Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 19: Yutai Bank


Yutai Bank is located in the middle wing of Jingcheng Street and has a large flow of people.

When Lin Haihai walked into the bank, the clerk beside her stared at her without saying hello. Lin Haihai wasn't angry either. In this era when the service industry was not yet perfect, she could understand.

She walked up to the counter and asked, "Are you from the shopkeeper?"

Sitting in the cabinet is a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties, with a goatee, fair skin, and the appearance of an intellectual. He slowly raised his eyes and looked at Lin Haihai. He didn't really want to talk to her at first, but when he saw Lin Haihai's appearance, he immediately talked to her: "I am, does this girl want to withdraw money or save money?"

"I want to save some money and exchange it for a banknote." The beauty opened her red lips lightly and breathed out like a cloud.

The shopkeeper almost lost his soul, "Okay, how much do you want to save?"

"One hundred thousand taels!"

"What? One hundred thousand taels?"

The shopkeeper suddenly came to his senses and screamed on the spot.

Lin Haihai was a little surprised. Is one hundred thousand taels a lot

Xiaoju and Liuer also shouted: "Miss, why do you have so much money?"

"Xiao Ju, didn't I ask you that day how much one hundred thousand taels was?"

"I thought you asked me, how did I know you actually had one hundred thousand taels.'"

The shopkeeper called the waiter to serve tea, and then said to Lin Haihai: "Miss, please move to the VIP room to talk."

Lin Haihai followed the shopkeeper in, and Xiaoju and Liu'er hurriedly followed.

The shopkeeper asked Lin Haihai to sit down and then walked into the inner hall. After a while, a handsome young man followed him out.

The shopkeeper introduced: "This is our young boss Zhou Junpeng, haven't I asked the lady's name yet?"

Lin Haihai smiled slightly: "My name is Lin Haihai. Nice to meet you!"

The young boss Zhou Junpeng looked at the woman in front of him. He heard from the shopkeeper that the woman said she wanted to save one hundred thousand taels, but he didn't believe it. I originally thought she was a prostitute, but I didn't expect she was such a beautiful and refined lady. Although her dress is simple, she is very noble and has a calm expression. She should be a young lady from a wealthy family.

Lin Haihai also looked at this Zhou Junpeng, and saw that he was wearing a white satin gown, with a belt embroidered with golden silk thread, and silver ruffles on the cuffs. Judging from the satin material and the exquisite embroidery work, he probably came from the famous embroidery workshop. He is a handsome guy with a majestic air and deep eyes.

"Ms. Lin, please sit down! I heard from the shopkeeper that the lady intends to make a deposit in the trumpet?" A deep and deep voice sounded politely.

"Exactly!" Lin Hai smiled slightly, and Zhou Junpeng suddenly felt like a spring breeze.

"Is it a hundred thousand taels of silver notes?" Zhou Junpeng asked tentatively.

"That's right!" Still in a soft tone.

"Where is the lady from?"

"People from the capital!"

"Who is at home?"

"Is it important? Master, are you going to do my business or not?"

"Come on, how dare you not do the escort business?" Zhou Junpeng said with a smile on his face.