Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 3


Even if Xi Wei made such a promise, Kino didn't think things were too optimistic. Although the snow had stopped, the weather was still as bad as ever. The cold wind was blowing through the alley, and the two children couldn't help shivering.

They have no food.

Xi Wei was very calm, he lived such a precarious life every day, and finally survived.

Rats in the sewer naturally have their own way of living.

He hugged Chino and quietly hid it in the trash again. Although the smell inside was not good, it was able to block out the cold wind.

Chino also silently stopped talking. He looked at the profile of the protagonist who was very indifferent at a young age, and his heart was a little complicated for a while.

Because it is an X-point article, even if it is marked with the main abuse article, it also emphasizes the description of the later grievances and hatreds. The hard life in his childhood is only described in two lines, so Chino is completely unaware of a new world. The door is about to open.

It didn't take long this time, and a scolding voice came over after a while, "It's obvious that you knocked over the grill yourself. If you insisted on relying on Lao Tzu, you bullied Lao Tzu as an apprentice, bah."

The owner of the voice had a very bad tone, and there was no room for cursing. Kino pricked up his ears. Although the voice was unpleasant, judging from the tone of the voice, he should not be too old. The way of speaking was also full of impetuousness and complaints unique to young people. From the content. To judge, it should be the baker's master who knocked over the grill, causing several breads to fall to the ground.

Then some of the less dirty bread was thrown to the apprentice for breakfast, and the really dirty bread was taken and thrown away by the apprentice.

Chino, as an office worker who was still sitting in front of a computer with instant coffee a few hours ago, a pseudo-petty bourgeoisie, of course, his way of thinking can't associate dirty bread that even apprentices can't eat with such a high-end and atmospheric species as food, so he He didn't understand what it meant that Xi Wei moved slightly and changed his posture when he heard the second half.

The apprentice pinched his nose and was reluctant to approach the trash can. Obviously, the smell was not good. He didn't want to be a good person to straighten the trash can and then lift the lid to throw the bread in, so he simply slack off and threw it next to the trash can.

Dirty three small loaves of bread were scattered outside the bin, and were soon frozen hard by the snow and the temperature.

When the last scent of the bread was cooled and dissipated, Xi Wei quickly stretched out a hand and grabbed them in, holding them carefully, for fear of being robbed by someone.

The sound of "gulu" sounded again, this time it was Kino who felt his stomach squirming slightly, obviously hungry.

The child can't help being hungry. Once he realizes his hunger, it feels so sad. Chino immediately expressed his understanding to the annoying kid next door who cried and disturbed his sleep when he was hungry that night. If he could go back, he would definitely No more silent complaints.

Once the hunger came out, the aroma of the cold bread became very distinct, and it penetrated into the nasal cavity, causing the two children to swallow their saliva unconsciously.

Under Chino's faintly green eyes, Xi Wei carefully tore off the snowflakes and dust on the outside of the bread, took a bite from the fluffy snow-white inside, and chewed slowly.

The bread was so fragrant, Xi Wei had not eaten such food for a long time, and really wanted to swallow it directly, but looking at the little guy in his arms, he held back after all. Chino's little head leaned down and slowly fed into the baby's mouth. The baby didn't have teeth yet, so he couldn't eat bread by himself, and Xiwei didn't have anything as high-end as rice cereal or milk, so he could only use this clumsy method to feed the baby. Hey.

Chino's eyes widened.

When he was dying of hunger, he only felt a cold but soft object stick to his almost unconscious lips, and then something was transferred into his mouth, and his hunger instinct made him swallow it, and then he realized it later. aware of the current situation.

Xi Wei was feeding him, but there was no emotion in those cold eyes, and Kino suddenly felt an indescribable tenderness and an almost shocking touch.

Just feeding one and eating one, the small trash can also has a different kind of warmth. When Kino turned his head to express that it was enough, only one and a half of the three small buns were left.

Kino peeked at Xi Wei's slightly frowning brows, and his heart suddenly froze.

Protagonist, don't dislike me for eating too much, I'm just too hungry, I'm definitely not a rice bucket, look at my sincere eyes!

As a qualified brain fan, Chino of course understands the protagonist's obsession with food. In "The Curse", it is very clear that Xiwei has two major scales, one is betrayal, and the other is robbing food. Eat half of the protagonist's belongings.

#will be lost#

Of course, Xi Wei couldn't hear his inner roar, he was just confused about his behavior. As a senior beggar, it was unimaginable before that he would give food to others, but he did it today. , with almost no hesitation.

