Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 135: See through the conspiracy


The Queen Mother snorted coldly and looked at the Queen, her eyes full of disappointment and anger, "Queen, what else do you have to say?"

The queen bowed and replied: "I only have one sentence, that is, I did not do it. Can you believe it, mother?"

The Queen Mother was so angry that she slapped the table and said angrily: "You still don't repent when you are about to die. It is in vain that the Ai family thought you were honest and kind and had high expectations for you. Who would have expected that you would do such a cruel and callous thing? Now that the matter has been exposed, You still want to use the Ai family's love for you to get away with it, which is really sad for the Ai family! If one person says that the Ai family doesn't believe it, can many concubines unite to falsely accuse you? Can't you?" After saying that, she swayed and took a few breaths, and Lihua helped her sit down.

Yang Shaolun had always known that the queen was at odds with the concubines, but because he had been indifferent to the queen for a long time, even when he went to her palace, he treated her with courtesy. I am afraid that this matter had already spread throughout the harem, and the queen's status was actually just an empty shell. son. But this is also her hope, isn't it? Now she will definitely not conflict with Concubine Li over trivial matters such as greeting her and saluting. She has always dealt with things in a calm manner, and there is probably something behind the scenes. He looked at Lin Haihai. She had a thoughtful look on her face, and her eyes occasionally wandered over the queen's face. What is she thinking? She was present at the time, was it as the concubines said

The Queen looked at the excited Queen Mother, with a flash of worry in her eyes, but soon returned to normal, and she said calmly: "Mother, since you have convicted me, I have nothing to say!"

There was a hint of cunning in Concubine Li's eyes. She looked at the expressions of the Queen Mother and the Emperor, and then said sadly: "Your Majesty, it is the sins I have committed in the past. I have received this retribution today. I dare not resent the Queen." Madam, I just lost my child, I am already heartbroken, please let me accompany my poor son!" After saying that, she started to cry. This usually arrogant and domineering woman is now like a willow in the wind. He was as weak as a sway, the sadness on his face didn't seem like a disguise, and his cries were real. In fact, when she was crying now, she was really crying. She was not pretending to be sad. Lin Haihai looked at her sad face. It didn't look like she was pretending. It was just that this woman was not usually so scheming. There must be someone behind her, but Who could this person be? To create such a wonderful drama in such a short period of time, this person's scheming and strategies must be different from ordinary people. She looked at the concubines calmly, and all the concubines stared at the queen with indignation. There was only one person who stood quietly behind the concubines, with a face of indifference and calm! Lin Haihai recognized her. Her name was Concubine Zhuang. The queen said that she had the calmest temperament among the concubines. She neither competed for favor nor made trouble. She was a peaceful concubine. However, Lin Haihai still caught her from behind her calm face. A hint of sneer came.

After hearing Concubine Li's words, the Queen Mother couldn't bear it. Although she didn't like her in the past, the pain of losing a child is a human tragedy. She is also a mother. How could she not understand Concubine Li's pain? What she needs most at this time is the emperor's care. She cared about her, so she said to Yang Shaolun: "Your Majesty, go and comfort her quickly. You are still young. You can still have a baby without this baby. Just relax!" Concubine Li looked at Yang Shaolun sadly with a pear-shaped face. There was a hint of longing in his tearful eyes: "Really? Your Majesty, can we still have children?"

Yang Shaolun felt a trace of unbearability in his heart. After all, this woman was married to him. Although he didn't love her, the relationship between husband and wife still existed. He sat down by the bed and wiped the tears from her face. Concubine Li fell into his arms and sobbed softly. Yang Shaolun didn't dare to look at Lin Haihai, he could imagine her mood. He gently put his hand on Concubine Li's back and hugged her.

The queen was not worried about her own situation at this time, but was worried about Lin Haihai. Lin Haihai's lips trembled and his face turned pale. The queen sighed in her heart: That's fine, let her give up!

