Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 166: 166 Would you like to retreat into the mountains and forests with me?


"What do you want to eat?" Zhou Junpeng didn't want to talk about the disappointing issue anymore. He showed his white teeth with a light smile. Lin Haihai actually liked this type of man. He was gentle but sunny, and he could be naive and innocent in his maturity. The former Li Junyue This is the type, but naturally after he went to do Doctors Without Borders, his whole person became heavy, and his heart felt like a big mountain was weighing on him all the time. She knew that he must have experienced a lot over the years. Being a doctor was actually harder than any other industry. She couldn't underestimate life, nor take it too seriously, otherwise she would be stuck in a bottleneck and couldn't find a way out. To despise means not to respect life. To pay too much attention to it means that one cannot see through life and death. Then, when faced with so many lives passing away every day, can one still have peace of mind

"I'm not picky about food, but since I'm a doctor, I would advise everyone to eat as much healthy food as possible. Fruits and vegetables are the best choice, and just be paired with a little meat!" Lin Haihai, who suffered from an occupational disease, kept saying the same thing. Our business!

Zhou Junpeng chuckled softly, "Then let your guests do as they please. It's always right to listen to the doctor!"

Lin Haihai smiled faintly. There was always a disdainful look on her next door. Was it the boss of Wangjiang Tower just now? He seemed to really have a big opinion against her, but she didn't remember ever offending such a person. She turned her head and thought about it, and she really had no impression. Forget it, since it was something unexpected, then... Leave it alone, it's her habit.

"You said you had something to talk to me about. What was it about?" Lin Haihai remembered what he said in the hospital and asked.

"I heard someone said that you bought all the abandoned hills in Dongshan to grow medicinal materials, right?" Zhou Junpeng poured tea for Lin Haihai and asked quietly.

"Yes, and because of this, a large part of my savings has disappeared!" Lin Haihai said distressedly, with a relieved smile on his face.

"Money is something external to the body, Doctor Lin laughed!" Zhou Junpeng naturally knew that her words of distress were just lies. If she really cared about money, she would not donate doctors and medicines, and help poor people in large numbers. People outside said that she was a living Bodhisattva, and she deserved it. !

Nangong Zixuan, who was eavesdropping next door, couldn't help showing a look of disdain. Lin Haihai clearly heard a cold snort and was puzzled. He thought that Nangong Zixuan was an arrogant and bold person, but he didn't expect that he was taking words out of context and making arrogant assumptions. I couldn't help but feel disappointed, thinking that those famous paintings were just showing off casually, pretending to be a scholar. Such a person would not have the intention to do good deeds, not to mention that he also harbored hatred and prejudice against her. Naturally, he would not listen to her plan, but would think that she was a swindler.

The food was served very quickly, and the four light dishes and one soup were all her favorite home-cooked side dishes. In fact, she said she was not picky about food, but in fact she was very picky about food, especially now that she was pregnant, which was not her favorite. She couldn't eat the food at all, and she didn't plan to be full for this meal. Unexpectedly, Zhou Junpeng knew her taste, and her favorable impression of Zhou Junpeng increased a bit.

"Actually, your medical clinic can't use so many medicines. What's the use of planting them in large quantities?" Zhou Junpeng actually didn't want to talk about this issue. It was rare to have a quiet meal with her, and he didn't want these worldly worries to disturb the two of them. interest. It's just that he tried to get close to Linhai Hospital, and he used this as a reason to fight for the prince. How could he not get some information back, otherwise he would be afraid of exposing his own thoughts. Who the prince is, he knows better than anyone else!

"Selling money! It is obvious to all that the current medicinal materials market is bleak. Of course I want to take advantage of the situation and make a fortune!" Lin Haihai said with a smile while eating.

"Dr. Lin is joking!" He saw the joking in her eyes and shrewdly avoided his question. In fact, he didn't expect to get any news. He didn't want the relationship between them to become impure. He just wanted to get to know her, and he would be satisfied if he could talk and laugh with her like this.

"I heard that your Taiyu Bank has many branches across the country!" Lin Haihai asked flatteringly as he picked a dish for him.

"Well, it is indeed!" He responded calmly, without any pride on his face. Taiyu Bank has branches in larger cities across the country. To be precise, it controls the economic lifeline of the country. Once Yutai Bank collapses, it will harm the entire market economy and the livelihood of ordinary people. Lin Haihai suddenly wakes up, but his face But still calm and calm.

Time passed quietly. At the dinner table, the two of them had their own concerns, but they got along well with each other. However, Nangong Zixuan, who was eavesdropping in another room, felt a little more disgusted with Lin Haihai.

After the meal, Zhou Junpeng insisted on sending Lin Haihai back to the hospital. The hospital was about to get busy again. Lin Haihai said to Zhou Junpeng apologetically: "I'm so sorry, I don't even have time to greet you for tea. You can do it yourself!" Zhou Junpeng said lightly! Smiling, his deep eyes were filled with attachment, "I also have something to be busy with, so I'll say goodbye now. Let's meet again when we have time!" Lin Haihai smiled and waved, "Qingfeng, see you off!" Qingfeng came out from the side and held his hand politely. : "Master Zhou, please!" Zhou Junpeng turned and left, but Lin Haihai's face became solemn in an instant. Is Zhou Junpeng an enemy or a friend this time? If it is the enemy, then the situation is very bad.

Mingyue stepped forward and said: "Master, please come to the patients in the ward!" Lin Haihai was stunned for a moment, and a kind of sadness gradually rippled in his heart. He was looking for her, was he leaving

She nodded slightly, walked towards the ward with difficult steps.

"Brother Emperor, are you looking for me?" she asked sternly, her fake smile stiffening.

"I want to go back to the palace, but they said I can only leave if you approve it, so I'm looking for you!" He said expressionlessly, with no emotion or joy in his dull eyes.

"You can't walk yet. You're too injured to move. It's better to stay here for two days before taking a look!" Lin Haihai maintained his doctor's tone, but his expression was slightly anxious.

"No need, I know my body well. It has always been like this in the past. No matter how serious the injury is, I still insist on going to court. This small injury does not bother me at all!" There was a trace of sarcasm on the lips, a cool smile There was some kind of pain in his eyes.

Lin Haihai's heart felt as if it had been lightly scratched by a knife, causing bursts of sharp pain. She looked at him, slowly approached him, and said with a painful look on her face: "Can you treat your injury first for me and then leave? I don’t know what it was like in the past, but now, I don’t want you to suffer any pain at all, please cherish it for me, okay?”

He stared at her fiercely and said word by word: "Why is it always like this? Give me a sharp knife, then give me medicine, then give me another knife, and then give me medicine, when I find hope How many times do you think I can withstand your repeated blows? I don’t want to care about the rest. I just ask you, are you willing to follow me? Are you willing to leave this country and retreat into the mountains and forests with you?"

Lin Haihai stood still as if struck by lightning. Her whole body was sore and numb, and a kind of heartache gradually penetrated. She looked into his sad eyes and couldn't say a word!