Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 25: Save people


Half a month later, a medical center called 'Linhai Hospital' was officially established!

Lin Haihai finally found his own survival value here. She began to recruit a large number of disciples, and many children from poor families signed up, and soon she had more than a hundred disciples. Almost all of them are boys, except for a pair of twin sisters.

The twin sisters' father was a woodcutter who earned a living by collecting firewood and raised nine children. One day when he went to collect firewood in the mountains, he accidentally fell off the cliff. It was Lin Haihai who saved him. The woodcutter couldn't afford the medical expenses, so he planned to give his two daughters to Lin Haihai and let them serve Lin Haihai in return for his life.

Lin Haihai accepted it. She knew that it was really difficult for the woodcutter to feed a family of ten with one person. She accepted the sisters as disciples, gave them and other disciples a monthly allowance of two taels, and asked the children to take the money home to help support the family. Lin Haihai believes that only when the family environment improves can children study medicine with peace of mind.

The woodcutter's family and other disciples' families were naturally very grateful. Lin Haihai helped the twin sisters change their names. The elder sister was named Qingfeng and the younger sister was named Mingyue. The two sisters and several other disciples are mainly responsible for the care of patients in the hospital.

Lin Haihai became famous since that day when he saved people in the bustling city. Every day, a large number of patients come to him for the name of the beautiful and miraculous doctor. Among them are poor people and dignitaries. In order to see more diseases, Lin Haihai opened the clinic every day as soon as the rooster crows and closed the clinic at night when the lights were turned on. Then he teaches the disciples medical skills, and then carries the medicine box up the mountain to collect medicine. Ever since he knew that he could understand the language of animals, Lin Haihai communicated with animals and insects every time he collected herbs. He also boldly tried many herbs and recorded their effects and properties. However, the hospital mainly relies on purchased medicinal materials.

She never sleeps for more than an hour every day. Fortunately, I have Yuanzhu to protect my body. Otherwise, if I continue like this, I will become a human being sooner or later. Since opening the medical clinic, Lin Haihai has not returned to Beiyuan. She left Xiaoju and Liu'er in Beiyuan to take care of Tangtang. Xiaoju sometimes takes Liuer Tangtang out to help. Xiaoju did not ask why Lin Haihai knew medical skills, because she already knew vaguely in her heart that this capable and lively Lin Haihai was not her young lady Lin Yuguan. She couldn't explain it, but she was inexplicably convinced by Lin Haihai.

The number of patients is increasing day by day, but there is only one doctor, Lin Haihai. Lin Haihai wished she could give birth to a thousand hands. Sometimes a serious case would take her half a day, and she would not be able to handle the remaining patients. In order to avoid everyone waiting here, Lin Haihai suggested that patients go to other medical clinics, or give ** number slips to patients who are not very serious, so that they can come later.

Lin Haihai thought of recruiting doctors, but as soon as the recruitment notice came out, the doctors all scoffed. Because ancient doctors are different from modern doctors. Ancient doctors basically had their own clinics. Some intern doctors who had completed their master's degree would stay in the original medical clinic for a few years and then open their own medical clinic. How could the noble doctors be willing to work for Lin Haihai

Lin Haihai could only find some talented students among his disciples to strengthen training, hoping that they could enter the internship stage in a short time. He would not dare to treat severe cases, as long as he could at least have prescriptions for colds. Lin Haihai hired a teacher to teach some illiterate disciples. Fortunately, the disciples are very sensible. Seeing how hard the master is working, everyone is eager to help him share the burden. In the minds of these teenage children, this master, who is not much older than themselves, has become their idol and role model.

Lin Haihai's hospital treats many diseases every day, but the income cannot make ends meet. In addition to the subsidies given to the disciples, the sixth prince's monthly payment of one thousand taels was used to buy medicinal materials. For some poor patients, Lin Haihai often waives medical fees. For some capable families and even dignitaries, Lin Haihai's fees are also very cheap. It can be said that Lin Haihai is definitely not a successful businessman!