It was a strange feeling, and the baby's influence on him seemed unusually large.

Xi Wei has always been vigilant and sensitive, and a sense of crisis has arisen in his heart, and he even began to consider whether to go against what he said not long ago and leave this little guy behind, anyway, they are not related by blood.

In fact, even if there is blood relationship, betrayal between relatives is staged every day in Ye Sacheng.

As Xi Wei thought so ruthlessly, the young mother's tearful eyes flashed before her eyes, and the extra ring on her middle finger seemed to be burning faintly.

That's all, when the big deal is desperate, you can sell this baby to human traffickers, and it's such a happy decision.

Xi Wei reluctantly found a reason for his behavior. A little bit is equivalent to stockpiling food. Since that's the case, let's keep it temporarily when you can still afford it.

After solving a heart problem, Xiwei ate the dirt-covered crust and the remaining half of the bread in three or two bites. In swaddling.

In such bad weather, it is very difficult to find decent food, and I have to say that Chino's luck is actually quite good.

Chino saw Xi Wei swallow those dirty bread crumbs with his own eyes, and his heart was mixed for a while. Although he was an orphan himself, he grew up in an orphanage. The orphanage he was in was not so dark, on the contrary. The dean is still kind, and he has never treated them harshly, but only with limited conditions and barely enough food and clothing.

Dirty bread must not be a recipe thing though.

Growing up in such an environment, no one would be able to do the same for Chino even if they were well-fed , could not help but feel a pain in the heart.

This is the protagonist he has been thinking about for two years. Although he doesn't know why he is kind to him, it's like a different person, but at this moment, when Xi Wei swallowed the dirty bread without frowning, Chino secretly sighed. Determined to help his protagonist stay away from those straying gods to start the plot, he definitely deserves a bright future.

After the meal is over, they should leave. After a while, there will be scavengers who will turn over the trash cans in every corner of the city. The valuable clothes on Xiao Budian's body will not be able to be kept, and they will freeze to death by then. If so, half of Xi Wei's ration will be wasted.

His natural prudence made Xi Wei bow his head and slump his waist. He gently pushed open the lid of the trash can and got out. He wrapped his arms tightly around Kino, holding the baby in an awkward position along the walls of the alley. Leave as soon as possible.

It was about nine o'clock in the morning, and the streets were not very lively. Occasionally, passers-by hurried forward with their heads down like Xiwei, unwilling to get into any trouble. The whole city revealed a decadent and decadent atmosphere Breath, no anger at all.

Xi Wei seemed to be used to it, since he was born, Ye Sacheng has always been like this. People here are either burdened with sins or timid. The dark alleys are the breeding ground for sin, and the desolate streets are brewing all kinds of conspiracies.

Here, people die every moment, and people thrive every moment.

It all depends on your means and luck.

Kino was wrapped tightly again, his whole body was buried in the swaddling clothes, and there was darkness in front of him, so he had time to reminisce and organize the plot of "The Curse".

This memory can only be depressed. There is no other reason. The reason why the newspaper is innocent is to write about the protagonist in his childhood, just to explain the origin of the Lord of the Rings. When Xi Wei was sixteen years later, he hardly said a word about the intervening five years.

In other words, these five years were completely blank, and Chino couldn't change Xi Wei's fate in advance by virtue of his familiarity with "The Curse".

Chino could only curse the newspaper's innocence 10,000 times in his heart again. How could he be lazy and just use the idiotic expression "five years later" to pass it off. Have you considered the mood of the traveler

In the current situation, let alone changing Xi Wei's fate, it is still unknown whether he can live to five years later.

People are tough.

Although it is very embarrassing and reluctant to admit it, Chino can only live by an eleven-year-old child. Whoever said that he has no teeth yet, and he can't speak, even eating a piece of bread requires mouth to mouth Hello.

Xi Wei is already eleven years old, but due to long-term malnutrition and sleeping in the open air, his growth is severely retarded. He looks like he is eight or nine years old, and he is skinny.

Speaking of which, "The Curse" is really not the usual way. Generally, the protagonist at point X prefers some big family's practice waste, or a boy who has a bloody feud, but Xi Wei's identity is very simple and very lowly. His father is The robber, who committed a crime and was hunted down by the empire, fled to Ye Sa City. His mother was a prostitute in a nightclub in Ye Sa.

When Xi Wei was seven years old, the robber's father offended a famous local snake and was hacked to death. After a year, his mother was strangled on the bed by the client because he couldn't talk about the money. orphan.

The place where he originally lived was only a temporary home rented by his parents, so Xiwei became homeless.