The Queen Mother stood up and walked to the Queen and said coldly: "The Aijia gives you one last chance. Tell me, why did you do this murder?"

The Queen raised her eyes and looked at the Queen Mother, her face still had a fearless look, but there was a hint of sadness between her eyebrows: "Mother, I still said the same thing. Since the Queen Mother doesn't believe what I said, I have nothing to do with it." Let’s talk about it!” Since everyone has testified against her, no matter how much she explains, it is useless. Let her accept all the punishments. She just can’t let go of Tingchu and her father in her homeland. Without the queen of the Daxing Dynasty as a talisman, she can only I'm afraid that Chen Guo will be in trouble!

There was a "pop" sound, and there were five more fingerprints on the queen's face. The queen mother trembled and said, "The Ai family trusted you wrongly and loved you wrongly! You still don't know your guilt until now. Someone, take her away." Go to the cold palace, no one is allowed to visit without the Ai family's decree!" Immediately, several guards came in, picked up the queen and left. The queen did not struggle and let the guards pull her away without saying a word. Yang Shaolun believed in the queen, but this matter was too strange. It wouldn't be bad for the queen to go to the cold palace first, at least it would allow the people who planned it to take off their guard. So he doesn't stop it.

"Slow down!" Lin Haihai stood up and called to the guard. The guard turned and looked at the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother said: "Yuguan, don't plead for her. The Ai family has its own sense of proportion!"

Lin Haihai already knew the purpose of the person behind the scenes. The person she really wanted to deal with was Concubine Li, but Concubine Li, a stupid woman, stupidly allowed her arrangements to set up this situation. Her eyes glanced at Concubine Zhuang intentionally or unintentionally, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Lin Haihai knew that her goal had been achieved, because if she took action, Concubine Li would definitely have no way to turn around. Her real purpose is to bring down Concubine Li, and with her help! This woman really cannot be underestimated.

"Mother, the Queen and I are close to each other on weekdays, so you must think that I am telling lies to protect the Queen, but things are indeed not what you think and hear." She looked at Lihua and said, "Lihua, you go to the imperial court." The hospital invites all the working doctors!" Concubine Li suddenly turned pale when she heard this. She grabbed Yang Shaolun's hand and said, "Your Majesty, I'm tired. Can you please let all these people go out? Even if the imperial doctors come, they can’t save the baby in her belly, so I don’t want to be treated by them anymore!”

Lin Haihai looked at them coldly and said: "No, you have to wait for them to come!" Concubine Li immediately changed her face, pointed at Lin Haihai and cursed: "When will it be your turn to speak here? You are just a little princess, but you are also If you dare to make noises in this palace, please drive her out, your Majesty, I don’t want to see her!”

"My concubine, you talk too much!" Before Yang Shaolun could say anything, the queen mother became angry. She thought that she had just lost her child and was sad at the moment, so she stopped arguing with her. He actually dared to scold Yu Guan. With such a temper, he didn't understand why the emperor would dote on her. Presumably the reason why the queen committed such foolish things today was also caused by his uneven rain and dew.

Yang Shaolun also hated her in his heart, and it was not clear who was right or wrong in this matter. He let her go and said to Lihua: "Do as the princess said!" Lihua left in response. Yang Shaolun looked at Lin Haihai, but Lin Haihai did not look at her. He turned around and looked at the concubines calmly. These people were also being taken advantage of, but it was a pity that they thought they were helping Concubine Li, but instead they harmed themselves and her.

Li Chaomin was still kneeling on the ground. Lin Haihai always hated kneeling, but he had no intention of asking him to get up at this time. But when the Queen Mother saw him, she said, "Please call Dr. Li, this is not your fault!"

But Li Yuyi said without moving: "Queen Mother, let me kneel down!" Lin Haihai glanced at him and saw that his face was ashen and his expression was dull. Although he couldn't bear it, he remembered what he had done when he taught them medical skills. I have said that medical ethics is the most important. At this time, he is acting as a villain. How can there be any medical ethics at all? She sighed: "Do you really want to worship me as your teacher?"

