Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 6


"Cough... cough cough..." Chino's face was red and hot, and then he began to cough non-stop. His cough was not loud, except that the frequency was a little high, and the volume was weak like a kitten.

Such a young child is so fragile, if he lives in an ordinary family, he will definitely receive the most considerate care at this time, but the owner is Xi Wei, a little beggar who can't protect himself, and he is doomed to an unfortunate fate.

When he lost his parents and was forced to roam the streets, Xi Wei did not panic. When he was tossed to death by the Lord of the Rings, Xi Wei did not panic. When he saw the elf queen who was different from ordinary people, Xi Wei did not panic. When the pitiful little cough echoed, Xi Wei found himself panicking.

This panic filled his chest, and it felt as if he was buried in the snow, and his whole body was cold to the bone.

Xi Wei gritted his teeth, forcing himself to regain his composure.

Chino has not felt the taste of a cold and fever for many years. He has always been in good health, and his living habits are also very healthy.

The fever is not serious or serious, just take some medicine and drip.

But at this moment, it is not in the Celestial Dynasty. How can an eleven-year-old beggar who has nothing and is still hungry find a doctor and fever-reducing medicine on this icy night

Maybe the only way is to throw this little baby who will only hold back.

The background of the story of "Curse" is another world, a world called the Red Moon Continent. It advocates the power of magic and martial arts. The identity of ordinary people is very low, and it is difficult to get treatment once they are sick.

Magicians of the light and water elements can treat injuries, but their worth is not affordable for ordinary people, and Xi Wei doesn't know about the existence of these people. Some medicines can also treat injuries, but the money for medical treatment and medicine is also Not something Xiwei can afford.

situation, very bad.

Xi Wei is just a little bit precocious, but he is not a god and can't save Kino.

Xi Wei understands how terrible high fever is, because he once had a younger brother. The robber's father died before he was born. The younger brother fell ill less than two months after he was born. He bought medicine and resumed his old business, but before he could collect the money, the child died of illness, and after that, Xi Wei became an orphan.

Thinking of the past events in those distant memories, Xi Wei's expression turned a bit ugly.

He looked down at Kino. Kino opened his mouth slightly and exhaled hot air due to poor breathing, and his pink lips became a little chapped. This baby is still so small and his body is so soft, but he hasn't felt it yet. The beauty and misfortune of the world are about to meet his life-threatening mother.

For some reason, Xi Wei didn't want to see Little Dot die in his arms, becoming stiff little by little, just thinking about it, he couldn't stand it, this feeling was so unfamiliar and so strong.

Xi Wei gritted his teeth, his face was cold, and light blue blood vessels were faintly visible on his forehead. With his remaining strength, he hugged Chino and got out of the cabin.

Two hands were caught in Kino's armpits, and Xi Wei squatted on the bow, lowering him little by little.

Beneath Kino was the clear water, which wasn't particularly bottomless, but it was more than enough to drown a baby.

But the little baby didn't know anything about the fate of his drowning. He was so burned that his consciousness became blurred. Because it was very uncomfortable, he drew a hand out of the swaddling clothes again, grabbed twice in the air, and grabbed Xi Wei. Dirty torn cuffs.

That little hand was so weak, as long as Xi Wei exerted a little force, he could pull out the sleeve, but Xi Wei couldn't do it.

Reason told him that what he did was not wrong. Instead of letting the baby die from fever without medicine, it would be better to give him a treat and relieve the pain, but his hands seemed to weigh thousands of pounds and could not be completely released.

He could only approach the river a little bit like this, torturing Kino and Xi Wei.

"Please, let him live." The young mother's face swayed in front of her again, her sad, tearful eyes full of pleading.

"Hey woo... woo woo..." The little face of the little baby with interlaced tears was also playing back when the strange ring sucked blood.

After the "monster" left, the touch of the small fist that slammed into the face was also very distinct.

Xi Wei stared at the little life in his hand. A small part of the bottom of his swaddling clothes had already been immersed in the water, and it would be completely submerged in no time. From then on, he could be alone again, without having to take care of the oil bottle or the oil. Divide the precious bread into two thirds.

At the moment of life and death, Kino opened his eyes, his expression was hazy, but he looked at Xi Wei with an instinctive trust and dependence, very clean and pure, and then he made a coughing sound like a kitten.

At this moment, Xi Wei withdrew his hands like an electric shock, and hugged Chino tightly and drilled back into the cramped cabin. His body trembled indistinctly, stemming from the fear in his heart.

Live, live, what a heavy sentence.

