Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 98: The jealous emperor


"Master Li, please come here!" Zheng Feng brought Li Junyue to the palace. Li Junyue came to the palace for the first time. He was nervous and novel. He had been to the Forbidden City in Beijing, and he could feel the time while standing in the Forbidden City. The flow of time, and now standing in the palace of the Daxing Dynasty, he actually felt that time was still, and life could be interpreted in many ways.

"See you, Your Majesty!" Zheng Feng knelt down quickly. Li Junyue squinted his eyes and looked carefully. What a mistake. He forgot to wear contact lenses when he returned to modern times. He squinted hard and saw several figures walking in front of him. The one in front looked like That's the emperor. Haihai is not around, so let's not cause more trouble. It's really an awkward thing to ask him to kneel down to a man! Zheng Feng pulled him anxiously and motioned for him to kneel down. Li Junyue sighed helplessly, knelt down on one knee and said, "See your Majesty!"

Yang Shaolun slowly approached, his cold face expressionless, "Where are you going?"

"Back to the emperor, Doctor Lin was originally going to give lessons in the palace, but he was injured last night, so Master Li will give lessons to the imperial doctors." Zheng Feng said respectfully.

Injured last night? What happened when she left the palace? Yang Shaolun remained calm, "Get up, what happened to Dr. Lin? Why was he injured?"

Li Junyue stood up, patted his knees and said, "Last night I went to the rooftop with General Chen to drink. I ended up drunk. I didn't know what the two of them were doing and actually fell off the roof!" Li Junyue said while paying attention to the emperor's eyes. It was just the indifferent expression on the other party's face that made him feel confused.

"Xiao Yuan, show off to Lanzhiyuan!" Yang Shaolun said coldly, as if he didn't take Li Junyue's words to heart at all.

Li Junyue sneered, hum, the lustful emperor still wants to chase Xiao Hai, bah!

"Farewell, Your Majesty!" Zheng Feng saluted quickly, and Li Junyue clasped his fists and said, "Farewell, Your Majesty!" The moment Yang Shaolun turned around, he caught the bright red touch on Li Junyue's wrist. That touch of red was like a beam of jumping fire, igniting the anger and jealousy in Yang Shaolun's heart. The fire was getting stronger and stronger, and his reason was withdrawing.

"Come on, please escort this Li Junyue to me!" His words, which were as cold as ice, made everyone present shiver unconsciously. The ink-like eyebrows were tangled together, the thin lips were pressed tightly, and the face was covered with frost.

Li Junyue was stunned. What happened? Two guards came forward and restrained Li Junyue. Li Junyue struggled desperately and shouted angrily: "Hunjun, are you crazy? Have you taken the wrong medicine?" Zheng Feng was frightened and knelt on the ground without saying a word. Dare you say anything, why is the emperor so angry

"Put me in jail and no one is allowed to visit!" Yang Shaolun just felt like a huge fool for actually treating the red rope she gave her like a treasure, even though she had already made it clear last night that she only loved the emperor's brother. Alone, he still persisted in his determination and secretly treasured this affection in his heart. He tied the red rope she gave her around his wrist and was reluctant to take it off. But what Li Junyue is wearing now seems to be a mockery of him. The emperor is just the biggest fool in the world.

"Your Majesty, this Li Junyue was ordered to enter the palace by the princess. I'm afraid..." Zheng Feng said bravely.

"When did the princess have the final say in this palace? Zheng Feng, it seems that you, the commander, have overstepped your bounds. How is the progress of your investigation of what I ordered?" Yang Shaolun, who was exuding anger, looked like a bird at the moment. A tiger that should be kept away from strangers, Zheng Feng crawled on the ground and said tremblingly: "Back to the emperor, there has been some progress!"

"Hmph, I'll give you three days. After three days, if you haven't given me a satisfactory result, I'll take your head off!" Yang Shaolun said sternly.

"I obey the decree!"

Li Junyue looked at everything in front of him. The initial panic was gone. The emperor deliberately put away his right hand. There must be a red rope tied to his right hand that was the same as his. Xiaohai, don’t you know that men are stingy animals? Well now, the emperor, who has the power of life and death, is jealous, and more people will suffer!

