Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 227: 227 Action 2


Yang Shaolun closed his eyes, feeling the temperature of her fingertips, and suddenly opened his eyes. The deep love in his eyes could make people melt. He looked at Lin Haihai steadily and said, "Promise me, if we are unfortunately separated in the future, please do it." Try your best to find me, don’t leave me alone!”

Lin Haihai studied his brows carefully and made sure that he had no insight into her plan, then smiled softly and said: "I will try my best to find you!" This was her guarantee, even if he came back, he would still be Forget her, she has no regrets!

"Then I'm relieved!" Yang Shaolun smiled sadly, "I know nothing can separate us!"

The moonlight hid in the clouds, and the stars became more and more crystal clear. That light, which may have lasted for millions of years, now fell into her eyes. It was so close, but it turned out to be so far away, just like the distance between them now, it was so close, but so far away!

Lin Haihai fell asleep unknowingly. Yang Shaolun looked at the sadness in her eyes and felt desolate in his heart. If he guessed correctly, early tomorrow morning, she would bring him the water with the love-forgetting medicine. Tonight , her heart must be riddled with holes!

He carried her back to the room. He didn't sleep that night. As for her falling asleep, it was because he put sleeping powder on her clothes. This powder would only make her sleep, but it would not hurt her at all!

He stood up, took the medicine out of her arms, and threw her into the furnace.

At five o'clock in the morning, he got up to go to court early, and she got up too. She looked at him, "I'm not going anywhere today. I'll wait here for you to come back. Can you come back early next morning?"

He nodded and smiled warmly at her before leaving!

The queen arrived after Yang Shaolun left, holding a bowl of water in her hand. Lin Haihai tremblingly took out the pills from his arms and put them into the water. The medicine melted instantly. Lin Haihai heated the water and poured it into Yang Shaolun's tea cup. The queen looked away, she couldn't bear such cruelty!

Lin Haihai sat quietly in the room, waiting for Yang Shaolun to come back. Time passed by minute by second. She was on pins and needles, and the pain in her heart was slowly expanding, circle by circle, rippling deep in her blood!

When Yang Shaolun came back, he saw a few tears still on her face. He looked away and couldn't bear to look at her. Seeing him coming back, Lin Haihai stood up quickly, squeezed out a smile, went up to him, took off his dragon robe, and put on a light green brocade robe. She covered his cold hands and said pitifully: "Is it windy outside? ?”

"Fortunately, it's not too cold!" Yang Shaolun smiled so heart-wrenchingly that tears almost fell from his eyes. Lin Haihai turned around, feeling a sharp pain in her heart. She picked up the tea tremblingly and looked at Yang Shaolun with sparkling eyes. Yang Shaolun's heart sank, but he took the tea with a smile and said, "I'm thirsty. You're so kind!" Lin Haihai Covering his mouth and looking at him desperately, Yang Shaolun could hardly control the desolation in his eyes. He used all his strength to pick up the tea and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking it, he asked with a smile: "Is there any more?" Lin Haihai answered. After passing the tea cup, my face was pale, and my heart was like the broken glass after the car accident, scattered on the ground, unable to be put back together again!

"I'm a little dizzy, let's sleep for a while!" Yang Shaolun shook his head and said, then walked to the bed, looked at Lin Haihai affectionately, and said promisingly: "Xiaohai, I love you, this love will never last forever." Change!" Lin Haihai covered his face, tears streaming from his fingers. Yang Shaolun was sleeping on the bed, his body facing forward, his back to Lin Haihai. He had no strength to smile to her, and his heart hurt as if it was destroying him. , tears burst out instantly, he covered himself with the quilt and remained motionless!

Lin Haihai stood, her whole body was cold, and her eyes were dark. Her feet began to tremble, and slowly her body began to tremble. Step by step, she walked towards the door. With all her strength, she opened the door and the sun shone into her. Her eyes suddenly stung, and she squatted on the ground, trembling. The queen rushed up, hugged her, and choked out: "It's okay, it's okay!" Lin Haihai leaned against the queen and said with all his strength: "Take me away, quickly!"

Yang Shaolun was on the bed, listening to their footsteps walking away. He sat up blankly, his eyes as red as if they were about to bleed. He stood up and walked to the table, picked up the cup he had just drank from, and squeezed it hard. The cup shattered into pieces. When it was inserted into his hand, blood dripped down along the hand lines, like the delicate red plum blossoms blooming in the snow, and his heart was so painful that he lost all feeling!

He murmured to himself: "Xiao Hai, I will never forget you, never!" He looked at the drops of blood on the ground, slowly drying up, turning into a dark color, the same color as the floor, except for the faint trace of blood. No trace of smell!

The queen immediately sent Lin Haihai out of the palace and back to Linhai Hospital. Li Junyue and Yu Qing looked at her speechlessly. A trace of tears flashed in the queen's eyes. She was now like a lifeless doll, falling down at any time!

"You keep an eye on her. I'll go back and check on the emperor. I wonder if there will be any mistakes!" the queen said with fear.

