Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 145: Meet King Pingnan


Yang Hanlun, who had been following King Pingnan, went back earlier and asked his soldiers to continue following him. Lin Haihai naturally knew that there was someone behind him, and he believed that King Pingnan also knew it. However, he didn't seem to mind, with a faint smile on his face. Maybe it was because of the cool wind, or maybe it was because he was surrounded by beauty, but he was in a surprisingly good mood, so good that he couldn't even explain the reason.

"By the way, I still don't know your name!" Lin Haihai asked.

"Yang Xiaoyun!" He didn't intend to hide it from her.

"Yang's surname is Royal!" Lin Haihai was surprised that he actually revealed his identity directly. With his deep scheming, it was not like he would confess to others. Maybe he thought she was not lethal to him!

"To be precise, you should call me uncle!" A faint smile appeared on his lips, with a hint of warmth in his cold eyes.

She held her flying black hair with her hands, her bright eyes were full of smiles, and the pure smile on her lips made people's hearts move, "Uncle? It seems that you already know my identity, but it's good to avoid going around in words." Going around and around, annoying!”

Yang Xiaoyun narrowed his sharp eyes, and darkness spread from his face. Did she actually know? And why has it never been broken? He really underestimated her. She must have learned his identity when they were in the hospital, but she always pretended not to know.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" A glimmer of evil flashed through his eyes, "You should know that if you fall into my hands, you will be a good chess piece!"

"You don't know how! How could the dignified King Pingnan do something like kidnapping a female prostitute? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the world? You can't afford to lose this face!" Lin Haihai twirled his tiger beard without fear, with a calm expression on his face. Still that faint smile.

"Hahaha!" Yang Xiaoyun suddenly laughed, and said in a low and magnetic voice: "It's a pity that I didn't meet you earlier, otherwise, you will be my treasure!" A ray of affection suddenly appeared in his eyes. , which shocked Lin Haihai, this King Pingnan is actually a frivolous person? She smiled uncomfortably: "What you said went too far!"

"I want to deal with your man, what are you thinking?" When the two armies are fighting, Yang Hanlun's 100,000 elite soldiers will be an iron wall. If you want to attack, you must first disrupt his army's morale. Of course, the best way is to capture the king. , as long as Yang Hanlun falls into his hands, those 100,000 elite soldiers will be leaderless, and they will be nothing more than a group of headless flies, vulnerable to a single blow.

"I don't have any ideas, just deal with it if you like!" Lin Haihai smiled evilly, his eyes still like a clear pool, making it impossible to pry into his inner thoughts!

"Who are you?" After all, he was the first to lose his composure!

"Woman!" She raised her eyes, looked at him innocently, and answered seriously.

"Don't play tricks with me, there are some games you can't afford!" His gloomy face suddenly became clouded, and his arrogant eyes looked straight at Lin Haihai with a bit of sharpness.

"One of the bad things about me is that I don't know how to play games. My friends all say that I am extremely dull, so I may not be able to play your games!" Lin Haihai looked at him with a smile and said, The waves brushed his face, and he stretched out his hand and strangled her neck, his cold eyes like a night charm shot out with a sharp light, and his face was filled with a sinister look.

Lin Haihai closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was already a cool light. Yang Xiaoyun only felt a slight pain in his heart. When his hands were sore, he immediately let go and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He looked at Lin Haihai in disbelief. He stood there, with a hint of smile in his cool eyes: "I don't play games. I take everything seriously. Don't think about hurting my man, otherwise, you will die miserably!" The man she was talking about was Yang Shaolun.

Yang Xiaoyun took a deep breath. There was no discomfort in her body. She just wanted to shake him away and had no intention of hurting him. If such a person can be used by him, then why worry about big things happening? He secretly made plans in his mind.

"I never thought of hurting him, why should you worry?" No matter how powerful she is, she is still a woman, and there is always a way to control her. Now there is no rush to conquer her slowly.

"You are my uncle after all. Is the throne really that important? If you are confident that you can manage the world well, I will give you the throne. Why do you have to fight to the death?" Lin Haihai has always been concerned about the struggle for power. She was deeply disgusted. She gave Yang Xiaoyuan a faint look, turned around and left!

The soldiers watching from a distance could not hear their words and could only vaguely see their expressions. Seeing that they were talking happily, they secretly wondered why the princess was related to Yang Xiaoyun

The next day, after Yang Hanlun heard the soldier's report, although his face was calm, there was a huge turmoil in his heart. He remembered that on the day the emperor's brother was assassinated, she also disappeared with him. When the emperor's brother came back safe and sound, she immediately appeared. This incident is very strange when I think about it, and her excuse seems a bit mysterious. Also, when the man in black held her hostage last time, why did someone happen to save her? Even if there was, this man's martial arts was so superb that he could actually save someone from more than a dozen killers. From all indications, her identity is very suspicious!

Lin Haihai thought that the person monitoring King Pingnan was Chen Luoqing, so he didn't care. After all, Chen Luoqing knew that she had many things to do and was not worried about any misunderstandings. It's a pity that she guessed wrong this time, which almost caused a disaster later.

