Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 20: The blind date is over (Ji Pianpian It’s unbelievable in this world...)


Ji Pianpian didn't want to cry. She just felt as if she had been struck by lightning, lost all hope and was extremely desperate. She really didn't want to cry.

But after hearing Shen Du’s words...


Tears rolled down.

They are also in the Sky Cinema, and they have a five-minute admission time before each show. The theater is huge, and they change directions every time they watch, so they can experience the fun of the surround screen from multiple angles.

This time they happened to be sitting in a remote corner with no one around.

Before the show started, the hall was fully lit, and the cold incandescent light shone on the girl's smooth face, which made it look like white porcelain. Her eyelashes were long and curled, wet with tears, and they were already slightly droopy. The lower eyelids now look even more innocent and aggrieved.

The girl cried silently, but her tears were large and numerous. The tip of her sniffling little nose was red. She felt so sad that she felt like she had been bullied by the whole world.

Shen Du: "..."


"I..." Shen Du looked a little at a loss, and his tone was far from as calm as before, "I wasn't trying to hurt you just now."

He asked her not to cry, but he just didn't want her to cry.

Ji Pianpian nodded, and because of this action, tears welled up in her eyes and slid down her cheeks.

The man sighed softly, tried to soften his voice, and said warmly: "Don't cry."

Ji Pianpian was speechless and could only nod again.

Shen Du: "..."

He was so well-behaved that he couldn't stop crying.

It can be seen that she is trying hard not to cry, but her tears are not as obedient as her own.

Unable to hold it back, Shen Du raised his hand and pressed the top of the child's soft black hair, saying with a hint of helplessness in his deep voice: "Child."

The tip of Ji Pianpian's nose was so sore that it felt like she had been squeezed into lemonade. She tried to wipe away her tears, but it was no use until her eyes were red.

"Senior..." When she opened her mouth, her nasal voice was combined with a crying tone, plus a pleading tone, which was as waxy as white double-skinned breasts, "Don't tell Senior Li, okay?"

Shen Du: "..."

Ji Pianpian choked with sobs. She regretted so much that she wanted to slap herself to death: "Mu Mu really likes Senior Li..."

Shen Du didn't look at the girl next to him, looked straight ahead and asked her: "Are you the art candidates this year?"

Ji Pianpian: "Well..."

Shen Du: "You're in your senior year of high school?"

Ji Pianpian could only continue to respond: "Yeah."

At this point, Ji Pianpian still couldn't figure it out.

She was a little stupid, but not stupid enough to fall into a pit without knowing it.

No wonder he invited her to the amusement park, no wonder he could meet Shen Du again...

It turned out to be to trick her into talking.

Li Xingqiao did not completely believe Jiang Muxue. He deliberately asked them to relax their vigilance and wait for a hit at this time.

It's also her...

She is still... ten times stupider than when she was in the car!

The more Ji Pianpian thought about it, the sadder she became, and the more she blamed herself. She cried less fiercely, but it was difficult to hold back her sobs: "I know the senior came to the playground just to trick me. I..."

She explained Shen Du and Li Xingqiao's "plan" clearly, and she didn't mean to accuse them, it was just a review after they suddenly came to their senses.

Quite right.

Shen Du was right to understand: he had indeed bullied her.

As Ji Pianpian talked, she talked about Jiang Muxue again. She still had a glimmer of hope, looked up at Shen Du and said: "Mumu is an adult, she is already eighteen years old. If you don't believe me, you can see her ID card! "

Shen Du: "..."

Ji Pianpian added: "She really doesn't want to be separated from Senior Li."

The girl stopped crying, but her red eyes, tear-stained eyelashes, red nose and cold white lips bitten all made people feel more distressed and pitiful.

Shen Du's voice was neither light nor serious: "A relationship that was deceitful from the beginning is worth protecting."

Ji Pianpian felt a sourness well up in her throat. She tried not to shed tears and said hard, "If... Mu Mu didn't lie, would Senior Li be with her?"

Shen Du: "..."

Ji Pianpian said something that Shen Du had never thought of.

A scumbag and a top student are two different worlds.

People in love always hope that they can be worthy of each other.

Jiang Muxue's age is not only a problem, she also feels inferior to her own situation.

If she was just a high school senior with excellent grades, she might not hide it. After all, she still had hope, could go to the same university as him, and could enter his "world".

but she…

Not everyone is suitable for cultural classes.

Shen Du was silent.

