Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 220: 220 Time flies


Yang Shaolun held Lin Haihai's hand and walked in the imperial garden in the sunset. A touch of light red clouds on the horizon decorated the monotonous dusk. The idle sunset light faintly shone on Lin Haihai's peaceful cheek. Yang Shaolun watched intently. There was an unreasonable panic in her heart. She, who was so holy, left as if she had transformed into a fairy at any time. He hugged her subconsciously. Lin Haihai felt his uneasiness, but did not dare to ask. They had the same mind, and he How could he not feel the great sadness in her heart

Yu Qing sent someone to inform him that he would not enter the palace tonight. Yang Shaolun breathed a sigh of relief. He had not gotten along well with Lin Haihai since he came back from Yangzhou, and he had a lot to say to her in his heart!

Lin Haihai smiled as delicately as a flower, nestled in Yang Shaolun's arms, but his eyes were always sparkling, and at first glance, it looked like there were tears condensed there!

"Is the child naughty?" He put his big hand on her abdomen, feeling the slightly arrogant vitality.

"No, very good!" Lin Haihai said with a smile, the brilliance of motherhood made her cheeks shine, "Is there anything new about King Pingnan?" she asked casually!

"Everything is fine, don't worry!" He didn't want her to worry too much. He could handle everything!

"I'm not worried, I know you can handle it!" She did believe him, but the official history that Bai Zi said was that the country changed hands and Yang Shaolun died next winter. In other words, there must be some things they don't know yet, maybe A force, maybe a change, maybe an opportunity. Now, we can only wait and see what happens, because with the current power of King Pingnan, it is impossible to easily seize power!

This night, Lin Haihai stayed at the Qiankun Palace!

The next day, the Sixth Prince wrote a letter of divorce, and Lin Haihai was no longer the Sixth Princess. In the letter of divorce, the Sixth Prince deeply repented and gave Lin Haihai high recognition. That day, he had divorced her. Although he regretted it afterwards, the mistake had been made and he had no choice but to announce the divorce letter now just to free Lin Haihai!

At the same time, the story about Lin Haihai and the current emperor quietly spread among the people. They were discussed in detail in the streets and alleys, after tea and meals. The people had long criticized the Sixth Prince, and secretly felt that Doctor Lin was not worth it. Who is Doctor Lin? Can't compare to Chen Birou

Teahouses, wine shops, and streets are filled with the following conversations!

Three or five big men gathered around the wine table, drinking and talking loudly. "According to me, a woman like Dr. Lin can only be matched by the current emperor. I heard that the emperor would not taint any concubines in the harem for Dr. Lin, which shows his loyalty to Dr. Lin!" A black-faced man clapped his hands excitedly. Talk to the table!

"I'm not saying that any woman in the harem can compare to Dr. Lin? Fortunately, the emperor is still a wise and benevolent gentleman, so Dr. Lin is not wronged!" A man with the appearance of a gentle scholar said, waving his fan!

"Oh, I just think that there is no man in the world who can match Dr. Lin? She is like an immortal figure who cannot be contaminated by the vulgarity of the world!" Another man said with some melancholy!

At the entrance of the vegetable market, several women were shopping together. An older woman said with consolation: "I didn't expect that even the emperor likes Dr. Lin. They are such a good match!"

"Aunt Li, you are already dozens of years old, so don't show such a fascinated expression, lest your husband-in-law sees him and wants to fix you! How can we women compare with Dr. Lin?" Another younger man The woman said with a smile!

"Of course it's incomparable. I'm not fascinated by anything. I'm just happy for Doctor Lin. Haven't you heard of their love story? By the way, Doctor Lin met the emperor just after he was divorced from the palace. The two of them were together in the palace. Saved a man on the street..."

Chattering, over and over again, the people tell the same story!

Time passed quietly, and Lin Haihai spent nearly half a month in pain. The Queen Mother's condition has improved a lot, and she can move her hands and feet simply. Lihua helps her with rehabilitation and massage every day, and Yu Qing provides her with Acupuncture, the Queen Mother had been getting along with Yu Qing for a long time, and she developed a bit of love for Yu Qing. She also heard that Yu Qing was interested in the Sixth Prince, so she was naturally very happy. She tested Yang Hanlun's intention several times, but Yang Hanlun did not refuse directly, so The idea of getting married came up again!

During this time, Wen Cairen went to the Queen's palace to talk to the Queen, but he was a little absent-minded. Lin Haihai usually left the palace early in the morning. When Yang Shaolun came back early in the morning, he would first go to the Queen Mother to pay his respects, and then go to the Queen's palace. Looking for Lin Haihai, but most of the time he couldn't see her. He could only occasionally see her in a hurry about to go out. Just for this rush, he still came every day, chatted with the queen for a few words, and then left again!

Wen Cairen saw that the emperor would always go to the queen's house every day when he went to court, so he mistakenly thought that the emperor went there for her, and he began to fall in love with the emperor day by day!

Lin Haihai searched everywhere for the gentleman and the hero, but there was no trace. Now that Bai Zi is not here, the only one who can help her is the gentleman and the hero!

