Pianpian Does not Grow Up

Chapter 76: Limited to you


City S is very different from City N. Because it is a northern city, the weather is very cold after winter, so the winter vacation is relatively long, not shorter than summer vacation.

After finishing the last subject, several little girls walked out of the teaching building. Xi Weiwei was shivering with cold: "Didn't they say the climate is getting warmer? Why is it getting colder here?"

Dou Fei also complained: "I also feel that the heavy snow in the south last year has frozen us like dogs again this year."

Ji Pianpian continued: "Climate warming is more than just the literal meaning. It means that there will be more extreme climates in the future, so carbon emissions should really be controlled..."

She unknowingly said a lot, and then she realized that she had said too much again.

Xi Weiwei and Dou Fei said hurriedly: "Did your boyfriend tell you again?"

Ji Pianpian's face was slightly hot.

Xi Weiwei chuckled: "Brother Du is really knowledgeable!"

Dou Fei sighed: "I also want someone who is tall, handsome and has an invincible figure, a high emotional intelligence and a high personality, gentle, considerate and considerate. Oh, by the way, the voice is also..."

Ji Pianpian couldn't listen anymore: "Okay!"

Dou Fei wanted to finish: "My boyfriend has a great voice!"

Ji Pianpian was ashamed and annoyed, but there was nothing she could do.

In the past six months, Shen Du had treated them to several meals in the dormitory, and he had clearly "bought" and "bribed" the three little girls.

Now these three girls are talking about Brother Du, Brother Du, Brother Du, Brother Du, Brother Miao, and Brother Du is the standard for choosing a spouse in the future.

After getting familiar with each other, the girls were inevitably curious about how Ji Pianpian and Shen Du got together.

Ji Pianpian spoke in a subtle and euphemistic way, while Shen Du had another version.

He said all the "stuff" that made Ji Pianpian embarrassed to the point of picking at the Demon Fairy Castle in an understatement. As a result, even Dou Fei memorized Ji Pianpian's "wise words".

On the way back to the dormitory, Ji Pianpian saw Lin Yu face to face.

Lin Yu was with the boys in the department. She was tall, had a cheerful face, and her short blonde hair was shining brightly in the sun.

He was talking and laughing with the people around him, but when he saw Ji Pianpian, his smile was stiff and his expression was unnatural.

Ji Pianpian smiled at him.

Lin Yu also smiled reluctantly.

They didn't say anything, they just walked away.

Xi Weiwei and the others didn't say anything, and Ji Pianpian felt quite uncomfortable.

She and Lin Yu haven't spoken for nearly half a year.

We were once such good friends, and now we have reached this point. It would be a lie to say that we are not uncomfortable. But Ji Pianpian could only do this and keep a distance from him.

A few months ago, when Ji Pianpian wanted to tell Lin Yu about Shen Du's identity, Lin Yu confessed to her.

Ji Pianpian was stunned.

They have known each other for more than half a year, and Lin Yu helped her a lot during the most difficult days of her senior year in high school.

Ji Pianpian even felt that among her best friends, apart from Fu Xuehui, she was Lin Yu, but...

Ji Pianpian rejected him without hesitation.

The young man looked pale.

Ji Pianpian couldn't bear to hurt his friends, but he knew very well that in this kind of matter, ambiguity was the greatest harm. Only by explaining everything clearly, cutting off all possibilities, and leaving no ambiguity could he be worthy of their friendship for more than half a year.

Lin Yu's mind went blank when he learned Shen Du's identity.

Ji Pianpian could only continue: "I'm sorry!"

Lin Yu: "You...are together?"

Ji Pianpian: "Yes."

"you like him?"

"I like him and I will always like him."


From then on, Lin Yu never came close to Ji Pianpian again.

A young man's first love affair will fade over time.

Ji Pianpian thought so.

Lin Yu thought so too.

However, what they didn't expect was—

This young man's affection will be imprinted for a lifetime.

Time has weathered the appearance, but it cannot erase the heartbeat of youth.


As soon as Ji Pianpian entered the dormitory door, she received news from Shen Du.

Finished the exam


What time does Senior Ji arrive

Ji Pianpian couldn't help but pout when she mentioned this. She said several times that she didn't need Ji Heyu to pick her up, but it was of no use. If someone insisted on coming, what could she do

A three-hour drive is not too tiring.

Wouldn't it be nice for Ji Pianpian to take the high-speed rail back home

However... Pianpian's words don't count, and Ji Heyu's words don't count either. Ji's father is the head of the family.

He gave the order and the big devil could only come to pick up the little liar.

Ji Pianpian replied to Shen Du: We are on the way, it is estimated that there will be more than an hour.

Shen Du: Go downstairs.

Ji Pianpian: Huh

Shen Du: I have something for you.

Ji Pianpian: Why didn't you give it to me last night

Shen Du: Just fixed it.

Ji Pianpian was curious.

Repaired? it

What is it!

Ji Pianpian: Wait for me while I pack my luggage.

Ji Heyu came at that moment and she was in a hurry.

Shen Du: Yeah.

Ji Pianpian moved quickly, packed her things and carried her suitcase downstairs.

There was still more than an hour left, and she wanted to spend some time with Shen Du so she didn't have to go upstairs.

The two have been together in City S for more than half a year. The house Shen Du rented is right next to Ji Pianpian's school, a five- to six-minute walk away.

But neither of them mentioned living together.

S University does not force students to live on campus. Many students rent apartments to live outside. Xi Weiwei and Dou Fei asked Ji Pianpian several times why they didn't move in with Shen Du.

Ji Pianpian was all confused.

She didn't dare.

Shen Du didn't mention it either.

