Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 87: Eighty-sixth Mrs. Lin Mansion got sick


Lin Haihai looked at the house carefully. The furniture and decorations were extremely luxurious, and some details showed the money. It was indeed the approach of the nouveau riche!

"How long have you been married? You don't even recognize your own home!" Yang Hanlun teased.

"Things have changed and people have changed! Many things can only change in an instant." Lin Haihai suddenly felt very moved!

"Why do you say that suddenly?" Yang Hanlun looked at her inexplicably. Now, she often says one or two inexplicable words in a sentimental way. Is it because of him in her heart? Yang Hanlun's heart suddenly hit rock bottom!

After a while, two boys carried Lin Yaokuan out. Lin Haihai stood up. They hadn't seen each other for several months. This honorary father had lost a lot of weight. Lin Haihai felt a little pity in his heart. After all, he was the biological father of Tang Tang and Lin Yuguan. How could she bear to let him spend the rest of his life in bed

"Daddy!" Lin Haihai called calmly.

Lin Yaokuan glanced at his daughter, and then his eyes fell on Yang Hanlun. He said somewhat flatteringly: "I have met the prince!" Yang Hanlun did not have a good impression of this father-in-law, but because of Lin Haihai's face, he reluctantly stood up and walked. Li: "I don't dare, my son-in-law has met his father-in-law!"

"Okay, okay! Please take a seat!" Lin Yaokuan naturally knew how much honor this ceremony represented. He was just a commoner. Even if he saw his daughter who was a princess, he could not neglect the etiquette. But now the high-ranking prince actually asked him Salute, it seems that the rumors outside that Yuguan is not favored are not believable! He pinched his beard and smiled happily.

"Why don't you see the eldest lady?" Lin Haihai asked casually. As soon as Lin Yuhao walked into the door, he heard Lin Haihai's question. He answered somewhat sadly: "She has been ill for more than a month. She has invited many doctors, and they all said..." Lin Yuhao couldn't continue. , the eye circles are red. Lin Haihai was shocked. The arrogant and domineering lady was actually about to... She felt a little sad and asked, "Do you know what the disease is?"

"The doctor has diagnosed it as tuberculosis! I can't understand how she got this disease. She has always been pampered and has never suffered at all, but... little sister, I know my mother was not good to you in the past, but look Don't argue with her about my face, okay? Let the imperial doctor take a look at her. I know tuberculosis is incurable, but I want her to be comfortable! "I beg you, brother!" looked at her.

"Yuguan, just for dad's sake, can you just erase all the past things?" Lin Yaokuan also interjected.

Lin Haihai frowned. Tuberculosis is indeed considered a terminal disease in this place where medicine is underdeveloped. I wonder if Big Ben Xiong has bought the special medicine. Let's see how far the situation is, and then help her take care of it with his eyes. Get an x-ray!

She motioned to Mingyue to bring over the medicine box and said to the imperial doctor: "Physician Chen, please help my dad with the acupuncture first. As for the eldest lady, I'll go and take a look!"

"Is the princess confident?" Doctor Chen asked worriedly. After all, tuberculosis is a contagious disease and there is no cure!

"It's okay, it depends on her luck!" Lin Haihai said lightly. It is true. If the medicine Li Junyue brought back can cure it, then there will be hope!

"Brother, please lead the way, Mingyue is waiting for me here!" He took out the medicine box, took out a mask and put it on, and stuffed one into Lin Yuhao's hand and asked him to put it on.

"Be careful, silly woman!" Yang Hanlun warned from behind. Lin Haihai responded casually and left. Lin Yaokuan looked at Lin Haihai's back with a thoughtful look on his face. When did she know how to treat medicine