Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 82


Chino pursed his lips and said calmly, "It all depends on what I do, I just make a suggestion, it's not up to me to adopt or not.

Then he lowered his head to look at the loess ground. The frequency of his bowing has been a little high recently. Two outsiders are naturally not too concerned to watch the fun. Tang Yu thought it was a good move. It's enough to get the Stone of Luck. As for whether she is injured or not, she doesn't care whether she is half dead or not, and she is optimistic about it.

Because of what happened that night, Xi Wei couldn't let go of it. He felt that he couldn't face Kino very well, so he didn't find anything unusual about him. Moreover, it was not difficult and dangerous to recognize the Lord as a token. When I opened my index finger, the blood was smeared on the blue-light beads, and a trace of red light overflowed. At first, it was only a little bit, and gradually it became more and more radiant.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the guild leader's token turned into a red and blue light interlaced. After a while, it split apart and turned into two beads, one blue and one red.

The blue one circled around Xi Wei twice before it sank into his chest and disappeared, while the red one floated quietly in front of Xi Wei, occasionally swaying in the southwest direction - as if to show the way.

The Mangyu Wasteland was full of crises. Now that he had obtained the President's token, Xi Wei certainly wouldn't run off to take risks, so he ignored Hongzhu's instructions without any pressure, and planned to put away the one outside and return to the original path.

However, the treasure had a soul and was unwilling to be ignored. For a time, the red bead shone brighter and stabbed everyone's eyes, and then swayed from side to side, as if accumulating power, and then smashed into the southwest direction without hesitation.

Xi Wei had a cold look on his face, not wanting to pay attention to this vexatious bead, turned around and walked in the opposite direction, while instructing Kino to follow.

Chino winked at Tang Yu, and chased Hong Zhu's direction without looking back. He chased after him, and Tang Yu followed behind without hesitation. In a split second, only black spots remained. .

Xi Wei's face darkened for the most part, he still didn't doubt Kino, he just felt that Kino had become more reckless and mindless after a few years apart, and he would never let it go, so he had to lift his heels.

The red beads flew all the way, and finally stopped over a cliff, seemingly lost, unable to find the next direction and dangling in the same place.

Kino ran all the way, relying on the assistance of mental power to keep up with the speed of Hongzhu. Fortunately, Hongzhu only flew for a day and a night, and Kino could barely retain most of his strength to deal with the next unexpected situation.

During the period, Xi Wei and Belle were also behind him, but they did not force it to stop him. Xi Wei was always tolerant of his actions as long as they did not touch the danger line. Thinking of this, Chino's face turned pale again, but There is no turning back when the bow is opened. Now that you have decided, you cannot regret it.

After the red beads stopped, the four of them also stood on the edge of the cliff to watch, Xi Wei felt the blue beads on his chest echoing with the red beads in the air, Xi Wei could feel a strong bewitching, lured him to get close to the red beads, even in the The red beads and his chest gave birth to red and blue rays of light twisted together, and through this thread, the attraction became stronger and stronger.

Xi Wei was unmoved, his mind was firm, and it was wishful thinking to try to manipulate him with this level of bewitchment, so he just frowned, and began to think about how to solve the current problem and whether it was feasible to forcibly take Hongzhu away.

But he hadn't been able to figure out why, Chino took a deep breath and took a step towards the top of the cliff. A person with a high disease, even an ordinary person, will feel that his legs are weak, but he took this step without hesitation.

Once the mental power is out of control, the broken bones of Mi clone are light.

Xi Wei's face was extremely ugly. He cautiously leaned in Chino's direction and tried to reach out to pull. At this moment, "Sasha" suddenly attacked, and the ground was thundered. "She" had long hair flying, and her appearance gradually changed. He changed back to Tang Yu's appearance and smiled sweetly, "Senior, are you okay?"

The smile on his face was gentle, but his attack was particularly vicious. The induction line of the two beads was cut off, and Xi Wei spurted out a mouthful of blood. It was a plan designated by Chino, who knew Xi Wei's weaknesses, and the chance of success was natural. great.

The induction line was cut off, and the red beads became more restless and trembled. Chino turned pale, overcame the fear in his heart, flew a few steps at a time, and held the red beads in the palm of his hand.

Xi Wei quickly backed away, actually retreating over the cliff and heading towards Kino.

His strength is not what it used to be, and he can control the sky with his physical body. Kino sees it in his eyes and feels proud. He holds the red bead and does not move until Xi Wei comes to the front, and then stretches out his arms. He faltered and stopped Xi Wei's castration.

Xi Wei grabbed Kino's arm with his backhand, and was about to drag him to fly across the cliff, but Kino didn't move.

He used psychic magic.

A shadow passed through Xi Wei's heart.

The situation in front of him was very bad. Xi Wei's mind was severely damaged, and he couldn't maintain the state of the sky for too long.

