Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 39


Colin's unusual behavior aroused Xi Wei's vigilance. When he approached with a little excitement, Xi Wei pulled Chino's collar and took a few steps back, trying to avoid the headmaster's touch.

His idea is good, but as a saint of law and a figure at the top of the pyramid, how could Principal Colin miss it

He just raised his hand slightly, and the very firm collar that Xi Wei was confidently grasping disappeared from his hand, Chino was in front of Principal Colin in a blink of an eye, Xi Wei's pupils shrank a little, and he clenched his fingers. , Nails pinched into the palm of the hand to bleed, also unaware.

Kino was snatched from him like this, and he didn't even have the strength to resist.

Colin couldn't take care of this young "father" anymore, he stared at the small tarot card box on Chino's chest, his voice was a little out of tune because of his excitement, "Child, have you seen Lord Asil, right?"

Chino is also a little confused, Asir? Who is that? As far as he knows, the only celebrity named Asir on the road is the wife of Xia Zuo, the first warrior who Xiaowu sister talks about all day long, and is also the founder of Puluo Academy, but isn't that a character from the Third Era? It is equivalent to the existence of the background in "The Curse". Is it really okay to mess in at this time

After thinking about it, Kino still shook his head firmly. Asil's guise is easy to borrow now, but as a god, if the supernatural powers are known, it may cause trouble for the protagonist. This kind of loss-making business cannot be done.

Seeing the little girl in front of him shaking his head blankly, Principal Colin also calmed down a little, but he would never admit his mistake. In the snowy night five years ago, the legendary one who disappeared for hundreds of years The lord suddenly appeared in the Puluo Academy and asked to use all the strength of the academy to find a woman with a baby. At that time, he had seen this small wooden box with his own eyes, hanging on the lord's chest.

This wooden box has the magic mark left by Asil, and it is very obvious. It is obviously reserved for the top powerhouses such as Principal Colin. It is intended to remind warnings and hints that this child is under her care and no one is allowed. harm.

Thinking back to where Xi Wei came from, it was Ye Sacheng who got the news two years ago. The impossibility during this period was just a coincidence.

It's just that the adult didn't seem to tell the two children her identity, so she looked blank. Colin is worthy of being the principal of Puluo College. This speculation is basically inseparable, and at this moment , and made a way to deal with it.

Probably aware of his gaffe, Principal Colin coughed in disguise, let go of Chino, turned back to the back of the desk, and when he sat down again, it was the wise and calm Principal again.

It's just that after what happened just now, Principal Colin's demeanor has become a bit fake.

"Okay, let's talk about you," Principal Colin took another sip of his tea, "This child needs my teaching to control his spiritual power that is out of control, but it is well known that the deep guiding use of spiritual power The method is the essence of every magician, and it is not passed on to people other than formal apprentices."

Having said that, Colin stopped meaningfully and looked at the two people in front of him with a smile.

The meaning is obvious, you want Kino to be a teacher, right

This is not a problem. Principal Colin is willing to accept him as a disciple. Chino is not a loss. Although his talent is high, it is not rare in the world.

However, Xi Wei did not speak, and handed the decision to Kino himself. He just watched quietly. Since knowing that this child's mind is not as immature as his appearance, Xi Wei does not want to replace him in making decisions. .

There is a saying that people always have to learn to grow up by themselves.

Chino thought seriously, this is almost the first time he can make an independent decision after crossing the road, and it is also the first time after coming to this world that he can actively choose his future direction, although this decision seems to have no choice. choose.

Principal Colin didn't urge him. In fact, he was also somewhat contradictory. Should he accept this child as a disciple

It stands to reason that there is no loss in doing so, but Principal Colin has other ideas. He wants to see Lord Asil again.

Thinking like this, Principal Colin had a new idea. Before Chino could speak, the Principal interrupted him, "Actually, I don't necessarily want you to be my apprentice, as long as you promise me one condition. , it is not impossible to help you get rid of the danger of blindness and the burst of mental power."

