Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 169: 169 ending


Chen Luoqing asked worriedly: "What policy do you plan to use towards King Pingnan at this moment?"

Yang Shaolun's face turned sinister and he said coldly: "I will announce immediately tomorrow that he will be relieved of his military power. I will force him to rebel!"

Chen Luoqing's heart was agitated. He had waited too long for this battle! King Pingnan has been arrogant for so long, it’s time to give him a head-on blow!

"What about Dr. Lin?" He hesitated for a while and then asked.

Yang Shaolun closed his eyes again and said calmly: "Since it is her choice, I respect it!" In front of this relationship, he has no right to speak. She has always had the final say!

"Can you really let it go?" Chen Luoqing looked at the deep attachment in his eyes and already knew the answer in his heart.

Yang Shaolun smiled bitterly: "Do you think I said I should never see her, just because I really didn't see her? When you love someone deeply, you will know that all Jun Wu's jokes are empty words. The love for her has already penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and will never be seen again. I can't let go. I don't hate her in my heart, I just hate that she doesn't even give me a glimmer of hope." After a moment of silence, a trace of dreamy sadness appeared on his face, "If she is willing to nod and agree to come with me, this world will be better. How can Sheji compare to her!"

"The situation doesn't allow it, and there's nothing she can do!" Chen Luoqing couldn't help but defend her.

"Luo Qing, have you ever loved someone?" Yang Shaolun looked at him, "Am I doing something wrong?" He frowned and hesitated, feeling a little unsure about himself!

Chen Luoqing smiled lightly, "I loved her, and I still love her deeply. But when I met her, she already had someone in my heart. I never dared to get even close to her, for fear that I would be burned by her brilliance. Some things I knew were impossible. "It's better to keep a proper distance!" He smiled faintly, a sadness quietly spreading from his face, thinking of the drunk woman, thinking of her crying for others, his heart tightened slightly.

Yang Shaolun looked at him quietly and sighed for a long time: "Maybe I should just look at her from a distance like this. As long as I can see her, I will always be satisfied and happy!"

Two grown men who knew little about love analyzed various strange phenomena in love, but could not find a reasonable explanation. Perhaps, love has no common sense since ancient times!

One month later!

In just one month, medical stations have been set up in dozens of villages on the outskirts of the city. The doctors stationed at the stations are all from the first batch of disciples of Linhai Hospital. Lin Haihai told his disciples to report all difficult and complicated diseases and not to treat them privately. She knew that in just over half a year, they would not be able to fully master medical science, but under the hell-like training, common diseases could be handled by themselves. And she and Li Junyue are busier than ever. They travel to various sites every day, giving guidance and observation. The scale of the hospital is gradually expanding, and they are preparing to take over the shops near Linhai Hospital and renovate them all. There are some medicinal materials that can be harvested at the plantation farm, so a large number of people are recruited. The medicinal materials at the plantation farm are difficult to buy in the market and are not complete and complete. Fortunately, Bai Muyang's contact list allowed Luo Kuanyuan to purchase a lot of medicinal materials, and the crisis in various places was finally temporarily alleviated.

Luo Kuanyuan, Chen Luoqing, Liang Boxian and others jointly petitioned to recommend Lin Haihai as the Imperial Medical Bureau Order to take charge of the health system and welfare system of Taiyuan Hospital and Huimin Administration.

The emperor announced that in the 117th year of the Daxing Dynasty, which was the 13th year of Xiaozong, Lin Haihai was granted the title of Imperial Medical Bureau Order, taking charge of the entire Imperial Hospital and the nation's medical care. She was the first female bureau chief since the founding of the Daxing Dynasty!

The Imperial Hospital is headed by the Imperial Medical Bureau Order, assisted by one hospital envoy and two court judges, and is followed by more than ten imperial doctors and thirty-six doctors and officials, a total of more than one hundred people. Lin Haihai was appointed at a critical moment and took up the post of the Imperial Medical Bureau. He began to drastically rectify the bad government. As soon as he took office, he dismissed more than ten officials from the Huimin Department and formulated a number of medical measures that were beneficial to the people, creating good prospects for the medical community and also Stabilized the hearts of the people all over the world.

As for the government affairs, it has become increasingly tense. Yang Shaolun ordered the withdrawal of King Pingnan's military power. King Pingnan's rebellious officials and traitors encouraged him to rebel. King Pingnan weighed the pros and cons. Although it is not the best time to raise troops now, it is already time to jump over the wall. , had to do the opposite! As long as we reach an agreement with the Rong Kingdom, everything will be ready!

Yang Shaolun also sent an envoy to Rong to express his goodwill. The regent of Rong is now in charge of the government. The young emperor has disappeared, and even the queen mother is missing. The regent can only wait for a suitable opportunity to declare himself emperor!

Yang Hanlun was training at the training ground every day, leaving early in the morning and returning home in the evening. Lin Haihai was also so busy that she left all the family affairs to Chen Birou. She already acted like a royal concubine inside and outside the palace. She ordered that no one was allowed to address her by name. She is the side concubine, and everyone calls her Concubine Chen. Yang Hanlun would often come back late at night and wait in Lin Haihai's room, waiting for Lin Haihai. Then the two would discuss and plot until dawn. After taking a short rest, they would go on their own journey and face the complicated daily affairs.

Chen Birou looked into her eyes with hatred in her heart. She determined that only if Lin Haihai disappeared completely could Yang Hanlun's sole favor be restored. Therefore, he secretly planned a plan to make Lin Haihai disappear completely.

Yang Shaolun is the busiest person. In addition to handling government affairs every day, he also has to take time to train secret guards. Of course, the most important thing is to prepare all the defenses and prepare for King Pingnan's rebellion!

Everything is ready, all we need is an official document of friendly relations and diplomatic relations from the Rong Kingdom, and everything will be safe and sound!

The Queen, entrusted by the Queen Mother, selected a group of new beautiful ladies who entered the palace, and asked the old ladies in the palace to teach the beautiful ladies all the rules and etiquette in the palace. For a period of one month, that is, one month later, half of these beautiful ladies will stay in this palace and become Yang Shaolun's women!

Yang Shaolun ignored these matters and allowed the queen and queen mother to take full responsibility. Even though there are millions of women in this harem, there is always only one in his heart! Maybe take a step back and give her some time, and she will follow him. He had no choice but to wait!

In addition to becoming a time shuttle, Li Junyue also served as Lin Haihai's behind-the-scenes military adviser, and all matters, big or small, were handled by him.

Lin Haihai has had a stomachache for two months. Apart from being unable to eat and vomiting, everything is basically normal. Her belly has not bulged, but her movements are not as flexible as before, and Wangchen has to do many things. Chen Luoqing mobilized Zheng Feng to protect Lin Haihai. Lin Haihai naturally wanted him. Zheng Feng is a rare talent. With him, he can indeed solve many difficult problems.

As for the planting farm, with Xiao Jian and a group of brothers there, there would be basically no mistakes. The queen was busy with the draft and rarely went to the mountain. Fortunately, she passed on her experience to Xiao Jian and others in advance, so there would be no trouble.

Busyness has become this month’s theme!

But in the dead of night, do he and she miss each other

Can things really unfold as everyone expected

In fact, I know everyone wants to see the ending as soon as possible. Well, I said the ending. The ending is that Lin Haihai and Yang Shaolun are happily together!

The book is finished! thanks for your support! Passers-by took their bows together with Lin Haihai and other actors!

But, if you think it’s not over yet, what else should be there

It seems that some things have been resolved in my memory!

Okay, let’s start our climax! Please travel with me through time and space, enter the Daxing Dynasty, and witness the lingering pathos of a love!