Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 14


If Chino's current biological age is five years or older, he must resist. The problem is that his current body is only about one year old. If he rashly shows a strong sense of gender, it will be the rhythm of death.

Except for Huali, who is rather silly, the other two are not stupid, okay

Xiao Wu helped him straighten the corners of his skirt, and complained about Xi Wei's poor dressing, and then happily circled around to appreciate it, his eyes curved like crescent moons.

Hua Li rested on Xiao Wu's shoulder, her two little wings flickering, her little hand rested her chin and looked at Chino for a while, then looked at Xi Wei's paralyzed face, and thoughtfully said, "I seem to think that the longer the little one is, the more Like a big badass."

Xiao Wu just pouted, "My son looks like Mama, my daughter looks like Papa, and everyone says I look like Papa." After speaking, she added in a low voice, as if unwilling, "But the little one is less cute than this soul. too much."

Chino didn't know how to cry anymore, he was a mute eating huanglian, and he couldn't tell if he was suffering.

There is no need to count on the protagonist of his family. In Xi Wei's heart, these things for face are secondary. The important thing is that Chino has clothes to wear. It doesn't matter whether it is men's or women's clothes, if you can wear it, it's good clothes.

So Xi Wei said for the first time, "Very good."

When Xiao Wu heard that Da Hundan also agreed with her vision, she couldn't help but feel even more proud, the bows tied on the scorpion's braid fluttered.

After finally sending Xiao Wu away, Chino breathed a sigh of relief. Women's clothes should be women's clothes. It's better than streaking. Anyway, Xiao Wu and the Elf Queen are not his goals!

When it was getting late, some fine raindrops began to float in the sky, and Xi Lun, who was controlled by her daughter, came to pick up Xiao Wu herself, fearing that her baby would be drenched.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it is almost summer. This rain has been on the rise for a long time, and it is dripping. Fortunately, there is a bridge on the top of the small broken boat, otherwise they will be fortunate enough to appreciate what it means to sway in the wind and rain. A flat boat.

Long nights, only sleep.

After playing for a long time today, Chino was a little tired. As soon as he fell into the night listening to the tickling rain outside the cabin, his little head began to doze off little by little. As a darling close to nature, the elves were excited when they saw the rain. No, Xiao Wu left with her front feet, and her back feet flew away without a shadow.

As a little beggar, the protagonist has no entertainment activities, and it seems that he can only sleep.

But this is not destined to be a peaceful night. The two children, one big and one small, just closed their eyes, and the Lord of the Rings, who had been silent for a few months, was unwilling to be lonely. Xi Wei only felt a familiar tingling from his middle finger, and the whole person was stunned. He spasmed involuntarily, gritted his teeth instinctively, and suppressed the moan that was about to come out.

A fear arose in his heart. He didn't know what kind of disaster this strange ring would bring to him. The heart-piercing pain from a few months ago was still fresh in his memory. More than that.

Xi Wei was shaking so much that almost immediately, Kino, who was next to him, noticed his abnormality.

This time, Kino was no longer an inactive little baby. He got up with a grunt, and through the dim light from the Lord of the Rings, he could clearly see the protagonist's extremely painful and distorted face. This time, it was different from recognizing the master. , Kino remembered when he saw it, it was the power contained in the Lord of the Rings that tempered Xiwei's body.

Originally this is a good thing, the bad is bad in the absence of Huali!

This kind of tempering process was mentioned in "The Curse", but when this happened in the original book, the elf queen was by her side. Part of the power of the demon world is the part of Huali that was sealed and lost most of her memory. The elf showed pity and helped guide this part of the power. Although Xi Wei suffered a lot of sins as usual, he also got a lot of benefits as usual.

But now the Elf Queen is nowhere to be seen, who knows what impact the change in the plot will have, even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance that Kino doesn't want any problems with the protagonist.

It was raining heavily outside, so I couldn't understand Kino's anxiety at all.

Xi Wei's whole body had begun to seep blood, and the blood gradually dyed his tattered clothes, and slowly accumulated a small pool under him, but soon it was absorbed by the clothes because of his own squirming, and the skin was tearing. The blood vessels were rioting. Although Xi Wei gritted his teeth and refused to say a word, his consciousness had gradually become blurred.