"Mu Mu..." Ji Pianpian gritted her teeth and said her last plea, "Mu Mu promised me that she will tell Senior Li as soon as she takes the professional course and passes the professional exam."

Ji Pianpian looked at Shen Du: "Just one month, can you wait for one month?"

In fact, after saying this, Ji Pianpian had given up hope.

Although she had only met Shen Du twice, once for a meal and this time at the amusement park, which was not a familiarity or understanding at all, she could see that Shen Du was a principled person who would not make decisions easily. Change people.


Ji Pianpian raised her head suddenly.

Shen Du finally turned his head and looked into her eyes: "Only until the end of the professional class."

Ji Pianpian was stunned and couldn't recover.

The next moment, all the lights in the theater went out, and a new round of surround-screen movies was about to be broadcast.

"It's a deal!"

Ji Pianpian couldn't hide the excitement in her voice that she tried to suppress.

After the darkness, the ring curtain suddenly lit up. The first scene was a starry sky. Shen Du looked at the girl beside him and saw countless star points in her bright black eyes.

Ji Pianpian was afraid that he would regret it: "Keep your word!"

Shen Du lowered his eyelashes: "Do I still have to pull the hook and hang myself?"

Ji Pianpian: "!"

The ring curtain flashed again, and the light of the exploding star illuminated the entire hall. Ji Pianpian looked at Shen Du's fingers, which were resting casually on the armrest. The five fingers were slender and white, and the knuckles were just right, making them look leaner and more powerful.

Ji Pianpian's face suddenly turned red, and she muttered: "That's right..." It's not impossible.

Shen Du laughed, took his hand away and said, "Okay, I won't lie to you."

Ji Pianpian: "Oh..."

Shen Du did not speak to her again, and only looked at the ring screen intently.

After watching this film four times, he was no longer surprised. He was just wary of his inappropriate words.

——When it comes to children, you still need to be more careful with your words.


Shen Du thought of Ji Pianpian's unfinished sentence "It's not necessary", which was quite similar to the tone of the little mage in the game.



Shen Du shook his head and didn't think much about it: How could it be such a coincidence.


After watching it four times, when Shen Du asked Ji Pianpian if she wanted to read it again, Ji Pianpian shook her head.

In fact, she didn't mind watching it all day, but she couldn't sit still.

As soon as I sit in this damn place, I think of the stupid things I have done, and it makes me suffocate!

Ji Pianpian wished she could forget it quickly: "Let's go somewhere else to play."

Shen Du: "Okay."

The two of them came out of Tianmu Cinema and happened to see a mobile truck selling lollipops.

This is a stall often found in playgrounds for coaxing children. They are not the ordinary lollipops outside, but exquisite and cute lollipops wrapped in beautiful candy wrappers and shaped like mascots.

Ji Pianpian couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Shen Du glanced at her: "Wait."

Ji Pianpian: "?"

After a while, Shen Du came back with a lollipop.

Ji Pianpian was filled with a thousand surprises and ten thousand embarrassments. She took the lollipop and said shyly: "Thank you."

Ah, why is it so good to save God!

Before the screaming in her heart ended, she heard her say: "You crybaby."

Ji Pianpian's heart was filled with pinky eyes, and she realized: So... this candy was bought to humiliate her!

The acting in idol dramas is indeed a lie!

Ji Pianpian said angrily: "I'm not young!"

Shen Du smiled at the end of his eyes: "He is still a child at the age of eighteen."

Ji Pianpian still wanted to argue, but suddenly remembered that she was still nine months away from being eighteen years old, and suddenly... wilted.

She is younger than her classmates.

Logically speaking, students enter school at the age of eight, and most of them are adults in their senior year of high school. But at that time, the age limit was not so tight. With the idea of studying early and graduating early, Ji's father hurriedly signed up for Ji Pianpian.

Ji Pianpian suspected that her poor grades had a lot to do with it - she was one year younger, like a premature baby, so of course she couldn't keep up!

All right…

Give her a test paper for the second year of high school, and she won't be able to get a top grade.


Shen Du did not take Ji Pianpian to meet Li Xingqiao and the others, but went to some projects that were obviously of interest to children, such as the slow carousel, bumper cars, etc.

Oh, they didn't go to the Ferris wheel.

Shen Du must implement his own personality: "Afraid of heights."

Ji Pianpian is quite sorry about this!

What makes Ji Pianpian most happy is feeding small animals. There is a small pet area in the playground with cute cats, rabbits and other small animals.