"Qiuyang, take care of him!" Lin Haihai's eyes were pleading and rolling with tears!

"I will do it, don't worry!" The queen left hurriedly, fearing that if she was a step too late, the tears in her eyes would be uncontrollable and out of control. She didn't want to cry in front of Lin Haihai or make her sad!

"I want to sleep, but I didn't get enough sleep last night!" Just as Yu Qing was about to speak, Lin Haihai stood up and said, "There's no need to call me at noon, I'll probably sleep until very late!"

"Little sea… … "

"Let her go!" Li Junyue stopped Yu Qing and shook his head. Lin Haihai hurriedly walked to the room, tears falling from his eyes and he couldn't hold them back anymore!

"Can she do it?" Yu Qing asked worriedly.

"We can't help her!" Li Junyue sighed, "No one can really help with emotional matters!"

Yu Qing was silent, the pain of being betrayed is still clear now, the bitterness of the emotional road is one step at a time, each step is full of mud, no one can help!

The number of patients gradually increased. Li Junyue had been busy all morning. After thinking for a while, he said to the two imperial doctors: "You should go and make medical visits. I will ask your master to come out and help!"

The imperial doctors looked at each other and just said that because there were too many patients, medical visits should be slowed down. Doctor Chen said: "It's not an emergency anyway, so there's no harm in getting there later!"

"No, you go now!" Li Junyue said, "Pack the medicine box and go!" The two imperial doctors had no choice but to pack their things.

Li Junyue said to the waiting patients: "Everyone, please be patient. I will ask Dr. Lin to come out to treat everyone. Please wait a moment!" He turned around and said to Qingfeng: "Go and call your master. Just say there are many patients and he is busy." Come here!" Qingfeng responded and went in!

Yu Qing looked at Li Junyue, who gave her a wry smile, "Sometimes being busy is the best way!"

After a while, Lin Haihai came out. Although his eyes were red and swollen, he was in good spirits. Yu Qing looked at the seriousness on Lin Haihai's face and felt that Li Junyue was right. Maybe keeping her busy would be the best way to heal her injuries!

"Doctor Lin, this cough has been going on for a while. Can you see if it can be cured?" A woman with a dark complexion looked at Lin Haihai with a sad expression!

"Auntie, is your work hard?" Lin Haihai looked at her overworked face. She looked like she was in her fifties in her forties, and her hair was all gray!

"It's not that hard, I'm a little tired!" The aunt paused and said, "Does it matter?"

"It doesn't matter. You have been tired for a long time, so that your body lacks various organs and is overworked. Your body lacks resistance. If you are sick and you don't take medicine on time, how can you get better?" Lin Haihai said softly.

"Dr. Lin, I stopped talking with my hands. Several members of the family were eating with my hands. How could I stop?" The woman used her rough hands to comb the messy hair around her ears and said mockingly!

"I'll prescribe some medicine for you to take first. As for work, try to pay attention, don't be too tired, and check back regularly!" Lin Haihai instructed!

"I understand, Dr. Lin, thank you very much. Alas, this is my fate. My husband-in-law has disappeared. Now even my eldest son has disappeared, but there are still young and old at home. I can't bear to find relief!" The woman He stood up and sighed, his eye circles suddenly turned red!

"Your husband-in-law and son disappeared? When did it happen?" When Lin Haihai heard this, his heart moved and he asked quickly!

The woman sat down again, lowered her head and shed tears, "My husband-in-law disappeared in the last two months, and the child disappeared in the last month. They have all been reported to the police, but there is no clue at all. Doctor Lin, you said, so old I am alone, where can I disappear?”

"Don't be too anxious. Think on the bright side. Trust me, they will be back soon!" Lin Haihai intuitively believed that it was related to the living dead.

"Now this is the only hope, otherwise what will the old and young at home do?" the woman said sadly!

"Then you should take good care of yourself. By the way, where did they disappear?" Lin Haihai asked casually.

"I went into the mountains to chop firewood and never came back!" the woman said, tears streaming down her face again!

"Which mountain?" Lin Haihai knew in his heart that this Taoist nun must not dare to blatantly arrest people in the downtown area, so she specifically targeted woodcutters and others in the mountains and forests!

"They all disappeared at Xiangyunfeng. If they were eaten by big insects and jackals, there would always be clothes left behind. Why is there no trace at all?" This was the question she had been thinking hard about during this period.

"So you have to believe that they are still in the world. You go and get the medicine first. When I am free, I will go to the government to see if there are any clues!" Hope is the best medicine. When the patient regains hope, his condition will recover. Always unexpectedly fast, Lin Haihai wanted to light a lamp of hope for her. She must destroy this living dead group!

"Thank you so much, Doctor Lin!" The woman was overjoyed, grabbed Lin Haihai's hand and thanked her profusely!

Yu Qing said to Li Junyue: "I hope she can keep this smile forever. I can't bear to see her hurt!"

"No, she will still feel uncomfortable at night. This is a process, an experience, and it is inevitable!" Li Junyue said cruelly!

Yu Qing was speechless, that was indeed the case, because she was the one who had been there!