Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 21: A pot of crooked vinegar (Ji Pianpian typed aggrievedly ...)


After typing such a long list, Ji Pianpian read it again and felt quite ashamed -

My vocabulary is not good, Director Ji (Future), he can only pile up words and cannot describe one ten millionth of the beauty of the God.

What Ji Pianpian could not have imagined was that she was so distracted by being praised again and again. At this moment, her eyes were lowered, her thin lips were tightened, and the air-conditioning around her body was stronger than the hot heater in the dormitory.

Tall, handsome, and unbelievably outstanding

Shen Du sneered, put his fingers on the keyboard, and typed a line of words.

In terms of yin and yang, Li Xingqiao will definitely give me the first prize.

Why does Eunuch Li always call him "Little Ancestor"? It's because he is the only one who is treated so warmly and kindly by Shen Du in the game.

It was also because she was innocently killed more than thirty times.

However, Shen Du's strange anger could not be expressed because an emoticon popped up in the dialog box.

It’s you: sigh jpg.

It's just you: It's a pity that people didn't like me, crying loudly jpg.

Shen Du: "..."

He deleted all the words he just typed and replaced them with a question mark.

Ji Pianpian sat in front of the small desk, resting her chin on her knees. The little face reflected on the screen was full of grievances.

She had been boasting happily for a long time, but when she thought about the reality, she couldn't help but become depressed.

Shen Du is definitely not interested in her.

It doesn't mean that at all.

Even if she is treated as a school girl, it is better than being treated as a brat!

The more she thought about it, the worse she got. Ji Pianpian typed aggrievedly: "He might dislike me..."

She almost typed the small print, but then she thought of her big sister persona, and quickly changed it to——

It’s you: “Maybe he thinks I’m old.”

Shen Du: "..."

Ji Pianpian worked hard to make herself fit the character: "You don't understand, I have to consider a lot of things at my age..." What to consider, Ji Pianpian's head hurts, she can't think of it, so she can only be vague and focus on the age difference. , "It's really troublesome. He's still about five or six years old. I can understand if he doesn't accept it."

Shen Du exposed her without mercy: "Your blind date is only twenty-one years old?"

Ji Pianpian: "!"

Shen Du added: "Are you in a hurry to go on a blind date before you reach the legal age for marriage?"

Ji Pianpian was shocked to realize that she had exposed herself. She only thought that Shen Du might be five or six years older than herself, so she wanted to change positions and reluctantly vent her depressed emotions.


She forgot that she was twenty-seven!

This one is five or six years old...

Logic is dead.

Sure enough, it took countless lies to tell a lie, and she could hardly tell it anymore!

Ji Pianpian's hand fell on the keyboard, and she couldn't think of how to explain it. She couldn't tell the truth. She said that she was in her senior year of high school and fell in love with a second-year graduate student at first sight

Isn’t this even more shameless!

She doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of high imitation accounts.

Ji Pianpian even wanted to log off and run away, but Budu gave her a new idea: "You must be five or six years younger than him."

Ji Pianpian: "!!!"

That makes sense.

Ji Pianpian, who was in a hurry, climbed up the pole and said, "You have seen through all this!"

Shen Du sneered: Sure enough.

He had already guessed that the little mage was young, so he was attracted to an old man in his thirties.

With this idea, Ji Pianpian's thinking suddenly became smoother: It was a bit difficult for her to think that she was older than Shen Du, but she wanted to be younger than Shen Du -

She is only about five or six years younger than him!

Twenty-seven plus five or six years old, then round up to make a whole...

Ji Pianpian felt melancholy: "Actually, he is thirty-five."

Shen Du: "..."

Pull, keep pulling.

Ji Pianpian was sad: "It's only a single digit difference. Why does he think I'm young? There are many people who are more than ten years short of growing old together!"

He is only five or six years old, so why does he look so old-fashioned

Still a little kid.

If she is a brat, then he is just a brat five or six years older!

Originally, Ji Pianpian's emotions were not that heavy, and she really felt sad and sincere as she spoke.

She has emotions.

From the first time she saw Shen Du, or rather from that high-definition photo, her eyes lit up and she remembered it in her heart.

I haven't met him yet, I just look up to the great god.

When they unexpectedly met such a handsome and polite senior, it was natural that her heart would beat wildly.

I thought it was a chance that we would never see each other again, but unexpectedly we went to the amusement park together again...

On this day, although Ji Pianpian knew that Shen Du was just trying to trick her and had no other ideas, it did not prevent her from feeling happy all day long.

Sky cinema, carousel, feeding small animals...

And the beautiful candy wrapper she secretly hid under her pillow.

Ji Pianpian thought about it, and her heart was filled with sourness.

——He doesn't like her.

——Why do you let her meet him again and again!

When you have emotions, your words are different.

Ji Pianpian's words were all nonsense, but the sadness between the lines was real.

Shen Du looked on coldly at first, but as he watched, a burst of annoyance and... heartache welled up in his chest.

Xiao Nizi didn't say a word of truth, but her care for that person was true.

She did have a crush on him.


Shen Du frowned and typed: "I still don't like it enough."

He wanted to put an end to her messy thoughts: that man obviously didn't like her.

Looking at the words in the dialog box, Ji Pianpian was startled.

