Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 59


The plot didn't play the cards according to the routine again, Kino thought with a headache, Xiao Wu was clearly a warrior in the book, and she followed the path of Xia Zuo wholeheartedly. This will not only change to learn magic, but also replace Belle. Holy Maiden of Light, she is simply drunk.

"If I'm going to kill someone, I don't care if I use a knife or poison."

This is what Xi Wei said to Xiao Wu when she left Ye Sa City. I didn't expect Xiao Wu to actually listen to her, and instead of learning martial arts, she changed it to magic.

Everyone knew that Xiao Wu had a talent for magic, but they didn't expect such an amazing talent, a pure light physique, a genius that was rare in a century, and even the saintess of the Temple of Light could be appointed by default.

From the heart, Chino is excited. This change means that the Holy Maiden of Light has been replaced by a simple Xiao Wu instead of the femme fatale Belle. The power of the temple will no longer stand on the opposite side of the protagonist. There is no better news than this.

So when he applauded, he seemed extra sincere and enthusiastic.

His hands were red and he didn't even notice.

On the way back, he was also very excited. He kept chattering all the time. It was hard for Xi Wei, who was so quiet, to not seal his mouth with a piece of tape.

When they returned to the rented house, the heartfelt maid made breakfast, and Kino happily took a sip from the bowl, and then spit it all out with a puff.

This was the first time he ate something made by Xue Ji. Before, because he had leftover dry food, he had the good habit of not wasting food since he was a child, and they always ate all the dry food.

So this is the first time to fire, and I didn't expect it to be so impressive.

Chino coughed for a long time. He really shouldn't expect people who haven't cooked for thousands of years to be able to make anything delicious. In fact, it's not easy for Xue Ji to be able to make a decent meal.

Although the taste is really not suitable for feeding humans.

Demons are also not suitable.

Looking up at Xi Wei again, although he didn't spit it out, blue veins appeared on his forehead, his face turned green, and Xi Wei, who had a paralyzed face, was like this, showing how unpalatable it was.

Blood Princess can be the host of the dark cooking show.

The maid's face blushed, and she obviously saw that the food she made was not delicious. The two masters did this, and said, "The chef of Hongtu Restaurant promises me that it will be delicious according to his method."

It seems that talent is not only important when practicing martial arts and magic, but also when it comes to cooking.

Chino wiped the corners of his mouth and turned to enter the kitchen.

Kino, who grew up as an otaku and an orphan, is not a cooking genius, but there is no pressure to cook ordinary home-cooked meals.

There was only a little rice in the kitchen, and nothing else. After thinking about it, Chino decided to cook some porridge. The pot was gurgling, and the light aroma of rice porridge slowly overflowed, filling the whole kitchen.

The blood princess looks adored, the little master is so powerful, she can do such difficult things as cooking!

Xi Wei leaned against the door of the kitchen, watching Kino busy with serious work, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

No one has ever cooked for him so seriously, this feeling seems not bad.

The rice porridge was quickly cooked, and Xi Wei took a sip from the bowl, and it was unexpectedly delicious. He had never tasted this kind of homely taste.

It was so delicious that he couldn't help but want to stay, want...exclusive.

After breakfast, Xi Wei will continue to work. During the summer vacation of Puluo College, there is neither a meal nor a work-study program to allow Xi Wei to earn living expenses, so he has to find a way to do everything by himself.

Xue Ji played with her alchemy potions at home every day, and occasionally made some defective products and sold them. Because she was good-looking, the shop owner would always pay her more.

Their lives can go on.

The magic civilization of this era is highly developed, and the alchemy civilization has declined, leaving only scattered and basic parts. Alchemy is only learned by ordinary people who have no talent for magic and martial arts.

Puluo College also has an alchemy department, because it is the highest university in the whole continent, and it is not known for teaching people.

In the blink of an eye, when the school started, Xue Ji was in a low mood. The master was going to school, and the little master was going to take the entrance test. She was the only one left at home.

On the day of the entrance test, Xue Ji insisted on going with him -- sending him to take the test as Chino's sister.

The maid had never asked for anything so persistently, and finally let her follow.

Xi Wei went to sign up, and Xue Ji and Chino went to the entrance test.

The person in charge of the entrance test is still Mage Clark, but this time they came early, and Clark was so busy that he didn't have time to test Chino in person.

So an ordinary teacher came, and after a series of inspections, Chino successfully obtained the admission qualification as a little genius.

