Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 30: Not sooner or later (Shen Du I heard I confessed...)



What a huge coincidence!

Ji Pianpian didn't have time to think too much. She was eager to prove her "innocence": "... Mumu only said that she came to eat, I didn't expect that she came to a bar."

The child was very close to him, and a clear and pleasant sweet fragrance came around faintly, causing Shen Du's eyebrows to frown slightly.

Ji Pianpian was afraid that he wouldn't believe it: "If I knew it was a bar, I wouldn't have come at all."

Shen Du let go of the bronze wine glass and looked at her with half-cupped chin: "You really didn't come here by yourself?"

The blue-green light flowing with the music happened to fall on his face. The cold-toned light and shadow lightened the complexion and sharpened the facial features. The eyes under the thick black eyelashes were as heavy as a deep pool of frozen water.

Ji Pianpian lowered her head: "Really not."

The sound is weak and mosquito-like.

Shen Du: "Raise your head."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Shen Du: "Look at me and say."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

She understands what Shen Du means. For those who lie, looking at each other is the best defense tool.

She didn't lie, but she didn't dare to look at him.

Doesn’t this person have any sense of self-consciousness

Don’t you have any idea what you look like

His posture is like a seducing monster, how can ordinary mortals stand it!

Ji Pianpian didn't look at him: "I really didn't know I was coming to the bar."

Shen Du didn't force her to look up, but said directly: "Then I'll take you back to the dormitory."

Ji Pianpian was startled.

Shen Du watched the child's every move and considered her thoughts.

Ji Pianpian finally looked up at him: "But Mumu and the others..."

It's true that she didn't want to come here, but she is already here. It would be disrespectful to leave like this.

Shen Du said nothing and just looked at her.

Ji Pianpian stopped what she had not finished and stood up: "I'll go talk to them."

His face was always sullen, and the corners of his mouth curved almost imperceptibly: "Yeah."

Li Xingqiao and Jiang Muxue were sitting closer to the stage, and their voices were extremely loud. Ji Pianpian walked up to them and whispered into Jiang Muxue's ear.

Jiang Muxue didn't hear clearly: "Huh?"

Ji Pianpian: "I'm going back first. You can play. Senior Shen will give it to me."

Jiang Muxue listened and said half-understood: "What's going on between you and Senior Shen?"

Ji Pianpian shook her head and Jiang Muxue thought: "Are you going to the bathroom?" She went with Ji Pianpian.

Ji Pian stopped shouting at the top of his lungs and pointed to Shen Du.

Jiang Muxue: "Huh?"

Ji Pianpian waved her hand: "It's okay, you can play here."

After saying this, she didn't care whether Jiang Muxue understood it or not and left first.


It's very hot in the bar, so you won't feel particularly cold when you come out.

Ji Pianpian was still a little uneasy.

Shen Du stood next to her, with his hands in the outer pockets of his windbreaker. The distance between the two was just right.

Sensing the child's disappointment, he said, "Afraid they will be unhappy?"

Ji Pianpian: "Well..." She was disappointed after all.

The deep voice was wrapped in the cold wind, and his tone was as low as ever, but it was no longer so cold: "You did nothing wrong."

Having already left the bar, communication was much easier. Ji Pianpian explained the ins and outs in a low voice.

Shen Du listened patiently and finally said, "Tell her you don't like this."

Ji Pianpian was startled.

Shen Du lowered his eyelashes and looked at her: "You won't reject others?"

After finding out, he calmed down and the child was not that rebellious.

It's just that this meek and timid nature makes it easy to be bullied.

Hearing Shen Du's words, Ji Pianpian nodded, then shook her head, "It's not that I won't, it's..."

Shen Du asked her gently: "What is it?"

Ji Pianpian paused and said, "We have always gotten along very well. I don't want to make her unhappy because of something like this, let alone offend..."

Before she finished speaking, Shen Du said for her: "Afraid of offending others?"

Ji Pianpian: "...Yeah."

Shen Du added: "If you offend the other person because of your sincere expression, is such a friend worth maintaining?"

It was a question, but in the end it was not a question.

Instead, he told her firmly that it wasn't worth it.

Ji Pianpian was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses.

is that so…

Seeing the child's daze, Shen Du moved his fingers in his pocket. He instinctively wanted to rub her soft black hair, but he restrained himself from moving.

Too intimate and inappropriate.

Shen Du said a few more words: "When getting along with others, don't be afraid of offending them. As long as you face something sincerely and put forward objections objectively enough, it is not your fault whether the other party accepts it or not, my friend. It needs to be filtered.”

Ji Pianpian blinked, a little surprised: "Friends... need to be screened?"

Shen Du smiled and explained: "Your friends may not be bad, but they may not be suitable for you."

The so-called screening is for yourself.

Not to deny anyone, but to take it more seriously.

Suitable for each other is a win-win situation.

It's not her fault, I don't blame her.

It's understandable to learn to say no and truly accept her.

