Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 139: You are truly with me


Lin Haihai watched the mother and son leave with deep emotion. Just as he was about to go back to the house, he found the queen's sedan slowly approaching. She asked Xiaoju to carry Tangtang in, and stood at the door watching the queen get off the sedan and walk slowly.

"How did you know I was here?" Lin Haihai took the queen to the lotus pond and asked calmly. Since that day, she had not seen the queen. She subconsciously did not want to see anyone in the palace, including the queen.

"I went to the hospital to look for you. Li Junyue said you were out. I intuitively thought you were here!" The queen sat down in the pavilion and looked at Lin Haihai, who looked wary.

"Oh!" Lin Haihai responded and sat down.

"The matter has been clarified in the past few days. Concubine Li's belly had been miscarried not long ago. She didn't want to lose her holy favor, so she never dared to speak out. The person who diagnosed and treated her that day was Dr. Li Chaomin, who ordered her to be arrested. Master Li's family was a threat, so Master Li had no choice but to hide it for her. On the day of the incident, a group of concubines saw us chatting alone in the imperial garden, so they carefully designed this trap for us to fall into. Leng Gong, as for Li Chaomin, I'll leave it to you!" The queen simply recounted the matter.

Lin Haihai had already guessed it. She smiled lightly and said, "He was also blackmailed. He is considered a victim, so he should be given a lighter sentence!" The queen nodded.

Lin Haihai didn't speak anymore. The queen looked at the ring on her hand, sighed softly and said, "Don't you want to know his situation?"

"I don't want to!" Lin Haihai narrowed his eyes and answered simply. She could be cruel the first time, and she must continue to be cruel.

"He knew that I came to see you, so he asked me to ask you a question!" the queen said, looking at her indifferent face.

Lin Haihai said nothing, looking at the green lotus leaves in the lotus pond, with several dragonflies parked on them. When the wind blew, the dragonflies flew away. The queen sighed and asked, "You really don't want to know?"

Lin Haihai looked away, with a layer of pain in his eyes: "Then tell me, can he and I be together?" The queen was stunned and fell silent.

"Since even you know that we can't be together, is there any point for me to continue like this? It's like a wound. If you don't touch it, day after day, the wound will scab and heal, but you often touch it. , stimulate it, it will never get better, it will always be bloody." Lin Haihai continued, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"In that case, I don't need to ask, just reply to him directly!" the queen whispered, not sure whether she admired her reason or hated her calmness, but the current situation did not allow them to act willfully.

Lin Haihai was silent for a while and said, "You go back first, I have to go to the hospital!" The queen nodded silently. She knew what Lin Haihai was thinking. She would think of what happened that day when she saw her. She was forcing herself to forget. . The queen got up and walked heavily on the gravel road. No matter what, time can dilute everything. During this period, no one can help!

Suddenly Lin Haihai's voice came from behind: "What did he ask you to ask me?" The queen turned around and looked at her and said slowly: "Let me paraphrase my exact words: If you see her, ask her a question for me. "Is she really with me that day? Do you want to answer this question?" Lin Haihai said bitterly: "Go back and tell him that I don't want to listen to his question!"

"Okay!" After the queen said, she turned and left.

Lin Haihai fell weakly on the stool, her heart hurting like a thousand arrows piercing her heart. She wanted to control the tears in her eyes, but she couldn't.

Inside the Qiankun Palace!

"I see you, Your Majesty!" Yang Shaolun sent the message as soon as the Queen came back.

"What did she say?" Yang Shaolun sat behind the desk, staring at the queen with a pair of sharp eyes.

"She doesn't want to listen!" The queen followed Lin Haihai's instructions.

"What do you mean you don't want to listen?" Yang Shaolun had a storm in his eyes and his voice gradually became louder.

"She said she didn't want to know what the problem was and wouldn't let me talk about it!" the queen said calmly.

"Get out!" Yang Shaolun said suppressing his emotions.

"Concubine, please leave!" The queen turned and walked out.

"Where does she live?" Yang Shaolun clenched his fists, but his voice was extremely calm.

"She has moved back to the palace. As for these few days, I don't know where she lives!" The queen glanced at Yang Shaolun worriedly. The calmness on his face was scary.

"Go ahead, I still have memorials to correct!" He said to the queen calmly with a flash of anger in his eyes.

The queen went out. Yang Shaolun closed his eyes and thought of her scene that day. He could not erase the scene of her hitting the ring with an inkstone in his mind. The blood on her hand was like a sharp knife, stabbing him hard. heart. He said in a low voice: "I won't let you go just like that, don't you think of escaping from me like this!"

Lin Haihai returned to the hospital and said to Li Junyue: "I think I can use my spiritual power to save him. You first send someone to notify Chen Luoqing and ask him and Mr. Luo to come over."

"There really won't be any side effects?" Li Junyue looked at her suspiciously.

"I will lose my power for a few hours, that's all!" Lin Haihai said bluntly.

"Will there be any problems?" Li Junyue was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? A few hours is just one night, and everything will be fine as soon as you wake up!" Lin Haihai said lightly.

"In that case, let me prepare!" Li Junyue pondered for a moment and said.


Yang Hanlun had dinner and took a walk in the garden with Chen Birou. Lin Haihai hadn't come back for a few days. Every time she went to see her, she always said that Xiao Yuan's condition was serious and she needed to stay overnight for observation. He left the palace early that day, so naturally he didn't know what happened in the palace. The queen ordered that no one should talk about it anymore, otherwise they would be killed. The matter was very involved, but because everyone in the palace was in danger, one day At that time, no news spread to the public.

