Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 187: 187 Is my wife an old woman?


"You are not from Daxing Country?" Yang Shaolun's heart sank. Luo Qing said that she was not a simple woman. Could it be...

"I am not from the Daxing Kingdom, nor from this dynasty. I have traveled from the future and come from the same place as Li Junyue. The future may be hundreds of years later, or it may be a thousand years later, in my In the history that we know, there is no such country as Daxingguo." Lin Haihai said surprisingly!

Yang Shaolun shook his head, he was so shocked that he couldn't say a word and his throat was dry and hoarse. This is so ridiculous!

"I know what I said is ridiculous, but every word is true. My medical skills are not brilliant, just because I have hundreds of years more experience than you. My country is called China. It is a country with high speed of material and technology. In a developing society, it is no longer uncommon to travel through time and space." Lin Haihai continued, "Our time and space adheres to monogamy, and there is no such thing as concubinage. Men and women have no feelings, and they can divorce, which means women can also divorce. Divorce your husband. Of course, mistresses are also rampant. I am acting as a mistress now. Because you are a married person and I destroy your family, I am a mistress. But in this country and this time and space, you men have a concubine, so I will do the same. I have no choice but to do as the Romans do. Anyway, if you don't accept me, you will accept others!" Lin Haihai said at the end, feeling a little unreasonable and weak. After all, openly saying that he is a mistress would not be enough for anyone.

"Are you a mistress?" Yang Shaolun was a little confused, "I won't accept anyone else, I only want you! Just be my mistress!"

Lin Haihai was stunned and a little annoyed: "I'm not a mistress!" They don't call them mistresses here!

"But you just said it yourself, you are the mistress?" Yang Shaolun stuttered a little, not knowing what he said wrongly. What Lin Haihai said completely confused his mind. He intuitively thought that she was not lying, but this was unavoidable. Unbelievable!

Lin Haihai was furious. She is Chinese. The characteristic of Chinese people is their own mistakes. They can say it but others are not allowed to say it. "I said I am not a mistress. If you dare to call me a mistress, I will destroy you!" When a girl grows up, she becomes a gangster and no one recognizes her!

Yang Shaolun's teeth were itching and he just wanted to take a big bite out of her pink face. He pulled her into his arms with his hand and held her tightly, "What do you mean by destroying me?"

Lin Haihai's face turned red and hesitantly said: "I just want to turn you into a waste!"

"What good will it do you if I become a waste?" He entangled her lips ruthlessly, kissed her all the way to her ears, and whispered.

Lin Haihai was so infatuated by him, "I don't want to be your mistress, I want to be your wife!" she declared!

"Wife? Old lady? Do you mean we will stay together until you become an old lady?" Yang Shaolun asked.

"Yes, you are my husband, and we will stay together until you become a father-in-law!" Lin Haihai suddenly hugged him tightly, hoping that it was not a dream, hoping that it was not an extravagant wish, hoping that it would come in time, so that they could hold each other's hands tightly and stay together until the end of time. old!

"Are you really from the future?" he asked in disbelief, "This is a ridiculous thing!"

"It's absolutely true!" Lin Haihai promised, "After Miss Lin's death, my soul from the future will attach itself to her and live with her identity!"

"How did you get here?" Yang Shaolun helped her sit down. The cautious look on her face made it seem like she was as big as a basket now!

"In my world, I am a doctor, that is, a doctor. That day I met an old woman on the highway. I wanted to save her, but I was contaminated with her poisonous blood and died. The old woman died. This person is not an ordinary person, but a thousand-year-old snake demon. She injected the Yuanzhu that she had cultivated for thousands of years into my body and sent me back to this thousand years ago!" Lin Haihai once again challenged Yang Shaolun's endurance!

"Snake demon? Do you think there are real demons and ghosts in this world?" Yang Shaolun asked in shock, his handsome face slightly distorted. This is too mysterious!

Lin Haihai smiled and said nothing, looking mysterious!

Yang Shaolun pinched her face and said, "You won't tell me that you are not a human being, right?" He had already begun to smile bitterly. His woman was not a human being

Lin Haihai hated that he always pinched her face. Although he didn't use force, the impact was not good. After all, she was also an official of the imperial court and had many disciples. If people saw her in the future, where would she put her face

"Don't pinch my face!" She opened his hand!

"Your face is so smooth and tender!" Yang Shaolun put his hand on her face and kissed her immediately. Lin Haihai was stunned for a moment, and then forgot the question he had just insisted on. She was a pervert and always enjoyed his caresses and kisses!

"I'm from the future!" She protested weakly!

"You are my wife!" Knowing her origins, he suddenly felt enlightened and let go of all the burdens in his heart.

"Not married!" Lin Haihai emphasized!

"But you're pregnant with my child!" He smiled evilly.

Lin Haihai was speechless. She was pregnant before marriage, which was not a glorious thing in that dynasty, but it seemed not to be her fault, although she seemed to be suspected of seduction!

