Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 32: The filters are sparse


Regarding Ji Pianpian's problem, both Zhou and Youdu expressed that they were helpless.

The answer is just like the person involved.


Ji Pianpian has been thinking about this for more than half a month -

1. Play games and encounter hidden tasks.

2. Being teased by a high imitation account (forgive her, she can’t say that she was teased by Du Shen).

3. Killed again and again by high imitation accounts (same as above).

4. The high imitation account humiliated her with divine costumes and divine pets.

5. The conscience of the high imitation account was discovered, and I opened a small account to help her upgrade.

6. High imitation accounts can be published at their own expense, even if they make a lot of nonsense.

7. The high imitation account teases her +1, the high imitation account teases her +2, the high imitation account teases her +10086!

Ji Pianpian suddenly felt hot, remembering all the panic she had caused -

My 27-year-old beautiful sister understands.

My sister is going to work overtime.

My sister is busy.

My sister has to get up early to catch the subway...

"Oh My God… "

Ji Pianpian groaned and covered her face. She deeply understood what it meant to be so embarrassed that she dug her toes out of three rooms and two living rooms plus an underground castle.


What made Ji Pianpian's cheeks even hotter was.

Gao Fang called her - sister.

I didn't feel anything at the time, but now I felt Shen Du's face.

Numb. All-round shock!

On the screen, I sent her an invitation to ride together.

Ji Pianpianmu nodded dumbly in agreement.

The scene turned, and the little mage was nestled in the arms of the night assassin. The night elf's slender arms passed through her waist and pulled the golden reins that controlled the black dragon.

Ji Pianpian: "..."

It wasn't the first time she sat there, it wasn't the first time she saw it, but at this moment, she felt uncomfortable all over.

Riding together, riding together, is it too late for her to jump off now

Fortunately, they arrived at their destination quickly and got off the back of the black dragon. Ji Pianpian wished she was half a screen away from the night elves.

She just wants to watch the male god from a distance and refuses to "play with him"!

Save me: "Come here."

It’s you: “…”

Save me: "Do you really want to give up on me?"

Ji Pianpian: "..."

She looked up at her title and realized that it was given to her by Shen Du.


Ji Pianpian's mind is full of two words -


Super invincible disillusionment.

She slapped Shendu's 20,000-meter filter, and it shattered into pieces on the ground.

Ji Pianpian's heart was full of words, and when she saw the destination, she felt numb again.

But it was you: "What are we doing here?"

Dume: "What do you think?"

But it was you: "!"

This is no other place, it is the "Civil Affairs Bureau" of Tianqi World!

Tianqi's world view is Western fantasy, with elves, demons and humans, so this "Civil Affairs Bureau" is placed in a snow-white and magnificent church.

No matter how newbie Ji Pianpian is, she can still tell that there is a mystery here.

Church, civil affairs bureau, one-stop service for lonely men and widows...

What on earth are they here for!

Ji Pianpian took a breath and remembered the most important thing.

Three days ago, she fell in love.

Three days ago, she was proposed to in the game.

Three days ago, the senior she fell in love with at first sight told her——

"I have a favorite person."

"I'm afraid you'll laugh. She and I met in a game. She doesn't know that I like him yet, but... I will take this love seriously."

When Ji Pianpian heard these words, she was so sad that she forced herself to hold back her tears. She was only one step away from crying and going back to the dormitory.

Now recalling these words, Ji Pianpian's mood was a little bit complicated.

Is she arrogant

Is she narcissistic

Did she, Ji Pianpian, fly to heaven

Why does she feel that the "she" Du Shen talks about is her!

Ji Pianpian looked at the night elf and little mage in the picture, and endured it again and again, but still couldn't hold it back: "Have you played games with other girls recently?"

Should, should, have, right.

She actually has very little time to play games, especially when she has classes. She can play for an hour at most from 8 to 9 pm.

Li Xingqiao said that they are quite free now.

Firstly, it is the winter vacation and there are no topics to follow; secondly, the work project has come to an end and I am just waiting to see the results after the year.


He should have a lot of time to play games when he is leisurely spending time. Maybe during the day when she is not online, he spends all day with another girl.

Thinking like this, Ji Pianpian felt that it was impossible.

Shen Du is not that kind of person...

He can't have one during the day and one at night... right!

Dume: "Why are you asking this suddenly?"

Ji Pianpian didn't want to lie, but how could she dare to tell the truth, and how could she say it out loud!

It was you who said, "Why don't you just ask?"

Dume: "Okay."

But it was you: "Then you..."

Dume: "Yes."

Seeing these two words, Ji Pianpian's heart dropped, and an indescribable emotion surged up.

Yes, I have.

That's right, it's normal and it should be.

As soon as she frowned, she saw another message from me: "But nothing else."

Ji Pianpian was startled.