As for the expensive tuition, Xue Ji sold a bottle of high-quality medicine two days ago, so there is no problem at all.

Alchemy potions are very precious, and it is precisely because of their decline that advanced alchemists are even rarer. It’s not that people don’t pay attention to alchemy because it’s useless, but that ordinary alchemy isn’t very useful.

After completing the most important thing, Chino was free to wander around, and Xue Ji followed step by step, still asking without giving up, "Can the academy really not let me follow you?"

Chino is also quite helpless. Although he has a grudge against Xue Ji who finally chose the original owner and betrayed Xi Wei, he also believes that the plot can be changed. There are so many people who betray, Xue Ji is the best to change. of one.

After all, as long as she understands that even the Stone of Fortune cannot resurrect the jealous demon, she was simply fooled by Belle.

As long as you understand this, Xue Ji will always be the most heartfelt maid, so Chino does not reject her.

But the rules of the academy are the rules, who brought a maid to school, what does it look like!

Unknowingly, they walked to a remote part of the recruiting site. Compared with the enthusiasm of magic and martial arts and the children's department, they were next to each other. This place can be described as deserted.

There are only two or three kittens lying on the back of the desk and dozing off. Occasionally, if a passer-by asks, they will quickly walk away.

Chino looked at the banner hanging above their heads, which read "Professional College Alchemy Admissions Office".

No wonder it was so cold.

When Xue Ji saw it, her eyes lit up. She only saw the word alchemy department, and she felt that she had hope to enter the academy, so she ran over with her skirt and reminded the person in charge of the student.

The student didn't lift his head, buried his head in the crook of his arms, and groped for a piece of paper with one hand and handed it to Xue Ji.

Xue Ji rushed over to take it, and with just one glance, her shoulders collapsed.

Chino leaned over to take a look, and on the piece of paper was the admissions brochure for the Alchemy Department.

The first is that the age is less than 20 years old, let alone 20 years old, the age of Xue Ji is more than two thousand years old.

As for the love of alchemy in the back, you don't need to look at it if you have a healthy and lively mind.

Chino patted Xue Ji's shoulder sympathetically, signaling that he couldn't help.

The maid looked like she was about to cry, and reluctantly pushed the students from the admissions office again.

The student raised his head impatiently, just as he was about to get angry, he saw such a big beauty with pear blossoms and rain looking at him pitifully, and he suddenly choked back all the swear words.

He changed his face faster than turning over a book and showed a gentleman's smile, "Does this lady need any help?"

Xue Ji said, "Are you really not accepting students over 20 years old?"

The student was a little embarrassed when he heard it. Xue Ji seemed to be more than my age. She was a mature beauty. Although he also wanted such a beauty to enter the alchemy department, the rules of the academy could not be broken, so the blood Ji was a huge killer. Li's eyes still shook his head with difficulty.

Xue Ji still didn't give up, "Students are not accepted, what about the teacher?"

The student who was in charge of the registration lit up, yes, if you can't be a classmate, you can be a teacher and a student, so he quickly said, "Wait for me, I'll ask the tutor for instructions."

The guy who was dazzled by the beauty ran away without asking anything.

Chino held his forehead, and the beauty was indeed misleading.

It didn't take long for the student to lead a gray-haired old man over.

The old man staggered, but his eyes were full of light. He walked in front of him and asked, "Who wants to apply for the teacher of our alchemy department?"

Blood Princess: "I, I want to apply."

The old man was full of doubts, does this little girl in her twenties know what alchemy is

So he raised his fist to his lips and coughed, "So little girl, if you answer an alchemy question for me, if you can answer it, I will hire you as a teacher."

This was a piece of cake, so Xue Ji nodded.

"What degree of flame does the phoenix grass need to heat, and what kind of results will it cause?"

"The primary flame is refined, the intermediate flame is purified, and the advanced flame will denature the phoenix feather grass and turn it into a poison called phoenix feather poison."

The old man looked at Xue Ji with a face full of surprise. Phoenix feather grass is a very rare alchemy material. Ordinary alchemists basically don't know about it, let alone its heating grade.

Then the old man asked a few more questions, and Xue Ji answered fluently.

The old man has gone from contempt at the beginning to admiration later. If Xue Ji would say that he is not a teacher, he is afraid that he will not agree.

So when Xi Wei finished signing up, what he saw was the excited Xue Ji and the helpless Kino.