Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 141: People in love


Yang Shaolun watched Lin Haihai hang a black thing on her chest. The thick cloth could only cover her white breasts. He stretched out his hand to touch it. It felt good. He raised his head and looked at Lin Haihai doubtfully and asked: " Where did you sell this bellyband?" Lin Haihai said with a smile: "Country bumpkin!" He blinked in confusion, "Where is bumpkin?" Lin Haihai burst out laughing, knelt in front of him and hugged his neck and asked charmingly. : "Am I good-looking?" Yang Shaolun's eyes narrowed, and a familiar desire spread in his eyes: "You are the most beautiful woman in the world!" Lin Haihai said sweetly in his heart, women love to listen to love words, even if they know they are fake. , but still enjoy playing this kind of sincere game. She thought for a moment, and then asked: "Compared with your Concubine Li, who is more beautiful?" This is a question that most women in love will ask. It is very idiotic and naive, but this is a process, no matter you are born No matter whether they are beautiful, captivating or full of self-confidence, they are not immune. When in love, the IQ of men and women is zero most of the time, and they will only do some childish and imbecile things. Now that Lin Haihai's IQ and skill are zero, he naturally asks some stupid questions.

Yang Shaolun also showed great importance to her question. He said nervously: "In my heart, you are the most beautiful. There is only one woman in my heart, and I don't care about the others!"

"Humph, if you don't take it seriously, then you just keep it in your heart, right? If I see you touching another woman in the future, I will chop off your hands!" Lin Haihai said angrily.

"I swear, I will never touch you. I will only touch you with my hands, okay?" Yang Shaolun looked at her with a playful smile.

"Also, as soon as I look at your eyes, I know that you are a special charmer. If you dare to wink at me in the future, I will kill you!" Lin Haihai continued to get angry. Why is this man so handsome for nothing? He wasn't before. Regardless of what is in your own home, it is your own private property now, so of course you have to watch it closely.

"Are you willing to do so?" Yang Shaolun asked pitifully. There was no trace of the emperor's majesty at this moment.

"You try?" A certain woman glared angrily, put her hands on her hips, and looked at him fiercely. However, because she was not wearing any clothes, the deterrent effect of this action was greatly reduced.

"Okay, I won't look at it. I won't look at any women, is that okay?" Yang Shaolun took her hand and put her down on the bed. Then he pressed his body and hid her under him. Lin Haihai saw him The familiar ** in his eyes took a breath of air. Did this man just finish doing it and come again? She was about to speak, but Yang Shaolun silenced her with a kiss, sealing her dissatisfaction.

This night was indeed a bit strange. Lin Haihai looked at the man beside him who had just fallen asleep. He looked at his handsome face, his sharp eyebrows and thin lips with a hint of satisfaction. The large and small scars on his body were... There were more than a dozen wounds. Lin Haihai took a careful inventory. There were at least five fatal wounds. How did he spend these years? Faced with constant assassinations and conspiracies, as well as endless rebellious officials and traitors, he was afraid that he would not be able to live in peace for a day. She lowered her head and kissed his forehead gently, and whispered: "If possible, I wish you were not an emperor, but just an ordinary commoner, so that you wouldn't have to suffer that inhuman pain!" The clock was already ringing at the third watch. After knocking, she was afraid that he would be discovered if he didn't leave now, but looking at his peaceful sleeping face, she was reluctant to wake him up.

Lin Haihai began to worry. His skills had not yet recovered, otherwise he could set up a barrier and no one would be allowed in. In that way, he could have a good sleep. But he had to leave at this time. Lin Haihai weighed it again and decided to wake him up.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and Lin Haihai was startled. She put her hand on his forehead and said, "Get up, it's time to go!"

"I don't want to leave!" He looked at her with bright eyes.

"Don't be willful, listen to me!" She put her hands on the back of his neck and hugged him with all her strength. Naturally, she couldn't hold him, but Yang Shaolun got up. He didn't want her to be angry, as long as she didn't avoid him. , we’ll figure out the rest later.

"Can you help me get dressed?" he said playfully.

Lin Haihai got out of bed and picked up his clothes and looked at them. It was not very complicated. It should be possible. He stood up and stood on the ground. Lin Haihai put on his clothes, arranged them one by one, and then put on his brocade belt. Yang Shaolun happily looked at her busy appearance, her little hands circling around his body, and the close contact gave him a sweet feeling.

He put his arms around her waist, pressed a kiss on her lips, and said reluctantly: "I'm leaving!" Lin Haihai nestled on his chest, listening to his thumping heartbeat, and the sadness of separation came to his heart, but She wanted to send him out with a smile, "I'm going to miss you!" she said sweetly. He looked at her with deep eyes, his eyebrows full of affection.

She watched him push open the window and fly out, disappearing into the dark night like an eagle flying across the sky. Lin Haihai stood by the window in a daze, feeling not only reluctance but also worry, fearing that if he came this time, the problems between them would become more complicated. It's just that she really doesn't want to think about it so much, just live one day at a time!

Lying on the bed, the quilt was full of his breath. Lin Haihai hugged the quilt and fell asleep with his breath. When she woke up, her body felt extremely comfortable and her power had returned. She looked at the light in the room, picked up her watch from the bedside and looked at it. It was twelve o'clock at noon! She was startled and jumped up quickly. Osmanthus fragrans outside the house heard the noise and pushed the door open. Looking at the hurried princess, she asked strangely: "Princess, what are you doing?"

