Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 64: After us


Last year, the minimum admission score for University F was 530, and this year it will only be higher. This has been predicted for a long time. The application for the college entrance examination in 2008 is so mysterious that it is very likely that the application will be ruined.

But Ji Pianpian didn't have such worries. She passed the S University entrance examination and her cultural class score was nearly 200 points higher, so she would definitely be admitted.

She just didn't have the opportunity to go to college.

Only a tenth difference, no…

When the final admission line came out, she missed by more than 20 points.

I can’t tell what my mood is, but I feel helpless being held down by fate.

No matter how hard she worked, she couldn't get 543 points.

Everything is in vain after all.

Just like her expectations for Shen Du.

Fu Xuehui's score exceeded N University. She had always wanted to go to N University. She didn't really have that kind of yearning for Ji Heyu - of course she also had admiration. After all, she was the brother next to her, a very powerful brother - she liked N University more. , I like this century-old famous school.

Fu Xuehui came to Ji Pianpian and thought of words to comfort her, but she didn't expect that Ji Pianpian was much calmer than she thought.

After working hard for half a year and studying like Saburo, I finally failed. Such a blow would be devastating to anyone.

On the contrary, this little girl, who usually doesn't look so strong, even cute and squeamish, held on.

Except for crying when checking her scores, she never shed a tear after that. She was even preparing her bags to go to City S.

Fu Xuehui thought about it several times and finally brought up F University.

Ji Pianpian looked calm and spoke rationally and objectively: "As long as you work hard, you have to accept the result no matter what."

Fu Xuehui felt as if bitter melon juice had been squeezed into her mouth, which was so bitter that she didn't know what to say.

Ji Pianpian smiled again and said: "It's normal. It's only been four months. No one is a god."

She is not, and neither is he.

After all, who could she blame

During her three years in high school, she never thought about going to a better university for the first two and a half years. She spent her days in a haze, waiting for family arrangements. Only at the last moment did she want to sharpen her skills in battle, and she deserved to be beaten to death.

Opportunities are there, but they only come to those who prepare patiently.

Fu Xuehui hesitated for a long time, then whispered: "Shen Du..."

Ji Pianpian was obviously startled when she heard the name. Then she lowered her eyelashes, her dark and translucent eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. Her voice was still soft and soft, but not so crisp: "Actually, he and I have nothing to do with each other."

Fu Xuehui frowned: "How could it be possible? For him..."

Ji Pianpian interrupted her: "I'm not doing it for him."

Fu Xuehui: "..."

Ji Pianpian took a breath and said, "I'm just doing it for myself. You don't have to regret it if you work hard. If you don't pass, you won't pass. S major is not bad either."

"As for Shen Du..." She smiled and seemed to really let go, "I don't like him that much, especially after half a year, and I can't even remember what he looks like."

If the tone of her words didn't sound like crying, then Fu Xuehui would believe her.

But what could she say.

When it comes to feelings, there is never a chance for a third person to intervene.

As early as when she went to Europe to play, she felt that the four months of being away from home had nipped their relationship in the bud that had never started in the first place.


Have they ever been together


Did they commit

Waiting for her is no longer a promise.

What Ji Pianpian thinks about most these days is distance.

Distance in time, distance in space.

Each one is a heavy mountain, and she can't bear any of them.

She and Shen Du spent two full months together, and most of that time was spent in an imaginary game. The time in reality was pitiful.

A brief encounter is not worth half a year of separation.

It’s not just a separation, it’s a cut off with no information at all—

He couldn't see what she did.

She had no way of knowing what he did.

The funny thing is that she asked for this state, and she insisted on enduring it in order to see him.

In the end, all efforts were in vain.

They haven't contacted each other for a long time, what else can Ji Pianpian ask for

She wouldn't have asked for it.

Even if she is passionately in love, she can't learn to force the other person, let alone they have never started.

Since there was no beginning, why should she be so sad? She was so sad that she never wanted to experience love again in her life.

sinking sinking sinking.

It turns out that he is not her four-leaf clover.

Their meeting had nothing to do with luck.

It's more like a dream under the heavy snow.

Illusive and unrealistic.

After seeing off Fu Xuehui, Ji Pianpian welcomed Ji Heyu again.

Ji Heyu was no better than Fu Xue Hui and would not be deceived by her disguise. He saw through her at a glance: "Why do you want to go to n city?"

Ji Pianpian froze, and then tried her best to twist her lips: "It's not N City, it's F University."

Ji Heyu stared at her: "Is there someone you like in F University?"

Hit the nail on the head and show no mercy.

Ji Pianpian didn't feel any pain. The scar hadn't healed to begin with, and she wasn't afraid of it being torn open.


"It's time to make a career."

"Gotta grow up."

"What now."

"grown up."

The words the brother and sister spoke were like charades, but they understood them clearly.

