Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 63: Who is the liar


Back home, Ji Pianpian slept for three days.

Really sleeping, except for meal time, she was always half asleep and half awake.

In the past four months, she slept at most five hours a day and didn't like to eat. She was physically exhausted. In the words of Ji's father, "Is it worth it to trade your life for points?"

But no one dared to stop her. Firstly, they were afraid that if she vented her anger, she would regret it in the future. Secondly, they couldn't stop her. How could they not know their daughter's temperament? She is usually very soft-spoken, but when she is stubborn, she is the biggest in the family. .

The exam was finally over and she could take a good rest, and the whole family breathed a sigh of relief.

Many years later, Ji Pianpian could not recall this more than a month.

Sleeping, confused, disappointed.

She didn't seem to even have a dream, the only thing she thought about was: it's over.

What ended

Is the college entrance examination over

more than.

The mask that was held up by force cracked, and the truth emerged.

Those who dare not think, those who dare not think, and those who do not want to face are all placed in front of us.


Do you still remember her

Do you still remember that short game time, remember the even briefer encounters and get along, remember the "promise" that has become thin and thin into the cool breeze of summer night.

Is he still waiting for her

The scene of the last meeting was finally brought out from the deepest part of the memory.

Ji Pianpian has no excuses anymore. She can only act like an intern researcher who was pushed onto the experimental platform, carefully splitting this memory into countless small parts, looking for the facts hidden in it -

Shen Du went to city J on a business trip and stopped by to see her.

Shen Du treated her distantly and politely, oh, politely.

The five words written casually were Ji Pianpian, come on.

It's like a senior who meets by chance and leaves his blessings to his younger sister.

Distance, unfamiliarity, indifference.

At the end of the analysis, what was left on the experimental table were these six words that pierced Ji Pianpian's heart.

It has been two days since the college entrance examination ended. Ji Pianpian has turned on the computer countless times, and messages on social media are constantly popping up. Some are comforting, some are asking, and some are asking her to go out...

Only a few words without seriousness.

Three months ago, it was Ji Pianpian who took the initiative to say no contact for the time being.

Yes, she brought it up.

But... but...

Three months.

It turns out that three months have passed.

Ji Pianpian thought of Jiang Muxue and what she said: "I was admitted to college and he just graduated... After he started working, the gap between him and me became bigger and bigger. With his qualifications, he will definitely go to the top company." , there are so many outstanding people there, slowly... "

Slowly he forgot about her.

Forget about this girl you met by chance.

She was the only one who believed deeply in her promise to coax the child.

Sadly, Ji Pianpian could not accuse Shen Du, she was not even qualified to question him.

Did he do something wrong


Not only did he do nothing wrong, but he did countless things right.

He tolerates her immature admiration, encourages her to become better, and guides her to give her best to every moment in her life.

He had no intention of provoking her and made it clear to her from the beginning.

Seventeen is too young for him.

The various mistakes in the game made him feel responsible for her.

That's all.

Sympathy, pity, care.

Charity given by adults to children.

On the third day, Ji Pianpian was picked up from the bed by Ji Heyu: "I signed you up for a summer camp."

Ji Pianpian's blank black eyes focused and she immediately said: "I won't go."

Ji Heyu sneered: "There's still more than half a month until the results are checked, and you're just going to sleep like this?"

He didn't want to torment Ji Pianpian, he just couldn't bear to see her like this.

I worked hard before the exam, but after the exam the world collapsed.

My grades haven’t come down yet, why are they so bad!

The so-called summer camp is actually a half-month tour in Europe, but the participants in the group are all recent college entrance examination students, and the team is led by senior teachers. Ji Heyu has studied all kinds of resumes and is very reassured.


Ji Heyu: "Fu Xuehui also signed up."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Ji Heyu: "You can take the major together... and go for any fish."

After returning to high school, Ji Pianpian's best friend was Lin Yu, and she didn't expect him to go too.

By the way, she still hasn't invited Lin Yu for the meal she owes him.

Ji Pianpian bit her lower lip tightly and finally responded: "Okay."

After saying that, she felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured into her heart, and she felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

It turned out that I was a little wronged, so wronged that I was not even qualified to cry.


Shen Du is very busy. After returning from J City, he has been as busy as a top.

Especially in late May, Professor Zhu went abroad to attend a seminar and handed over many of the things he was doing to Shen Du.

Why do graduate students love to call their supervisor boss? Because in a sense, they are really "boss".

Doing topics and projects, being a substitute class assistant, even feeding cats and watering flowers...

There is nothing you can't think of and nothing you can't do.

In addition, Shen Du was preparing for graduation. He was so anxious that he wished he had forty-eight hours in a day.

When he calmed down a little, he realized that it was already June 11th.

The National College Entrance Examination time is unified and unchangeable.

67 and 68.

It has actually been three days.