Ji Pianpian understood a little, but she didn't seem to understand much, but her tangle was smoothed out and she felt much better.

Ji Pianpian looked at Shen Du and said sincerely: "Thank you!"

A smile overflowed from the corners of Shen Du's lips, and there was an inadvertent connivance in his voice: "Child."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

I don't have the confidence to refute.

Although their age difference is not too big, Shen Du's experience and experience clearly overwhelm her.

While Ji Pianpian felt sad, she couldn't suppress the deep warmth that enveloped her whole body.

——Every time she came into contact with him, she found that he was a better person than she imagined.


Ji Pianpian recited this name in her heart and couldn't suppress the smile on her lips.

When she finally waited for a taxi, Shen Du asked her: "Want to sit in the front or the back?"

It stands to reason that the back is comfortable, but if a girl gets motion sickness, the front is better.

Ji Pianpian said hurriedly: "Back there."

Shen Du opened the car door for her, waited for her to sit down, and then went to the passenger seat.

They didn't sit together, which was normal.

Ji Pianpian could understand, but she was slightly disappointed.

There was no words all the way. When they arrived at the gate of University F, Shen Du got out of the car with her. Ji Pianpian remembered that the last time Shen Du saw her off, he watched her enter the school gate before leaving.

Ji Pianpian: "Senior Shen, please go back and rest quickly." This time she wanted to watch him leave first.

Shen Du didn't insist: "Okay."

The man turned around, his back was tall and tall in the night, his black hair was darker than the starry night sky, his wrists exposed outside the cuffs were cold and white, his legs were straight under his clothes, and his steps were long and wide, as if he would be there in the next moment. Will disappear into the night.


Ji Pianpian's heart trembled, and her mouth was faster than her brain: "Senior Shen!"

Shen Du stopped: "Huh?"

Ji Pianpian didn't know where she got the courage. She knew it was impossible, but she still wanted to try.

"I..." Ji Pianpian ran to him, her cheeks flushed, "Can I leave you your contact information?"

After saying this, Ji Pianpian felt as if her ears were on fire. She couldn't see herself, but she could guess what she looked like.

It's so red, but the crayfish is nothing more than that!

Shen Du didn't make a sound.

Ji Pianpian's boiling chest began to cool down little by little, and her red cheeks were gradually replaced by frosty white. She moved her mouth: "If it's inconvenient..."

Shen Du took out his mobile phone and asked her: "Number."

Ji Pianpian took a breath, her face full of surprise, and she said quickly.

Shen Du entered the key to save and then rang her phone.

Ji Pianpian took out her phone and hung up. She still couldn't help but stare at the number again and again.


Unexpected consecutive numbers, it’s so hard to remember.

Ji Pianpian looked up and was about to marvel at this number.

Shen Du suddenly said: "I have someone I like."

Ji Pianpian clenched her phone and froze in place.

Shen Du put away his phone and looked at her with lowered eyelashes.

The girl has a good appearance, her skin is as white as mutton fat, her facial features are small and exquisite, especially her eyes, which are dark and round, and can't hide any emotion.

Simple, pure, innocent.

Just a kid who hasn't grown up.

How could Shen Du not understand her little hidden thoughts

So he said this simply and neatly, in order to cut the knot quickly.

He would not provoke such a child, and he would not leave her with any unwanted thoughts.

What's more... he does have someone he likes.

Shen Du said warmly: "I'm afraid you'll laugh. She and I met in the game. She doesn't know that I like her yet, but..."

He saw that the girl's face was getting paler and paler, and her lower lip was bitten until it became bloodshot.

Shen Du finished his sentence: "I will take this love seriously."

Ji Pianpian was wearing a heavy down jacket, but she still felt the bone-chilling cold in the ice and snow.

n city…

It's really cold this year.

Ji Pianpian bit her lower lip, trying to hold back the soreness on the tip of her nose.

How could she not understand

She was rejected, sincerely rejected.

Shen Du didn't have to say it in such detail, but he did it because he didn't want to deal with her.

He really has someone he likes.

People in the game.

No matter in reality or in the game, there is nothing she can do.

He couldn't tell what kind of emotions came to his heart, Ji Pianpian managed to stay calm: "I understand."

Shen Du's thin lips moved but he did not say the word "sorry".

He could see that the child was face-saving.

He spoke clearly, but not too much, and with enough respect.

Ji Pianpian couldn't help but watch Shen Du leave first. She lowered her head and said, "Senior."

Shen Du: "Yeah."

Ji Pianpian raised her head and smiled at him: "Nice to meet you."

Shen Du was startled.

The child had turned around and ran into the school gate, and did not cry in the end.

She would obviously cry and act coquettishly at the amusement park, but now she refused to shed even a single tear.

Go back to dorms.

Ji Pianpian's strong emotions collapsed, and she was buried in the bed crying like a mess.

Are you sad? very sad.

But more helpless than sad.

Such a good person, after all, has no destiny.

