Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 63: Yang Hanlun's panic


"Your Majesty, it's the Sixth Prince who is hunting for assassins!" The coachman stopped the car and respectfully opened the curtain to report.

Yang Shaolun quietly watched his imperial brother in the car, soaked to the skin, searching house to house. Such a disturbing approach to the people. If he hadn't been extremely anxious, how could he do this? He suddenly felt ashamed and afraid of the analysis he just made!

"Yang Hanlun!" Lin Haihai jumped out of the car, his heart filled with emotion.

Yang Hanlun turned his head, his eyes blurred by the wind and rain, but he recognized her voice. He was stunned for a moment, rushed forward, hugged Lin Haihai, and his heart that was hanging in the air finally returned to its place! "Are you okay? How did they deal with you? Are you injured?" Yang Hanlun asked a lot of questions with lingering fear.

Lin Haihai felt warm in his heart and said, "I'm fine, I'm really fine!"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's okay, don't be afraid!" Yang Hanlun said tremblingly.

Lin Haihai patted him on the back and said, "Well, I'm not afraid as long as you are here!" She was not afraid, but he was frightened!

Yang Shaolun put down the curtain and whispered to Xiao Yuan: "Let's go back to the palace!" Xiao Yuan nodded, feeling helpless, and signaled the coachman to raise his whip, and the carriage clattered away.

But Yang Hanlun didn't notice the royal brother coming and going in a hurry. His heart was now full of gratitude. When her whereabouts were unknown, he felt pain even breathing. He thought he would never see her again.

Lin Haihai looked at the carriage going away, and his heart suddenly became empty! She allowed Yang Hanlun to hug her tightly. In her heart, he was like a younger brother, warm and naughty, but he also knew how to care for her sometimes!

Along the way, Lin Haihai once again performed the lie of the hero saving the beauty, and perfectly deceived Yang Hanlun, who was still in ecstasy, but Zheng Feng behind him frowned. When we returned to the hospital, it was already late at night, but all the disciples were awake and gathered in the inner hall to wait for news.

As soon as Lin Haihai walked in, the disciples were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly everyone started crying and swarmed up to surround her. Lin Haihai's nose was sore and he wanted to cry, but because someone was there, he tried his best to hold it back.

"Is it fun to be a hostage?" Li Junyue came out and asked, yawning.

"Screw you, you are so heartless, you don't even know how to greet others!" Lin Haihai gave him a slap in the face!

"What are you saying? You came back fine, didn't you?"

"Then what if I can't come back?"

"Why can't you come back?" Li Junyue said disdainfully, "How can those idiots be your opponents? Why are they pretending?"


Yang Hanlun looked at Li Junyue. There was indeed no expression of surprise on his face, which meant that he had known that she would come back fine. Why are you so sure? Those are a dozen killers who kill without blinking an eye!

"Is General Chen's condition stable?" Lin Haihai asked.

"Well, you'll wake up as soon as the anesthetic wears off. Don't worry, it'll be fine!" Li Junyue patted his chest and said.

"Of course I'm relieved to have you here, but I still have to observe carefully. After all, the facilities are simple!" Lin Haihai said nonstop.

"I got it, wordy old lady, the nursing home won't accept you anymore, you're so wordy!" Li Junyue said impatiently.

"I really have nothing in common with you!" Lin Haihai rolled his eyes at him.

"Okay, let's go to bed. We have a medical appointment tomorrow!" Lin Haihai clapped his hands and said.

"We will be closed for a day tomorrow and no clinics will be opened!" Yang Hanlun's tone was filled with anger. This woman had barely escaped death. She didn't have a good rest but was thinking about making money. Why was she so greedy for money

"What if we don't open a clinic?" Lin Haihai didn't understand where his anger came from.

"I'll give you a thousand taels. Linhai Hospital will be closed for one day tomorrow!" Yang Hanlun had to use money to solve the problem. How many patients would she have to treat to earn a thousand taels

"Really? I don't believe it. Just give me the banknote first. I promise not to open the door!" Lin Haihai's eyes widened when he saw the money!

"All the banknotes I have on me are soaked now. I will deliver them to you tomorrow morning, but you keep your promise and you are not allowed to open the door tomorrow!" Yang Hanlun touched the money bag at his waist, and they were all wet.

"Well, okay. Let's all go back, take a hot bath and drink a bowl of ginger soup. Don't catch a cold!" Lin Haihai used the doctor's occupational disease and repeatedly warned.

Yang Hanlun glanced at Lin Haihai reluctantly and then led the people away! The disciples also went to bed one after another.