Shen Du immediately called Ji Pianpian and responded: "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

Shen Du was stunned for a moment, and his anxious heart calmed down.

It's been three days since the college entrance examination ended, and the little girl didn't even think about looking for him.

The boys and girls on campus flashed through his mind, and he whispered: "Little liar."

Shen Du lowered his eyelashes and logged into Penguin with his mobile phone. Many work messages popped up, but none from the little girl.

She didn't contact him.


The green four-leaf clover slipped from his wrist, and Shen Dufeng frowned.

The last time he saw it, the girl's wrist was empty. The cheap bracelet that represented luck had been put away by her.


Shen Du's dark eyelashes drooped, covering the emotions in his eyes. The fingers holding the phone were cold and white and translucent. If you were more careful, if you were familiar with him, you might notice the slight trembling on your fingertips, as light as being pricked by a needle. spasms.

He entered "Have you finished the exam?" and then deleted it. It was too boring to ask this question. The exam must have been finished on this day.

"What are you doing?" It's even more boring.

"you… "

Shen Du felt a rare irritability in his heart.

He detested indecision, detested the avoidance of truth, detested all base delusions.

Shen Du sighed softly and finally sent the message: "Want to play games?"

Still thinking.

Ji Pianpian didn't reply to him until the next day: "I'm not at home."

At two o'clock in the morning, Shen Du didn't sleep, but he didn't expect Ji Pianpian didn't sleep either: "Still awake so late?"

Ji Pianpian: "I... um, I went abroad to play." It's only eight o'clock in the evening here.

Shen Du was stunned for a moment.

Ji Pianpian: "My brother signed me up for a summer camp."

Shen Du paused and replied to her: "Very good."

Ji Pianpian replied to him: "Are you busy? You haven't slept yet."

Shen Du: "Get ready to sleep."

Ji Pianpian: "Then you go to bed early."

Shen Du: "Yeah."

After a while, Shen Du couldn't hold it back anymore and sent her another message: "Pay attention to safety."

The little girl replied to him: "It's okay, the teacher is here, and there are many of us together."

Shen Du understood: "Are there any classmates?"

Ji Pianpian: "I was young, and... oh, and Lin Yu."

Shen Du knew Lin Yu, so she told him his name.

I saw the word Lin Yu.

Shen Du twitched the corners of his mouth.

That's right, when he was eighteen years old, he didn't even know what a SLR was, but this kid already knew all the treasures.

Going to Europe after graduation.

It was something he wouldn't even think about.

That’s fine…

As long as the little girl is happy.

He didn't expect anything originally.

Shen Du replied to her: "Have fun."

Ji Pianpian looked at his message, and her eyes hurt from the cold moonlight in a foreign country.

"Pianpian?" Fu Xuehui called her.

Ji Pianpian turned off her phone and ran over to enjoy the Seine River at night with them.



She couldn't see clearly and she missed home.

In the next few days, Ji Pianpian was glad that Ji Heyu let her come out to play.

If she had really been stuck at home for more than half a month, she might have done something stupid.

For example, he was stupid enough to rush to city n, stupid enough to question Shen Du, and stupid enough to make him remember his promise.

Wait for her.

I promised to wait for her.

Who is the liar

After playing for half a month, I came home and took many, many photos, but I don’t remember much.

The Louvre is magnificent, but there are so many people and the queues are tiring.

The Eiffel Tower always feels different than imagined.

I don’t know if Italy is romantic or not, but Lin Yu’s thousand euros disappeared.

Switzerland is beautiful, the beauty that cleanses the soul. What Ji Pianpian likes most is the second-hand market they encountered by chance, where they saw an old woman taking out her treasure and carefully looking for the next owner.

Ji Pianpian bought a book, a book she didn't even know what it was, just because the cover was a four-leaf clover.

The mottled four-leaf clover has lost its emerald green color. Do you still have luck

After returning to China, Ji Pianpian had just overcome the jet lag, and the college entrance examination inquiry channel was opened across the country.

At that time, the Internet was not as developed as it was. Everyone would call to inquire. As they dialed the number, their hearts were in their throats.

The cold artificial tone captured every heart of everyone on the other side of the phone.

Ji Pianpian opened the show, and Ji's father and Ji's mother held their breath.

Ji Heyu sat far away, looking at him like an uncle and sneering.

Enter your student number and announce your results.

Chinese, mathematics, English, comprehensive science...

The final score was settled at: 520.

Five hundred and twenty points…

Father Ji and Mother Ji were as excited as if their daughter had passed the 720 exam!

Ji Pianpian was stunned for a moment, and then tears welled up in her eyes. She could no longer hold back the tears that she had held back for four months.

it's over.

It's really over.

With 520 points, she got an unprecedented high score.

It's over, it's all over.

She can't go to F University.

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, she didn't pass the QWQ exam.

Will get married, be sweet, and be happy.

Love you guys. Lift the pot lid and crawl away