Li Chaomin burst into tears, kowtowed to the ground, and remained silent for a long time! This move confused the Queen Mother and Yang Shaolun, and Yang Shaolun immediately knew what was going on. The Queen Mother looked at Li Chaomin, and then at Lin Haihai's sad expression and asked: "Yuguan, this matter..."

"Mother, I told you that there is another story behind this matter, but you may not believe me now. When the imperial doctors arrive, I will ask them to diagnose and treat the imperial concubine one by one, and then we will know everything!" Lin Haihai didn't want to say more. , in short, she, like these women, were all taken advantage of today. This feeling is so damn frustrating! (Please forgive her for swearing, because the author also wanted to curse.) All the concubines were in a panic and looked at each other at a loss. Only Concubine Zhuang showed a faint smile and walked away quietly without anyone noticing. Lin Haihai's eyes followed her, and for the first time, his teeth itched with hatred. She stood at the end, and neither the Queen Mother nor the Emperor noticed her, so she could escape when the punishment came. This move was so poisonous that most of the women in the harem were blacklisted by her. , she can deal with the rest slowly. This woman is extremely scheming, and Lin Haihai suddenly wants to play with her!

There were still some doubts in the Queen Mother's eyes, but looking at Concubine Li's expression and the panic of the concubines, she gradually understood in her heart that it seemed that the Queen was really innocent. The depression in her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace, and only anger remained. Rising in the sky.

Yang Shaolun sat down and pressed his stomach with his hands. There were big drops of sweat on his face. Lin Haihai didn't notice it. She didn't want to look at him. When she saw him, she remembered the way he hugged Concubine Li. , remembering that they were so in love in the past, doing everything that people in love would do.

The queen standing aside noticed it. She remembered that he said that after eating spicy food, there would be cramp-like pain in the stomach. This emperor was quite touching sometimes, but it was a pity that he had no chance to meet Xiao Hai. The queen sighed secretly!

Lin Haihai walked to the bedside and looked at the panic-stricken Concubine Li. Lin Haihai sighed, she was just a poor woman who was being taken advantage of but didn't know it. When did she lose the baby in her belly? The slightly bulging belly is probably fake. I wonder what will happen if she is exposed later? But at this time, I couldn't feel pity for her. If she did something wrong, she should be punished. If she hadn't been unable to tolerate the queen, she wouldn't have been used to make her angry!

Concubine Li looked at her hatefully, her vicious eyes wanting to tear Lin Haihai apart. Lin Haihai sat down on the stool beside her bed and asked, "Do you have anything to say?" Concubine Li sighed. With a sound, he gritted his silver teeth and said, "How come I don't know what you, a bitch, are thinking? The imperial doctors are all your people. They will say whatever you tell them to say. You and the Queen colluded to kill me." Pregnant woman, what do you want now?”

Yang Shaolun, who was in pain, could no longer suppress the anger in his heart when he heard her humiliating Lin Haihai again and again. He slammed the table and roared: "Shut up! If you dare to say a bitch again, I will kill you immediately!" Concubine Li She was startled, trembling all over, with tears in her aggrieved eyes. She wanted to speak but didn't dare. This was the first time she had seen the emperor so angry.

Lin Haihai looked up at him and saw that his face was livid and he was staring angrily at Concubine Li. There was a lot of sweat on his forehead and his lips were white, as if he was enduring great pain. What's up with him? Lin Haihai was a little panicked and wanted to ask, but it didn't suit his status. Yang Shaolun's eyes slowly turned to Lin Haihai, and his expression gradually softened. She was an excellent doctor, so she naturally knew that something was wrong with his health, but he didn't want her to know, so he reluctantly smiled. Feeling sour, he quickly turned his head away, fearing that he could not control the liquid in his eyes.