Chino saw that his pupils were gradually dilated, and he knew that this was not the way to go. He had to find the Elf Queen.

Anxious Kino didn't care about the clean clothes he just changed today, and directly took Xi Wei's rusty knife and cut off his sleeves, wiping the blood and sweat on Xi Wei's face over and over again.

It was raining heavily outside, and the black night was like a big mouth that devoured everything. Despite the weather, there were still "working" boats floating around on the river. From a distance, the magic stone lanterns above were in the rain. Smudges a milky white halo.

With so many people and so many ships, Chino didn't know who to call for help, and no one could help them except Huali.

This was a moment of choice. Chino forced himself to calm down, recalling Hua Li's usual thoughts over and over again, trying to find out the pattern of her activities.

Flower boat? No, Huali hates these places the most.

Moonlight Bridge? No, Huali once complained that the Moonlight Bridge was too high and was only suitable for a walk on a moonlit night.

Then there is only Pink Street. First, Xiao Wu lives there. When Hua Li has had enough fun, you can drop by to chat with Xiao Wu. Second, there is a small flower garden next to Pink Street, which contains Hua Li’s favorite green calyx flower. In the weather, she will definitely go to see if the flowers are damaged.

Thinking of this, Kino had a bottom line in his heart, and he said to Xi Wei in a tender but firm voice, "Wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he twisted his soaked sleeves and wiped Xi Wei again, then stumbled to his feet and plunged his head into the rain curtain outside the cabin.

Xi Wei was not conscious, he only felt that the warm source of heat was leaving him, and instinctively stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful in front of him, but he caught nothing.

The pain was so painful that he wished he could just die like this, but Xi Wei had an extremely strong desire to survive, holding his breath.

After Xiao Wu returned home, she was still in a good mood when she occasionally recalled what happened today. She hummed a song out of tune, spread out her neatly combed scorpions, put on cute and comfortable pajamas and sat by the window while listening to the raindrops. The voice, while looking at the storybook of the hero that he treasured, gradually became a little sleepy.

Besides Kino, he ran out excitedly for a while, but forgot that he didn't recognize the way to Pink Street at all. The only time he was taken back by the scarred man was that the alleys here are nine and eighteen bends, and they don't walk very often. Nine times out of ten, people are going to get lost. Kino followed the general direction in his memory for a while, and was completely lost in the dark rainy night.

The little guy was soaking wet, the rain covered his eyes, and Kino had to keep wiping his face to barely see the way, but he still tripped and fell over several times, his knees and palms were blunt wood. of pain.

He walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow, but it was going to rain heavily and there was not even a pedestrian on the road. There was no way to find someone to ask for directions. The sound was too low and was almost completely obscured by the sound of the rain. After a while, I choked a few mouthfuls of rainwater and couldn't shout.

The child was already physically weak, and he persisted after walking for so long. He was completely supported by his obsession to save Xiwei. He was panting heavily, his hands resting on his knees, and he stopped at another fork in the road.

Perhaps it was the way of the world. A drunken man walked towards Kino from one of the fork in the road. Kino's eyes lit up, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw. the trouser legs, and pleaded in a low voice, "Can uncle tell me how to get to Pink Street?"

He was desperately ill and went to the doctor, and he didn't care whether the big man was drunk and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

The big man was really drunk and squinted at the "stumbling block" on his leg with his cloudy eyes. The language signals he received in his head made him bluntly reflect the three words "Pink Street", so he stepped up and walked back. .

Chino hesitated for a moment, but decided to keep up. This was his last hope.

Let him turn around like a headless fly, it is better to take a gamble, hoping that the aura of the protagonist can cover him and let the big man not lead the wrong way.

The big Han is tall and big. Although he walks crookedly, he has a long stride. Kino has to trot with the strength to suckle to barely keep up.

Fortunately, the goddess of fate took pity, the big man did not lead the wrong way, and he walked all the way to the place where Xiao Wu lived. Kino saw the fire in Xiao Wu's house, and was excited to jump into the house and get closer. , he could even see Xiao Wu sitting by the table and dozing off little by little.