On the opposite side, Tang Yu and Belle were eyeing each other, although they were also jealous of each other, in the end, Xi Wei was the coveted meat on the chopping block.

Tang Yuchao pursed her lips, "Don't do it yet?"

Belle began to sing incantations. She didn't use any incantations when dealing with the flaming earth dragon, which shows how terrifying the magic power is this time.

Under normal circumstances, of course, she wouldn't be able to use it, but now Xi Wei's serious injury can't interrupt her, and no one else will interrupt her.

Xi Wei realized something, turned his head to look at Kino incredulously, the beast-like wounded eyes made Kino's heart bleed, as if being stabbed into a sieve by the gaze, his hands trembled, but firmly. Little by little, she opened Xi Wei's fingers, and Belle slammed a great purification technique on Xi Wei, exactly.

The Lord of the Rings felt the host's fatal crisis, and finally broke away from the invisible state and emerged from Xiwei's fingers.

Chino turned pale and cut his wrist. Tang Yu told him that only the blood of the Demon Seed could cut off the connection between the Lord of the Rings and the host and separate them.

The blood floated out of the wrist, was sucked by the Lord of the Rings little by little, and finally came out of Xi Wei's body. Chino pulled it out and held it in his hand, like holding Xi Wei's bloody heart.

Xi Wei's eyes were almost bloodthirsty, his black pupils showed dark red blood, and he asked word by word, "You betrayed me?"

An extremely ugly smile appeared on Chino's white paper-like face, "It's me."

Xi Wei didn't ask why, it didn't make sense, betrayal was betrayal, no matter how many reasons there were.

Kino opened his mouth and closed it again. At this point, any explanation that could be said was feeble, and the real reason was beyond words.

So he just said, "I'm waiting for you to come back and find me, bapa."

The last "papa" was very soft, as light as a sigh. I wonder if Xi Wei heard it or not. As soon as the voice fell, he let go of his last finger, and Xi Wei, who had lost his support, fell on his back and fell into the cliff. The last one The eyes, Kino will never forget.

It was anger, despair and heartbreak.

Xi Wei hated betrayal and robbing food the most. He robbed food when he was a child, and betrayed when he grew up. Will Xi Wei never forgive him, but even if he knew this, as long as there was a 1 in 10,000 chance, he still had to gamble. .

The fingertips seemed to still have the temperature of Xiwei, and Chino felt that all the strength of his body was being pulled away with Xiwei's fall.

Tang Yu was overjoyed, looking at Chino with admiration, but more like looking at a delicious big cake.

Belle'er and Tang Yu watched this good show against the purpose, and Belle'er said, "I've solved it for you, now can you tell me where the sealed abyss is?"

Kino smiled again, the smile was very strange, "Seal the abyss? Isn't it right at my feet."

Belle said coldly, "Don't think that you know Asil, I can't move you if he has something to protect me. If you play with me, I will make you suffer ten thousand times more than death."

Kino shook his head, "I don't have to lie to you," he said while spreading his left hand to show Belle the red bead, "This is the lead bead of the Stone of Fortune Sensing, don't you realize that there's any difference here? Is it?"

Bai Lier took two steps back and stayed away from Tang Yu. After looking around, she found that this place is really different from other places in the Mangyu Wasteland. The potion plants you see are hard to find outside, and you can see them everywhere.

Kino struck while the iron was hot, "If it's normal, can these plants be found to grow like this? The reason why they are safe and sound is because they all grow in the magical barrier that seals the abyss. Enter through its door, or you will never find it after searching for thousands of years."

Belle believed again, so she decided to try, "Are you familiar with this place?"

Kino nodded as a matter of course, "You guys helped me, I'll take you to find the Stone of Luck."

Although Belle was skeptical, in her status as a high-ranking demon, she was not afraid of such a half-demon race, and she couldn't help Kino if she couldn't beat Xi Wei

Yi Gao was daring, Chino let go of Hong Zhu, Hong Zhu changed his confusion just now, and rushed towards the bottom of the abyss happily.

Tang Yu didn't know what the Stone of Fortune was, and after following Chino's advice, he didn't follow and chose to wait on it.

I waited for half a month. After half a month, Kino flew out of the abyss covered in blood, laying on the edge of the cliff and vomiting blood. Tang Yusheng was afraid that something went wrong with the Demon Seed and the Ring, so he hurried over to check.

Chino's injuries were very serious, and it was already the limit to run out of the last bit of consciousness, and he fell into a coma after a while, and he was left hanging with one breath.

Belle was gone.

The only insider was seriously injured, and it was impossible to ask anything. Tang Yu had no choice but to leave with Chino first.

Anyway, his goals have been achieved, and others have nothing to do with him and the Alien Shadow Race.

Kino's last thought before he fell into a coma was, what will Xiwei do to the betrayer after he returns