The guards escorted Li Junyue down, Xiao Yuan didn't know the reason, and Zheng Feng didn't know where the trouble came from? I just need to report it to Dr. Lin first and then make a decision! Ever since he found out that Lin Haihai was not a princess, Zheng Feng had been calling her doctor.

Lin Haihai, who stayed overnight at Lin Mansion, vaguely sensed Li Junyue's plight, but then calmly told her that he would be safe for the time being. It's just that Li Junyue is his only relative in this time and space. They both have one life, and she won't even want him to be unhappy at all. Taking advantage of the darkness, she ran to the palace and saw Li Junyue with an indifferent expression in the prison.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, she finally felt at peace, but the sneer on his face made her very unhappy: "You've been thrown into the sky prison, and you're still laughing?"

"I know you will definitely come to me. Since I'm not in danger, isn't it unnecessary to be afraid?" He stared at her, and his smile made her hair stand on end.

"What are you laughing at?" She hit him on the head without looking serious, "What crime did you commit? You were thrown into the sky jail. It seems that you have caused a lot of trouble!"

"It's really not a minor crime. The fault started with the red rope, is it clear?" Li Junyue said angrily. It was the first time he went to jail for a woman. The most innocent thing was that he had no feelings for this woman at all.

"You mean he saw the red rope on your hand and threw you into the sky prison in anger? Don't believe it, he doesn't seem to be such an irrational person!" Lin Haihai shook his head, although he felt that he had some feelings for her. Love, but he is the king of a country and should behave like an emperor. How can he casually accuse others because of his children's affair

"Then tell me why? You don't understand men. Men are actually very stingy and easily hurt!"

"He is the emperor!" Lin Haihai tilted his head and said in confusion.

"But he is also a man, Xiaohai, do you love him?" Li Junyue didn't want her to escape.

"This is not a question of love or not. He is a married man. Do you want me to be the third party to share husbands with those women?" Lin Haihai sat down in annoyance, looking like he didn't want to talk.

"Then have you made it clear to him? You must know that he is also a human being. He has feelings and thoughts, and will be sad and sad!" Li Junyue also did not agree with her liking the emperor. The splendid palace was not suitable for her to stay. It's just that you shouldn't be sloppy in dealing with feelings. If it's not suitable, you should tell it as early as possible.

"I told you last night, and he accepted it. I don't think he looked very sad. He even went to find someone to sleep with!" Lin Haihai lowered his eyes, looking melancholy.

"So you're going to drink?"

"Well, shouldn't you get drunk when you are broken up? Yu Qing said that after getting drunk, you can forget all the unhappy things." Lin Haihai tried his best to smile, but the smile faded before it was bright.

"Fool, there is no need to deliberately forget. Why make yourself miserable? You'd better not see this person anymore. Go back to the mountain. As long as you don't show up to plead for me, you will let me go in two days. Yes." Li Junyue decided for her.

"Really?" Lin Haihai looked at him in disbelief.

"When did I lie to you? Even if I did, it was a long time ago!" Li Junyue recalled that he had indeed lied to her often, and that was because she was so easy to deceive.

"Well, I'll go back to the hospital and wait for you first. I'll go up the mountain after you come out. It's Lao Liu's wedding in a few days. I have to have a wedding before leaving!" Lin Haihai was a little worried. That day must be Many people's injuries on their faces have not healed yet, and they are afraid that they will attract gossip.

"That's fine, you can just sit in the hospital for the next few days! It's a hot summer, and there are a lot of patients, serious illnesses, and minor illnesses. It's very annoying!" Li Junyue looked worried.

"Well, then be careful. I will save you if something happens, but you can't shoot just in case, you know?" Lin Haihai warned!

Li Junyue nodded. He understood the stakes involved. If he hurt someone, he would not be able to stand in this ancient world. Xiaohai could only be forced to send him away. Lin Haihai's eyes were a little red. She hugged Li Junyue and choked out: "Big stupid bear, fortunately I have you, otherwise I don't know how to survive!" Li Junyue patted her back, feeling very uncomfortable. Ever since she was a child, her smile has always been the brightest and most brilliant. Even if she encounters something unhappy, she just smiles it away. But now, the deep sadness in her eyes makes people feel heartache. The little girl grew up, growing up quietly in the way of love. But, is that bright smile still there