Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 245: postscript


Mid-Autumn Festival night, reunion night!

All happy reunions must have gone through thorns and ups and downs that others cannot imagine! How many painful struggles, hot tears, and agonizing waiting, all of them are enough to tear a person into pieces! However, faith is very important. Lin Haihai once gave Daxing a faith, that is, to replace all losses with love! I have repeatedly emphasized that everyone doesn’t know if they can understand this sentence. Even if we lose love, we still have the ability to love others. If we don’t love this person, we can love the world!

Lin Haihai is a volunteer in modern times. There are actually many such women in modern times. Most of them are ridiculed as fools by the people around them, but they always stick to their beliefs and silently do what they think is right. In fact, they are just ordinary people. ! However, there is passion and love in their hearts, love for themselves and others! I say these words in a long-winded way because during the Wenchuan earthquake, I got to know a group of people. They are all unknown people in life. Some are even struggling below the poverty line, but if they have money, They don’t have money to donate blood, or they work as volunteers to help raise funds. When they take off their volunteer clothes, no one will recognize them. This group of women live with their love!

Haihai is derived from such a prototype. Such a woman is the most lovely!

Without further ado, let’s talk about what the Daxing Dynasty looks like now!

The Queen of the Snake Tribe became an immortal. In gratitude for Lin Haihai's life-saving grace, she knelt down and begged the Supreme Lord to obtain an elixir. Then, her soul returned to the Daxing Dynasty. Fortunately, Yang Shaolun prepared an ice coffin for her body. Possessed, she pushed open the ice coffin and floated out. The power of this elixir was even greater than that of Yuan Zhu!

Wangchen heard a sound in the cellar, and her heart skipped a beat. She threw away the things in her hands and rushed in, just in time to see Lin Haihai fly out of the ice coffin!

She looked at Lin Haihai steadily. She had had this kind of dream too many times, so she was no longer sure whether it was still a dream at this moment!

"Wangchen, do you miss me?" She smiled faintly, and finally came back. When she saw Wangchen, she was about to see everyone she missed!

"I don't want to!" Wangchen shed tears, "Even at night, I always dream of you!"

Lin Haihai Yingying approached, "Where are my husband and children?" She wanted to see them urgently!

"They haven't been back for a long time, but they sent a letter a few days ago saying they would be back on Mid-Autumn Festival!" Tonight is Mid-Autumn Festival!

Lin Haihai patted Wangchen on the shoulder and said, "Wangchen, I have missed you so much these past two years!" Her eyes were wet and tears filled her eyelashes. She missed the people here crazily!

Wangchen cried bitterly. Lin Haihai held her hand and slowly walked out of the cellar. The decorations were still the same as before, without any change. The cow Zheng Feng bought for her was still there, and he bought one more. Now In the bullpen, there are two cows depending on each other!

She touched the railing and savored it!

"Welcome back to the team, Dean!" Yu Qing's mischievous voice sounded. She turned her head, and a group of people stood behind her, bursting into tears!

They are all here, but her man and children are missing!

She smiled, her smile still so light and warm! Thousands of years can't stop them, what else in the world can separate them

She was on the street, waiting for her man. Finally, she saw him appear at the other end of the street, holding an elf girl doll!

Travel-stained, thick eyebrows like black ink, handsome appearance!

… … … … … … … … … … … ….

This night, so many crazy thoughts were answered one by one!

In the middle of the night, a girl quietly entered the room holding a pillow, climbed on the brocade quilt, and declared to Lin Haihai: "Although you are my mother, your father can only be mine!"

Lin Haihai smiled: "Go and sleep with Uncle Li!" The blue light in her eyes flashed, and the girl's heart trembled. This mother is not a simple person and cannot afford to offend!

"Uncle Li knows how to scold people and forbids me from wetting the bed!" the girl said aggrievedly!

"Then don't wet the bed!" Lin Haihai smiled like a flower and spanked her hard on the butt!

The girl looked at Yang Shaolun and saw that he didn't dare to say a word for her. She rolled her eyes and said, "Mom, how about I sleep with you? Let daddy sleep with Uncle Li!"

Lin Haihai pondered for a moment and said, "What a great idea, let's decide like this!" Yang Shaolun's eyes widened and his face turned green!

The next day, Yang Shaolun took Lin Haihai and Ruhai into the palace to meet the Queen Mother!

The Queen Mother can now walk independently. Although she is not as flexible as before, her movements are not hindered!

When the three of them knelt in front of the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother burst into tears. After these two years, she finally waited for her to come back!

Ruhai hugged the Queen Mother's legs and said crisply: "Grandma, why are you crying? Aren't you happy to see us?"

The Queen Mother hugged Ruhai, wiped away her tears and said, "No, grandma is happy, so happy!"

Yang Hanlun also came in. Wearing a dragon robe, he looked majestic. In his eyes, he had matured a lot. When he saw Lin Haihai, he showed a hint of joy.

Now that things are explained here, it’s finally a finale! I want to thank many people. Many readers on my mobile phone left me messages. Last month, my updates were very slow. Although everyone expressed dissatisfaction, they still supported me as always. I am really grateful!

112407361 This is my readership group. I hope everyone can join the group and become friends with me. What I have gained from being a doctor is that I have gained many more friends!

thank you!

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