Li Junyue prepared mugwort and some medicinal antiseptic water. He also counted the drugs one by one. Lin Haihai asked: "Is it enough for medicinal use?" Li Junyue frowned and said: "Just force it, I will go back to get it immediately tomorrow." Medicine, because there is not much stock of traditional Chinese medicine. The doctor said that it has been difficult to stock the market recently. It is probably due to the recent suppression by the court. Many drug dealers who are hoarding are unwilling to sell, resulting in a severe shortage in the market. At this time of shortage, people are complaining. Bi Sheng, we need to hurry up and build a hospital. Let’s use western medicine for the time being. Fortunately, the people here also accept western medicine, but we won’t be able to persist in the long run, because if we use medicine in large quantities in modern times, we will always attract attention. I’m afraid it will hurt Yu Qing and the family!”

Lin Haihai pondered for a moment and said: "Let's do this. We will pay Yu Qing to open a medical supplies company to meet our needs as soon as possible. The most important thing now is to survive the current crisis. King Pingnan is ready to make a move. He believes that this time the medicinal materials market It was him who caused the incident. He took advantage of public anger and called on the people to denounce the imperial court. His wishful thinking was very loud, but I will not let him succeed! "

"Since ancient times, evil has always prevailed over good, so you don't have to worry too much. Look at the history, which rebellious officials and traitors have not met a tragic end? As long as those in power can put the people first and govern the world with benevolence and righteousness, they will naturally win the support of the people!" Li Junyue Said comforting her.

Lin Haihai nodded, patted Li Junyue on the chest, and gave him a bright smile.

They went to Wuling Village without anyone else and put their things on the carriage. The man driving the carriage turned around and smiled, showing his big yellow teeth. Lin Haihai smiled and said: "Uncle Qiu, go to the village yesterday! "Uncle Qiu responded: "Okay!" He raised his whip and the horse spread its hooves and started galloping. The villagers had been waiting outside the village early in the morning. When they saw the carriage coming in the distance, they cheered for a moment. The villagers had been haunted by the shadow of death for more than a year. More and more people in the village were sick every day, and people continued to die. They were already desperate, just waiting to see when they would be the ones to die. Suddenly, yesterday I heard the doctor saying that they could be saved, that the disease was not terminal, and that they would not have to die. The excitement and happiness of the villagers could not be described in words. They stayed up all night last night, gathering together to digest this shocking joy. This morning, they stood at the village fence before dawn and waited until now. Finally, they saw Lin Haihai's carriage appear. Everyone's excitement was beyond control!

Lin Haihai and Li Junyue jumped out of the carriage and greeted the villagers cordially. Uncle Qiu helped unload the medicinal materials from the carriage. Several officers and soldiers from yesterday also stepped forward to help. Lin Haihai smiled at everyone and said, "Thank you for your help!"

The leading officer said shyly: "We should be the ones thanking Doctor Lin. Doctor Lin is kind-hearted and treats the villagers for free. We are grateful to you on behalf of the villagers!"

"Don't be grateful to me. By the way, what's your name?" Lin Haihai asked casually with a smile.

"My name is Xiaochong, and we are all officers and soldiers affiliated with the Huimin Administration!"

"What is the nature of the Huimin Administration?" Li Junyue asked.

"The Huimin Administration is a court agency in charge of all welfare and medical care in the Daxing Dynasty. It has a wide scope!" Xiaochong said roughly.

Lin Haihai couldn't help but beam with joy after hearing this. With such an organization, it would be much easier to do things without having to start from scratch.

A house was selected as a temporary clinic, and more than fifty patients were all treated. Although they did not quite understand what the colorful pills in their hands were made of, and they did not understand why they had to receive that terrifying injection. The desire to survive makes them try at all costs. Lin Haihai explained to everyone the cause and mode of transmission of the disease, transmission routes, transmission media, etc.

"Kala-azar is not that easy to cure. Everyone must be mentally prepared to fight this disease. The initial treatment plan I have customized for you is a 20-day course of treatment. The average patient will slowly recover after 20 days of treatment. Recovery, everyone, remember, this recovery only eliminates the disease from our body, but the sequelae left by this disease still exist. The most common sequelae is anemia. Because the disease makes the patient's body weak, during treatment. There will be complications during the process, so those who are not sick should help take care of those who are sick. If they find anything wrong, they should immediately notify the officers and soldiers stationed outside, and they will naturally find a way to notify me! "

"Clear!" the villagers replied in unison!

Lin Haihai walked out of the house, the sky was already sinking, and he remembered that he hadn't even eaten lunch. She could support it, but Li Junyue and Uncle Qiu were already hungry!

The attentive villagers had already prepared meals, which consisted of some wild vegetables and brown rice. The brown rice was distributed by the court, and the wild vegetables were dug by the villagers in the mountains. Li Junyue and Lin Haihai looked at each other, feeling very sad in their hearts. These villagers have been suffering for too long!

After dinner, before leaving, Lin Haihai said to Xiao Chong: "Tomorrow you go to Linhai Hospital to see me, and I will give you a sum of money. You can use it to improve the villagers' food. They need nutrition now!" Xiao Chong nodded. My eyes were inexplicably moved!