Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 31: It's not a high imitation (me It seems that I haven't married myself yet...)


Facing this seemingly ecstatic skill, Ji Pianpian couldn't laugh at all.

Teleport to me

Send it to the high imitation account.

When will this blank code bug be fixed? Can Tianqi official do it

If it was before, Ji Pianpian would have laughed it off, but now that she had just lost her love, she just wanted to get revenge on Bu Du and have a fierce fight with him.

Why not

How could she beat a high-imitation full-level queen size!

For her, this title has zero surprise and is extremely insulting.

Have you abandoned me in the end

Is she Ji Pianpian worthy

Not to mention chaos and abandonment, neither was good at the beginning.

Ji was rejected Pianpian: Zha! Heart! Got it!

Of course she saw the frenzy on the world channel.

As long as it's related to Dume, there's always been a lot of hot discussion, not to mention this seemingly incredible title tag.

Either I'm blind or I'm mentally retarded, brothers, please punch me awake!

Who was abandoned in the beginning and end of chaos? ?

After being fucked by God, he was fucked again

Hold! What woman is so fierce!

The layout upstairs is too small, why does it have to be a woman!

Ah, didn't Du Shen and Yu Shen just show off their affection, and are they going to divorce now

Wait... Could this xx be the world-famous European Emperor

The channel scrolled too fast, and Ji Pianpian couldn't understand everything, and she didn't really want to watch it.

What catches your eyes.

The whole world has been fooled by high imitation accounts!

Only she...

The world is awake.

Ji Pianpian was about to log off when she saw the demon warlock next to her who had just come online.

Ji Pianpian typed: "Haha!"

Budu: "?"

Ji Pianpian: "Is this a funny title?"

Budu: "A little exaggerated."

Ji Pianpian: "...remove the slight hint!"

Ji Pianpian originally didn't want to ask the initiator, but it was too troublesome to go out and search, so she asked, "How can I take it off?"

Budu: "Do you have any other titles?"

Ji Pianpian: "I'm only level 20, what other titles can I have?"

Budu: "That's it."

Ji Pianpian had a bad feeling: "What?"

Bu Du: "The title can only be replaced but not removed." Not to mention across the network cable, I can lie in person without changing my face.

Ji Pianpian: "..."

What kind of devilish setting is this? Tianqi is poisonous!

Budu typed carefully (liar): "Titles in Tianqi are very rare, they are automatically locked, unless there is something else that can replace them..."

Ji Pianpian has only played one Tianqi game in her life, with the highest level being 20. Apart from her own family, the only players she knows are big liars in front of her.

Although she thought there was a cat cake in the game, she didn't expect the guy in front of her to be so inhumane.


She believed it.

Ji Pianpian didn't want to bear this damn ominous and ironic title at all, so she eagerly asked for advice: "How can I have other titles?"

It's not difficult, isn't it? She just has her email address and titles.

Budu: "Tianqi's titles have always been scarce. Currently, most of them are battlefield titles and first-pass dungeon titles."

Ji Pianpian's eyes darkened.

Battlefield title

She can only enter the battlefield at level 80!

The first copy of the copy

She had only been to the Black Stone Demon Cave and died exactly thirty-four times thanks to the people in front of her.

Ji Pianpian glanced at the thunder and lightning above her head and asked unwillingly: "Is there no other title?"

When I think about it, I have to endure it until I reach level 80.


Goodbye my friend.

It's her who doesn't deserve to play games!

There is always a way, and the dialog box pops up with Budu hesitant to say: "There is a way to save trouble."

Ji Pianpian's eyes lit up: "What."

Budu: "Well..."

I feel deep in thought even as I type, and there is something in it.

Ji Pianpian was anxious: "Just say it, no matter how difficult it is, I can do it." As long as this damn title can be replaced.

Budu: "It's not that difficult."

Ji Pianpian stared at the screen without blinking, hoping that he would speak quickly, but the man became silent.

Ji Pianpian: "?"

Budu: "Are you sure you can do it?"

Ji Pianpian was angry at him for showing off, and gave him three exclamation points: "Me! Yes! Yes!"

Budu: "I can do that too." There was an expression on his back.

Ji Pianpian noticed something was wrong, and she asked carefully: "What does it have to do with you?"

