Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 149: Zhuang Fei VS Lin Haihai


The wind suddenly rose, picking up the remaining leaves on the ground and ruffling the still water in the pool. Lin Haihai closed his eyes, feeling the confused and crazy murderous aura. Only women, or only women with extreme hatred, can have such extreme madness.

"Does the princess love lotus flowers?" A gentle voice sounded calmly, and a dignified and beautiful woman in palace clothes came quietly. The curve of Lin Haihai's lips turned into a smile, and she said lightly: "So what if you love her, what if you don't love her?" She had no desire to socialize with this scheming woman.

"I would like to thank you for helping me a lot. So if the princess loves this lotus pond, I can consider letting you be buried at the bottom of the pond and sleep with the lotus forever. It would be a beautiful thing for you. , isn't it? Let me return this favor to you!" Concubine Zhuang had a faint smile on her face, but she stared at Lin Haihai sharply.

"I have always felt aggrieved about doing this favor for you. I don't care how you fight. The harem has always been the coldest and cruelest place in the world, but you should never drag me and the Queen into this muddy water. Go, you want to kill me and silence me, I understand, but are you sure you can really kill me?" Lin Haihai's eyes lit up with anger, Concubine Zhuang used her own hands to get rid of all the concubines in the harem, and she enjoyed the results. She really couldn't swallow this breath.

"You are really smart and beautiful, no wonder the emperor is obsessed with you. However, it is better for women not to be too smart, especially beautiful women. They should be a little dumber, otherwise they will die without knowing how!" Concubine Zhuang's eyes flashed with viciousness and she sneered.

Lin Haihai was stunned, she actually knew everything? This woman is not only scheming, but also smart and observant. No wonder she wanted to kill herself, Lin Haihai smiled bitterly, this is the fate of seducing her husband. Although Concubine Zhuang was only a mistress, she was a certified mistress, but she was an underground lover who kept her head hidden and could not see the light of day. No matter how you put it, they are all the ones at the loss.

Concubine Zhuang laughed when she saw Lin Haihai was silent, "Do you think anyone can save you? The Queen Mother was taking those idiot women to enjoy the flowers in the Royal Garden. All the guards were waiting there. Six The prince is stuck with his brother and can't escape. As for the emperor, he has no time to take care of himself. What a God-given opportunity. He obviously can't eat spicy food, but he ate it in one go because of his grudge against you. There are so many spicy dishes, but I am heartbroken. After all these years, he has never even looked at me. I am just a decoration in this harem. Under this halo, Concubine Zhuang is a veritable abandoned wife. Although everyone in the palace knew that they were no longer married, he could still look after her occasionally to save her face. As for me, he only visited me three times in the three years I had been in the palace. How could he treat me like this? You know, I have fallen in love with him since the day I saw him in the draft, not because he is such a great person, not because he can give me glory and wealth, even if he is down and out today. Scholar or even beggar, I am willing to love him and stay by his side. God knows how much I hope that he is really a down-and-out scholar. In that case, all women will stay away from him and he will only belong to me. But it is impossible for him! After all, I am a ninety-five-year-old man, surrounded by a lot of women. I will only grow old in my palace without getting a trace of mercy from him." Concubine Zhuang was already a little crazy when she said this, with sharp eyes. He stared at Lin Haihai with an expression of horror and confusion.

Lin Haihai felt sad, she was just a poor person, and if she fell in love with an emperor, she would probably end up like this. Will she be who she is today and who she will be tomorrow? Emperors have been ruthless since ancient times. One day, if he loses his passion and freshness towards himself, will he treat her the same way he treats Concubine Zhuang

She opened her mouth and said bitterly: "I can understand your pain. Loving the wrong person is a very painful thing!"

Concubine Zhuang snorted coldly and said: "Are you pitying me? Bah, I don't need it, you shameless hoof, the emperor is also someone you can covet? Originally, I always thought that the emperor loved Concubine Li, but when I When he tried every means to get rid of her, he discovered that the emperor actually loved you! How ridiculous that he actually fell in love with his sister-in-law! Didn't he know that this was something that was not allowed by nature? But the poor Sixth Prince was kept in the dark? In the dark, I let my princess and my royal brother flirt with each other without realizing it!" She laughed, but her eyes were filled with sadness, "And I, how pathetic, thought that I was cheating on Concubine Li. After losing the child, the emperor could take a look at me. It turns out that everything was caused by my own self-righteousness. In his heart, he had probably forgotten me, but I was thinking about him all the time! There is no turning back, you must die. Unless you die, he will never look back at me, and he will never know that I am waiting for him! "

