Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 221: 221 Qiuyang Academy


Originally, the queen insisted on going this time, but Lin Haihai thought it was best not to go before the facts were clear. She promised the queen that she would bring the person back no matter what!

The five-day journey took three days. Lin Haihai naturally felt relaxed, but Wangchen and Zheng Feng were exhausted. When they arrived at Quxuan Town, Wangchen already felt exhausted, but Su Qiu was fine, because Lin Haihai was the one who carried her along the way, and she did it without any effort!

After taking a short rest, Su Qiu led Lin Haihai and others to Qiuyang Academy. Lin Haihai looked at the big characters swaying at the door. They were not just a few big characters, but how much deep-seated longing and pain were condensed in them

There was the sound of reading aloud, a childish voice, and a beautiful woman was cooking flowers at the door. She looked somewhat like the queen. Lin Haihai was surprised, who was this woman

The woman looked up and saw several strangers standing at the door. Su Qiu recognized them, so she asked with a faint smile: "Su Qiu, didn't you go to Beijing?"

"Madam, I'm back!" Su Qiu said gracefully.

Lin Haihai's heart suddenly collapsed. Madam? Is she Wenxuan's wife? God, how could she explain this to the queen

"Who are these?" The woman stood up straight, with a faintly extraordinary temperament!

"This is my husband's master, and the other two are his master's people!" Su Qiu introduced. She didn't want to elaborate on the rest, just because she didn't know if the master was happy to be known!

"Oh, hello!" The woman greeted with a slight smile. The autumn sun fell on her face and body, making Lin Haihai feel as if he was in another world.

"Hello! I'm looking for propaganda!" Lin Haihai directly explained his intention!

The woman was not surprised at all, she still smiled and said: "Come with me, the propaganda is in the study!"

Lin Haihai asked Wangchen and Zheng Feng to wait here, and followed the woman alone through the place where children were attending class, to an elegant room in the backyard. The woman knocked on the door gently, "Wenxuan, someone is looking for you!"

A deep voice came from inside, "Come in!"

The door creaked open, and Lin Haihai slowly walked in. There was a handsome man sitting behind the desk. He raised his eyes and looked at Lin Haihai, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. He originally thought that the person who was looking for him was the student's parents!

"Propaganda?" Lin Haihai asked uncertainly!

"Who are you?" Wenxuan stood up from his desk and walked out slowly, wearing an elegant blue gown with a jade pendant hanging around his waist. This jade pendant was also with the queen. It seems that this person is really Wenxuan!

"Do you still remember Chen Qiuyang?" Lin Haihai stared at her!

Wenxuan shuddered and turned pale. In an instant, he returned to normal and asked calmly: "How is she?"

Lin Haihai didn't understand why he pretended to be calm. When he first heard the name Chen Qiuyang, he was obviously shocked. She stared at him and said sadly: "Chen Qiuyang is dead. I am here now just to take her place." Let me ask you, do you still remember her? "

Wen Xuan felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body was freezing. He turned around and held on to the copywriter. Suddenly he felt like the world was spinning, his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground unconscious!

Lin Haihai was surprised and quickly stepped forward to help him up, rubbed his renzhong acupoint, and pricked the Baihui acupoint with a golden needle. Wen Xuan woke up and looked at Lin Haihai intently. Lin Haihai helped him up and sighed: "Do you know that she has missed you so much these years?"

Wen Xuan's thick eyelashes blinked, and two lines of tears fell down. The sadness between his brows seemed to drown him, and he asked in a trembling voice: "When did it happen?"

"When a person dies, all grudges should be blown away by the wind. Can you let go of the past?" Lin Haihai looked at him sadly. In the future, she will also have to face separation and despair. Today's propaganda is Her in the future!

"Let go?" He closed his eyes and wanted to sigh deeply, but in the end he just breathed a sigh of relief, his face was calm, as clear as an old monk in trance, "Now I can finally let go!"

He slowly walked behind the copywriter, sat quietly, and looked at Lin Haihai, "Does she have anything else to say to me?"

"She said that you have a daughter. She is nearly ten years old. If you haven't forgotten the past with her, go and have a look!" Lin Haihai said lightly, staring at the changes on his face. !

Wen Xuan was hit with a stick, his face full of disbelief, "You mean, Yang Tingchu is my daughter?"

"Do you know Tingchu?" Lin Haihai was a little surprised!

"I have lived in the capital for two years, and I know that the emperor and the queen have a daughter, named Tingchu!" Wenxuan said blankly, with a dull pain in his heart. He didn't know that it was her and his child!

"You've been in the capital for two years?" Lin Haihai couldn't believe it. "You've been there for two years, and you haven't thought about looking for her?"

"I tried all my methods to get her a letter of righteousness!" He smiled sadly. During that time, his life was worse than death!