Xi Wei pressed Kino's head to his chest, and didn't care about the half-wet swaddling clothes. He lowered his head and stared fixedly at a corner of the ship's board, unable to see the emotions in his eyes.

Suddenly, a sweet voice sounded, "What's the matter with you, big villain?"

Xi Wei turned around abruptly, and it was indeed Hua Li who had just left. She flew back from the hole she flew out from before, and she was still green and sparkling. She pouted, obviously still resenting Xi Wei for scaring him with a knife. her thing.

But the warmth and light she carried made the broken cabin glow.

Xi Wei's intuition told him that this strange creature might have a way to save the little one, but he couldn't believe this creature of unknown origin.

Hua Li has neither mind-reading skills nor observance, so naturally she can't see through the entanglement under Xi Wei's calm appearance, but she is very concerned about Chino, and after looking around, she quickly locks on the target.

This time, the elf queen has behaved well, she has been facing Xi Wei, and a small hand is still slightly blocking her wings, so as not to be attacked again.

Out of some subtle expectation, Xi Wei did not stop Hua Li from approaching.

Hua Li frowned her delicate brows. She could also clearly see that Chino was in a very bad condition. Everyone likes cute children, and Hua Li is no exception. Seeing that the little guy who could wink at him not long ago is now dying The appearance, suddenly unhappy.

"Damn, what have you done, are you abusing him?!" asked the five-year-old elf queen.

Xi Wei was silent, he did think about drowning Kino.

"Damn, you talk, don't you plan to let him burn to death like this?"

Xi Wei's tone was indifferent and his speech was brief, "Medicine."

Hua Li turned in a circle in the air, thought for a moment, and then replied in a soft and cute voice, "Well, it seems to be a 'Snow Girl'."

Although the Elf Queen has lost her memory, many things are like instinct. After a little thought, she will have the answer. 'Snow Girl' is the main medicine for the high fever of ordinary people in the Red Moon Continent.

Xi Wei silently memorized the name, then took out the strips of cloth cut from the cloak and started tying them around Chino, carefully tying them on the left and right. His energy was limited, so he used the strips of cloth to tie the little dot to his chest. Can save a lot of effort.

After doing all this, he plans to go out.

Hua Li has been watching curiously, and now seeing that he is leaving, she can't help but say, "Damn, are you going to find 'Xue Nu'?"

Xi Wei's dark eyes turned to the elf, and Hua Li shrugged his shoulders again under the icy gaze, and murmured, "Then can you give me my things back?"

Xi Wei didn't want to talk nonsense with her at all. He was thinking about whether to steal or rob, whether to go directly to the drugstore to steal/rob the 'Snow Girl' or go to ordinary people to steal/rob money, and quickly weighed the pros and cons of these options and the speed of execution. .

Chino's condition can't wait at all.

But Hua Li always has a way to achieve her goal, so she fluttered her wings and stopped in front of Xi Wei, "Damn, I don't think you can afford Snow Maiden if you are so poor, so let's return my things. Give it to me, I can guarantee that this little guy won't lose a single hair in three days, so you have more time to buy medicine."

Hua Li's eyes were sparkling, waiting for Xi Wei to nod.

But Xi Wei only lowered his head and said, "I... don't have your... things."

Hua Li flattened her mouth, "My things are useless to you. If you don't pay me back, I won't be able to leave you." As she spoke, she felt very aggrieved and started to sob again.

If Kino is still awake, he must understand what Huali wants.

Huali's magic power and precious memories are sealed in the ring, so she can't leave the ring too far. What she wants is her sealed past, which is equivalent to wanting the ring, don't say Xi Wei doesn't know, and Hua Li, who is now low-minded, may not know.

She just instinctively felt that there was something important in Xi Wei, and she had to get it back, but she was ignorant about what it was.

Hua Li was crying and was sad, but Xi Wei was not idle. Taking advantage of Hua Li's relaxation of his vigilance, he repeated his old tricks, pinched the elf's wings again, and pressed the tip of the knife against her neck, expressionlessly Threatened, "Don't… he dies, or… kill you."

Poor Huali, she wanted to exchange her abilities for a sum, but she unintentionally exposed her use value, and Xi Wei, who had no moral concept, made the best use of everything.

When Kino finally woke up, he felt sluggish and didn't want to move. He was extremely weak, and when he opened his eyes, he was really startled. shoulders.

A warm and soft breath came from Huali's body, which was continuously poured into Chino's temple, which relieved the headache caused by the high fever and the frequency of coughing.

Chino was stunned, when did Hua Li come back? Sure enough, the plot is the plot, and the status of the first heroine can't really be shaken.