Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 48: If you grow up


Did Ji Pianpian understand



The blush crept up to the tips of her ears, and Ji Pianpian didn't dare to look up at all. She could only hold a small stainless steel spoon, gently scoop up a piece of matcha pudding, and put it into her mouth blankly.

The aroma of matcha lingers on the tip of the nose, accompanied by a slightly bitter taste that is refreshing and not greasy.

Just like these words fell in her ears.

—It’s not okay for you to like me, because you’re still young.

—It’s not okay for me to like you, because you’re still young.

I couldn't tell her clearly, but I told her.

Shen Du picked up the iced Americano that had cooled down a bit, took a sip, put it down, and said slowly: "I can remember things early since I was a kid."

Ji Pianpian was slightly startled, wondering why he suddenly said this.

Shen Du really wanted to talk to her, but he accidentally stumbled upon this moment, and there were some things he should tell her.

Not too old, not too young.

It is also the most impulsive and elusive age.

"When I was three years old, my parents went to work elsewhere, and I stayed at home to live with my grandfather."

It stands to reason that normal people cannot remember the memories of three years old when they grow up.

But Shen Du always remembered it.

I remember my grandfather gasping for air on the hospital bed, and the difficulty I had when I helped him to the hospital. I also remember my grandfather saying in his ear with a pale voice: "Good grandson, grandpa's good grandson."

She kept murmuring and calling him, as if this was the only way she could hold her breath and not fall down.

Shen Du didn't say much about his relationship with his grandfather. What he wanted to say was another thing.

"Also left at home is my cousin who is in junior high school. She usually lives on campus and only comes back on weekends. She always brings me a piece of candy every time she comes back."

Shen Du smiled and said, "I don't like sweets."

When he said this, Ji Pianpian's heart felt like it was being twisted, and she felt a bitterness welling up on the tip of her tongue.

Shen Du continued: "When I was six years old, she was sixteen."

As he spoke, he raised his eyelashes slightly and looked at Ji Pianpian: "I'm one year younger than you."

Ji Pianpian: "Well..."

She couldn't drink the caramel macchiato because it was bitterly sweet.

Shen Du paused for a moment before continuing: "She came home that day and gave me half a bag of candies, more than thirty of them. She put the candies into my hand.

Li, told me, I can only eat one pill a week. "

"I asked her why she gave it all to me."

"She asked me, I'm still not happy if I give it all to you."

"I wanted to say unhappy, but I didn't want her to be unhappy, so I told her, happy."

"She smiled and told me, just be happy."

"That night, she fell to her death."

Although she vaguely guessed something, Ji Pianpian was still shocked when she actually heard it.

The small stainless steel spoon fell and hit the porcelain plate with a crisp sound. Ji Pianpian suddenly came back to her senses, picked up the spoon, and whispered: "You..."

The words came to his lips, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

Shen Du's eyebrows were soothed and he said softly: "It's been a long time."

Ji Pianpian paused and could only say: "My condolences."

Shen Du: "Yeah."

There was a brief silence, the caramel in the macchiato melted, and the hot American lost its heat. Shen Du then continued: "She fell in love with a man who was much older than her. That day... that man got married."

Shen Du didn't know why at that time.

He is afraid of death because his grandfather is always fighting the disease.

But my healthy cousin gave up her life so easily.

What he remembered most clearly was his aunt who came back from other places and cried desperately at the funeral.

She cried: "She is only sixteen years old, she is only sixteen years old!"

At the same age as a flower, it will wither forever.

After hearing this, Ji Pianpian understood.

I understand why Shen Du rejected her thousands of miles away, I understand why the age difference of only five years deterred him, and I also understand how embarrassed Shen Du was when he learned the truth.

Sourness rose to the tip of her nose. Ji Pianpian stared at the matcha pudding and said in a harsh voice, "I'm sorry."

Shen Du paused for a moment, then quickly raised his eyelashes to look at her: "What's wrong with you?"

Ji Pianpian bit her lower lip and said sadly, "I... lied to you."

The corners of Shen Du's lips raised slightly, and a wry smile overflowed: "This is true, it made me dizzy."

Ji Pianpian said again: "...I'm sorry."

Shen Du: "Okay, you are not wrong, don't apologize."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Shen Du drank up the cooled coffee, his voice returned to its usual clear tone, and he said to her: "I'm just telling you this.

I want to tell you that it’s not that you are bad, but that I can’t. "

Ji Pianpian raised her head suddenly.

Shen Du looked into her eyes and said seriously: "You are still young. You should wait until you grow up to decide some things, okay?"

Ji Pianpian wanted to say: "I..." It wasn't small, but she couldn't say it, especially after hearing something like that.

Shen Du: "Don't be fooled by impulse. In five years, you will find that many things are not what you thought..."

Ji Pianpian lowered her eyelashes: "For example..."

Shen Du: "Like I'm just a bad adult."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Shen Du suddenly curled his lips again and returned to his usual informal tone: "That's wrong. I will be a terrible man in five years."

The slightly heavy atmosphere just now was mostly cleared away by his words.