"Since the day she got married, she hasn't seen you or had any news about you. In her heart, she always thought you were dead, because two years after she got married, her sister went to visit her and told her that you were dead. She fell off the cliff and died. She wanted to follow you, but she has already given birth to Tingchu, and she has already been tied up in her heart. She will not be better off than you in these years!" Lin Haihai cried sadly, thinking of the Queen's past ten years! Those days are her future days. Her tears are for the queen and for herself!

"Impossible, no!" Wen Xuan looked at Lin Haihai in disbelief, "I followed her when she got married, but I didn't fall off the cliff, but followed her all the way. After two years in the capital, Qiujing accompanied her For two years, she ran around for me, took care of things, and sent me and Qiuyang a lot of letters. At first, Qiuyang still missed our old relationship, but slowly, she changed, and she stopped replying to my letters and stopped asking questions. Regarding my affairs, since she gave birth to the child, she has never written to me again. Qiu Jing went to the palace several times to look for her, but came back without success. Then more than a year later, she asked Qiu Jing to give me a letter. Feng Jueyixin asked me not to pester her again in this life. She is living a happy life now. I hope I can remember the kindness of the past and not destroy her dignity!" He blurted out in one breath, with the sadness in his expression, The anger in that tone was definitely not a disguise!

"Qiujing? Is she Qiuyang's sister? Has she been following you?" Lin Haihai looked at him with reproachful eyes. He couldn't even see such a lowly trick!

"Yes, I'm lucky to have her by my side all these years!" He fell down on his chair and didn't believe what Lin Haihai said. That memory had been finalized in his mind. In the past eight years, he He always treated the woman in his memory with love and pain, because he spent those painful days minute by minute, and no one knew how painful his injury was at that time!

"What if I say that Qiu Jing deceived you in all of this? In fact, she never contacted Qiu Yang. She only visited Qiu Yang once in the palace two years later. That was the only time. The purpose was I want to tell Qiu Yang that you fell off the cliff and died!" Lin Haihai looked at him seriously!

"Qiujing lied to me?" Wenxuan murmured, "Is everything a lie?"

"No, she is the one who lied!" The door was suddenly pushed open, and the woman at the door walked in, her pretty face slightly sullen, "She is not dead, she is lying. Think about it, if the Queen of Daxing dies. The whole country is sad, but now we are calm here!"

Wen Xuan looked at Lin Haihai in surprise, and Lin Haihai's eyes were calm. She said, "Yes, the queen is not dead. I say this just to test whether you still have feelings for her!"

Lin Haihai obviously saw a flash of ecstasy in Wen Xuan's eyes, but his face immediately darkened. He stared at Lin Haihai with sharp eyes, "Why are you here to tell me this? Are you from the Queen?" "

"I am the Queen's man!" Lin Haihai neither denied nor explained!

"Brother Xuan, I heard someone say a few days ago that the Queen has opened a planting farm and is looking for experts in cultivating medicine. It must be for this reason that she sent someone here!" Qiu Jing said softly, Having said that, Lin Haihai knew that she should have been keeping an eye on the queen all these years, and her manpower should be stationed in the capital to report the queen's current situation to her at any time!

"Is that so?" Wenxuan's tone became cold, but his heart still ached slightly. It turned out that he had never let go of her in these years, "So the fact that Tingchu was my daughter was also a lie? Did she tell you to tell you? "

"I am the one who runs the plantation, not Qiuyang. As for whether Tingchu is your daughter, I will be happy to do a paternity test for you. Sometimes, we should not be too superstitious about our own eyes. What we see with our eyes may not be true. "Yes." Lin Haihai said sincerely!

"It's been ten years, it's been too late, it's been a long time coming, but it's just now. Qiuyang, do you know that after receiving your letter of righteousness, my heart was torn into pieces and can no longer be patched up. Never, you I will try my best to give you anything you want, including my life. Now that you have sent someone to look for me, even if it is not for the sake of our past friendship, I am still happy, as long as I can see you again!" Wen Xuan suddenly laughed wildly, After laughing and crying, he actually never believed Lin Haihai's words. He agreed to go to see her just because of the long-lasting love in his heart, just to see her once, as long as he could see her once! Lin Haihai felt severe pain in her heart. Who would she ask for this opportunity in the future? When they separated in time and space, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get that side back!

"Brother Xuan, you are crazy. She treated you like this that day, and you still want to see her. Aren't you humiliating yourself?" Qiu Jing was anxious, and there was a trace of displeasure on his calm face!

"Qiujing, you have never loved deeply. In front of love, self-esteem and humiliation are not worth mentioning. I just want to see her, every day for these ten years!" Wenxuan smiled weakly. He hated her, but He also loves her and sees her not for anything else but to respect his own feelings, but that doesn't mean he can forgive her!