Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 40: A panicked Yang Hanlun


Returning to the hospital when the sky turned pale, Lin Haihai felt exhausted for the first time, as if his body's strength had been exhausted. Yang Hanlun waited for Lin Haihai in the inner hall all night, feeling anxious. Qingfeng told him that Lin Haihai would go up the mountain alone every night to collect herbs. Yang Hanlun was furious on the spot. You must know that although this place is at the foot of the emperor, on Tianlang Mountain, thirty miles outside the city, there is a group of bandits who committed crimes from all over the place and fled here to become bandits. Although they are not extremely evil, they are definitely not good. Lin Haihai, a weak woman who goes to the mountains alone every night, will one day run into these bandits! He roared at the disciples: "Why let her go up the mountain alone? You all have special skills (actually you can only dance with nunchucks), why don't you let her go with her? What if something happens?" ? "All the disciples remained as silent as cicadas, lowering their heads and allowing others to avenge the rebels!

"I didn't let them follow! Don't scold them!" Lin Haihai just entered the door and heard him scolding the children. He immediately stopped him! As soon as she finished speaking, a sudden darkness rushed towards her. Before she fell, she saw Yang Hanlun's panicked face coming towards her! Then, he fell into a warm embrace! Everyone exclaimed "Master" and rushed forward together!

Yang Hanlun panicked and picked up Lin Haihai and ran outside. In his impression, she was always in high spirits. Even if she hadn't slept for several days, she still had enough energy to negotiate with him! Now his clothes are disheveled, his hair is messy, he has fainted, his face is as pale as rice paper, something must have happened! I hope it won't be... His heart kept sinking. He glanced at the pale face in a coma. Yang Hanlun had already confirmed his thoughts. He vowed to root out the bandits in Tianlang Mountain. How dare you hurt his princess! Worry overshadowed his anger, and the speed of his feet continued to increase. Later, he simply used Qinggong and arrived at the palace gate in a few flying steps. When the guard guarding the door saw that it was the Sixth Prince, he immediately got out of the way. Yang Hanlun shouted to the guard: " Invite Shangguan's imperial doctor to the "Ci'an Hall"! "The guard was stunned for a moment, then rushed away immediately!

Ci'an Hall is the residence of the current Queen Mother. Before Yang Hanlun arrived, he shouted loudly: "Queen Mother, come quickly!"

While she was still sleeping, the Queen Mother was shocked when she heard her son's panic shouting. She got up quickly and asked someone to open the door of the palace. Yang Hanlun stumbled in with Lin Haihai in his arms. He told the palace maid: "Get a basin of hot water immediately!" Then he brought Lin Hai. The sea is placed on the sleeping couch. The Queen Mother walked out quickly wearing a robe. Seeing this scene, she asked: "Son, why are you so flustered?"

"Mother, Yu Guan is ill! I'll go to the palace and ask the imperial doctor to take a look!" Yang Hanlun replied in a panic.

"Isn't Yuguan always sick in bed?" the Queen Mother asked strangely. Ever since they got married, her son had told her that Lin Yuguan was sick and bedridden, and begged him to spare her the trouble of sleeping in the morning and dusk.

"Mother, this time is different!" Yang Hanlun said hoarsely!

The Queen Mother looked at Lin Haihai's face. She was pale and tired, her long eyelashes cast a row of beautiful shadows, her hair was messy, and her whole body exuded the smell of medicine! I couldn’t help but feel sour! Looking at his son again, he frowned and held Yu Guan's hand nervously. In so many years, had he ever seen him so panicked? My heart is both painful and comforting. The painful thing is that I pity this double-walled person, but the comforting thing is that they are so loving. You know, before they got married, he had strongly opposed it!

Shangguan's imperial doctor rushed over and was about to salute when Yang Hanlun grabbed him: "Look at her quickly, she fainted! See if there are any internal injuries?" Yang Hanlun said anxiously! , "Please allow me to take Miss Lin's pulse first!" Shangguan's doctor took out a red thread, tied it on Lin Haihai's wrist, and then gently pressed it on!

"The imperial doctor is confused, this is no longer Miss Lin, she is the Sixth Princess!" the Queen Mother kindly reminded from the side!

The doctor at Shangguan was stunned for a moment and immediately replied respectfully: "Yes! I am confused!"

Yang Hanlun asked impatiently: "How is it!"

Shangguan's doctor pondered for a moment and said: "The princess's pulse and breathing are normal, and there is nothing wrong with her body. As for why she is unconscious, it is probably caused by overexertion! As long as she takes a good rest and replenishes her strength, she will be fine soon!" "

"Really? Does she have anything else?" Yang Hanlun asked in disbelief!

"In response to the prince's words, it is indeed true!" the imperial doctor replied respectfully!

"Didn't she have any internal injuries? She was... No, it was her... Oh, imperial doctor, please see clearly, don't use the red thread, just check her pulse directly!" Yang Hanlun said The red thread was pulled open, and the doctor's hand was dragged over and placed on Lin Haihai's wrist!

The imperial doctor was startled, quickly retracted his hand, waved his hand and said, "It's too polite! It's too polite! I'm scared!"

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "Son, don't be fooling around. Since the imperial doctor said it's okay, it means it's okay! Do you have to find out something to be happy?" "Mother, no! But... ... ..quot;Yang Hanlun stopped talking!

"What's going on? If you don't tell the imperial doctor, how can we check him?" Seeing the solemn look on his face, the Queen Mother couldn't help but become serious!

