Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 13: A miracle happens


After saying these words, Ji Pianpian quit the game without hesitation.

Shen Du: "..." You are so heartless.

The little mage was offline, and Shen Du was no longer in the mood to play games. He didn't quit the game, but threw the demon warlock where the little mage was offline and hung up.

In the sky filled with yellow sand, the solitary demon warlock looked desolate.

Shen Du took out a professional book from the bookshelf and flipped through it casually.

As Li Xingqiao said, he is indeed almost busy: the new year is approaching, the projects have been handed in, and some personal work has been taken care of. As for helping the Tianqi project team... we will talk about it after the year.

Li Xingqiao crawled back to the dormitory. He couldn't explain clearly on the phone, so he could only kneel down and beg in person.

This is not a matter of money, but a matter of his reputation: He has made a pact with Mu Mu to go on a date with Shen, but now he is letting go, where is his face!

Men, never go back on your word in front of your sweetheart!

For this reason, Li Xingqiao can be shameless - anyway, here in Shen Du, he has no such thing as shamelessness.

"Master Du!"

Li Xingqiao opened the door with a bang, and what he saw was a man sitting casually in a chair, holding a dark professional book in his cold white hands, flipping through it casually.

What a favor.

Keep your legs busy!

Hearing the sound, Shen Du raised his head.

He was slightly short-sighted and would wear rimless glasses when reading. When he raised his eyes and glanced over, the lenses shone slightly, and his deep black eyes were filled with carelessness.

Li Xingqiao: "..." Shit, a few hundred yuan worth of myopia glasses gave him a six-digit sense of luxury.

Compare people to people, not people!

A straight man will not be confused by male sex. Li Xingqiao begged: "Go, go, I really have reserved a seat."

Shen Du glanced at the screen with the trumpet hanging on it.

Li Xingqiao followed his gaze and was surprised: "Why are you practicing as a warlock? Don't you hate this grinding profession the most?"

How could I, a man who specializes in night assassins, come across such a "auxiliary" profession

Did you say that you would never be able to provide support to others in this life

Sure enough, a man’s mouth is a liar!

Li Xingqiao took a closer look and saw the ID of the private chat dialog box.

-It happens to be me

Li Xingqiao was surprised: "The little ancestor is finally online?"

Shen Du: "Yeah."

Li Xingqiao understood: "You are using the trumpet to bring the little ancestor to level up." Pampering, so pampering, the dream of all Tianqi players, but the little ancestor... is working overtime

Li Xingqiao saw the chat history in the private chat box and said excitedly: "Oh, I'm working overtime, you can go to dinner with me!"

Shen Du: "I won't go."

Li Xingqiao went crazy: "Why!"

Shen Du stared at the dialog box and spit out four words: "Work overtime with her."

Li Xingqiao: “………………”

Ji Pianpian, who was "working overtime", felt quite complicated.

She didn't dare to ask Jiang Muxue for another photo, and she didn't have time to look up the high-resolution photo on her computer. But in fact, there was no need to compare. She had replayed the two photos countless times in her mind.

What a coincidence

Is Dushen the roommate of her roommate's boyfriend

She can actually have a meal face to face with a great master that she has never met in the game

TV dramas don’t act like this...

This is simply a miracle!

Ji Pianpian's heart was full of impossibility, but she felt it was too similar.

She must go, as long as she meets him face to face, she will definitely recognize him.

She said it was impossible, but in fact she was already 70-80% sure, and even thought about it:

It turns out that I am a top student in N University!

I'm still studying for a master's degree. What's Mr. Li's major? Oh, oh, he's from the computer department. He's awesome. No wonder he plays games well!

No... There seems to be no necessary relationship between computer science and playing games


If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't contact Fu Xuehui, Ji Pianpian would have wanted to scream at her right now: a game master, a top student in a prestigious school, and extremely handsome.

If you miss this, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

When Ji Pianpian was pressed in front of the dressing mirror by Jiang Muxue, she came back to her senses: "No need to put on makeup..." A diligent high school student is at the age where she can't even distinguish between foundation foundation.

Jiang Muxue: "Don't worry, with my skills, straight men won't be able to tell that you're wearing makeup."

Ji Pianpian looked at herself in the mirror and felt uncomfortable: "Stop fussing, we are not going to socialize." After saying the last two words, Ji Pianpian's heart skipped a beat.

It’s true that I’m not going to socialize, but I’m super nervous!

Jiang Muxue geared up: "You can't lose to a man."

Ji Pianpian didn't understand what she meant.

Jiang Muxue had a reasonable argument: "Why should a man's beauty dominate the world?"

Ji Pianpian: ... The angle is really strange.

Although Jiang Muxue was very interested, she actually didn't have much room for performance.

The girl in front of her has skin so good that it makes people jealous, and her facial features are just right, especially her eyes. If she were bigger, she would look dull, but if she were smaller, she would lose her agility. She is just right and round, and is beautiful against the small silkworm. And lovable.

All Jiang Muxue could do was to cover up the childishness coming from her face.

After all, they are two adults, how could they look like they are underage!