Chino wiped his face again, turned around and said thank you to the big man, then rushed towards Xiao Wu, found Xiao Wu, and then went to Hua Li, which was much easier.

Unexpectedly, the big man was a little more awake. He saw a "little girl" carved in pink and jade and thanked him before leaving.

He squinted his eyes, instinctively grabbed the clothes on the back of Kino's neck, and raised the child to him with one hand, ignoring his struggle, and said cheerfully, "Where did you get such a good thing, old George still Complaining about not being able to find it, isn't that what it is."

Chi Nuo's heart froze when he heard it, this is because he has encountered a trafficker, how chaotic Ye Sacheng is, and the probability of stepping on a landmine is so high!

Chino opened his mouth to speak, but the big man quickly covered his mouth with his eyes and hands, put Xiao Budian on his shoulders with ease, hummed a little song and left.

Chino whimpered and waved his limbs to try to attract Xiao Wu's attention, but it was in vain, he could only watch Xiao Wu's house getting farther and farther away, and the hope of himself and Xi Wei being rescued also getting farther and farther.

Xiao Wu's head suddenly became heavier, and she suddenly woke up. Xiao Wu, who was actually sitting at the table and fell asleep, rubbed her eyes, got up and closed the window, turned off the magic stone lamp, and climbed onto the bed to continue her sweet dream.

But the tortured Xi Wei unexpectedly ushered in a turning point. It turned out that the green calyx flowers in the flowerbed just withered when they were in bloom, and Hua Li was sad and had no interest in the rain, and came back early.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting in the cabin was not the quiet sleeping duo as usual, but a little beggar who was struggling. The blood in the cabin was so rich that the elf who was close to nature almost fainted. She trembled and approached Xi Wei. , found that there was only one breath left.

At the same time, Hua Li also felt the breath of what he had been looking for. That familiar force was surging in Xi Wei's body, circulating, transforming and destroying Xi Wei's body, but this force lacked guidance. It will only be reckless, only destroying, but not repairing it.

Hua Li was very excited to find her own things. She didn't know what Xi Wei was playing, and she thought that the big bad guy had come up with a new way to bully and deceive people, so she just carefully pressed her little hand on Xi Wei's temple, contentedly Channel those powers back into her own body.

However, this was a big help by mistake. If it was a little later, Xi Wei would probably die.

Xi Wei was finally freed from the long and boundless pain, but he didn't see the little figure who accompanied him day and night. He carefully recalled what happened after the pain started, and seemed to see Chino's back running out in a blur, and his face changed.

Hua Xin was in a good mood, so she asked curiously, "Big villain, are you playing hide-and-seek with Little Kid? Where is Little Kid hiding?"

Xi Wei was panting heavily, lying on his back on the board of the ship, unable to move. If he moved a little, the tiny holes on his body would burst and bleed again.

But he didn't have time to rest, the little guy was gone, where could he go on a rainy night like this

Seeing that he didn't speak, Hua Li felt a little uneasy in her heart, and urged, "Where's the little one?"

Xi Wei closed his eyes, thinking that Kino always smiled with four teeth, as if a piece was missing in his heart, he stated in a calm tone, "Run away, gone."

Hua Li was not so calm, and asked where he had gone.

Where did you run to? Xi Wei also wanted to know.

In the panic, Hua Li suddenly thought of Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu was her only and best friend. She believed that Xiao Wu could find Xiao Budian.

Xi Wei had no objection, he regained a little strength, and stood up forcibly, regardless of the wounds that burst again, and walked to Pink Street with Hua Li in the rain.

Xiao Wu slept soundly, even kicked the quilt a little and turned over again.

Suddenly, there was a banging sound from the window, which woke Xiao Wu from sleep. She yawned and went to open the door in a daze. Seeing Hua Li and the soaked Xi Wei, her eyes widened in surprise.

Xi Wei's clothes became more and more tattered and stuck to his body wetly. The exposed skin was full of large and small scratch-like wounds. After soaking in the rain, no blood could be seen, but the blisters turned white. , his face pale as a dead man.

Facing Xiao Wu's astonished gaze, Xi Wei slowly knelt in front of Xiao Wu's door.