"She was kidnapped by robbers, can she come back safe and sound?" Yang Hanlun said angrily!

"What!" The imperial doctor and the Queen Mother were shocked!

"How could this happen?" the Queen Mother asked tremblingly! Being kidnapped by robbers, that is to say... The Queen Mother did not dare to think about it!

"Please ask the Queen Mother to invite Nanny Yang into the palace!" Shangguan's imperial physician timidly suggested! The Queen Mother understood and immediately ordered to inform Nanny Yang!

Yang Hanlun asked in confusion: "What's the use of calling Grandma Yang here? Could it be that she knows medical skills?"

"Mother Yang specializes in helping beautiful women get their bodies checked!" the Queen Mother said lightly!

After a while, Nanny Yang crawled in, peeing, kowtowing and shouting: "Your Majesty, spare your life! I don't dare to do it anymore!" The Queen Mother's eyes widened, and she asked sternly: "Say! What did you do!"

"It was Li Xiunv who took the initiative to give me the money and asked me to say she was innocent during the physical examination! I was greedy and accepted it!" Aunt Yang cried and kowtowed, "This is the only time I have done this. , Really, I swear... The Queen Mother has mercy on me!" Aunt Yang thought that the Queen Mother summoned her at dawn, so she must have known what she had done, so she went ahead without asking any questions. If you admit it, you have a guilty conscience!

"You are so brave, you actually dare to send an innocent woman into the harem! You don't want a head on your neck, do you?" The Queen Mother's phoenix eyes glared, it was just the opposite! If this kind of thing spreads, will the emperor still lose his reputation

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! I can't help you! Li Xiunv said that if I don't help her hide it, she will be rude to me! You know, Li Xiunv's father is the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue! I really can't help you! Again Because my eldest brother failed to live up to his expectations, I owed a lot of debt outside, so I made a mistake for a moment! Please have mercy on me, Queen Mother!"

"Hmph! Go and beg the emperor yourself! The Ai family will tell the emperor of this matter. You are an old nun in the palace, and it is really heartbreaking for the Ai family to be so ignorant of self-love!" The Queen Mother looked at it unmoved. Look at her and accuse her harshly!

"Mother, don't deal with her now. Let her see Yu Guan!" Although Yang Hanlun despised what Grandma Yang did, it was up to the emperor to handle it. Now he just wanted to know if his princess was harmed!

The Queen Mother softened her expression, but her voice was still stern, "Go and see if the princess has been bullied. It's good that you know about this yourself. If you tell anyone, don't blame the Ai family for being cruel!"

Aunt Yang responded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, I know!" Then she came to Lin Haihai in fear, and Shangguan Royal Physician and Yang Hanlun went out to wait! After a while, the Queen Mother opened the door and came out, smiling and said: "Don't worry, it's okay, she is still a virgin!" Yang Hanlun breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about his impulsiveness, he couldn't help but laugh dumbly! Shangguan's imperial physician listened to the Queen Mother's words and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Fortunately! fortunately! Otherwise, if he knew about the royal scandal, he would not be able to escape even if he died!

"No! How could she be a virgin? You and her have been married for some time. Could it be that you...?" The Queen Mother thought for a while and felt something was wrong.

Yang Hanlun smiled sheepishly: "Mother, her health has never been good, so we have always treated each other with courtesy!"

"That won't work! When will I have an imperial grandson to hold me in my arms? Oh, by the way, didn't you say you wanted to marry the daughter of Chen Qing's family last time? How about this? I'll ask Yu Guan some time to let him know Miss Chen, please come over!" When the Queen Mother heard that the two of them hadn't gotten married yet, she had to bring up the past and planned to return Yang Hanlun's wish!

"Really? Are you willing to let Biore in?" Yang Hanlun beamed with joy. He could finally marry Biore, and his heart suddenly filled with joy!

"What is true or false? Then you have to ask Yu Guan if he is willing!" The Queen Mother laughed angrily!

Yang Hanlun was stunned for a moment! She had promised to help him persuade the Queen Mother to marry Birou, which meant that she did not exist in her heart at all. Why did her heart feel sour when she thought of this? The woman he has always loved most is Birou! Yang Hanlun's heart suddenly became heavy!

Seeing that he suddenly became silent, the Queen Mother thought that he was afraid that Lin Yuguan would not agree with him marrying Bi Rou, so she said with certainty: "Don't worry, she is in poor health. It is natural for her to find someone to help her take care of you, not to mention she will As long as she is firmly in the position of the concubine, no one will dare to disdain her origin! The Queen Mother will help you to let Miss Chen choose a good and auspicious day to get married as soon as possible! "

Yang Hanlun nodded with a forced smile, the disappointment in his heart was hard to describe! The Queen Mother turned around and ordered: "Come here, take Nanny Yang to the reflection room, I will personally interrogate her later!"


"Thank you, Queen Mother, for showing mercy! Thank you, Queen Mother, for showing mercy!" Nanny Yang kowtowed with great gratitude!

Being brought into the reflection room means that the Queen Mother will deal with it privately. As long as the emperor is not alerted, her life is still safe. Nanny Yang feels extremely guilty at the moment and wishes she could do something to atone for her sins and repay the Queen Mother's kindness! You know, in the palace, these things are capital crimes!

"Royal doctor, you stay here until the princess wakes up, and then you can check her carefully and make sure she is fine before leaving. Do you understand?" the Queen Mother ordered!

"Weichen knows!"