Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 92: Meeting in the Imperial Garden 1


"Your Majesty, it's late at night and you're exposed, please rest!" Xiao Yuan held a lantern and said softly to Yang Shaolun who was standing by the lake!

"You guys please step back, I want to be quiet for a while!" Yang Shaolun motioned for Xiao Yuan and the guards to step back.

"I'll just wait here, just in case!" Xiao Yuan is unwilling to retreat. This is an emergency and cannot be taken lightly!

"Back off! I don't need to serve you. Xiao Yuan, give me the order to summon General Chen!" Yang Shaolun said coldly. Leaves fell on the lake, causing ripples. Yang Shaolun stared at the circles closely. The same ripples are also rippling in my heart. There are many big things in front of me, why is my mind still on her? Luo Qing said that her identity is not simple. If she is an enemy, how should he deal with it? Is he willing to stab the knife into her chest

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Xiao Yuan took the order and turned around, signaling the guards to step back ten meters to guard him. Lin Haihai looked at the closely guarded imperial guards, and then looked at Xiao Yuan's worried look. It seemed that he was indeed facing a big problem. Generally, the danger that an emperor would encounter is nothing more than rebellion or invasion by foreign enemies. I wonder which one it will be? Lin Haihai did not go down. He sat on the glazed tile roof and looked at Yang Shaolun intently. He was extraordinary handsome, elegant and clear, with a tall and straight figure. The kingly aura between his eyebrows made people surrender unconsciously. Such an outstanding man, no wonder he would Like him, but just like him, just like liking something beautiful, that is not love, Lin Haihai thought as he tilted his head.

A woman in pink clothes walked up to her. Lin Haihai took a closer look and saw that it was Concubine Lin whom he had met that day. He felt depressed all of a sudden. What was she doing here

"Your Majesty, I heard that Your Majesty is troubled by state affairs and has not rested yet, so I personally stewed ginseng soup to refresh Your Majesty. Your Majesty, please drink it while it's hot!" The charming face looked at the stalwart man in front of him with a smile, Yang Shaolun said coldly. He gave her a cold look and said, "Take it down, I won't drink it!"

"Your Majesty, I am my concubine..." Concubine Lin was about to speak when Yang Shaolun said angrily: "Go down!"

Concubine Lin bit her lips, feeling extremely aggrieved, she lowered her head and said softly: "I'll take my leave first!" Yang Shaolun waved his hand and said impatiently: "Go down!" Concubine Lin turned around and walked away infinitely lonely. The annoyance in Lin Haihai's heart was swept away, replaced by a heart full of joy.

"Don't you think it's too much to treat a beauty like this?" A clear female voice came from the other side of the lake. Yang Shaolun was slightly shocked. He opened his mouth slightly and stared closely at the woman in white who was approaching from a distance. "I can't bear to look at such a shy beauty. Why is the emperor so cruel?" Lin Haihai approached with a smile on his face, his brows filled with smiles. She herself didn't know why she was so happy. Anyway, when she saw him driving Concubine Lin away, she felt inexplicably happy and couldn't control her joy.

"It's so late, why are you here?" Yang Shaolun controlled the throbbing in his heart and asked calmly.

"Then where should I be at this time? With my husband?" Lin Haihai raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile. Yang Shaolun was sad, yes, she should be with the emperor's brother at this time. He turned around awkwardly, not wanting her to notice the loss in his eyes.

"It's late at night, princess, please come back!" He couldn't have any interaction with her. He had sworn when she disappeared that she would only be his sister-in-law in this life.

"Are you afraid of seeing me?" Lin Haihai was a little hurt. Although this trip was to stop missing each other, she kept losing control.

"What do you mean by what the princess said? I don't understand. It's already late at night. Does the princess have any ulterior motive for lingering in the palace? If nothing happens, please leave quickly!" After saying that, he lowered his eyes and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Lin Haihai took out a red rope from her arms. It was knitted by herself and dripped with her blood. With this red rope, she could sense when he was in danger.

She walked up to him, looked at his cold face and cold eyes, and felt angry for no reason. This was the first time in her life that she cared so much about a man. Although she didn't intend to continue to like him, his cold attitude still stung her.

He and she looked at each other, the coldness in his eyes slowly melted, Lin Haihai sighed and said: "I will leave after a while and never come back, so don't be cold to me, otherwise I will be indifferent to you in the years to come. When I think of you, I will only remember your cold face!”

Yang Shaolun suddenly turned around, grabbed her shoulders tightly, and asked, "What do you mean? Where are you going?" Why was she leaving? Because the emperor's brother wants to marry Chen Birou? "Aren't you unwilling for him to marry Chen Birou? I can issue a decree not to allow him to marry!" The bitter words came out of his mouth, but his heart broke in an instant.

She looked at him, and she could see the pain in his eyes. Her heart also ached. When did she start falling in love with him? I can’t remember, but I’m already in love with it. She lowered her head, gently grabbed his right hand, took out a red rope and tied it around his wrist. The red rope as bright as blood gently wrapped around his wrist. He lowered his eyes and watched her hands move dexterously.

"Let this rope accompany you instead of me!" She didn't want to leave, but she would always stay on the mountain. She would never go down the mountain if nothing happened. Even if she wanted to go down the mountain, she would not meet him, so there would be no relationship between them from now on. There is no intersection anymore.

"Why are you leaving?" he asked hoarsely.

"This is the best choice, isn't it?" Lin Haihai turned around and looked at the calm, mirror-like lake and said calmly, "We can't control many things, but we can prevent them from happening!"