Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 32


The smell of rust in his mouth became stronger and stronger. As a normal person, Chino certainly wouldn't like to drink blood, and he was not a vampire. He overestimated his endurance and resisted the desire to vomit the blood in his mouth. The light of the bonfire found Xi Wei's lips exactly, and Kino almost couldn't wait to pounce on it.

Xi Wei had never fallen into a deep sleep, and there were two strangers beside him. If it wasn't for the unfamiliar place and fear of losing his way in the huge forest, he would never take the risk to stay, so although his consciousness gradually became blurred, he still kept it. A bit sensible.

Of course he felt Kino moving restlessly. Although the child had tried his best to relax his hands and feet, Xi Wei, who was no longer what he used to be, could still basically feel his movement. He knew that Kino had taken his body. The dagger, and then he didn't know what he was doing. After being quiet for a while, Xi Wei suddenly felt a heavy weight on his chest and something hit him, followed by lips carrying a strong bloody smell covering his lips.

Xi Wei opened his eyes almost instantly, and Kino, who had closed his eyes, was unaware, and tried his best to get the blood out.

"You..." As soon as Xi Wei opened his mouth, he felt that his entire mouth was occupied by the smell of rust, and he swallowed it like choking water.

Kino felt that the liquid in his mouth had decreased, and he opened his eyes while thinking that he had succeeded. The only right eye he could see was directly facing Xi Wei's chilling eyes.

"Pfft! Cough, cough, cough!" At the critical moment, Kino still remembered to turn his head, not to spray on Xi Wei's face.

Xi Wei raised his hand and wiped the corners of his lips, and after a closer look, it was indeed the color of blood.

The bonfire was burning quietly. The princess and prince of the Mia Empire fell asleep because they were not vigilant. Xi Wei sat up slowly and looked at Chino with guarded eyes for the first time.

Can a five- or six-year-old child have such a strong sense of autonomy to understand that strange Xia An's words

Although Xi Wei has never raised other children, he knows that this is not a normal behavior. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can find more clues. For example, this child can accurately call out the name of old George to help them escape from danger. , Another example is that he is too precocious and quiet and sensible.

In the few years I was in the mercenary trade union, although I have been doing small things like this, I can also learn more about the world from the conversations of the mercenaries. For example, the spiritual power of magicians is stronger than that of ordinary people. Much higher than that, the most talented mages would show wisdom beyond ordinary people in their childhood.

According to the dark mage at the time, Chino has huge spiritual potential and should be extremely intelligent. However, he has always been more stupid than ordinary children, but he is unusually calm when he encounters a crisis. , and will make the best response strategy.

Thinking of this, it became obvious that this "child" was just pretending to be stupid.

Xiwei fears all unknown things, including precocious children.

He originally thought that babies might be the only creatures in the world without scheming, but the existence of Chino broke his cognition.

Kino pursed his blood-red teeth, not knowing that the catastrophe was imminent.

As Xi Wei saw it, he had never felt that the child he had brought up by himself had been so terrifying. He moved his feet and had an urge to flee here immediately.

It seemed that he stepped on something hard and made a sound. Xi Wei looked down and saw that it was the dagger he had used for many years. The blade of the dagger was stained with blood-colored traces. The wound on Kino's wrist cracked again, and Xi Wei suddenly felt a hint of softness in his heart that had always been rock solid.

He walked over slowly, held Kino's wrist silently, and wrapped it with the only black cloth left on his body. This cloth was still the product of the division of Kino's mother's cloak. Bai, because of frequent injuries, Xi Wei always keeps a belt by his side.

His bandaging technique was very crude, but his movements were very skilled, and he wrapped the wound tightly in a moment, stopping the bleeding.

However, this soft-heartedness was soon shattered by his reason. No matter what the starting point was, this child was not as innocent as he seemed.

He ruthlessly bleeds himself out, sucks it and then passes it off with his mouth. This kind of thinking is not what a five- or six-year-old child should have.

Xi Wei closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were cold, "Follow me."

Kino was still out of the situation, and after hearing the protagonist's order, he reflexively followed.

Xiyue Forest is just an ordinary forest. There are neither powerful monsters nor dangerous creatures in it. Most of them are small animals such as red-eyed rabbits. Easy to stumble over, but not that hard either.

Stepping out of the warm windproof magic circle, Kino sneezed and shrank his neck.

Xi Wei walked quietly in front, and Kino looked at his back a little puzzled. The protagonist was not quite right. If he hadn't understood Xi Wei, he would have thought it was the rhythm of killing people and discarding corpses.

Finally Xi Wei stopped, but did not turn around.

Chino hesitated for a moment, and decided to try the cute route, so he reached out to Rashivi's cuffs full of holes, "Bah."

Xi Wei dodged.

Chino was stupid, this was the first time that Xi Wei took the initiative to avoid his touch.

"Who are you?" Kino heard the protagonist ask.

"I'm Kino, babe," he replied blankly.

"I'm not your father." Xi Wei's voice was cold and emotionless.

Kino was startled, he really didn't expect Xi Wei to choose this time for a showdown. He was not an idiot. After thinking a little, he understood why Xi Wei said this, and he fell into silence.

Xi Wei turned around, and saw that the silly smile on Kino's face was gone, replaced by contemplation and a faint hint of fear.

What is he afraid of? Are you afraid of the fate you get by tearing up the camouflage

At this time, Xi Wei was extremely calm. He seemed to be out of his body and listened to what he said, "I will send you to Puluo Academy."

Kino didn't know if he should be glad that he knew Xi Wei so well, he completely understood just these two sentences.

I am not your father, so I have no obligation to support you. I will send you to Puluo College and have nothing to do with it from now on.

Even though he had expected it long ago, he would try his best to act stupid.

Although very reluctant, there is no reason to stay.