"Husband, why are you so unhappy?" Chen Birou looked at Yang Hanlun's frown and asked pretending to be confused.

Yang Hanlun came back to his senses, forced a smile and said: "No, I am just worried about Mr. Xiao's injury. It has been so many days. I don't know if he is out of danger!"

Chen Birou naturally knew that it was not Mr. Xiao that he was worried about. She chuckled and said, "Husband, why don't you go and have a look? Bring your sister back by the way. It's always inconvenient to live outside alone!" After these days of inquiring, she already knew Lin Haihai was Dr. Lin who was famous in the capital. This surprised and shocked her. She thought she was an ignorant and vulgar woman. It was easy to deal with such a woman, but she never expected that she was admired by everyone. As a living Bodhisattva, she had no idea in her mind for a moment. Seeing that Yang Hanlun missed her so much, it was like a fire was set in her heart, burning all her internal organs. But she couldn't show it at this time. Instead, she had to pretend to be generous in front of Yang Hanlun, so that he would feel grateful and guilty to her, which would make things easier for her in the future.

Sure enough, when Yang Hanlun heard Chen Birou's words, he was moved and guiltily stopped and looked at Chen Birou and said, "I, Yang Hanlun, am so lucky to be able to marry you in this life." Chen Birou's alluring face smiled: "What did you say, husband?" It is Birou who is so lucky to be so favored by her husband in this life! Her sister has saved her life. If it weren’t for her, she would not have the husband she has today. Therefore, her sister is also Birou’s benefactor. Birou is willing to serve her throughout her life to repay her. What a favor that day! Husband, please go and bring your sister back now. She is a woman living outside, and Bi Rou is worried!" These words were so sensible and touching. Yang Hanlun nodded and said emotionally: "It's hard for you. If the queen mother knows that you are so sensible, she will be very happy. I, Yang Hanlun, swear to God that I will never let down Birou's affection for me in this life!" Chen Birou's eyebrows were affectionate and tactful. Said: "Of course Birou knows that her husband is not a heartless person, otherwise Birou would not marry her husband. Well, before it is too late, go and get your sister back!"

Yang Hanlun nodded and said, "Okay, then I will accompany you back to your room first. Don't walk in the garden for too long after nightfall, so as not to inhale the cold air." Chen Birou responded meekly, and the two of them walked slowly into the house.

When Yang Hanlun came to Linhai Hospital, Lin Haihai had just finished treating Mr. Wang. At this time, she was completely weak and slumped on the chair. She hadn't experienced this feeling of fatigue for a long time. After resting for a while, she still felt weak in her arms and legs. Dizziness. Li Junyue checked Mr. Wang and found that everything was normal. He only had to wait for Chen Luoqing and Luo Kuanyuan to come and ask questions.

Seeing Lin Haihai's tired face, Yang Hanlun said distressedly: "Go back and rest. Look how tired you are."

Lin Haihai opened her eyes slightly, and Yang Hanlun's handsome and concerned face flashed in front of her. She tried her best to smile and said, "It's okay, I can't use up my energy. I'll be fine after I rest for a while. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to take you home. Biore said it's inconvenient for you to live outside alone, so you asked me to come and pick you up!" Yang Hanlun said this specifically to let Lin Haihai reduce his rejection of Biore, but his move was a bit Superfluous.

Li Junyue came out with a stethoscope around his neck. When he saw Yang Hanlun, he said, "Just come and send her back to sleep. Don't let her leave the house!" Li Junyue was worried that something would happen to her while she lost her power. It would be best to have Yang Hanlun, who is highly skilled in martial arts.

Yang Hanlun had a good impression of Li Junyue for the first time. He nodded slightly, lowered his head and said, "Let's go back. If I had known you were so tired, I would have asked the bearers to carry the sedan!"

Lin Haihai was indeed very tired, and her body had no strength at all. She stood up and said lifelessly: "Okay, I really want to sleep, Big Stupid Bear, please pay close attention and let me know if anything happens!" "

Li Junyue rolled his eyes and said, "You really think you are the savior. Go, go back to bed. I will get upset when I see you looking tired. Let's go, let's go!"

Lin Haihai had no choice but to leave. Yang Hanlun supported her, who was swaying on the ground, and walked out step by step.

At the beginning, Lin Haihai could still walk a few steps. Slowly, she simply leaned on Yang Hanlun. Yang Hanlun was a little worried and sweet at the same time. This kind of happy feeling had never been experienced by Chen Birou. He hugged Lin Hai tightly. The sea, walking slowly on the street with few people. Lin Haihai couldn't care about so much now. Tiredness was about to knock her down. She stopped and Yang Hanlun asked: "What's wrong?" Lin Haihai opened his eyes and said: "Bend your waist lower!" Yang Hanlun didn't know her. What did she want to do, but she still bent down as she said. Lin Haihai took a step back and climbed onto his generous back. Almost immediately, she fell asleep. Yang Hanlun was startled for a moment, then he carried her on his back with a serious expression and walked step by step. Behind the seriousness, you could see the affection in his eyes.

Not far behind, a pair of burning eyes stared at them closely, and the anger radiating from all over his body made passers-by tremble in their hearts.