Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 191: 191 Save the little beggar


Autumn is getting stronger, but Lin Haihai is getting busier and busier. Xiao has already led his brothers to the Kingdom of Chen, accompanied by thousands of soldiers.

Lin Haihai came down from the planting field and walked slowly on the mountain road. Wangchen and Zheng Feng were walking with her. Yang Hanlun did not follow her at this moment, just because someone came to the military camp to invite him early in the morning, so he did not follow today!

"Do you have any suggestions about the autumn harvest?" Manpower shortage has always been a big problem. In fact, calculating the expenses, it is indeed excessive to spend so much manpower and material resources on just these simple medicinal materials, but now there is no other way. What's more, most of the planting farms contain precious and rare medicinal materials, and there is a shortage of manpower! Lin Haihai almost scratched his scalp!

"Master, is it useful for us to grow so many precious medicinal materials? Why do I think many medicines can substitute for each other!" Wangchen asked, narrowing his eyes.

Lin Haihai looked at the withered yellow miscanthus on the road ahead and sighed: "It's different. Some medicines cannot be replaced!"

Panax notoginseng is one of the precious medicinal materials that she grows in large quantities. It is said to be valuable because Panax notoginseng is no longer available on the market for a penny at this time, which means that Panax notoginseng has been out of the market for a long time. Panax notoginseng is the fastest and most effective way to stop bleeding, and it is also the best medicine to treat internal injuries. No healing holy medicine is as effective as Panax notoginseng, but Panax notoginseng is missing now. Once a war starts and soldiers are injured, a large number of soldiers will be short of If he dies due to treatment, the military morale will definitely be unstable by then, and the consequences can be imagined!

Lin Haihai walked a few steps and suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood. She looked around and Zheng Feng asked, "What's wrong?"

"Someone is injured, he's nearby, help look for him!" Lin Haihai took the lead and ran forward. Wang Chen was frightened by the sight. Did this woman know that she was pregnant

Zheng Feng jumped to the top of a tree, looked far away, and finally found a bleeding figure in the withered yellow miscanthus in front of him. He used Qinggong to get closer. Lin Haihai and Wang Chen also arrived. Lin Haihai took a deep breath. His energy was like a gossamer, but there were still signs of life. His face was black and blue, and his body was covered with bloodstains. Lin Haihai quickly tried to save his heart.

Wangchen said strangely: "Except for our planting field, there is no one inhabiting this area for ten miles. He is obviously a beggar in his clothes. If he doesn't beg on the street, what is he doing in these barren mountains?"

Zheng Feng stood up and looked around the environment. There was an abandoned nunnery not far ahead. He guessed, "Maybe he lives in the nunnery in front, but he was beaten here for some reason."

Lin Haihai took back his hand and said, "He was not beaten severely. The blackness on his face is not bruises, but dirt. He is a beggar!" Lin Haihai opened his clothes and looked at his wounds. "The wounds were caused by extreme injuries." The sharp sword was drawn out, and he was hit five times. This person wanted to have a deep hatred for him and insisted on killing him. Fortunately, he had strong vitality and fought hard to hold on. "

"Who wants to have trouble with a beggar?" Wangchen asked.

Lin Haihai said solemnly: "We will only know when he wakes up. Zheng Feng, you carry him down the mountain, use Qinggong and don't bump!"

Zheng Feng nodded, leaned over and carried the little beggar on his back, and then flew down the mountain. Lin Haihai dragged Wang Chen's hand and flew across the sky like a thunderbolt. Wang Chen was shocked in his heart. This light skill must be so amazing! Although he had seen her supernatural powers in prison, but now experiencing it personally, he had a deeper understanding of it. Whose sect did she worship under

When she arrived at Linhai Hospital, Lin Haihai immediately treated the little beggar's wounds. At the same time, she discovered that the beggar's hands had been broken. Who could be so cruel and ruthless as to do this to a beggar

She performed an operation on him and used steel plates to fix the broken parts. Royal doctors assisted. The operation took more than four hours to complete. Fortunately, the operation went smoothly and everything is still waiting for recovery! At this time, it was already midnight, and the pale moon was empty!

Exhausted, she slumped on the chair. Ever since she gave birth to the child, her body has become more and more exhausted day by day. She doesn't eat a meal and is so hungry that she is hungry but can't eat anything. She vomits when she eats and feels dizzy when she vomits. The beads did nothing to help her pregnancy reaction. At this moment, I just drank a bowl of millet porridge and immediately vomited, which was even harder than not eating. She no longer had any strength. As long as the child felt any discomfort, Yuanzhu would use all her strength to protect the child. By then, her whole body would be weak and weak. She performed an operation for nearly ten hours in a row and stood for ten hours, concentrating on it. How could a pregnant woman endure this? Yuanzhu protected the child, but couldn't protect her!

But Qing stepped out, looked at Lin Haihai with some distress, and said to Zheng Feng, who was helpless at the side: "She can't eat, find her some milk!"

Zheng Feng raised his head suddenly and asked Lin Haihai, "Do you want to drink milk?" Lin Haihai knew that it was best to drink milk for pregnancy vomiting. She nodded weakly. Only by replenishing her strength as soon as possible can her body return to normal.