Budu: "If you really like it, you won't care about this." If that bitch had some sense of responsibility, it wouldn't bother her so much.

Ji Pianpian: "!!!"

The girl in front of the computer couldn't help but open her eyes wide and read it word by word, over and over again.

――I still don’t like it enough.

――If you really like it, you won't care about this.


The fog in Ji Pianpian's mind was split open by a ray of holy light, and she suddenly became enlightened.

Does she like Shendu


If she really likes him, why should she care about age or not.

She didn't even fight for it, so why should she give up

Mu Mu and Senior Li are also sweetly together, aren't they

Five or six years apart...

What, what, what!

If she gave up like that, Ji Pianpian would regret it for the rest of her life!

The two sentences in the dialog box meant one thing to the speaker, but another thing to the listener.

The power of language.

It's really mysterious.

At this moment, Ji Pianpian seemed to regard Budu as his close brother.

——It’s rare for a high imitation account to speak human words, so she burst into tears of gratitude!

Ji Pianpian: "It makes sense!"

Shen Du's thin lips curved slightly and he continued typing: "So, you are not suitable, don't think about him, why not..."

Thinking about it from another person, before typing it out, he saw six exclamation points in the little mage's sentence.

It’s you: “You’re right!!! I should be braver!!!”

The corners of Shen Du's mouth twitched.

But it’s you: “I haven’t fought for it yet, I haven’t really pursued it yet, how can I give up!”

It's you who says: "My age doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he thinks I'm young, I have to express my feelings!" It's you who says: "Thank you, thank you for waking me up!"

Shen Du: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "

He wanted to wake her up, but not in this direction!

If Shen Du doesn't finish typing, he won't be able to send it out.

After the little mage "thanked" him happily -

going offline.

Shen Du: "..."


Ji Pianpian went to find Shen Du

of course not!

She is not an idiot, how could she be so unplanned.

After Ji Pianpian quit the game, she immediately opened the Tianqi Forum.

She had searched for me before, but now her mood was completely different.

At that time, she wanted to understand the male god, but this time she wanted to "pursue" him!

How to chase

In reality, the odds of winning were slim, so she decided to start with the game!


After being inspired by Budu, Ji Pianpian had new ideas.

She wants to study Tianqi carefully, become an advanced player, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the male god in the game so that he can see her.

Is it difficult to play games

How could it be harder than in reality

And in the game, she won’t expose her naivety:

She is a beautiful sister who is twenty-seven years old, hey!

Ji Pianpian searched the forum for half an hour.

What she saw was not only related to me, but also actual game guides.

For example, how to level up quickly, how to blend into the battlefield, and how to aspire to be the leader of the Ice Alliance of Light.

After browsing through hot posts on the forum until her head felt dizzy, Ji Pianpian caught a piece of news with complicated emotions -

There really is such a person who is as good as God.

By coincidence, she has the same surname, father, and mother...

Right now, it was her brother who was standing shoulder to shoulder with Du Shen.

So angry!

Why not her!

Ji Pianpian thought about the possibility of stealing Ji Heyu's account.

never mind…

Her big devil will fly to kill her.

Besides, Yu Shang is a male, so he uses "him" to pursue my salvation...

She can't do it!

You can only rely on yourself.

Ji Pianpian returned to the game and saw the stupid demon warlock in front of her.

But it was you: "Well..."

Budu: "?"

Ji Pianpian was surprised: "You are here."

More than that, after being sulky for half an hour, Shen Du would tell her

Ji Pianpian was very pleased with him at this time and regarded him as a "good brother": "I want to ask you something."

Shen Du: "Huh?"

Ji Pianpian's ambition increased sharply: "Do you think... how long will it take at the shortest time for me to evolve from a game novice to a master?"

Looking at this line of words, Shen Du frowned.

shortest time? It may not be a matter of time.

The truth was too hurtful. Although Shen Du was depressed, he did not want to express his anger at others. He remained rational and asked: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Ji Pianpian was sincere to Brother Budu: "Actually... he is very good at playing games. He is very good at Tianqi. He is well-known in the forum and is a top player."

Shen Du's typing hand was slightly harder: "...oh?"

Ji Pianpian continued to confess: "In reality, he thinks I'm young, so I just want to fight in a roundabout way and start with games. Isn't this also a common hobby?"

As expected of her, she is so clever!

Shen Du didn't even need to use clichés and asked directly: "What's his ID?"

With a name and a surname, a great player


Ji Pianpian was shocked: she didn't want to be exposed.

Before her little mage has grown up, she must not alert the enemy.

Especially the high imitation account in front of me is still a crazy fan of Dushen. What if there is an intersection with each other

Ji Pianpian said cautiously: "He is not from our camp." This should be enough to hide him.

It doesn't matter whether you hide it deeply or not.

Her words are quite misleading.

Shen Du looked at the dialog box expressionlessly:

If you are not a player from the Ice Domain of Darkness, then you are from the Alliance of Light.

There is a name on the forum, one of the top players, and he is about thirty years old.

Shen Du has a clear mind and clear logic, and his analysis is so sound and well-founded - but it's a pity that this direction is so wrong that he reaches such a completely different conclusion.

Shen Du: Oh, it turns out that the little mage’s “blind date” is Yu Shang.