Pull the ends of the eyes, make the eyelids a little smaller, and make the lips a little darker...

After finishing it, Jiang Muxue took a breath: I am so awesome, turning into a pure and lustful little fairy.

Ji Pianpian opened her eyes and saw herself in the mirror, feeling even more uncomfortable: the makeup was indeed not heavy, but she always felt that the person in the mirror was very strange and strange.

Jiang Muxue admired her masterpiece: "Little beauty."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Jiang Muxue patted her on the shoulder: "Get the handsome guy and let him taste the pain of love!"

Ji Pianpian: "..."

On the other side, after learning that Jiang Muxue and her roommate were preparing to go out, Li Xingqiao knelt down and acknowledged his father. As long as Shen Du didn't let him go, his descendants would follow him for eighteen generations!

"Both of them have gone out. What will I do if you don't go?"

"You really let this little girl hang out there."

"Mumu will break up with me!"

"Brother, ah, Dad, my son's life-long events all depend on you!"

Shendu remained unmoved.

Li Xingqiao rolled his eyes and thought again: "The double riding tube doesn't work, do the fireworks work well, is Lover's Island reliable?"

Shen Du finally raised his eyes to look at him.

Li Xingqiao saw something coming: "Believe it or not, there is something better!"

Shen Du finally closed the thick professional book, took off his glasses and looked at him: "I won't do this again."

Li Xingqiao almost cried: "Okay, okay."

It can be said that this god has been invited. Li Xingqiao is grateful to his little ancestor!

It's confusing to say the least.

Doesn't she look good in real life? Why should she be obsessed with the one in the game

What if it’s a big guy who picks his feet

Li Xingqiao could only sigh:

Mortals don’t understand the world of gods!

Ji Pianpian has never been to Quanyuexuan, or it should be said that she is very unfamiliar with the entire n city.

She has been here for more than half a month, and apart from professional course teachers and a few classmates, she has not had contact with strangers. I would go out to eat on weekdays, but they were always in small restaurants in university towns, where a portion of Malatang cost seven or eight yuan.

The price of Quan Yuexuan is not low for adults, let alone students.

Jiang Muxue whispered to Ji Pianpian: "I haven't been here either. I heard it's a candlelight dinner."

When Ji Pianpian heard this, she became even more nervous!

It's not a friendship we promised, why is the atmosphere so sociable

If it were someone else, there's a high probability that this would be a godsend!

At this moment, Ji Pianpian actually hoped that Senior Li’s roommate would not save me.

If not, she could be more comfortable.

Quanyuexuan is a Chinese restaurant with unique decoration.

Walking into the hall feels like walking into a paradise. The spacious hall is decorated like a pavilion: a fake plum tree in the center is blooming with red plum blossoms; the aisles are built like small bridges, and dining tables are scattered here and there. Next to the rockery pool, it is secluded, romantic and full of atmosphere.

The Ji family is wealthy, and Ji Pianpian has seen the scene before, and was still surprised by the unique decoration.

Jiang Muxue saw Li Xingqiao: "Brother Xingqiao."

Li Xingqiao stood up and greeted them.

Ji Pianpian said hello to Li Xingqiao, and Li Xingqiao smiled and said, "Come here quickly."

Their table happens to be in a hexagonal pavilion, surrounded by white and blue gauze. Of course there is no wind in the room, but the texture of the gauze is light enough that it seems to be swaying without wind.

The white part of the tulle is almost transparent. Looking up, you can see a silhouette in the hazy water.

Ji Pianpian's heart tightened, not because she could see clearly, but because she couldn't see clearly—

Is it to save me

Will it save me

Entering the pavilion, Ji Pianpian saw clearly the man sitting on the wooden chair. He just stood up. His tall and slender figure gave people a sense of oppression, but the stronger impact came from his impeccable facial features.

He raised his eyes and looked at Ji Pianpian.

Underneath the black broken hair is a cold-white complexion. The black eyelashes are thick and straight. The natural drop at the end of the eyes makes a pair of star eyes add indifference and alienation. The thin lips under the high bridge of the nose are perfect. The sharp jawline and slender lips The neck echoes, and the collarbone is faintly visible at the black neckline.

Ji Pianpian lowered her head suddenly, her heart almost jumping out of her throat.

Save me…

It's really a blessing.

The top god in the whole region in Tianqi!

Li Xingqiao introduced each other: "This is my roommate, Shen Du."

Ji Pianpian: "!"

It turns out to be called Shen Du. No wonder the ID is Du me.

More certain!

Jiang Muxue also introduced Ji Pianpian: "... as graceful as the stunning Pian."

Hearing the word "Qianzhi", Shen Du was slightly startled, and he looked at Ji Pianpian.

There is no doubt that the girl in front of her is very beautiful. She is wearing a camel coat with a light-colored turtleneck sweater underneath. She has a delicate and delicate face, especially her eyes, which seem to be curled up due to shyness. The eyelashes quivered slightly, and the translucent black eyes flickered, like the surface of a sparkling lake.

Shen Du only glanced at it and then looked away, leaving only five words in his heart -

Li Xingqiao, a beast.

Is this child an adult