Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 42: Who is the master?


It was already dark when she returned to Linhai Hospital. After Lin Haihai had dinner, she started to go to class. However, before class, she felt that she had something to say to her students. She asked the students to move the chairs over and formed several groups around her with her as the center. Circle, she sat down and motioned for everyone to sit down too, she cleared her throat and said: "We won't have class tonight, I want to tell you a story! Far, far away, there is a child, her grandfather He is a well-known doctor who has saved many people. This child wanted to become a respected person like her grandfather, so when she was seven years old, she began to study medicine with her grandfather. At first, her grandfather thought she was just a whim! So he only taught her to recite the Tangtou song every day. She recited it very hard every day. When guests came to the house, she would also come out to perform and recite the Tangtou song. Gradually, her grandfather felt that she was indeed interested in this area, so he began to teach her seriously. , and began to become strict. She had been studying hard for her ideals, but the medical knowledge was difficult to understand, and it was definitely not as simple and clear as memorizing Tangtou songs. She could not understand some of the knowledge for a long time, and she began to doubt whether she could. She was really talented in this area, so she became less confident and ignored the lessons her grandfather taught her. One day, her grandfather found her and said sincerely to the child, we must believe in ourselves, and the miracles in the world are all human beings. There is nothing that we cannot solve. If you think your talent is low, you will work hard to make up for it. We will work harder in half the time than others. As long as you want to do it, there is nothing you can't do! Listen, kids! She listened to her grandfather's words and thought about it for a long time. She felt that what his grandfather said made sense, so she kept on studying it and spent twice as much time as usual on it. Finally, when she grew up, she became a doctor! If the child had given up at that time, there would be no teacher like you today, because I was just such a child!" Everyone was silent, because they could not imagine how difficult it was to study medicine at first, but they were all precocious children and knew that the only way to do this was to study. There is a way out only by going down. Everyone was gritting their teeth, but they didn't dare to show it at all, because in their hearts, Lin Haihai was like a benefactor. They didn't want to see her disappointed, but they didn't dare to ask too many questions that they didn't understand. Because they see her spinning around like a top every day. After she is busy, she has to go to class. After class, she has to go to the mountains to collect medicine or teach everyone how to practice self-defense. They would rather let her rest when they had time than bother her! Lin Haihai didn't notice her careless character at first, but gradually she found that everyone's grades did not improve, but declined. Sometimes they didn't understand some simple recipes, and she knew that they didn't understand what they had done at the beginning. Soaring enthusiasm. But if they don’t understand and they don’t ask, that will be a big problem. It's time for her to make the boring theory class as lively as possible, just to increase everyone's interest in learning, but now... ...

"We study medicine not for ourselves, but for more sick people. Being a doctor is different from other professions because doctors are directly related to people's lives. They must have sufficient knowledge and clinical experience. We learned from medical textbooks It is the wisdom of the predecessors. In addition to mastering it, you also need to accumulate your own diagnostic experience. This is a very arduous and trivial matter. Everyone must be mentally prepared. Learning medicine is not a temporary thing. If you don’t understand something, you should ask. When you encounter a problem, you must ask it. You must not pretend to understand. This is a taboo. From now on, every seven days will be a week. Today will be Monday. Every Sunday and Saturday, everyone will go home and have two days of rest. Monday I will come back, but I ask everyone to adjust their body and mind and re-invest in hard study. In the future, the hospital will increase its manpower. You don’t have to take care of the patients, and you can concentrate on studying. If you don’t understand anything, you must ask me. If you have any mentality and worries, you are welcome to ask me. Let me chat!”

Everyone looked at her with some disbelief. It was impossible for her to not work and still receive monthly payment, right? They also learn medical literacy for free, and they also have two days off every seven days. Although the master has always been very kind to them, this is too unjustifiable! Are there such good people these days

Lin Haihai looked at everyone's reactions, and then said: "From tomorrow on, I will let the imperial doctor from the palace teach you, so you must study hard. This is a rare opportunity. I hope everyone will cherish it!" Everyone was stunned. Take a breath of air, the royal doctor in the palace! It seems that it was the prince's credit that he was able to invite the imperial doctor! Everyone was excited. After all, after studying imperial medicine, one will definitely have superb medical skills. Lin Haihai watched with amusement as everyone rejoiced at the arrival of the imperial doctor, and she added sourly: "Although the imperial doctors entered the profession later than you, they are famous imperial doctors after all, so you should respectfully call them senior brothers! "

"What?" The disciples roared in unison! Is the imperial doctor also the master of his disciples? Who is the master? Everyone's faces were filled with questions of disbelief. Lin Haihai smiled slightly, raised his eyebrows, and walked away proudly! The disciples were immediately like an exploding pot, and the climax of the discussion was one after another!