Zheng Feng ran out quickly. Lin Haihai thought for a moment and asked, "We don't have cows. Where can he find milk at this late hour?"

Wangchen was stunned. She really hadn't thought about this problem. She couldn't just steal it! Lin Haihai also had the same idea as Wangchen. Three black lines hung from their foreheads!

Qingfeng added a cloak to Lin Haihai and said, "The prince came here before. I told him that you were undergoing surgery, so he went back first!"

Lin Haihai nodded. He had often been by her side these days. She could actually feel his indifference and alienation. She thought it was because of the one-month appointment. She sometimes sighed, not knowing that her choice would hurt him. How deep? But Chen Birou is such a woman with ulterior motives. If Lao Liu finds out in the future, will she be able to accept it

Lin Haihai smiled bitterly. She checked Keqing's pulse and asked, "The moon is almost full, do you feel any discomfort?"

"Tired, weak, and want to vomit, just like you!" In the past few days, Keqing has learned her story and knows that she is among the emperor's brothers, and it is difficult to be a good person!

Lin Haihai chuckled and held Ke Qing's hand tightly, "It's okay, don't worry!" Ke Qing's eyes were hot. During these days of running away, he had seen so much warmth and coldness in human relationships, but this woman who was supposed to be aloof was as considerate as a family member, but Qing felt that her heart was no longer a compressed stone, and she was receiving warmth bit by bit.

"Where's Juanzi?" Wangchen asked.

"She fell asleep. I felt my heart was up and down and couldn't fall asleep, so I came out to chat with you!" Ke Qing said with a smile.

"It's over now, don't think too much about it!" Lin Haihai listened to her story carefully and knew the pain in her heart, but didn't know how to comfort her.

Keqing's beautiful face showed a hint of sadness, she opened her mouth, but said nothing. Some words, even if they were spoken, no one would understand, and even if they understood, they wouldn't be able to help!

"Master, are you feeling better?" Qingfeng patted Lin Haihai's back and asked worriedly.

"Qingfeng, I'm fine, don't worry!" Lin Haihai smiled warmly. The two girls, Qingfeng Mingyue, had been with her for so long and had always followed her words to the letter. She also cared for them very much.

"Then let me make some millet porridge for you, okay? You haven't eaten anything except drinking water all day!"

Lin Haihai was about to say no, but he saw Zheng Feng coming back with a cow on his back, looking very embarrassed. Regardless of everyone's astonishment, he led the cow into the backyard and shouted: "Qingfeng, come and help milk the cow!" Qingfeng was overjoyed. I went in with a bang. Lin Haihai and the two women looked at each other and quickly got up to follow them.

Zheng Feng tied the cow, then stood and thought for a moment, rushed into the kitchen and came out with a basin of water. He said seriously: "The sister-in-law said, you must clean the cow before milking it!" Lin Haihai and others opened their eyes wide. Look at him. He bent down under the cow and poured water on the cow's breasts. The water was cold and the cow was frightened. It stretched out its hoof and kicked it. Zheng Feng was stunned for a moment and was kicked by the cow's hoof. He was originally in a squatting position. It turned into lying on the ground. Lin Haihai suppressed laughter and blushed. After all, she was milking cows for her, how could she be so heartless. But Qingfeng, the girl, laughed heartlessly. When she laughed, the other three women couldn't help it any longer and started laughing along with her.

Zheng Feng stood up with a red face, scratched his head and said, "That's what the sister-in-law taught me!" He thought for a while, took a towel, and scrubbed it carefully. Milk didn't lose his temper this time, and quietly let him wipe. After wiping it off, Zheng Feng remembered what the sister-in-law said about massaging it. He looked at the women behind him and said shyly: "You guys get out first!"

Lin Haihai nodded and walked out with a few women. Zheng Feng didn't turn around until they were completely out.

Little did he know that those women immediately hid by the door and peeked. Zheng Feng rolled up his sleeves, touched the cow's plump udder with his hands, and massaged it meticulously according to the instructions of the cow seller. After the massage, he started to express the milk. He put the basin on the ground and began to exert pressure slowly. The milk started to come out drop by drop. He increased the intensity slightly, and the milk shot out like a water gun. It did not enter the plate, but was sprayed all over it. On his face, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose are squeezed together, it smells so sexy! He casually wiped his face with his sleeve, adjusted the direction, and started squeezing again. This time, the milk finally fell into the basin!

The women behind the door laughed so hard that their stomachs ached. Zheng Feng had never expected such a cute side. Lin Haihai motioned for everyone to go away and sat in the inner hall waiting for Zheng Feng to come out!

After a while, Zheng Feng came out, carrying half a basin of milk, and said to Qingfeng: "Take it and cook it, put some sugar in it, this milk is very sexy!" He straightened his clothes, and Lin Haihai was beside him , immediately put on the mask around his ears, Wangchen stood up and said: "You should go back and take a shower, you are so sexy!" Zheng Feng smelled his sleeves awkwardly, and said with a smile: "Then I'll go back first "Wangchen, please sleep here with Dr. Lin, it's already midnight!" Xiang Xiang added: "Keep an eye on her!"

Wangchen nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on her!" She had a smile on her face. When will you care about me like this