It turned out that she had lost Concubine Li's child. Lin Haihai looked at her increasingly crazy face, her sinister eyes shooting out the flames of hatred. She knew martial arts! Lin Haihai suddenly had this realization! Moreover, her martial arts skills are not weak. What is her background? In this harem for several years, no one knows her. Seeing her slowly approaching steps, she was actually using Bagua steps. Lin Haihai stepped back subconsciously. Concubine Zhuang smiled ferociously: "Are you afraid? Don't be afraid, I will strike hard, and I guarantee that you will die immediately without a trace. Pain. This is the retribution you deserve. He is mine and can only be mine, you know? As long as he doesn't have you bad women around him, he will love me, so don't blame me. It's you who are ignorant. You deserve to die!" After saying that, his expression turned cold, his eyes flashed, and he withdrew his palms to control the wind. The sharp wind of his palms hit Lin Haihai. Lin Haihai felt sorry for her and was unwilling to hurt her. Moreover, it happened too quickly. , she hasn’t thought of what to do yet, since Concubine Zhuang wants her to die, then just die! Lin Haihai took two steps back, and Concubine Zhuang hit her chest with her vicious palms. She pretended to be knocked away by the force of the palms and fell into the lotus pond. Fortunately, the water in the pool was deep enough and quite cool. She held her breath and dived deep. The power of Yuan Zhu immediately spread throughout her body. She lay comfortably under the water, waiting for someone to rescue her. With her current skill, it is not difficult to hold her breath for a day or two, not to mention the Yuanzhu to protect her body. With Zhuang Fei's skill, it is difficult to hurt her in the slightest.

Concubine Zhuang waited on the shore for a while. When she saw that there was no movement under the water, she sneered a few times and left quickly!

Osmanthus gave the medicine to the queen and ran back all the way. However, she met a maid on the way who had lost an earring. The maid asked Osmanthus to help find it. Osmanthus was a warm-hearted person. Seeing the anxious look on her face, she stopped to talk to her. They searched together, and after a short delay, the palace maid happily said that she had found it. Osmanthus fragrans was naturally happy for her. After the palace maid left, Osmanthus fragrans also found its way to the lotus pond. But when I came to the lotus pond, I looked around but there was no trace of Lin Haihai. There was a shoe in the pavilion, and Osmanthus was confused. The princess didn't even wear shoes, where could she run to? Suddenly, I felt panicked. Looking at the calm, mirror-like surface of the lake in the lotus pond, I felt an ominous premonition. When Lin Haihai heard Guihua's call, he couldn't help but feel anxious because he was pretending to be dead and couldn't respond. I have been underwater for more than ten minutes. If I haven't been rescued yet, how will I survive by then? Concubine Zhuang simply gave her a few palms and let her body lie on the bank. Then she would survive the disaster and everything would be much easier. But if she can still survive after soaking in the water for an hour or two, then this is too mysterious, and everyone should suspect that she is a fairy again.

She looked at her long hair swimming underwater, and her silk coat was bulging. Suddenly she thought of it, took off her coat, and her buoyancy lifted the coat to the surface of the water. She used the wind of her palm to stimulate the flow of water, and the coat slowly floated towards the pavilion with the water.

Osmanthus stood in the pavilion and saw a familiar red silk coat slowly floating towards her. She looked at it carefully and was so frightened that she immediately shouted at the top of her voice: "Help! Help!" She put her hands and feet on the ground. He ran forward, shouting as he ran: "Help! Help! The princess fell into the lake! Help..." The guards who had just patrolled nearby heard Guihua's scream of exhaustion and ran over quickly. Osmanthus knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "Brother, guard, save my princess, she fell into the lake!" The guard was shocked, and several people quickly dived into the water and searched everywhere. Lin Haihai heard the sound of water moving and knew someone was coming to rescue him. He immediately drank a few sips of lake water, puffed up his stomach with Qi, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

The queen came to look for Lin Haihai, but found Guihua sitting on the ground crying, and asked quickly: "What happened?" Guihua was lying on the ground, crying: "The princess fell into the water, and the guards are searching for her!" The queen was shocked. She turned pale and immediately turned to her attendants and said: "Call the imperial doctor immediately and inform the emperor!" The attendants ran away in response. The queen swayed and asked with a choked voice: "Why is this happening?" Osmanthus wiped away the tears on her face and said with a trembling voice. : "My slave didn't know that the princess was missing when she came back. She looked around and couldn't find her. Later, when she saw the clothes the princess wore today floating in the lotus pond, she shouted for help. God must bless my princess in peace and good luck. !" Osmanthus kowtows, chanting something while doing so. The queen felt dizzy. Can a person survive after being underwater for so long? She closed her eyes and shed two lines of tears. She stared at the lake, waiting for the guard's response. The lotus pond is not big, but if you want to find someone, you can't say you will find it immediately. A few people came out to take a breath and continued looking. Finally, I saw Lin Haihai's red figure in the middle of the lake. The guards immediately swam over, and several of them worked together to lift Lin Haihai and swim to the shore.

And a pair of eyes watching from a distance saw Lin Haihai being lifted up with a pale face, and a sneer appeared on her face. She said in a low voice: "Don't blame me, you brought it on yourself, just be yourself." Isn't the princess okay? The emperor can only be mine!" She laughed coldly, and her laughter was like the cries of crows in the empty mountain, which made people's hair stand on end and their hearts trembled!