Budu: "The best title is Qingyuan."

Ji Pianpian: "????"

Budu: "Du my bride, this title comes only after marriage."

Ji Pianpian: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "

At this moment, Ji Pianpian's mind was filled with a row of ellipses, as if the world channel was swiping across the screen - when the scrolling reached a certain speed, all the words were garbled.

This man!

how come!

So casual!

Such terrible things to say!

Ji Pianpian's outlook was split. She poked her fingers at the keyboard for a long time before typing out a line: "Why should I marry you!"

Budu: "Probably, to change the title?"

This question mark is outrageous.

Ji Pianpian stamped with an expressionless face: "I understand, getting married in the game is very casual, and it is not something that should be taken seriously, and it is not something worth making a fuss about, but..."

After sending the above paragraph, Ji Pianpian typed seriously: I can't!

Although she hasn't played many games, she has heard a lot of gossip from Fu Xuehui.

There aren't many people in the game who get married after just ten minutes of meeting each other.

There are also a lot of people who get married and then divorce.

The forum has a special 818 section, which talks about these love and hatred.

She can't.

She can't do it.

Even though she had known Budu for more than half a month, even if he played with her for an hour every night, even if he added a lot of fun to her boring professional studies.


Ji Pianpian thought seriously for a long time, and even reflected more or less on herself: Did she give the high imitation account an inappropriate misunderstanding recently? After all, they played for an hour every night, and over time... that love thing...

Well, if this is his confession.

Then she must sincerely refuse.

Just like Shendu.

After thinking a lot about it seriously, Ji Pianpian glanced at the dialog box again, looking at what Budu had said before, especially the one who deserved a beating.

Ji Pianpian: sneer jpg.


This guy is teasing her again!

After all, we have known each other for more than half a month, and after all, they are constantly making comments every day and operating a bunch of high imitation accounts that are not surprising in anything they do.

If she takes it seriously, she loses!

After the brainstorming, Ji Pianpian calmed down.

She had the words "I was in chaos and finally abandoned me" on her head, and she was afraid of a ghost.

I was watching the little mage's long speech, and I was waiting for her to say something with indignation that she couldn't do it... The corners of her mouth straightened.

Ji Pianpian deleted the three words "I can't" and changed them to four other words: "You are right." Ji Pianpian continued typing: "Then I will find someone else to get married."

Since it is something that can be solved by getting married, why should this Dharma King (the future) marry you

Ji Pianpian felt refreshed after typing this line.

There is a kind of joy in knocking the big bastard to the ground.

Playing tricks on her

Who, fear, who!

Budu: "Players from different camps cannot get married." He obviously misunderstood and thought Ji Pianpian was going to find Yu Shang.

Ji Pianpian: "There are tens of millions of players in the Ice Realm, and there are millions of male accounts. Why should I go to the Light Alliance?"

Budu: "No."

Ji Pianpian: "Don't worry about it!"

Budu: “…”

As the saying goes, don't chase after a poor enemy, but accept it when you see it. In order to preserve the fruits of victory, it was already ten o'clock, Ji Pianpian quickly typed: "Sister, I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow, so go to bed first!"

Send offline one-stop service.

Ji Pianpian: A great victory!


January 27, 2008.

Ji Pianpian's lovelorn anniversary.

Of course, she slept much better than she expected that night. Not only did she not have any nightmares, she also dreamed that she beat up the high imitation account and killed him a total of 340 times. Don't be too happy!

I said I would suffer from insomnia if I lose love.

Well, having a crush probably doesn’t count as being in love.

Today, she is still lonely and widowed.

In the next few days, Ji Pianpian stopped talking about games and even forgot about Shen Du.

The school exam she signed up for was in mid-February, which was an extremely magical day.

The eighth day of the Lunar New Year, plus Valentine’s Day.

Don't be too devilish.

Although Ji Pianpian took professional courses in hosting, she still thought more about literary and artistic choreography.

Ji Heyu had already prepared first-hand information for her and located the most suitable college for her.

——The professional standards are high, while the requirements for cultural courses are very low.

Ji Heyu shouldn't know too much about his sister's level.

Because this institution is an old art university, even if the media department opened in recent years is not pure art, it still has certain talent requirements for students.