Ji Pianpian muttered: "I suspect you are dissing Ji Heyu."

Shen Du smiled and said: "Senior Ji is in his youth."

Ji Pianpian: "You are two years younger than him."

Shen Du: "Yeah, I'm only two years younger than him."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

"Okay." Shen Du checked the time and said, "We should go back."

Ji Pianpian stared at the macchiato with more than half the cup left and said, "If I grow up..."

Shen Du looked at her and waited for her quietly.

Ji Pianpian listened to her heart beating like a drum, and plucked up the courage to say, "If I grow up, can I be with you?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl's face turned as red as a burning cloud in the sky.

No, Huo Shaoyun is not as good-looking as her.

Shen spent a long time before saying: "You will dislike me then."

Ji Pianpian frowned: "No way."

Shen Du thought for a moment: "When you go to college, you will know how many handsome brothers there are."

Ji Pianpian: "What does that have to do with me!"

Shen Du said quietly: "Yes, it has a lot to do with me."

Ji Pianpian: "?"

Shen Du: "After all, I am the one who feels ashamed."

Ji Pianpian: "... ... ... ... ... "

A man who has been elected as the University's Elephant for six consecutive years, isn't he afraid that his words will go off his tongue

Anyway, Ji Pianpian said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said. She was no longer timid or afraid. She was even brave.


Ji Pianpian: "Then we'll see!"

Shen Du's eyes curled up: "Miss Pianpian, five years is too long, it's better to watch the day and night."

Ji Pianpian didn't understand.

Shen Du brought her back to reality with one sentence: "For example, think about the school exam in the sixth grade of junior high school?"

Ji Pianpian: "..."

This is really a day and night!

Ji Pianpian became nervous and said, "I will get into F University."

Shen Du looked at her.

Ji Pianpian explained: "I wanted to take the exam myself. I had thought about it before... but my family had made arrangements and I didn't have the courage. Then... "

Shen Du answered her words: "It's good. If you want to do it, just do it. You won't regret it if you do it."

Ji Pianpian's eyes lit up and she said, "Yes! You told me that in the last moment of life, what you regret must be the things you haven't done, so I want to try."

Shen Du was not in a hurry to leave and asked her about the specific school examination process.

Ji Pianpian no longer had any scruples. She didn't need to hide anything, and she didn't need to lie anymore. She explained everything about the F and S university exams like a bamboo shoot.

After Shen Du heard this, his brows furrowed slightly: "On the sixth day of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, I am taking the exam for University F, and on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, I have to go to City S?"

Ji Pianpian: "Well..."

Shen Du: "Have you booked the flight tickets?"

Ji Pianpian: "It's booked."

Shen Du: "Is there someone to pick you up over there?"

Ji Pianpian: "There is a classmate who applied for the exam together." He is a high school classmate, but the professional training is not in the same place.

Shen Du nodded and asked her about her professional courses.

The art exam was an area that Shen Du didn't understand at all. He had heard of it when he was studying, but as the top student in his grade, no teacher would tell him this.

As for the students who take the art exam, most of them are scumbags in elementary school and are naturally resistant to good studies.

Ji Pianpian talked to him in general.

Shen Du asked her: "Do you like movies?"

Ji Pianpian: "I like it!"

Shen Du was amused by her appearance and asked: "The director... is he the director?"

Ji Pianpian: "No, if you go to S University, you are more of a TV station director. F University does have a director major..."

Shen Du looked at her with his chin half raised: "Then what do you most want to do in the future?"

Ji Pianpian was stunned for a moment and hesitated: "I..."

She actually doesn't know what she wants to do in the future.

She does like movies and likes to write random things, but if she were to go to a TV station or become a director, something seemed to be missing.

Ji Pianpian said ashamedly: "I don't know... I just want to get into college."

I studied major because I was not good at cultural courses. The ultimate goal of the art exam is to go to university, which is to go to a relatively better university.

This seems pretty hopeless.

Especially in front of Shen Du, who came from a prestigious school.

Sensing the little girl's disappointment, Shen Du said warmly: "This is also good. When you don't know what you will do in the future, studying is the most correct choice."

His words cheered up Ji Pianpian.

Shen Du added: "There are many variables in the future, so there is no need to limit yourself now."

Ji Pianpian nodded unconsciously: "Yes, yes!"

Shen Du's voice became softer and softer: "The most urgent thing is to study hard."

Ji Pianpian said obediently: "Yeah!"

"Speaking of studying..." Shen Du deliberately prolonged his tone and asked her, "Do you need a tutor?"

Ji Pianpian was stunned.

Shen Du: "I was the top scorer in the college entrance examination five years ago. I am currently studying in the second year of graduate school. I am proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry. I have a high emotional intelligence and a high personality. I am gentle, considerate and considerate. Oh, by the way, my voice is so good that a certain little liar can't believe that there are actually people in the world." Such an excellent...tutor."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Here we go again!

Can this person erase this passage from his mind

Shen Du added: "The fee is not high, just one piece of candy a day."

The author has something to say: Here it comes~!