Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 210: 230 The people lined the streets to welcome him


Yang Shaolun hid Lin Haihai behind his back and said coldly: "Your purpose is just to kill me, let them go!"

Zhou Junpeng looked a little sad, and the disgust in Lin Haihai's eyes was so obvious that it made him feel as if there was a turbid air in his heart.

"Your Majesty, please take Dr. Lin away first!" Chu Zijun stepped forward, raised his sword and pointed it at Zhou Junpeng, and said solemnly.

"General Chu, you are no match for him. You don't have to blindly die!" Lin Haihai said lightly, "Your master actually wants you to take action at this time. Could it be that his dream of becoming emperor really can't wait any longer?"

"Doctor Lin should have heard that those who understand current affairs are heroes. The prince's power is at its peak. It is easy to take over the world. Why should Dr. Lin resist needlessly?" Zhou Junpeng stared at her with a little more emotion in his tone. sigh!

"Since you have investigated me thoroughly, you naturally know that he is my man. How can I stand by and watch when he is in trouble?" Lin Haihai snorted coldly, "I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times. You guys have enough to eat. How do the people of Wuyoumi know what the people need? Now that the world is at peace and everyone is united, you are so afraid of the world being unstable that you act recklessly and want to put the people in dire straits. Even if you win the country in the future, how will you be able to sit still? country?"

Yang Shaolun held Lin Haihai's hand and felt excited. He was proud to have a close friend in life and die without regrets! When he was in danger, she stood up for him. This love is many times more valuable than this country!

Zhou Junpeng's face changed, and he said seriously: "In that case, don't blame me for being rude!" He roared, and a group of men in black descended from the sky, riding the wind, all hanging in the air, with their feet not occupying any space. Yang Shaolun and others were shocked, there was such a martial arts in this world, standing still in the air? Could it be a ghost

Lin Haihai sneered, King Pingnan actually used such a trick to deal with them? The living dead, this is a free killer!

Lin Haihai stretched out her right hand, drawing a circle into the wind, and a stream of air hit the men in black. She flew up, a goddess scattered flowers, and air currents emerged from her fingertips, hitting every man in black.

Yang Shaolun and others were surprised, especially Yang Shaolun. Chen Luoqing had told him before that Lin Haihai was not a simple person, but he had never taken it to heart. Now that he saw her, her martial arts were already superb!

Zhou Junpeng was shocked and jumped up, whistling continuously from his mouth, but the man in black remained motionless, as if he was frozen, his eyes were dull!

Lin Haihai fell down and said coldly, "Master Zhou, for the sake of our acquaintance, I will let you go for now. There are some things I really want to say to you, but I feel that even if I say them, you won't listen. I have to go in, so I’d better save it!”

Zhou Junpeng felt sad. The prince said that this mission was just to test Lin Haihai's strength. Now it seems that those living dead have not become a great weapon. He gave Lin Haihai a complicated look and turned to leave!

Yang Shaolun looked at Lin Haihai with a somewhat solemn expression: "You know martial arts, why didn't you tell me?" In fact, she is more than just martial arts? It must be her power from time travel. What kind of woman does he fall in love with

Lin Haihai saw his somewhat hurt look and felt annoyed. He should have told him about this earlier. Wangchen and Zheng Feng looked away. She knew about Wu. They knew about it, but they didn't know how strong she was. Gao, now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I am naturally shocked. Among these people, the only one who didn't know was Yang Shaolun. Chu Zijun and Qin's mother knew it more or less. Xiao Yuan naturally knew it well. Only Yang Shaolun, who was obsessed with the authorities, had always carefully cared for Lin Haihai like a greenhouse flower. Little did he know that this The little flower turned out to be a towering tree and could even provide him with shade!

Everyone stepped aside. Lin Haihai looked at Yang Shaolun and said, "I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I enjoy the feeling of being protected by you. If you knew that I was skilled in martial arts, you wouldn't care about me all the time!" "This sentence is not a lie. No matter how powerful a woman is, she always needs a man's care. Although she is reluctant to let Yang Shaolun worry about her, subconsciously she enjoys the feeling of being held in his hands!

Yang Shaolun was relieved. Although he knew that her words were not the real reason, he chose not to pursue it. He embraced her in his arms and said: "I can't help but care for you, not out of pity for the weak, but out of pity for the weak. Because you are Xiaohai in my heart!" Lin Haihai smiled warmly!

After defeating the enemy, they hurried on their way and finally returned to the capital at noon on the second day! Lin Haihai was bored after sitting in the carriage for more than two days. As soon as she entered the streets of Beijing, she got off the carriage. Naturally, Yang Shaolun accompanied her. Zheng Feng and Wangchen Suqiu landed together, and Xiao Yuan escorted Chu Zijun and Qin's mother there. Dali Temple!

