Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 33: Handsome General Chen


Shangguan's imperial doctor looked at Yang Hanlun inexplicably. Didn't that girl just squirt some water? Is it necessary to smile so exaggeratedly? But he is a prince, so he can laugh if he likes! Shangguan's imperial doctor shrugged his shoulders, packed his things and left!

Lin Haihai, who returned from laughing wildly, looked at the door to make sure that Shangguan's imperial doctor had left before she dared to walk in! Yang Hanlun sat on the table, looking at the rat-headed and rat-brained Lin Haihai with an unfinished smile, twirling his eyebrows unconsciously with his right hand and laughing!

"Don't pluck your eyebrows!" Lin Haihai yelled! Yang Hanlun immediately put down his hand and looked at her with questioning eyes!

"Um, eyebrows, don't do it if it's nothing!" Lin Haihai said hesitantly!

Yang Hanlun suddenly remembered the imperial doctor's signature move. He just liked to fiddle with his eyebrows when he had nothing to do. He even imitated him unknowingly! He shivered all over, no wonder this woman had such a big reaction!

"How is General Chen's situation?" he asked, changing the subject!

"Initially he is stable, but he has been unconscious. It may be that there is congestion in the brain, and the congestion has blocked the blood vessels or nerves in the brain. Now I have prescribed some medicines to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, but he still doesn't wake up after twelve hours. If so, I will consider opening the brain to remove the blood clot!" Lin Haihai said with a solemn expression. In fact, she has seen that there is indeed a blood clot in General Chen's head. The blood clot is suppressing a nerve in the left brain. However, there are many blood vessels around this nerve. The medical equipment here is so backward that even the most basic blood transfusion is not possible. , if there is heavy bleeding during the operation and blood transfusion cannot be done in time, the patient will be in great danger! What's more, she didn't know the dosage of Ma Fei Powder very accurately!

After Yang Hanlun heard Lin Haihai's words, his first reaction was that this woman was crazy! If sewing the human body together can barely be called creative, then opening people's minds is definitely the behavior of a madman! But he saw that Lin Haihai was serious and didn't look like he was messing around. Could it be that she is really a miracle doctor? Do you believe her or not? It seems that I need to go back and discuss it with the emperor! Yang Hanlun felt that this matter should be reported to the emperor as soon as possible. General Chen could not appear in the capital for no reason. Although there is no war now, the coach cannot leave easily without the emperor's order, unless... ..Yang Hanlun didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he said to Lin Haihai and hurried into the palace!

Lin Haihai was still thinking about treatment plans, but every plan was aborted due to equipment problems! Unless he is sent back to the 21st century, where there are sophisticated equipment, advanced instruments, and senior professors, the chance of successful surgery will be greatly increased. The problem is it's impossible! He is a person of this era and cannot go directly through the time tunnel, unless he encounters the Nine Stars Link, but the Nine Stars Link is rare in a hundred years, and it is not easy to calculate it!

Lin Haihai's head hurt thinking about it, but he still had no clue! She looked at General Chen on the bed, formally looking at his face for the first time, and found that he was not bad looking, with a dignified appearance and chiseled features. His face was pale and haggard due to excessive blood loss. But he is still a handsome guy!

This young man actually defended the Daxing Dynasty from foreign enemies. No matter how you look at it, he’s just a big boy! Lin Haihai felt pity in his heart.

In fact, the general is already twenty-five years old, and he is not a big boy as she said. However, our heroine is already twenty-eight years old in modern times, and is already an old woman in this era. However, she was wearing it on an eighteen-year-old girl, making her ten years younger for no reason. Lin Haihai was also secretly happy, but after all, he was still in his late thirties, so it was up to him to catch whoever was younger and call him a child!