Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 167: 167 I have nothing to do with you anymore


Yang Shaolun's heart was gradually cooling down, but the vow she made that day was still fresh in her mind. She said that if one day he left everything and left with her, she would definitely follow him to the ends of the earth. Now, she looked shocked, but she hesitated to nod. He originally thought that she wouldn't even hesitate. He originally thought that this was the result she hoped for. He originally thought that she would jump up in joy and hug him. But in the end, she was silent. This silence was sharper than any sharp knife in the world. He didn't even think that she would jump up and hug him. I dare to imagine how I will face the bloody wounds in the future.

"Escape can't solve the problem!" The difficult words came out, but they were shocked and cruel. In fact, their only way out was to leave. He could give up the country, the country, the country, and the family ties, just to stay by her side day and night. Based on what considerations did she resolutely refuse separation? She hated herself for being calm and rational at this time. In fact, what she was looking forward to day and night was to retreat to the outside world with him or hide in the busy city. But she knew that now was not the time. The government was in chaos, the people's livelihood was helpless, and the war would bring disaster. Well, it was undoubtedly unjust and unfilial for him to leave now, and it was the act of a coward. How could she bear the heart to let him become a coward for her sake? Moreover, even if he is willing to retire with himself at this time, he still cares about his family and the country in his heart. Since he is depressed and unhappy all day long, why not leave everything to God's arrangement at this moment

"Do you love me?" He clutched the quilt tightly with his hands, trying his best to control the surging heartache. His lips trembled slightly, his deep eyes were covered with sadness at this moment, and his voice was extremely gentle.

"I love you!" She blurted out without hesitation!

"Then are you willing to come with me?" A glimmer of hope jumped in his gray eyes, and he asked her in a different way.

She is still silent, silent!

He clenched his fists tightly and looked at her coldly. The hope in his eyes was extinguished little by little, and was slowly covered with a layer of ice. "Get out, I don't want to see you again in the future! Get out!" He said forbearingly. .

Lin Haihai raised his head, his eyes full of sadness, and the mist was gathering!

"Get out! Get out! Chen Luoqing, get her out!" He suddenly shouted like crazy, throwing all the quilts and pillows on the bed at her, his flaming eyes staring at her coldly, his face full of sadness. He was in disbelief, his chin raised stubbornly, and there was blood flowing out of his chest, but he ignored it at all.

Lin Haihai bit his lip and looked at him motionless, feeling so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

Chen Luoqing rushed in. Seeing this situation, he quickly held down Yang Shaolun and shouted to Lin Haihai: "Come here and help him apply medicine!"

"No, Luo Qing, let's go back to the palace!" He announced to Chen Luoqing without looking at her again.

"No, treat the wound first!" Chen Luoqingjun frowned and said worriedly.

"I said no, let's go!" Yang Shaolun reluctantly fell to the ground, put on his robe, and walked out. Chen Luoqing quickly stepped forward to hold him tight. Lin Haihai touched the coldness of his eyes, and tears fell down his face. He stood aside and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what else to say at this time.

He suddenly looked back at her and asked coldly: "Lin Haihai, you never thought about following me from the beginning to the end, right?"

The lightning-like pain captured her instantly. She shook her head and choked out: "I want to go with you. I have always wanted to go with you!" She looked at him Yingying, "It's just that it's not the time yet. Can you give me time?" ?”

"No, if you want to leave with me, leave now. I can't wait any longer. I can't bear the days without you!" He was making a death struggle. He was afraid of the days without Lin Haihai. In the past month, life would be worse than death. ! Don't let him try again!

She shook her head and bit her tender lips. Tears blurred her eyes so that she did not see his deathly gray eyes.

"Let's go! Luo Qing! From now on, I will have nothing to do with you!" Those words were thrown away ruthlessly, along with his bloody heart. She hurt him so deeply that he never expected. We can only run away in a hurry!

This sentence pierced Lin Haihai's heart like a sharp blade. She was torn apart by the pain before she could think about it. There was only one sentence left in her mind: I have nothing to do with you anymore! I have nothing to do with you anymore! … … … … … … .

She turned around numbly and saw his retreating back. He had nothing to do with her anymore? Is he about to fade out of her life? She was in great pain. On the smooth road behind him, drops of bright red blood were scattered, just like the red plum blossoms blooming in the ice and snow, so red that it was dazzling and shocking! She couldn't bear the severe pain, and for the first time she had the urge to die. Yang Shaolun, do you hate me? How can you hate me? I really want to go with you! She said in a low voice, accompanied by a series of hot tears.

She walked out numbly, and kept walking, without any support in her heart. How many of the floating living beings she saw were related to her? She gave up the man she loved most for the sake of the people of the world. Someone who recognized her greeted her on the road, and she smiled. She could even give a smile to a stranger, but to him alone, there was nothing but silence. Is there really such a difficult problem between them that cannot be overcome, or does she have no confidence in him? From the beginning, she didn’t believe that he was capable of handling it well, so she repeatedly chose to evade and give in. If she had disclosed the fact that she had been divorced early in the morning, before Lao Liu had any interest in her, everything would be different now. Today’s events, It was all caused by her indecision. What right did she have to complain about his irrationality

"Doctor Lin!" A cold call sounded in front of him. Lin Haihai looked up subconsciously and saw that it was Nangong Zixuan. The disgust in her eyes did not diminish. She looked at him blankly without saying a word.

Nangong Zixuan looked at her strangely. She exuded powerful sadness, shrouding her whole body in sadness. Is it an illusion? Or is she acting? He couldn't be sure!

"Nangong Zixuan, am I annoying?" She suddenly asked, looking at him with a smile, her moist eyelashes slightly rolled up, and there was a thickening mist in her eyes.

Nangong Zixuan's heart was hit hard, and he looked at her blankly, not knowing how to respond.

Lin Haihai raised a sad smile on his lips, "I hate it. I am the most hated woman in the world, but I want to tell him that I really love him, love him very much. Losing him will break my heart." It hurts so much that I don’t know how to breathe, but I can’t tell him. Do you know why? Because I am a vain woman. In addition to loving him, I also love the support of this people. I have something on my hand. There are many things that I can't let go of. I thought love was not everything in life, but why is my heart so empty? Is it because I lost him? Is it also because of me that you look down on me? Are you greedy for all the vanities of the world?" Hot tears fell from her eyes, and she didn't reach out to wipe them. Her heart was numb, and then there were stabbing pains.