Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 76: Dr. Lin is not simple


A neat figure shuttled through the imperial garden and disappeared into the winding corridor in an instant.

"Shaolun, things have made progress!" A figure flashed out, it was General Chen, Chen Luoqing, who had recovered from his injuries!

"How? Tell me quickly!" The man who put down the scroll in his hand showed an imposing face, with suppressed anger on his face!

"Those killers were sent by Chen Shangshu. The whereabouts of those killers are unknown. It is said that after the assassination failed that night, they took Dr. Lin hostage and fled towards the woods. According to Dr. Lin, an expert once appeared and investigated the scene. After a moment, this statement is true!" A shrewd light flashed in Chen Luoqing's eyes!

"What should I say?" Yang Shaolun paid special attention to this point.

"There are no signs of fighting, but we found that there was a strong smell of stone powder on the ground, and a lot of powder was scattered on the ground. The powder came from a big hard stone. Originally, the powder should have disappeared, but it rained that night. A heavy rain wet the powder, and the wind couldn't move it away, so it stayed on the ground. If you don't observe carefully, you won't notice it at all." Chen Luoqing said with a hint of appreciation and wonder in his voice!

"You mean this master crushed a big stone into powder?" Yang Shaolun was shocked!

"There is no blood stain left at the scene. Even if a heavy rain washes away the blood stain, the smell of blood will remain in the air. But except for the smell of powder, there is nothing in the air!"

"That means the man in black is not dead? But his whereabouts are unknown? Who is this man with strong martial arts skills?" Yang Shaolun walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back!

"I don't know! But this person must not be from Chen Shangshu, because they are looking for the whereabouts of this group of people!"

"That old thief Chen Zhiyi is so audacious. He took advantage of my salary and actually collaborated with foreign enemies. It seems that I am too fond of him!" Yang Shaolun's eyes were far-reaching and he couldn't see clearly what was inside!

"He is not dangerous enough, his methods are not cruel enough, and his thinking is not careful enough. He is just a pawn! There is someone else who is the real mastermind!" Chen Luoqing said lightly.

"You said it was him?" Yang Shaolun frowned slightly. Couldn't he hold himself back

"It must be him! I came back after receiving a secret report and met someone from the royal family of the Rong Kingdom on the way. This person is the empress dowager of the Rong Kingdom!" Chen Luoqing said in a surprising way!

Yang Shaolun was shocked. What happened to the Rong royal family? The Empress Dowager actually ran away alone!

"King Yeling of the Rong Kingdom rebelled. The emperor has been placed under house arrest and the entire palace is under his control. The empress dowager escaped under the protection of a group of imperial guards who swore to death! Also coming out was the palace maid Juanzi. Juanzi had already been there for a long time. She was bribed by King Yeling's people and left clues for the pursuers along the way. Fortunately, the Queen Mother knew martial arts and escaped several pursuits.

It wasn't until I met me later that I discovered that when running away, Juanzi always dropped things on the ground for some excuse, or was memorizing passwords. After being pressed, she revealed the truth. Along the way, she left secret codes for King Yeling's people, so the pursuers could always find them accurately! "

"Then why didn't Juanzi just kill the Queen Mother?" Yang Shaolun asked in confusion.

"Juanzi couldn't do it. She was bribed only because the lives of her family members were controlled by King Yeling!" Chen Luoqing said.

"So, she was forced to do nothing?"


"You said the person who attacked you was not Juanzi, but who was it?" Yang Shaolun thought thoughtfully.

"It's definitely not Juanzi. We were resting in the woods that day. The Queen Mother fell ill due to physical and mental exhaustion after days of avoiding pursuit. As soon as she sat down, a wisp of green smoke blew in. I screamed secretly. The Queen Mother and Juanzi were the first to Falling to the ground, I held my breath and tried to resist. I vaguely saw a man walking towards me. I couldn't see his face clearly, but it felt familiar. The man took out a knife, which was blunt. The kitchen knife was thrown at me, and I lost consciousness as soon as I was lucky!" Chen Luoqing desperately recalled what happened before he fell into coma that day.

"It seems that the person who attacked you did not understand martial arts, but pretended not to understand, and wanted to blame the Rong royal family for attacking you!" Yang Shaolun analyzed.

"That's right, what they didn't expect was that I was poisoned and injured so seriously that I actually escaped death and survived." A cruel light flashed across Chen Luoqing's sneer face!

"Well, that old thief Chen Zhiyi thought you wouldn't survive, so he told the emperor's brother that the housekeeper saw you with people from the Rong royal family, and the wounds on your body seemed to be caused by someone who didn't know martial arts. , then I will definitely suspect the people of the Rong Kingdom, so I will send troops to attack the Rong Kingdom, so that I can help King Yeling eliminate Zhongjun's army." The corner of Yang Shaolun's mouth raised slightly, but his eyes were cold. Scary!

"The Empress Dowager and Juanzi are missing, and they should be in the hands of King Yeling!" Chen Luoqing's eyes narrowed, and he lost all his momentum, "I'll make some inquiries first!"

"Go and be safe!" Yang Shaolun said.

"Well, I got it. By the way, pay attention to Dr. Lin, she is not simple!" Chen Luoqing said seriously.

"What should I say?" Yang Shaolun's heart sank.

"She knows martial arts, but she keeps hiding it. There must be something inside!" Chen Luoqing has always paid attention to Lin Haihai. Although she has never revealed it, she has seen her not sleeping for days and nights. How can ordinary women stay up? It would be impossible to survive unless she possesses martial arts skills and profound skills.

Yang Shaolun didn't say anything and walked out silently! Chen Luoqing couldn't help but shook her head when she saw his lonely back!