Chino is very puzzled. The principal of Puluo Academy is so powerful and powerful, what does he need their help for

However, Kino couldn't understand the thoughts of Principal Colin. Why did he feel that he didn't want to worship him as his master? To be the apprentice of the principal of Puluo College is what many people dream of.

Apparently Xi Wei thought so too. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Is there any conspiracy by Principal Colin

Colin has been in a high position for many years, and he has never been seen like this. He coughed in disguise, "This condition is not difficult," and then pointed to the wooden tarot card box on Chino's chest, "I I believe you must have met the original owner of this box, he is a very amazing adult, this adult is very kind to me, I always want to see him again, as long as you see him in the future, mention this to him Wish, I will agree to help you."

Chino agreed, and he had no reason not to agree. Of course, his early wisdom also made Principal Colin look at him, but when he thought that this child was also valued by the adult, he was relieved. If there is nothing different What is there to be so concerned about!

Of course, this also shows from the side that this is a very talented child. Being his teacher, there is not much difference in name and reality. Principal Colin is only worried that the adult will be unhappy. Accidentally being on an equal footing with him, Principal Colin himself felt offended.

Things seemed to be settled like this, although Kino never worried that he would become a madman because of his mental power problem. If things can be resolved smoothly, it would be best to not make extra troubles. It seemed that everyone was happy.

Today is the weekend, when Puluo College is on holiday. Many students will go out to play and solve a problem. Chino also wants to go out to play. He has not seen the real scenery of the Red Moon Continent. The city of Ye Sa is a rotten city. Yes, sickly, just like a remote mountain village can't represent the scenery of the Celestial Dynasty, Ye Sacheng can't represent the Red Moon Continent either. Since he came to another world and continues to be an otaku, it really doesn't make sense. More importantly, he wants Xiwei to be able to Seeing a world different from before, as soon as possible, go to the ranks of normal people.

In such a place where strong men are born in large numbers, necessary vigilance and powerful force are essential. However, if a person turns these into his everything, his life must be sad, and Chino is faint. I think that maybe the tragic ending of Xi Wei in the original book is also inseparable from his own character.

Xi Wei has never taken the initiative to kill people because he is afraid of death, and no one in this world is an idiot. If you want to harm people, others will also harm you. Xi Wei is not a god, and he is not sure that he can resist all. People's calculations and frame-ups, and the best way at this time is to turn yourself into a transparent person. Once no one can see you, the safety factor will be greatly improved.

This kind of thinking cannot be said to be wrong, but autistic patients also think the same way. Of course, the protagonist's degree is not as serious as autism, but it also seriously affects his interpersonal relationship. Humans are always very sensitive, who believes you? who doesn't believe you? They can all feel that you have never been sincere to them, and of course they will not be sincere to you.

Therefore, in Xi Wei's life, there are always so many friends who end up running in the opposite direction. When people's feelings are not deep enough, then driven by interests, they will choose a path that is more beneficial to them. And the balance of emotions has already been tilted.

In this case, can you count on them to give up low-hanging fruit for your sake? In fact, a reader is right, there is no loyalty in the world, loyalty is only because the weight of betrayal is not enough.

For example, Evan, when one side is his mother's bloody feud, and the other side is a friend who has never paid his sincerity to him, despite being condemned by his conscience, he still chooses to sacrifice the protagonist to fulfill his wish of revenge without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Kino secretly scratched Xi Wei's palm, signaling that he had something to say. Xi Wei lowered his head and looked at Kino intently. Kino suddenly felt a little uncomfortable being watched by those eyes. His disguise was removed, and he didn't know how to face the protagonist.

Pretending to be a child seems to have become an instinct, he has almost forgotten how he used to talk and do things, and many things, as an adult, have no problem doing it, it seems very strange to do it like a child , so Chino is also very distressed.

Fortunately, Xi Wei is always patient and unexpected when he encounters him. This is fate!

Kino hesitated for a moment to decide whether to say it directly, "Papa, would you like to go out and play?"

There was an unconcealed expectation in his expression, which was hard to refuse.

Xi Wei didn't answer a word, but he took Kino's hand and walked towards the gate of the academy. The corners of Kino's mouth were slightly curved. I don't know why. An inexplicable excitement.