There are some things that Ji Pianpian can't say to anyone, but she can say them to Ji Heyu.

Ji Heyu usually scolds her and dislikes her, but when she encounters real difficulties, he must be behind her—

Guard fiercely.

After a brief silence, Ji Heyu asked her: "I remember you asked me why I sent you to major in University F?"

Ji Pianpian: "Yes, I asked."

When returning home from City S, Ji Pianpian asked Ji Heyu happily.

Because she felt that the lucky beginning of everything was when she majored in F University, and she was very grateful.

Ji Heyu didn't give Ji Pianpian a positive answer at that time because he had nothing to say. Now he told her: "I hope you get into F University."

Ji Pianpian was stunned and looked up at him: "You..."

Ji Heyu never said that, no... he never showed it at all. He had always arranged for her to go to S University, even when she asked to take the exam of F University...

No, Ji Heyu didn't stop her at that time, it could even be said that he supported her.

Ji Heyu continued: "To be precise, I hope you can take the school entrance examination of F University. It doesn't matter how good your cultural class is, and it doesn't matter whether you get into F University or not. What matters is that you have proven yourself in the field you are good at. "

Compared with Ji Pianpian's major, the school examination at F University is indeed more authoritative.

Passing the exam is recognition of her ability and something she can be proud of.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

Why use your own shortcomings to exploit other people's strengths.

Paying close attention to your own strengths is the last word.

If Ji Heyu were a father, he would be a strict father, which can be seen from his attitude towards Ji Pianpian.

He rarely praised her, but this time, he held down the idiot sister's little head and said: "You are excellent, you have extraordinary qualities that no one else can match."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

The girl who had been holding back her vulnerability and refused to cry had red eyes, and after a while she whispered in a hoarse voice: "Nonsense, don't even look at me, don't look at who I am."

After talking to Ji Heyu, Ji Pianpian completely let go.

Let go of that unrealistic love.

When she met Shen Du, she lost nothing and even gained a lot.

He gave her courage, gave her motivation, and gave her a chance to prove herself.

Isn't this enough


He didn't owe her anything.

On the contrary, she owed him a lot.

In this case, let him go.

He doesn't like children, but due to a strange combination of circumstances, he has a sense of responsibility that he can't let go of.

Why bother him so much.

A thousand kilometers and four years.

It was too long, terribly long.

The last thing Ji Pianpian could do was say goodbye to him like an adult.

She grew up, woke up, and stopped dreaming.

After getting the admission notice from S University, Ji Pianpian called Shen Du's phone number.

They have not been in contact.

Shen Du didn't know if she had returned to China, and she couldn't contact him after getting her scores.

Now that the dust has settled, it's time to bring everything to an end.

Shen Du answered the phone quickly. He was always like this, polite and considerate, and would not cause discomfort to those around him.

Gentle and distant.

It gives people the illusion of meeting him, but the reality is far away.

Ji Pianpian's heart twitched, and her stable mood fluctuated again. Fortunately, she could still control her voice: "I didn't get into F University."

There was silence on the other side of the phone, and then the man's voice reached her ears through the phone: "You have done a good job."

Ji Pianpian smiled and said, "It's twenty points short."

Shen Du: "You have improved by 200 points."

Still comforting her, yes, he will definitely comfort her, that's how he is.

Ji Pianpian took a breath and said slowly: "We will..."

When she said these four words, all the sounds around her disappeared.

Ji Pianpian couldn't hear any sound.

Shen Du couldn't hear the noise on the road either.

More than a thousand kilometers apart, the two of them were framed in the same cold space by Ji Pianpian's soft and calm voice—

"Let's not contact each other again."

Summer in July is not as cold as winter in February.

The former is so cold that it penetrates the bones, while the latter is so warm that it burns the heart.

In just five months, the warm and loving relationship under the heavy snow was completely overturned.

No one could tell how much time had passed. All Ji Pianpian heard was Shen Du's plain voice: "Okay."

—Let’s not contact each other again.


After hanging up the phone, Ji Pianpian sat by the window in a daze, feeling ridiculous.

They never even started.

But it has such a formal ending.

Say goodbye like an adult.

Why should she say goodbye to him like an adult

She is not a so-called adult!

The next moment, Ji Pianpian did the craziest thing in her life.

It was something she had never thought about before she was seventeen, and would never do it again in the rest of her life.

She opened her small box, took out a large wad of pocket money, took a taxi to the airport, and booked a ticket to city n.

She didn't tell anyone, didn't have anyone to accompany her, and didn't prepare anything. She went alone to another city thousands of miles away.

The moment she got on the plane, her mind went blank. She didn't even have time to think about what she was going to do

What was she doing in city n

she does not know.

She just wanted to see him.

I want to say goodbye to him in my own way.

Even if it's childish.

The author has something to say: Three hundred small red envelopes, see you tomorrow~