yang Xiaoyun stood at the door, watching Lin Haihai's every move, and had an intuition in his heart that this woman was no ordinary person. She has a controlled manner and extraordinary temperament. I'm afraid that boy Zhou Junpeng was attracted by this girl. What could she be? It had only been a few months since the spies reported that her medical clinic had opened in the capital, but it had captured the hearts of the people in the capital. This woman was not simple! The important thing is that she is the daughter-in-law of Liu'er, the sixth princess of the Tang and Tang Dynasties. She didn't enjoy the happiness, but she opened a medical clinic, and the doctor who consulted in the medical clinic was actually the imperial doctor of the palace. She probably doesn't understand medicine herself, and people are suffering from heartache. She actually doesn't prescribe any prescriptions and asks people to watch the sunrise. Isn't this ridiculous? Since she doesn't understand medicine, why is she sitting in this medical clinic

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he slowly approached. Lin Haihai raised his head, with such a domineering aura, the person who came was not a good person! She remained calm and said pleasantly: "Please sit down!" Yang Xiaoyun sat down and looked at her with evil eyes. Lin Haihai looked carefully. Between his eyebrows, he looked a bit like Yang Shaolun. He was about four years old. When she was about ten years old, she understood something in her heart and asked kindly: "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Xiaoyun smiled coldly, "People say that Dr. Lin has excellent medical skills, so please ask Dr. Lin to take my pulse and see what's wrong with me?"

Playing in the gym? Lin Haihai smiled. She stretched out her fingers and gently put them on his wrist. While checking his pulse, she said: "You are in good health, but you have some old problems. You think too much and plan too much, so you are restless, and because of you The killing is too deep and the sins are so heavy that I can't sleep at night! The heart and liver are not well-regulated, and there are some inherent problems. The rest is basically no big problem! "

Yang Xiaoyun laughed softly, then asked evilly: "Doctor Yilin think what kind of medicine should be given to the patient?" The killing was too deep and the crime was too heavy, he didn't care at all. He just wants to take back what belongs to him. The throne should have been his!

Lin Haihai picked up a pen and wrote on the prescription paper: "Watch the sunset!" Yang Xiaoyun looked at her coldly, but still had a smile on his face, and asked, "Why is this?"

"See, the sun is shining brightly at the moment, but it will eventually set. What can you control in life? What you lack now is peace. Give up the demonic obstacles in your heart and live your life quietly. Don't seek too much for the rest! "Lin Haihai is not a psychiatrist, and it is not her strong point to solve patients' psychological problems. But even if she is an excellent psychiatrist, she cannot cure the man in front of her. He has spent half his life for power and the rest of his life. The chase will continue. The desire for power is endless, and he has fallen into the whirlpool and cannot get out.