Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 95: Drunk on the roof 2


The bright moonlight flows like mercury in the world. Occasionally, cloud shadows pass by, and the moonlight becomes more blurred. The wind is strong and the summer nights here are really refreshing!

Lin Haihai was lying on the roof, his mind both confused and sober. I wanted to laugh, but tears flowed out first. Thinking of his desperate eyes, the sadness clearly written on his face, and the vulnerability that pretended not to care, she saw it all. But she also heard the clear sound of her heart breaking.

"Chen Luoqing, will he hate me?" It was already wrong to speak bitter words. Since she didn't care, she shouldn't mention anything. Maybe it was this wine, maybe it was this wine that made her forget persistence and calmness.

Chen Luoqing was speechless. This relationship was already a mistake from the beginning. It doesn't matter if you hate her or not. Since they agreed that they wouldn't meet, what's the difference between hating and not hating

"He probably won't bother to think of me in the future!" He murmured, but still couldn't let go.

"Isn't that the result you want?" Chen Luoqing was a little sad. He obviously couldn't bear to part with it, but he pretended not to care. It was hard for her!

Lin Haihai opened his eyes, and there was a star in the sky that was very bright, but it was only from the outside, just like love. The love described by the poet is always romantic, beautiful, tender and sweet, but what is the essence

"Have you seen that star?" Lin Haihai pointed with his hand, regardless of whether Chen Luoqing answered or not, and said calmly: "This star is called the Morning Star, also called the Chang Geng Star. It is said that the Taibaijin Star is where the Above. Isn't it beautiful?" Chen Luoqing looked over and saw that it was indeed much more beautiful and dazzling than the other stars.

The faint words continued, "But do you know what makes this such a beautiful planet? When you were a child, did you ever imagine that you would fly into space and travel in the sky? So if you go to this morning star All your good wishes will be shattered, do you know why?" Lin Haihai smiled, her eyes blurred, she was drunk, she pushed him hard, and continued to ask: "Do you know?" Chen Luoqing? Sit up straight and look at her quietly. She is very different from usual.

"Because the temperature up there is so high, how high is it? The surface temperature of our earth is 40 degrees, but the temperature there is 460 degrees, which means we will be scalded to death if we go up there! And every minute of every day up there There will be lightning and thunder all the time, you know?" Lin Haihai paused and smiled stupidly at him: "The moon, do you see it? It shines, it is very beautiful, there is Chang'e, there is Wu Gang, there is osmanthus tree. But in fact. , it is just a lifeless planet with nothing on it, not even water! This is the nature of things, this is the cruel reality covering the beauty, our beautiful dreams and beautiful wishes are all broken! "She laughed, but it was more sad than crying!

Chen Luoqing looked at her, so surprised that she couldn't speak. She was talking about the moon and stars in the sky. What was the situation up there? Did she really know? Has she been there

Lin Haihai stood up staggeringly, and Chen Luoqing quickly stood up and helped her up. This woman had a really bad ability to drink, but after just one sip, she became a drunk cat. However, the wine was indeed strong enough. I only took a small sip, but my thoughts were confused.

Lin Haihai looked at Chen Luoqing, but the sad and indifferent eyes were in front of her. She felt a faint pain in her heart. She stretched out her hand, trying to smooth away his frown. For a moment, I just felt so sad that I couldn't help but burst into tears and burst into tears!

After a long time, she stopped crying and said slowly: "Love is the most real feeling in the heart of a person. I always think love is beautiful and joyful. However, my love is so ugly and helpless. , I actually fell in love with a married man. Isn’t it despicable? Grandpa must be very sad when he finds out. His granddaughter has always been so obedient, how could she do something to seduce her husband? , Chen Luoqing, I really love him. However, love is not the biggest, and love is not the only thing. There are many things worth pursuing and cherishing." Her eyes were distant, and she seemed very happy at this moment. He was awake and seemed confused, but his face was a bit melancholy!

"Don't you love the Sixth Prince?" Chen Luoqing immediately realized that he had asked a stupid question.

"My heart is so small that only one person can live there!"

"But it shouldn't be that person!" Chen Luoqing said sadly, there are so many men in the world, why do all the women only fall in love with him. It's just this inexplicable mood, maybe he doesn't even know why!

"No, I have the final say in my heart. I am free to decide who lives there!" Lin Haihai turned around and said firmly. Just leave it like this, leave a place for him in your heart, and always protect him in your own way! Lin Haihai suddenly felt as cheerful as an enlightenment.

Chen Luoqing looked at her, with tenderness gradually appearing in her eyes. Such a woman made people feel distressed and heartbroken, "What do you decide to do?"

Lin Haihai smiled slightly, and the moonlight shone in her eyes, "Now he is surrounded by enemies, and his inability to help me is fatal. I am afraid that if someone knows about it, he will have scruples. The best way is for me to disappear! "

Chen Luoqing admired her even more in her heart. She knew a lot and was very considerate, "The important thing is that he can't turn against the Sixth Prince. You probably don't know that your husband has a hundred thousand troops!" If their brothers turn against each other, then the Sixth Prince will become the vanguard of those who are interested, which will be a disaster for both the Sixth Prince and the Emperor!"

"Of course I know this problem. Although I have confidence in the relationship between their brothers, I have to be on guard. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance of it happening, I will avoid it." Lin Haihai said seriously.

Recognizing heroes, Chen Luoqing has now put down his last guard against Lin Haihai. He raised his eyebrows and said jokingly: "I can't see that you can analyze problems so clearly when you are drunk!"

Lin Haihai kicked him, but Chen Luoqing easily avoided it. Then he made a counterattack. This action was to grab Lin Haihai's hand, but he knew that with Lin Haihai's skill, it would be impossible for him to succeed in a sneak attack. However, Lin Haihai did not avoid it, letting him grab her hand, and then leaned forward and fell on Chen Luoqing's arm. Chen Luoqing was shocked. Men and women cannot be intimate, so she quickly let go, Lin Hai Hai Yi couldn't stop herself in time and fell on the roof. The roof was sloping. Due to the strong momentum of the fall and Lin Hai Hai being a little drunk, she was so panicked that she actually forgot that she knew martial arts and only remembered that she was in school. I had learned that you must protect your head when falling from a height, so you retracted your hands and feet, protected your head, and let yourself roll down. , although Chen Luoqing was panicked at first, but thinking of her peerless martial arts, he thought she was teasing him, and rolled in a funny way, which made him laugh out loud at her.

The sound of "touch" seemed particularly abrupt in this silent night. It was mixed with the woman's curse and the man's laughter. This night was as scary as possible.