"Well, don't come within three feet of me from now on!" Lin Haihai pushed him away with a cold look!

Yang Shaolun hugged her again and whispered in her ear: "That won't work, because I will stick to you around the clock and will not leave you for half a step!"

"Then you will follow me when I go to the latrine?" This person really has no sense of romance. Yang Shaolun sighed, what a shameful thing to say at this time! In order to prevent her from speaking too much, he decided to keep silent with a kiss. Lin Haihai's eyes widened and she looked at his misty eyes. Yang Shaolun chuckled: "Close your eyes!" He put his hand on Lin Haihai's eyes. , kissed her lips gently, and rubbed her lips together, deep or shallow, he sucked her lilac tongue, and gently touched her back with his hands, so softly, so carefully! His eyes darkened, and there was blood jumping under his eyes, but he tried his best to control himself.

Lin Haihai knew his worries. As a doctor, she naturally knew that it was best not to have sex in the first three months of pregnancy, in order to avoid having a moment of pleasure that would lead to negative consequences. She was also very moved by his self-control.

"It's time to go to bed. The wind is blowing in the middle of the night. Look at you, your clothes are thin!" Yang Shaolun picked her up and walked slowly to the bed.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" Lin Haihai was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable. This would test a man's self-control!

"I will sleep with you in my arms without any distractions!" She is his favorite woman and she is pregnant with his child. If he doesn't even have this bit of self-control, how can he protect his wife and children

Lin Haihai rubbed her hair, which was still wet. Yang Shaolun took a towel and dried her carefully. He spread her seaweed-like hair and teased it with his hands. Lin Haihai looked at Yang Shaolun happily. , How wonderful it would be to live like this for the rest of my life, "If I go home one day, you will be the one I miss the most!" She sighed.

Yang Shaolun's expression changed drastically. He held her shoulders and stared at her sharply: "I won't allow you to go back. You'd better not have this idea!" He couldn't accept being across the same time and space with her. That would be so terrifying. thing!

Lin Haihai smiled, "I'm just sighing, I can't go back!" Bai Zi's words were just to coax her. This mission has not appeared yet, maybe there is no such thing!

"Even if you can go back, you are not allowed to go back!" Yang Shaolun looked at her nervously!

"Okay, I promise!" Lin Haihai coaxed him in a good voice and pecked his lips!

The panic in Yang Shaolun's heart gradually subsided, but there was always a faint uneasiness, as if she could leave at any time, maybe in the blink of an eye, she would disappear into the air. He has lost his sense of security!

"Your hair is dry, go to sleep!" Yang Shaolun fiddled with her long hair and lifted the quilt for her. Lin Haihai lay down as he was told, with shining eyes, watching him lower the curtain and then lie down next to her. Come down. He stretched out his arms, and she rested her head on his chest. He tightened his arms, hugged her, and patted her vest gently. Lin Haihai wanted to laugh and cry. This man treated her like a child. , take care of her in the way you think is best! She stretched out her arms and hugged his body tightly, saying with a blocked nose: "Yang Shaolun, I love you!"

His hand paused for a moment, and then he hugged her tightly, his chest rising and falling with emotion. From the beginning to the present of this relationship, he has been in a passive position because he knows that he has no right to make the decision. Occasionally, a smile or a look from her can make him happy for a long time. However, the desire for love is also endless. He can no longer satisfy her smile and look. He wants to have her legitimately. If the cost of getting her is to give up a lot, he has no regrets. He is willing to use everything Try to win her over. And tonight, he knew that he could finally have her completely without feeling guilty to anyone!

Lin Haihai was naturally happy. The secret that had been stored in her heart for a long time was revealed, and she suddenly felt relaxed. In fact, we should have done this a long time ago. I am always timid and end up hurting more people!

The light gauze of the moon cage seeped into the house softly, illuminating the whole place with coolness. Lin Haihai whispered: "Husband, if you can't stand it, you can actually do it!"

Yang Shaolun said hoarsely: "I'm fine, go to sleep!"

"But..." She felt the changes in his body!

"That's a normal reaction, baby, go to sleep and don't think about it!" He loved her dearly, how could he be willing to hurt her

"Will you find someone else?" Lin Haihai asked a question that pregnant women all over the world ask!

"You have spoiled my appetite, and now I am very picky about food!" Yang Shaolun assured jokingly!

"If you like to eat, I will often cook it for you in the future. After we retreat to the mountains and forests, you can eat my cooking every day!" Lin Haihai misunderstood what he meant!

Yang Shaolun felt a chill running down his spine and sighed in his heart. It seems that he must learn to cook from tomorrow on, otherwise they will all starve to death once they live in seclusion!

He was as gentle as water: "I'm looking forward to it, but from now on I hope that I will cook every meal and I will serve you!"

"Do you know how to cook? It's the wife's job to wash and cook. I can do it!" Thinking that she would be idle every day without having to do housework, she might be the first idle person in history. Dead time-travelers!