Save me: "This girl is you."

Ji Pianpian's heart swayed.

Dume: "Okay, don't be jealous, I don't have any other girls, I only have a beautiful sister who is twenty-seven years old."

Ji Pianpian's face heated up, and her typing hand trembled slightly: "What a mess!"

She was not jealous. She was clearly rejected by him. What right did she have to be jealous!

I raised my eyebrows: "What, sister is under twenty-seven?"

Ji Pianpian's heart skipped a beat, but fortunately she was able to hold on through the network cable: "I'm sorry, I lied to you."

Save me: "?"

Ji Pianpian said word by word: "Actually, I am thirty-seven!"

Dume sent me a surprised emoticon, and the old god asked on the spot: "Really?"

Ji Pianpian: "I disappoint you."

Dume: "What's so disappointing about this?"

Ji Pianpian emphasized: "I am thirty-seven!"

Dume: "Well, are you married?"

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Dume: "If we're not married yet, let's get one as soon as possible?"

Duwo added: "Although the country advocates late marriage and late childbearing, at the age of thirty-seven, it is time to put marriage on the agenda."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Don't ask, just ask because the filter is broken.

Is this really a salvation

Is this really the polite, polite, mature and gentle Senior Shen

What kind of evil did Ji Pianpian do to make the seventeen-year-old girl endure such black and white changes

The god of death in the game is Black.

The god outside the game, Bai.

Taken together, it is not the impermanent king who kills people.

Ji Pianpian's head was buzzing. What she had experienced in just ten minutes was enough to embarrass her for the rest of her life.

"Actually, I..." Ji Pianpian said bravely, "I am a non-marriage person."

Dume sent me a smiley face and repeated: "A non-marriage person?"

Ji Pianpian: "Yes."

She couldn't marry him in the game anyway. She had indeed thought about him, but now...

No, no, she couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart.

Slowly, let her calm down first!

However, Shen Du did not intend to give her a chance to relax.

This muffled thunder was followed by another thunder that reached the sky.

Dume: "I am a non-marriage person, but what about Yu Shang?"

Ji Pianpian was stunned for a moment.

I can't help but feel a strong sense of sourness as I type: "How can you not be anti-marriage? You just don't like me."

Ji Pianpian was numb.

How could she forget this

She is not only a 27-year-old idiot sister, she is also a super invincible idiot who has a crush on Yugami!

If you keep cutting and sorting it out, it will become messy.

When I think about it, my scalp feels numb.

There are too many unsolved mysteries in Ji Pianpian's mind.

First of all, why is there such a big difference between studying God and studying God!

Secondly, do I like her? Do you like her in the game

Good guy, what on earth did she like about this level 20 rookie mage

She still can't change...

She didn't particularly want to change it, she was just curious to know.

In the end, how should she tell Shen Du that she didn't like Yushang.

It's just an oolong, but it's as if she's stabbed an "oolong in the hole", oolongs on top of oolongs, oolongs on top of oolongs, it's all turned into a braid!

Seeing that she remained silent, Shen Du thought that he was poking at her heart and making her unhappy.

Afraid that this little heartless boy would disappear for another three or four days, he said to me, "Okay, I know you have your heart, and I don't want to force you."

Ji Pianpian: "!"

The heart has its own place, but it may not be the same as you think.

Duwu changed his tone again: "If you don't want to get married, don't get married. I quite like you wearing this title."

It started to be chaotic and finally abandoned me.

Not bad, after all, it is his name.

Ji Pianpian was silent, and finally asked: "To save the gods..."

Shen Du: "Why are you so polite all of a sudden?"

After knowing him for so long, the little mage has never regarded him as a "great god".

Ji Pianpian thought for a moment and changed her words: "Good brother."

Shen Du: "..."

What can Ji Pianpian do? She does regard the high imitation account as a good brother!

The words were spoken and not taken back.

Ji Pianpian said calmly: "Could it be that maybe you... like me?"

I replied happily: "Be more confident and get rid of the question."

--you like me


Ji Pianpian: "..."

It's hammered down, hammered to death, and can't run away.

Ji Pianpian's face was full of disbelief: "Why?"

What does he like about her!

Do you like her ridiculously good food

I've been in love with her for almost two months and she's only level 20

Do you like her playing games as if she were sleepwalking

Or, he liked that she was killed by him thirty-five times!

The person involved, Ji Pianpian: I can’t understand jpg!

My answer also has the inhumane temperament of a high imitation account——

"Who doesn't like a beautiful twenty-seven-year-old sister?"

Although he knew this was his usual joke, Ji Pianpian still couldn't help but curse.

Could this be what is said in the legend:

You ignored me when I was seventeen, but you couldn't reach me when I was twenty-seven

I’ve heard of all kinds of discrimination, but this is the first time I’ve heard of “age discrimination”!