Ji Pianpian was no longer afraid of the cold when playing. After she "petted" all the babies, she asked Shen Du belatedly: "Are you bored?"

Shen Du stood on the outside with her long down jacket hanging on his arm. The clothes that wrapped Ji Pianpian into a ball did not look long at all in his hands.

He stood quietly and attracted a lot of attention. When he heard Ji Pianpian's voice, Shen Du looked over and replied: "No."

The girl's eyebrows were filled with joy, and she was so happy that she couldn't hide it.

Shen Du added: "I'm used to it."

Ji Pianpian: "?"

Shen Du said slowly: "I am the eldest in my family, and I have been taking care of children since I was a child."

So, get used to it.

Ji Pianpian: "..."

She, no, is a child!

Although the girl didn't say anything, she knew what she was thinking by looking at her angry look.

Shen Du's eyes were full of smiles.

The amusement park trip ended perfectly.

When they met, Ji Pianpian saw Jiang Muxue who was so guilty that she couldn't lift her head.

Shen Du looked as usual and didn't give Li Xingqiao a look. Li Xingqiao was a little uneasy.

After playing for a day, I was tired after getting in the car.

The seats were still the same as when they came, and the young couple slept soundly side by side.

Ji Pianpian was very tired, but she couldn't sleep: closing and opening her eyes were all filled with the weight of the whole day.

Ji Pianpian secretly looked in the rearview mirror. The man leaned on the seat pillow. Because he was tall, the already narrow car seat seemed even narrower. Needless to say, those long legs must have suffered a lot in the back seat.

His face was just visible in the rearview mirror. His sharp eyebrows were sharp under his black hair, his eyelashes were thicker because his eyes were closed, his cold and thin lips were under the high bridge of his nose, and his head was slightly tilted to the side, making it even more flawless. jawline…


The villain in Ji Pianpian's heart kept screaming: So handsome!

Then the villain was woken up by a blow to the head.

So what if he's handsome

He completely treated her like a child.

Still that kind of...

A little brat who can be dispatched with a lollipop.

Ji Pianpian leaned weakly on the back of the chair, and her fingers touched the candy wrapper in the bag.

Hmm... A sweetness spread from my mouth to my heart.

No matter, anyway——

Sugar, very, sweet!


When the two girls returned to the dormitory, Jiang Muxue came up to her without taking off her clothes: "Okay, Xiaopian!"

Ji Pianpian knew that she had misunderstood, and it was a huge misunderstanding.

"No..." Ji Pianpian explained.

Jiang Muxue just thought she was shy: "Pull her down, sister, who is she? She comes from here! How can I not understand? Just the look in your eyes, it's obvious that you have a little secret!"

Ji Pianpian: "..."

In terms of sharpness, she only obeys Jiang Muxue who knows nothing.

She and Shen Du really have a little secret.

It’s just that this secret is different from what you think!


n major master's building.

Li Xingqiao was exactly the same as his little girlfriend. He didn't even bother to change his clothes when he returned home. He asked about important matters first.

Shen Du took off his down jacket, crossed his hands and took off his thin black sweater. He was wearing nothing underneath, and his cold white chest and abdominal muscles could be photographed in magazines without editing.

Li Xingqiao was indeed a straight-faced man: "Quick, give me a life-or-death blow!" He was thinking about his little girlfriend.

Shen Du gave him one word: "Live."

Li Xingqiao put his hands together and thanked God and thanked Shen Dudu ten thousand times!

Shen Du kept his promise and did not tell the truth.

The main reason is that Jiang Muxue is an adult. If he were underage, he would never beat Li Xingqiao awake.


He is an adult and does not bully children.

After Li Xingqiao thanked his ancestors, he sat down in front of the computer and muttered: "It's time to look at the school district housing!"

Shen Du: "..." I'm sick.

He ignored Li Xingqiao and took a bath towel to take a shower. When he came out, Li Xingqiao was gone. Shen Du sat at the computer desk and logged into the game.

Coincidentally, his trumpet account had just gone online, and the system prompted: Your friend "exactly is you" has logged in.

Shen Du raised his eyebrows and typed: "Did you have a blind date?"

Ji Pianpian saw this line of text as soon as she logged in, and her typing hand was delighted: "Yes."

Shen Du: "How is it?"

Ji Pianpian thought for a moment and said tactfully: "He is tall, handsome and has an invincible figure. He has a high emotional intelligence and a high personality, is gentle, considerate and considerate. Oh, by the way, his voice is also very nice. It's hard to believe that there is such an outstanding man in this world!" "