When Chen Yuyi got married, Lin Haihai naturally went. Since the queen had nothing to do, she was forced to come over by Lin Haihai. After Yang Shaolun was busy with political affairs, he left the palace to meet Lin Haihai.

Since Chen Yuyi's parents are not here, Lin Haihai, as a master, naturally has a high position. First bowing to the emperor, second bowing to the high hall, and then the couple bowing to each other, Lin Haihai felt both happy and sad. Looking at Su Qiu in the phoenix crown, she knew that as a woman, the greatest happiness in life is to walk into the auditorium with the person she loves. She didn't have this day!

Lin Haihai watched Su Qiu being sent into the bridal chamber, then took the queen to the new room and congratulated Su Qiu!

Su Qiu was grateful, took out a purse from her arms, handed it to Lin Haihai, and said, "Su Qiu embroidered this purse herself, so I gave it to Dr. Lin as a gift of thanks. I hope the doctor won't dislike it!"

Lin Haihai took it and said with a smile: "Now that you have passed the door, it's time to call me master!" Su Qiu's face turned red and she shyly called out: "Yes, master!"

Lin Haihai chuckled lightly, turned around and looked back at the queen, only to see the queen staring at the purse in her hand as if frozen. She raised her head and asked with tears in her eyes: "Where did you get this purse?"

Su Qiu said blankly: "This purse was embroidered by the girl herself!"

"Did you embroider this flower yourself?" the queen asked unwillingly!

"Indeed, the folk girl embroidered it herself. Why did the empress say this?" Su Qiu asked with some confusion, "The flower on this is called mandala, which can be used as medicine. We, Master Wen, planted many of them in the yard!" Su Qiu asked said laughingly!

"Master Wen? What's the name of Master Wen?" Lin Haihai quickly grabbed Su Qiu's hand and asked, Master Wen, Wen Xuan

"Master Wen's name is Wenxuan, and he is from the Chen Kingdom!" Seeing Lin Haihai also looking anxious, Su Qiu said quickly!

The queen stood still. Ten years of lovesickness and ten years of worry all came to her eyes. She shouted a name deeply in her heart, but she found that the pain and tears accumulated over the years were too much. !

Lin Haihai hugged her and said to Su Qiu: "I'll give you three days. After three days, come with me back to your hometown!"

Seeing Lin Haihai's serious words, Su Qiu nodded and said, "I also want to go back to visit my relatives, so I'd like to ask Master to go with me!"

Lin Haihai was grateful for her understanding. After all, it was not pleasant for a newlywed to be separated. However, this little girl insisted on going back to visit her relatives. In fact, she had only been here for a long time, and there was no need to do so. Go back quickly!

Lin Haihai said to Yang Shaolun that night: "I'm going to leave in a few days and go to Su Xin's hometown to bring back the propaganda!"

"Who is Wenxuan?" Yang Shaolun asked puzzledly. When he heard Lin Haihai said he wanted to leave, his first reaction was to feel uncomfortable!

"That's Tingchu's father!" Lin Haihai said with a smile, "The man who has always been in the queen's heart!"

"Oh, it's him!" Yang Shaolun was relieved, "Why should you go? I can ask Xiao Yuan to bring him back!" Yang Shaolun naturally didn't want her to go!

"No, they have gone through ten years of ups and downs, and their personnel and affairs have changed several times. There must be some knots in their hearts that are difficult to untie, otherwise he would not show up for ten years!" Lin Haihai felt that there must be a hidden secret!

"That doesn't necessarily require you to go!" Yang Shaolun said disapprovingly!

"I have to go. Don't worry. I will let Zheng Feng and Wangchen go with them. You can concentrate on arranging your own affairs. I will be back soon!" Lin Haihai just wanted to know clearly what happened that year. , she intuitively felt that things were not that simple!

Yang Shaolun summarized the situation at hand. He had been worried that Lin Haihai would be suppressed by King Pingnan. In that case, he would be intimidated and would not dare to take drastic measures to punish the people around King Pingnan. It would be good for her to leave for a while, "Okay, but you have to When conducting covert operations, don't leak any information, lest the enemy knows about it, it will be dangerous! "This is a question he is very cautious about!

"Don't worry, King Pingnan can't deal with me. He doesn't have this ability for the time being!" Lin Haihai thought of his living dead, who have never been able to threaten her!

"Be careful, understand?" If he could, he wouldn't let her leave, not even for a moment!

Lin Haihai giggled: "I'm more worried about you. Remember, don't be aggressive. Take your time and gradually eliminate his right-hand man!" These questions were just mentioned casually. She knew he had his own sense of proportion!

"Yes, I will pay attention!" Yang Shaolun's face was gloomy, and he was very distressed about the situation in the DPRK, but then he laughed again. He deliberately did not talk about political affairs in front of Lin Haihai, so as not to worry her!

Three days later, Lin Haihai took Zheng Feng Wangchen and Su Qiu out. Due to the urgency of time, Lin Haihai had to mention Su Xin and use Qinggong to fly for a while, and then hired a carriage to fly to Quxuan Town in the shortest time. Su Qiu I have already known Lin Haihai's abilities, but now that I see her flying in the sky, I feel even more admiration in my heart!