There are two days of school exams.

The first day is a written test, with two tests; the second day is an interview, which requires self-introduction and talent display.

Ji Pianpian was full of confidence in the first day of the exam, but was very unsure about the talent show on the second day.

Talent or something...

Just play Allegro!

Considering that the old Ji family was a self-made nouveau riche, Ji’s father had no clue about the artistic education of his children and did not let them learn any musical instruments. Later, they had a Yamaha piano at home, but it was Ji’s mother who used it the most...

The only "instrument" Ji Pianpian knows is Allegro.

She learned it from her music teacher in elementary school - because she was good-looking, Liu Yi insisted on letting her perform a special show on stage.

This must be impossible to do. Ji Pianpian was so worried about this that she was not in the mood to play the game.

Until the end of January, Ji Heyu sent her a message: "The literary director's talent show will not count, so be prepared to introduce yourself."

Ji Pianpian let out a long sigh of relief, and then she had time to play games.

After three days of absence, Ji Pianpian's head was still buzzing when she saw her amazing title of Lightning and Thunder again.

It’s so shocking!

My wife is shocked!

Ji Pianpian opened her friend list and found that Budu was online, so she poked him: "Do you still need the skill book?"

Budu replied quickly: "Wait for me."

Ji Pianpian: "Yeah."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished replying, Budu's name faded.

He asked her to wait for him and then logged off

Is his behavior too blatant

Ji Pianpian was stunned for a moment and then came to her senses:

It's probably time to change to a larger size.

After all, skill books can only be used by large players.

At this time, Ji Pianpian didn't think too much and was even in the mood to watch the game announcement.

After not being online for three days, Tianqi officials finally took care of personnel matters.

Blank code fix.

Duplicate names have completely become history, and high imitation accounts and clone accounts do not exist!

Ji Pianpian was in a happy mood and had already thought of lines to comfort Budu -

Good brothers don't cry, it's good to be yourself.

Well, Budu can be considered her good brother. If she were Ji Heyu, Budu would be y-01 in her address book.

What a noble no1.

Ji Pianpian has never added a large friend with a high imitation account, so she doesn't know if he is online.

Anyway, he knew her coordinates, so he was not in a hurry.

Because the talent show matter was settled, Ji Pianpian was in a very good mood. She was even more excited when she thought that she could have one hour of game time every day recently.

One hour a day, how many days will it take to reach full level

It’s okay, it’s a game, just play it slowly!

Ji Pianpian was studying a new task when she suddenly heard a dragon roar.

Turning around, Ji Pianpian saw the high-profile two-person mount.

As cool as the Black Dragon is, even if she rides on it once, she will still be amazed every time she looks at it.

It can be seen that although the high imitation account is not a god, it is still a very capable high player.

After canceling the blank code, the official will give players with the same name a chance to change their name.

Ji Pianpian was curious about the name of the high imitation account.

The black dragon descended from the sky, and the night assassin jumped down.

I have to say that Tianqi’s aesthetics are truly amazing. Being able to achieve this level of modeling under limited technical conditions is worthy of being the industry’s ceiling.

The night elf with pointed ears and white skin is very suitable for the black and red color scheme. The inside of the jet black cloak is rich scarlet. The short armor tightly wraps the straight long legs, and the military boots and military cap complement each other.

Don’t be too handsome in this God of War uniform!



Ares uniform!

Ji Pianpian saw the ID above the night elf's head.

——Save me.

Two words that are low-key yet extremely arrogant.

Nothing has changed.

Today, when blank codes have been cancelled, saving me is still saving me.

Ji Pianpian was stunned for three seconds, and said in disbelief: "Not?" No way, no way, tell her this is impossible!

Dume: "You haven't seen me for three days and you forgot about me?"

One sentence blocked all her thoughts.

Is the high imitation account saving me

Isn't he a high imitation account

Ah this...

Ji Pianpian cracked.

The whole person was stiff.

Whether in the game or in reality, she is straight!

Ji Pianpian looked at the computer, the screen, the dazzling character and ID, and the words that should never have come out of Dushen's mouth.

Dume: "It seems that I haven't married myself yet."

Ji Pianpian: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "


Someone give her the answer.

Why is the aloof senior in reality such a person, animal, and harmful person in the game!