Besides, it's fine as it is now.

She would go to him after class every day. Shen Du would definitely come back after get off work. Even if he was busy and had no time to cook, he would take her out to eat or buy delicious meals to take home to eat together.

At around ten o'clock, Shen Du sent Ji Pianpian back to school.

Autumn turned to winter, rain or shine came, and Ji Pianpian enjoyed the joy of the two holding hands on the road.

Back in the dormitory, the two of them would send messages again until Ji Pianpian fell asleep.

How come half a year goes by so fast!

Ji Pianpian was puzzled.

She saw Shen Du as soon as she left the school.

The two have known each other for so long, and Shen Du has never made Ji Pianpian wait. As long as he asks her out, he will always be waiting for her at the school gate.

A pair of small pear dimples formed at the corners of Ji Pianpian's mouth and she ran towards him quickly.

Shen Du took her suitcase and scratched the tip of her nose: "Cold?"

Ji Pianpian put her hand into his pocket: "It's so cold!"

Shen Du held her cold hand and said, "Let's go to the cafe."

Ji Pianpian nodded repeatedly.

In the past, it was impossible to find vacancies in cafes outside the school. Now that winter vacation is approaching, students are either preparing to go home or have already gone home, so there are not many people in the cafe.

Ji Pianpian and Shen Du found a remote corner.

Ji Pianpian: "Sit inside."

Shen Du: "?"

Ji Pianpian said sourly: "Save the whole room of girls from staring at you!"

Shen Du was amused by her: "You may not be able to stop me with your small body."

Ji Pianpian glared at him.

Shen Du gave her advice: "How about you try another way?"

Ji Pianpian deeply felt that there was a scam, but she couldn't help but asked: "What method?"

Shen Du approached her and said softly: "The deer is hidden in the elegant house."

Ji Pianpian: "... ... ... ... ... "

You can change the number of idioms randomly.

Hidden deer in Pianwu

How can she hide it

Seeing that Senior Ji was on his way to 'catch a deer', Ji Pianpian was not as poor as him and asked, "What do you want to give me?"

Shen Du did not dare to waste time and took out a small package: "This."

Ji Pianpian: "?"

Shen Du: "Actually, I wanted to give it to you a long time ago."

Ji Pianpian asked curiously: "Then why did you give it to me now?"

Shen Du smiled and said, "I couldn't give it away the first time, but later on, there was no need to give it away."

Ji Pianpian: "Then now..."

Shen Du: "Everything about me is yours now."

Even though Ji Pianpian had heard too many of his inappropriate words, the tips of her ears still felt hot. Her cheeks were slightly warm: "Huh." She felt sweet in her heart, and her hands were very dexterous, and she could put together a simple packaging box in just a few clicks. Taken apart.

Ji Pianpian was stunned for a moment by what he saw.

"cell phone?"


"What a strange style."

"The functionality is weird too."

Ji Pianpian looked at the pink and white mobile phone in front of her and wondered: "Why did you think of giving me a mobile phone?"

Shen Du asked her back: "Do you still remember the time I met you on the eve of your college entrance examination?"

Ji Pianpian: "Of course."

Shen Du lowered his eyelashes and looked at the phone that he had modified twice: "I wanted to give it to you at that time."

Ji Pianpian: "!"

Of course she will never forget that day, probably for the rest of her life.

She was worried about taking the college entrance examination, and when she met the person she thought about day and night, she was not only happy but also fearful and uneasy.

She missed Shen Du and felt panicked when she saw him.

Especially after Shen Du treated her distantly and coldly, Ji Pianpian's heart sank to the bottom of a cold valley.

A fancy notebook with five unfamiliar and stereotyped words.

It almost became the straw that broke Ji Pianpian's back.

Thinking of that time, Ji Pianpian smiled a little reluctantly: "You said you didn't bring me a gift."

Shen Du: "Take it with me."

Ji Pianpian bit her lower lip: "Why didn't you give it to me?"

Shen Du: "I don't think you need it anymore."

Ji Pianpian: "..."

Shen Du smiled and said warmly: "I have modified it twice. The first function was limited time. It can only be used from 5 to 5:30 in the afternoon, which happens to be your high school dinner time."

Ji Pianpian was stunned.

Shen Du lowered his eyelashes and softened his voice: "Although you don't dare to bring your mobile phone to school and don't let me contact you, but... I miss you very much."

So I modified this mobile phone, hoping that at a minimum it would not disturb you when you are studying, but I would like to be able to send you messages and hear your voice.

Even if it's just half an hour.

Unfortunately, it could not be sent out.

Because Shen Du flinched.

In the scorching summer sun, the boys and girls standing side by side are as brilliant as picturesque.

He and his thoughts were made miserable and dirty.

Ji Pianpian held the pink and white mobile phone hard, tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice was choked with sobs: "Thank you."

She couldn't ask him why he didn't give it to her.

The only thing she was thankful for was that she finally received it.

Received Shen Du's sincere heart.

Shen Du was most afraid of the little girl losing her golden beans, so he quickly changed the subject: "Do you know what I changed it into now?"

Ji Pianpian looked at him: "Huh?" There was attachment and love that could no longer be concealed in her wet eyes.

The corners of Shen Du's mouth curled up, and his voice couldn't help but slow down: "Limited."

Ji Pianpian didn't quite understand.

Shen Du explained: "All the messages you send and all the calls you make using it will only be sent to my mobile phone. Of course, the same is true for my mobile phone."

Pink white and dark blue.

Little Liar and Shen Xiaolu.

Limited to you.

Exclusively for you.

The author has something to say: Hey, have a nice weekend~Three hundred red envelopes gogogo~