Was it too early for her to meet him, or was it too late

It's too early, it's too late.

Long before she was a minor.

It's too late now that he has someone he likes.

After all, it is inappropriate.

Not long after Ji Pianpian cried, only ten minutes, the dormitory door opened.

She didn't even change her clothes, and she looked so embarrassed. She was afraid of seeing other people.

It wasn't anyone else who came.

Jiang Muxue was panting, and she was stunned when she saw Ji Pianpian with red eyes.

Ji Pianpian didn't expect that she would come back so early.

Jiang Muxue threw the bag away and panicked: "I'm sorry, sorry, Pianpian, don't cry, it's my fault... I shouldn't have tricked you into going to the bar..."

Ji Pianpian thought she knew about Shen Du... How could she know? Shen Du wouldn't tell anyone.

Of course Jiang Muxue didn't know that Shen Du rejected Ji Pianpian. She hurried back because when she returned to the table, she found that Ji Pianpian was not there. After asking, she found out that she had gone back to the dormitory first.

Jiang Muxue was used to having fun on weekdays, so she didn't take going to bars seriously. In addition, when she fell in love, she wanted everyone around her to fall in love with her... her behavior was somewhat mindless.

When he woke up, he realized that he had forced Ji Pianpian.

When she thought of her roommate's temper, she suddenly felt extremely guilty, leaving Li Xingqiao behind and ran back quickly.

Entering the dormitory, she met Ji Pianpian crying again, and Jiang Muxue hated herself even more.

"It's my fault! I tricked you into going to the bar even though I knew you weren't happy..." Jiang Muxue scolded herself mercilessly, "I'm not good to me, I'm just an idiot, Pianpian, don't be angry!"

Ji Pianpian was crying because of her, she was...

Shen Du's words came to her mind -

Tell her you don't like this.

Ji Pianpian usually didn't dare to say it, but this time she said it: "Mumu, I don't like going to bars."

Jiang Muxue's eyes turned red: "I'm sorry..."

Ji Pianpian didn't want to make her cry: "I didn't make it clear, please don't hide it from me in the future, okay?"

Jiang Muxue hugged her: "No, no, absolutely no."

Ji Pianpian treats her very well on weekdays. Although the two have only known each other for a month, she has such a carefree temperament that she relies on Ji Pianpian for help with many things.

Such a good roommate, she didn't want to make her cry.

Ji Pianpian waited for her to let go of her hand, then whispered: "Senior Shen has someone he likes."

Jiang Muxue was stunned.

Ji Pianpian cried a lot and felt much better.

After all, it was just a few encounters. This kind of love came and went away quickly.

I didn't have high hopes, so I can bear the disappointment.

Ji Pianpian wiped away her tears and held back her sadness: "That's it, it's good."

Jiang Muxue thought about what she had done and felt even more regretful: "It's all my fault... I..."

It was she who introduced her to Shen Du and wanted to bring them together, but it ended up like this.

Ji Pianpian smiled instead: "I don't blame you."

Jiang Muxue only thought she was comforting her.

Ji Pianpian said sincerely, "I don't regret knowing him."

No regrets at all.

Even if she has no luck in her life, even if she can only bless him from a distance, she will not regret knowing such an outstanding person.


At half past nine, Ji Pianpian logged into the game by accident.

Logically speaking, she was going to bed soon and shouldn't be online.


She wanted to go up and have a look.

The little mage is about to reach level 20, and her original motivation to play the game is gone.

No more playing

Still have to play.

Just like a high imitation account asked her: "Is it worth playing games for others?"


But this time, she wanted to play for herself.

Ji Pianpian unknowingly promoted the little mage to level 20.

After the light of upgrade dissipated, Ji Pianpian breathed a sigh of relief.

Give the skill book to the high imitation account tomorrow and she will continue to upgrade.

Level 20 is nothing, she wants to play to the full level!

A lot of functions are opened up at level 20, such as the mailbox can finally be used.

The system will give away some gold coins, which are all distributed through mailboxes. Ji Pianpian plans to collect some before going offline.

As soon as she opened her mailbox, she saw a strange email.

Sender: save me.

Ji Pianpian's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately realized: it's a high imitation number.

She didn't think too much and clicked receive. A small sign fell into the character's backpack.

Ji Pianpian didn't know what it was, so she clicked into the backpack to check.

Name tag

What title.

Ji Pianpian clicked on activate, and the moment she moved the mouse, a system announcement appeared.

Congratulations to player xx for winning the title of God: Chaos in the beginning and abandoning me in the end.

Ji Pianpian: "?!"

She stared at the title dumbfounded, and was shocked by the thunder and lightning of "beginning in chaos and ending in abandonment".

What the hell!

There is no doubt that World Channel has exploded.

A group of people were shocked, stunned, surprised, and howling.

The scrolling is just crazy.

All Ji Pianpian saw was a system prompt.

Title stunt: Teleport to me, can only be used once within four hours.