Their lives are meant to be two parallel lines, aren't they

Chino opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

If he was just an ordinary child, he could be taken care of, but he is not. He has the soul and mind of an adult. When he first passed through, because of the weakness of the baby's body, and because Xi Wei was the only object he was familiar with, he could Relying on Xi Wei's side with peace of mind.

Now that Xi Wei said that he was going to be sent to Puluo Academy, what reason is there to stay

Xi Wei may take care of a child who is ignorant and helpless, but he does not dare to continue to carry a dangerous magician.

Chino felt cold, and the cold winter wind was blowing coldly to his bones.

"Go back." Xi Wei's voice was light.

The two were still in tandem. In the past, Xi Wei would bend down slightly and hold Chino's hand, and Chino was only half a step behind. Now, he can only watch Xi Wei's back from a distance of three steps. .

All things are life, not a little bit.

The next morning, Evan stretched his waist to wake up, but found that the two fathers and sons across the bonfire were very separated, and they were still leaning against each other when they slept yesterday.

Evan touched his chin and thought, could it be that they slept too badly

After thinking about it, he still pinched Jonia's nose first, watched his sister's cheeks redden and woke up with difficulty breathing, and said with a smile, "Good morning, my dear sister."

"You're too old, dead Evan!" Jonia was extremely angry, and she chanted a series of incantations, only to see three light cyan wind blades condensed at the same time, and they all swept towards Evan with a hula la. If you get hit, you have to be disabled if you don't die.

Evan is obviously very familiar with this routine, and while twisting and bending over, he completed several unbelievably difficult movements. Shang didn't forget the poor, "Jonia, you have made progress today, and you can quickly send three wind blades."

Jonia exhausted her mental power and rubbed her temples, "You'd better pray to the goddess of light every day, don't fall into my hands."

After finishing the "morning exercise", Evan felt a little cold behind his back, and turned to look, Xi Wei had woken up at some point, and was looking at him with cautious eyes.

Evan smiled kindly. He quite admired this little dad in ragged clothes. The martial arts he used were not fancy but very practical. Well, it suits his appetite, and he can learn more when he has time.

As for yesterday's unpleasantness, it was just an overreaction to encountering a stranger. His Highness Evan has never been such a stingy person. Since it was a misunderstanding, it would be good to explain it clearly.

Kino's eyes were a little dark, obviously he hadn't slept well all night, and the sudden exposure caused him to be in a hurry. In this situation, he could fall asleep either because he was too lenient or he didn't care.

But should he feel lucky, at least Xi Wei didn't send him to do research.

The two brothers and sisters vaguely felt that the atmosphere was a little weird. Yesterday's high-spirited child was as squeamish as an eggplant beaten by frost today, but still, they were not too familiar with other people's affairs.

Although Evan and Jonia don't think that the two are really father and son, but if you look closely, you can find the similarities. They are so curious that they can only think that Xi Wei is talented.

Sure enough, as the two brothers and sisters said, Puluo City is not too far from Xiyue Forest, and they arrived at the most sacred city in the whole continent around noon.

Why do you say that, although they are both cities that don't care, Puluo City and Ye Sacheng are simply worlds apart. Ye Sacheng is a gathering place for criminals and refugees, but Puluo City has such behemoths as the Temple and Puluo Academy, and the grades are instantly different.

As mentioned earlier, there are real gods in this continent, and among these gods, the oldest and most admired by the people of the continent are the goddess of light and the goddess of darkness.

In many fantasy novels, the goddess of light and the goddess of darkness are incompatible existences, but here is completely different. The so-called temple is divided into two parts, one part believes in the goddess of light, and the other part believes in the goddess of darkness, and the two factions jointly manage the temple.

Puluo College is on the left and the Temple is on the right. The entire city is built around these two buildings. Every year, both sides spend huge sums of money to repair the facades in an attempt to compare each other, but this kind of childish competition is not acceptable to ordinary civilians. understand.

Puluo City is very prosperous, and it is so prosperous that modern people like Chino are amazed. He thought that the other world continent should be the old traditional Western scene, but Puluo City completely refreshed his three views.

The streets are neat and beautiful, with more perfect greening than the modern society. Even in winter, there are crowds of people, and the happiness and satisfaction on everyone's faces are never seen in Yesa City.

Chino even saw a hot pot restaurant, a welcome lady, and a building that looked like a supermarket.

The most conspicuous people walking on the street are three kinds of people, one is a boy and a girl wearing a similar school uniform, one is a serious guy in a white robe, and the other is a black robe, look at the style of those clothes, Chino. It soon became clear who they were.

The school uniforms are students of Puluo Academy, the white robes are the clergy of the Temple of Light, and the black robes are naturally the clergy of the Temple of Darkness.

However, the temple does not accept members of the royal family of various empires, which is something everyone tacitly understands.

Evan and Jonia naturally can only go to Puluo Academy, which is also due to their extraordinary talents. Puluo Academy's admissions standards are very strict. Don't look at how hard it is for Jonathan to make two wind blades. In fact, in her case It is a rare genius to be able to do this at such a young age.

Most magically gifted people have difficulty contemplating the magical elements at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

Puluo College has advertised in every conspicuous building, such as admissions matters hanging in front of the hot pot restaurant, and written preferential policies and the like.

Evan and Jonia had a clear goal and went straight to the admissions office. Chino followed Xi Wei silently, seemingly calm and anxious. Judging by the protagonist's posture, it was clear that he planned to send him to the academy.

I'm afraid of what's coming. It should be a long way. After the two brothers and sisters paid for the short-distance teleportation array, they arrived in an instant.

Watching the seemingly amiable old magician at the registration office do the preliminary talent test, Chino expressed this appeal to the protagonist with his eyes: Please don't abandon me.