A group of people were walking on the bustling streets of the capital. The dazzling array of products was dazzling. Lin Haihai breathed the familiar air quietly.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Doctor Lin is back!" Lin Haihai was stunned, but saw all the people around her rushing up, crying and laughing around her. Lin Haihai was shocked, what on earth is going on

Yang Hanlun rode slowly from the street and stopped next to Lin Haihai. He took a deep look at Yang Shaolun, and then stared at Lin Haihai. Fortunately, she came back safely! Seeing his sad expression, Lin Haihai felt sad in his heart, "Lao Liu, I'm back!" Yang Hanlun nodded slightly, with mist gathering in his eyes. He opened his eyes wide and took a deep breath and said, "Luckily you're back, otherwise I would kill myself." !" A gentle word was as heavy as a boulder in Lin Haihai's heart. She was a little sad that the sixth child should not suffer such torture.

"Dr. Lin, it's great to have you back. We are almost dying of anxiety!" an old lady said solemnly, with tears in her eyes. It was all true and sincere, without any falsehood! Lin Haihai looked at the people around him with emotion. These people usually only received some favors from her, but they all treated her with heart. She deserved it!

"Dr. Lin, did those bad guys bully you?" An old man asked with concern. He was holding a young child. Lin Haihai saved the child's life. He was bitten by a poisonous snake last month. Lin Haihai defended him. The serum was injected and brought him back from the brink of death!

"Doctor Lin, we are all here!" A deafening shout came. Lin Haihai took a closer look and saw that it was the villagers of Wuling Village. The leader was the old patriarch. When they received the news that Lin Haihai was murdered by Chen Birou, they hurriedly He rushed here to avenge Lin Haihai.

Lin Haihai looked at Yang Shaolun, and Yang Shaolun also looked at her tenderly. This is the woman he loves, the real mother in the world! Yang Hanlun felt sad in her heart. He had always treated her wrongly, and even mistakenly thought that she was someone who was greedy for money and longed for glory and wealth!

Lin Haihai was so excited that he burst into tears. He bowed deeply to the excited people and opened his mouth before saying anything, but the tears already fell down. "How can I, Lin Haihai, be so virtuous? I have been wrongly loved by everyone. Thinking of what I have done in the past, I am indeed worthy." I am ashamed that I have not tried my best in many things!" There will be even less she can do in the future. How can she adapt to leaving these simple people and returning to modern times? How can I let it go

"Dr. Lin, you have been so kind to us. Without you, there would be no Wuling Village today. We, the Wuling villagers, will always remember that you were thinking of us while rushing to attend the banquet at the palace. We will always remember that you casually left your court clothes and shoes. The look on the handlebar showed that in your eyes, the powerful were far less important than us common people. We in Wuling Village will always remember your kindness!" the old patriarch said excitedly, his voice trembling slightly due to excitement!

"Yes, Doctor Lin, do you remember? The last time I had my limbs broken, you treated me without charging me even a cent of the medical expenses. Your kindness will never be forgotten. I am a rough man, don't I don’t know what to say, but I only know that without Dr. Lin, there would be no me, Chen Dali! So if someone has trouble with Dr. Lin, I, Chen Dali, will fight for her!” The person who spoke was a rough man who used to be a wealthy man in the city! Jia's long-time worker, because he offended someone, was sought for revenge, his hands and feet were broken, and his head was cracked. He was already dying when he was sent to Linhai Hospital. The person who saved him was Lin Haihai. Since he had a family to take care of, he was actually Since there was no extra money to treat him, Lin Haihai waived his medical expenses. Chen Dali was a loyal man, so he naturally regarded Lin Haihai as his benefactor.

Zheng Feng and Wang Chen were also greatly shocked. They already knew that she won people's hearts, but they didn't expect to see it with their own eyes, and their hearts would be as shocked as the waves in the ocean! He was excited for a moment and said loudly and forgetfully: "Listen to me, everyone, Dr. Lin was fortunate to be helped by noble people this time and was not bullied in the slightest. Zheng Feng would like to thank everyone for your concern on behalf of Dr. Lin. Now Dr. Lin has just escaped from danger. "My body is weak, please give in. We will send Dr. Lin back to Linhai Hospital to rest. Dr. Lin understands your concerns and thanks everyone!" Yang Shaolun smiled with pride on his handsome face!

The people voluntarily gave up a way, and Lin Haihai bowed and thanked him, with tears in his eyes and gratitude on his face. There was a white figure in front of him. Lin Haihai took a closer look. It was an indifferent woman, looking at her indifferently. She almost screamed in her heart, she looked so much like Yu Qing who was in high school. For a time, all the national sentiments and family thoughts in my heart came to my heart, and tears of homesickness flowed all over the mountains and plains in my heart. The woman turned around and walked away slowly. Lin Haihai was so anxious that he quickly stopped her: "Girl, please stay!" The woman turned around and looked at her with raised eyebrows. Lin Haihai looked at the woman infatuatedly. and exactly the same. The woman said calmly, "You called me?"

Lin Haihai looked sad, how could it be Yu Qing? She is thousands of years later, and what is separated between them is time and space, not distance!

"Yes, the girl looks exactly like a friend of mine. It's my fault!" Lin Haihai said sadly. Even if Yu Qing could come, she shouldn't look like this. Although Yu Qing, who is the same age as her, is still beautiful and young, she has But it adds a bit of maturity and intelligence! Not the woman in front of me, no!