Lin Haihai said while getting dressed: "Osmanthus, why didn't you wake me up? I have to go back to the hospital if I am miserable!" In these years of working as a doctor, except for vacations, she has never been late, and going to work is a long time for her. A very important thing. Yesterday, she told the imperial doctor that she would go to the village for a free clinic today and hoped that the palace could mobilize more people to come out. Unexpectedly, she was late.

"How dare Osmanthus wake up the princess? By the way, Princess, there is a man named Li Chaomin outside who said he was looking for you! He came early in the morning. I said you didn't get up, so he kept waiting outside!" Osmanthus lowered her hands and said.

"Li Chaomin? Come on, I'll go out to see him now. No, I haven't washed my face yet. Oops, the more I rush, the more chaotic it becomes!" Lin Haihai stamped his feet anxiously.

"Princess, don't be anxious, a maid will bring you water in a minute. You should freshen up first!" Osmanthus looked at the anxious Lin Haihai in a funny way.

While talking, several maids came in with water and snacks. Lin Haihai hurriedly washed himself, then grabbed the pastries on the table and ate them as he walked. Osmanthus fragrans and several maids stared at Lin Haihai's back with wide eyes and disbelief. She doesn't look like a princess at all, she just looks like a country girl. Osmanthus smiled awkwardly and hurriedly caught up.

Lin Haihai just finished wiping out the food in his hands and came to the main hall. When Li Chaomin saw Lin Haihai, he knelt on the ground with a thud. Lin Haihai looked at him and said, "Get up!"

"Disciple deserves to die!" Li Chaomin knelt down, tears of shame bursting from his eyes.

Lin Haihai stretched out his hand to help him up and said, "How could I not know that you had no choice but to forget it? The matter is over and your family has been rescued?"

"Commander Zheng has rescued all the people. Thank you, Master, for your kindness." Li Chaomin wiped his tears with his sleeves and said gratefully.

"Don't say thank you, hurry up and go to the hospital with me. We agreed to go to the village for a free clinic today. I'll be here late!" Lin Haihai became anxious as soon as he mentioned it and wanted to run away immediately.

Osmanthus just arrived. When she heard Lin Haihai said that she was going to the village, she quickly said: "Princess, let the servant follow you!" Lin Haihai nodded and said: "Then go quickly and take the carriage. Osmanthus, prepare the carriage!" Osmanthus hurriedly ran away. Get out!

When they arrived at the hospital, a group of royal doctors and medical men had already arrived. The medicines had been prepared and the carriage had been hired, waiting for Lin Haihai. Li Junyue said angrily: "What happened? You knew there was an event today, but you didn't know to go out early?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I overslept!" The leader got angry, and Lin Haihai had to apologize quickly. Li Junyue heard that she overslept and asked nervously: "Is there something uncomfortable? Are you still weak now?" Lin Haihai took stock. Looking at the varieties of medicinal materials, he turned around and said: "It's okay, I can kill a few tigers now, just like before!" Giving him a peaceful look, Li Junyue felt relieved.

"Okay, I will leave four doctors here for treatment today. As for the security, Chen Luoqing is here. Don't worry. The others can follow me!" Lin Haihai said loudly.

Luo Kuanyuan walked up and said, "Doctor Lin, can I follow you if you want?"

"You?" Lin Haihai looked at him strangely, "Do you know medical skills?"

"I don't understand, but I want to discuss this issue with Dr. Lin. In fact, I have wanted to discuss this issue for a long time, but Dr. Lin seems to be very busy these days, so it has been postponed until now!" Luo Kueyuan explained.

"In that case, you can drive with me and talk while walking!" Lin Haihai said without hesitation. Osmanthus fragrans looked at this formation and was stunned. What is the background of their princess? All these officials, big and small, are so polite and respectful to her? Not only because she is a princess, no one here calls her princess, Doctor Lin? Doctor Lin? Osmanthus suddenly remembered, could it be that she was Dr. Lin, the famous doctor in the capital? Osmanthus looked at Lin Haihai in disbelief. She was Dr. Lin

Lin Haihai knocked on Guihua's shoulder and said, "Are you okay? Everything is gone and I'm waiting for you!" Guihua came back to her senses and took a look. She saw everyone getting on the carriage, and she was the only one standing there* *. She quickly said: "Oh, I'm sorry, let's go now, let's go!" After saying that, she ran out hurriedly. Lin Haihai said with a smile: "See, she is usually very steady, but she is so panicked at the critical moment!" She picked up the medicine. The box also followed the carriage. Some patients waiting in line started talking after seeing such a huge convoy. Patients who had known about it had come out to explain: "Don't you know? Dr. Lin goes to the village for free clinic every few days. This time, I don't know which village is affected by the disease." Hui!”

"Yes, everyone in the capital knows about this, don't you?" a patient said with a smile.

"This Linhai Hospital is really a good medical center. It is such a blessing for the people to have such a medical center in the capital!" Everyone praised one after another!

Several imperial doctors listened to the patients' discussions, and a sense of honor arose in their hearts. This is the best recognition for doctors!